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Сообщения - М.Розеншток

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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 мая 2019, 10:34:59 »
1). I have time neither on the 1st of May nor on the Victory day I can't afford to go out to the city. I will just stay at home and study.
2). Despite our affords both my friend and I falled the exam and desided that we were unlucky.
3). You should either countinue this work or start from the beginning. I recommend the latter. They say we need changes from time to time.
4). Are you sure that he's really going to challenge us? If so, I except it.
5). He's interested in neither holidays nor customs of this country. I wonder why he's studying language of this country?

1). I have time neither on the 1st of May nor on the Victory day I can't afford to go out to the city. I will just stay at home and study.
2). Despite our affords both my friend and I falled the exam and desided that we were unlucky.
3). - Did your father participate in the Great Patriotic War?
- No, he didn't. He was 7 when the war was started
- So did my father.
4). Both my friends and I are going to help you in the near future.
5). I'd want to contact with this person, but it's hardly possible: it's impossible to contact with him.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 мая 2019, 13:24:38 »
ON LEADERSHIP (translation).

Лидеры требуют многого от других, но также отдают большую часть себя. Они амбициозны - не только для себя, но и для тех, кто с ними работает. Они стремятся привлекать, удерживать и развивать других людей в полной мере.
Хорошие лидеры не "длинные рейнджеры". Они признают, что успешно организованная стратегия требует сочетания талантов и усилий многих людей. Лидерство является катализатором для превращения этих талантов в результаты.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 07 мая 2019, 13:39:11 »
RESHU-EGE var. 7

Moscow, Russia
May, 07
Dear Jane,
                thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I spent time doing a school project.
In my family we also do house work like cleaning all together. In general, I don’t have anything against cleaning, but there're certain types of work that I just can’t stand, such as: cleaning dishes and doing vacuum cleaning. I think that helping parents is 100% necessary, because it’s a good opportunity to spend some time together.
Anyway, a kitten is a very nice present. What name did you give him? How does it look like? Is it a boy or a girl?
I'm afraid, I must be go as I promised to help my sister with her homework.
Write back soon!
Best wishes,

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 07 мая 2019, 13:27:52 »
RESHU-EGE var. 7

10). 8543621
11). 362714
12). 4
13). 2
14). 1
15). 3
16). 1
17). 2
18). 2

19). Was
20). Has seen
21). Remains
22). Was ruled
23). Are investing
24). Kept
25). Is visited
26). Greatest
27). Adventurous
28). Important
29). Generally
30). Industrial
31). Reality
32). 3
33). 2
34). 4
35). 1
36). 2
37). 4
38). 2

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 апреля 2019, 13:52:10 »
RESHU-EGE var. 11

Moscow, Russia
April, 26
Dear Richard,
                    thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I spent time doing a school project.
I hope you’ll succeed at your finals. I prefer spending time at home. Usually, during the weekends I go to my countryhouse. I read books, do in for sports and play the guitar and piano. Music is my main hobby. Also I’m very interested in literature and sports.
Anyway, you've mentioned your friend. What are you going to do together? How often do you meet? Have you warned your parents about the visit?
I'm afraid, I must be go as I promised to help my sister with her homework.
Write back soon!
Best wishes,

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 апреля 2019, 13:37:01 »
RESHU-EGE var. 11

10). 6725834
11). 362175
12). 4
13). 2
14). 1
15). 1
16). 2
17). 3
18). 1
19). Meant
20). Formed
21). Considering
22). Located
23). Was designed
24). Won
25). Their
26). Expenseve
27). Different
28). Dishonest
29). Visiblest
30). Wonderfull
31). Certainly
32). 2
33). 4
34). 3
35). 3
36). 2
37). 1
38). 4

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 апреля 2019, 10:27:48 »

1). Работа очень тяжёлая. Не могли бы Вы мне помочь, пожалуйста?
2). Вы не будете возражать, если я закрою окно?
3). Можете ли Вы проводить мою сестру на станцию? У неё 2 тяжёлых чемодана.
4). Не могли бы Вы увеличить мою зарплату? Вчера я женился.
     К сожалению, мы не несём ответственности за несчастные случаи за пределами завода.
5). Оркестр закончил играть "Паломнический хор" Вагнера. Женщина подошла к руководителю оркестра и сказала: "Не могли бы Вы сыграть Вагнеровский "Паломнический хор"?" "Боюсь, что мы не сможем. Мы только что это сыграли." "Жаль", - сказала женщина. - "Это моя любимая композиция."

