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Сообщения - ArtemRezanov

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Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 20 мая 2016, 12:20:05 »
Point 5(reshuege.ru)

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 мая 2016, 12:17:50 »
Point 9 (reshuege.ru)
 Hello Nick,
 Sorry that I haven't answer to you earlier. What about your request, I think I can help you. In my country old people like reading books more that young. Mostly they reading old fairytales and new newspapers. I prefer reading E-books, because it's more comfortable. Actually I don't know a lot about my friends, but as for me, I read maybe 1-2 books per half of the year.
Oh, you joined a sport club? It's very cool, I like doing sports too. Do you have everyday exercises in your club? What do you think about skiing? Have you bought skiing?
Best wishes!
Your friend Artem.
C2: Essay
Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying; others think that working part-time has many advantages
   Nowadays a lot of pupils and students think that studying it's very boring and prefer to leave the classes than do some work.
It's very big problem for people at all, because our generation could decrease the level of education in the world.
   I'm a member of this generation and I think  that we need concentrate on studying at school, because it wil help us in the our future. If we study well, we will have good job in our elderly. A lot of pupils think that if they won't studying they wil be  very succesfull and popular. Firstly, they lying to themselves.
   Another opinion about this is that. Look at chinese pupils, they studying everyday and doing all homework and even more. It's happens because they know that, they will be succesfull people if they study well and another thing in they study bad. Upbringing makes people different.
In the other hand, pupils and students getting tired while their studying. It makes their health very bad. Firstly, pupils need new comfortable chears in the classrooms...

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 мая 2016, 12:19:21 »
Point 9(reshuege.ru)
24.doesn't need
39. Hello Nick,
 Sorry that I haven't answer to you earlier. What about your request, I think I can help you. Mostly, old people like reading in my country.....

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 02 мая 2016, 20:39:10 »
Special homework for Yemi
ReshuEGE Point 12
Writing part
 Dear Jane,
Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier. Mostly I like biopic and documental films. Two month ago I saw a beautiful film about russian сossack's life. I'd prefer watching films at home, because I like home's conditions. What about the books, I think that reading books it's too boring, but interesting. What do you think about it? I want to know your idea too. Last week you said that we will travel to Russia and I forgot the date. Can you remind it to me please? How much it will cost?
Write back soon.
Best regards,