1). Could you possibly close the window?
2). Can you help me, please?
3). Could you possibly translate this article?
4). Can you sing this song, please?
5). Could you possibly see me of to my house?
#2 Would you hurry up, please? You can miss the train.

1). Oh, yes, certainly!
2). Sure, with great pleasure!
3). Here you are
4). Here you are
5). Oh, yes, certainly!
6). Most willingly!
7). Here you are

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 23 апреля 2019, 13:57:06 »
День взаимопонимания скоро будет отмечаться.
Что мы будем делать в этот день?
Мы особо вежливы друг с другом, никаких вульгарных слов, никаких ссор, никаких недоразумений.
Мы говорим "Привет" и "Добрый день" всем взрослым, которых видим на школьной территории.
Мы не опаздываем на уроки. Если мы делаем это, мы объясняем учителю причину опоздания.
Мы приходим в школу согласно дресс-коду.

О Дресс-коде Дня взаимопонимания.
Дресс-код объясняет, как одеваться.
Если вы носите деловую повседневную одежду, то не стоит носить свою любимую футболку, рваные джинсы и кеды. Помните «коммерческую» часть повседневной одежды: одежда должна быть чистой, плотно прилегающей.
Девушкам лучше всего носить короткие юбки, рубашки, свитера и куртки.
Избегайте использования одежды с логотипами или потенциально оскорбительными словами или графикой.
Старайтесь не одеваться так, как вы должны пойти на пикник. Носите консервативную одежду.
Вы должны выглядеть аккуратно.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 апреля 2019, 10:28:28 »

1). My father is a clever and interesting man.
So is my father.
2). He participated in the Great Patrotic War.
So did my father.
3). He took part in all major battles.
So did my father.
4).He's become a Hero of the Soviet Union.
So has my father.
5). My brother is a strongest man of all men I know.
So is my brother.
6). He's very good at wrestling and boxing.
So is my brother.
7). He's won 100 victories.
So has my brother.
8). He's never been defeated.
Neither has my brother.
9). He can shoot and play chess.
So is my brother.
10). He's going to take up languages besides.
So is my brother.
11). He's never been afraid of anything.
Neither has my brother.
12). He's never put off spirits.
Neither has my brother.
13). You're overstimating your brother.
So are you.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 апреля 2019, 10:13:28 »

1). He both understands and speaks Chinese.
2). He's going to take up either photography or arts.
3). He learn neither easly nor quickly.
4). Neither my brother nor my sister doesn't want to retreat.
5). They hesitate to both strike a blow and retreat.
6). She doesn't have experience neither in teaching nor in interpreting.
7). He's neither skillfull nor exciting.
8). You must both surround and capture the enemy.
9). You must either convince him or give the idea up.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 апреля 2019, 13:28:11 »
ФИПИ Открытый бланк заданий ЕГЭ Английский Язык стр. 5

1). Celebrated
2). Counting
3). Singers
4). Various
5). Owns
6). Wides

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 12 апреля 2019, 13:40:06 »
RESHU-EGE var. 9 (April 2019)

1). 514273
2). 2121133
3). 2
4). 2
5). 1
6). 3
7). 3
8). 1
9). 3
10). 7523168
11). 235146

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 09 апреля 2019, 13:19:08 »

1). Oh, no! I've never repaired my car myself.
2). Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. It's too old.
3). Oh, no! I've never driven a car.
4). Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I've got too many suitcases and I need a bigger car than yours.
5). Oh, no! I've never played chess.
6). Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I'm too old and dull for that.
7). Oh, no! I've never spoken English to him.
8). Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I'm sure he won't understand a word.


1). I haven't told anybody anything.
2). I haven't spoken to anybody about anything.
3). I haven't told anybody anything.
4). I haven't promise anybody anything.
5). Because it's inhuman, isn't it?
6). Because it's insignificant, isn't it?
7). Because it's uncomfortable, isn't it?
8). Because he's unkind and unreliable, isn't he?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 04 апреля 2019, 10:28:43 »
To draw

4 Present tenses

I often draw in my free time
He's drawing at the moment
They have already drawn the picture
She's been drawing for 3 hours

4 Past Tenses

I drew this picture last year
He was drawing when I came
He had drawn a beautifull picture by the time I came
He had been drawing a picture for 40 minutes when I came

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 20 марта 2019, 16:54:33 »

If you want to get an idea of ​​the geographical location of the country, study the map. The map will tell you about the seas, rivers, lakes, mountains and lowlands of the country. She will also tell you about the economy: about cities, railways, man-made canals.

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