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 26 апреля 2016, 12:02:16 »
Class Work
Ex.6(C6 Monologue)
In the first photo we can see people who have just finished university. Two men and two women who are wearing special cloth and square caps. In the second photo we can see crowd of pupils with backpacks and books. These pictures have in common a lot of things: firstly - all people are wearing cloth, secondly - all people were in the school, finally - in the both  pictures we can see people.
Also, these pictures some things in difference: firstly - age of people, secondly - cloth, finally - quantity of people.
I'd prefer picture number 1 because I want to study in the university and finish with a good diploma.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 апреля 2016, 11:56:27 »
Class work
Confusing words
More and more people go abroad for their holiday.
In 2002, she became the first woman to travel aboard the space shuttle Discovery.
We decided to take immediate action when we realised there was a problem.
The environmental changes in the area are the result of human activity.
Can you advise me on the best course of action to take?
He offered me some excellent advice.
Diverting the course of the river will have a major effect on the local ecosystem.
Frequent traffic jams in the suburbs seriously affect journey times into the city.
Widering the road made an appreciative difference to the flow of traffic.
The applause at the end of the concert was warm and appreciable.
Rapid international action managed to avoid an environmental disaster from taking place.
There are areas in the city that are wise to prevent after dark.
The company's main offie is beside the railway station.
Becides their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening.
Shortly before the earthquake began, many animals were seen to be behaving in an usual manner.
She spoke briefly but passionately about the need to help those in developing countries.
A canal cystem joineg the two main rivers, which made transporting goods much quicker.
When television first became popular in the early 1950s, there was only one channel.
Most people are conscious of the need to protect the environment.
Conscientious workers should be rewarded for their hard work.
In my opinion, some people are not very considerate of those arount them.
A considerable amount of money was spent on developing the product.
The computer system has given us continual problems ever since we installed it. Some days it works, other days it doesn't.
The continious noise from the new motorway has forced many people to move.
New teachers often find it difficult to control their classes.
Environmental health inspectors regularly inspect commercial kitchens for cleanliness, especially those in restaurants.
I have no objection to people using their mobile phones on buses or trains.
Plans for the new stadium have attracted fierce criticism from local people.
He suffered a serious injury which needed immediate hospital treatment.
The low levels of dangerous chemicals in the river were enough to cause damage to aquatic life.
A lot of harm was caused to buildings along the coast during the storm.
The college closes for two weeks at hte end of December.
He died while he trying to cross the desert alone.
Many creatures stay underground during daylight hours.
The plan was good in theory. However, in practice it was extremely difficult to implement.
The plan was excellent. Moreover, it was clear from the beginning that it was going to attract a lot of interest.
I believe that we should do more to help and support soldiers who have been wounded in combat.
Several workers were injured when the drilling paltform collapsed.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 апреля 2016, 12:19:46 »
Наследие самураев
      История самураев
Самураи ( слово значит "тот кто служит) " были элитными воинами в Японии около семи столетий. В десятом веке, имперский суд в Куйото  бесполезно попытался организовать постоянную армию. Если бы суд поимел успех в этом, богатые землевладельцы не смогли бы решить насчет найма приватных солдат и самураи бы никогда не появились. Обычные самураи были благородными воинами, входящими в битву на коне, соревнуясь с оппонентами в ритуальных схватках. Их обычаи смотрелись бы неприемлемыми для средневековых Европейских рыцарей, если бы они когда-нибудь встретились. Позже, как только армии стали больше и сражения стали более кровавыми, большинство самураев научилось рукопашному бою. Хотя, спустя много времени мира в Японии, вещи шли не хорошо для самураем и в конечном счете, в 1860 году они потеряли свое властное место в обществе.
          Определение самураев
Меч самурая символизирует власть и положение воинского класса. Он имел два значения: как меч, и как объект искусства. Двойное значение отражало личность самурая. Они, как воины, общались с художниками, драматургами и интеллектуалами. Самурайские генералы занимались каллиграфией, рассаживали цветы и ходили в театр. Но все их культурные занятия были не так важны как чайная церемония. Церемония в приготовлении и питье чая была другим ритуалом, почти как медитация. Она проводилась в маленькой комнате где мечи были запрещены, даже для самураев, и это должно было быть очень привлекательным среди воинственных воинов.
Бусидо это воинский кодекс. Он впервые был написан как вид личной инструкции во время длинного периода мира, когда воинские умения самураев были отклонены. Традиции военного искусства продолжается в Японии и по сей день. Миллионы японских детей продолжают практиковать классические воинские умения во владении мечом, луком, и рукопашной, безоружной борьбе джиуджицу в школе. Но Бусидо это также этический кодекс: чести, лояльности и жертвы. Как только Терукуни Юки, учитель военного искусства, объяснил, "Здесь мы учим духу победы, но это не только победа оппонента, но и вознесение над самим собой. В наши дни это кажется всем поиском для кого-то вины вместо фокусировки на самом себе. Наше сообщение здесь, это: если ты будешь трудиться, в "кендо" или в чем-то еще, ты будешь наслаждаться жизнью"
             Самураи сегодня
В возвращении к самураю рассмотрим второй простой факт: он - один из мировых известных действующих фигур. Он - одинокий мечник, кто убивает дюжины врагов во имя долга и собственной чести. Воин самурай это и ковбой, и рыцарь, и гладиатор, и джедай из "Звездных войн", все в одном. Самурай вдохновил сотни фильмов, видеоигр, комиксов и телевизионных драм. В Японии, каждую весну, мужчины одевают самурайскую броню и воспроизводят великие самурайские битвы. Этот "самурайский выходной" выглядит жестоким и реалистичным, но, с их пластиковыми очками и макетными мечами,они никогда не представят угрозы в реальности. Одного из "самураев" спросили,что бы он делал если бы он отправился обратно во времени. "Хмм", он ответил,"я представлял те времена, но я также боюсь их. Это была смерть или жизнь".

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 апреля 2016, 11:47:06 »

Английский язык / Re: Russian Space Program
« : 12 апреля 2016, 11:39:12 »
Russian Space Program
Cosmonautics Day is an anniversary celebrated in Russia and some other former USSR countries on April 12. In 2011, April 12 was declared as the International Day of Human Space Flight in dedication of the first manned space flight made on April 12, 1961 by the 27-year-old Russian Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin circled the Earth for 1 hour and 48 minutes aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft.
  Gagarin's flight was a triumph for the Soviet space program, and opened a new era in the history of space exploration. Gagarin became a national hero of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc and a famous figure around the world. Major newspapers around the globe published his biography and details of his flight. Gagarin was escorted in a long motorcade of high-ranking officials through the streets of Moscow to the Kremlin where, in a lavish ceremony, he was awarded the highest Soviet honor, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
  Nowadays the commemoration ceremony on Cosmonautics Day starts in the city of Korolyov, near Gagarin's statue. Participants then proceed under police escort to Red Square for a visit to Gagarin's grave in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, and continue to Cosmonauts Alley, near the Monument to the Conquerors of Space. Finally, the festivities are concluded with a visit to the Novodevichy Cemetery.
  On April 7, 2011 United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring April 12 as the International Day of Human Space Flight.
 In the 1960s the song 14 minut do starta ("14 minutes until the launch") written by Oscar Feltsman and Vladimir Voynovich was considered the unofficial "anthem of cosmonautics" and regularly aired on this day in the USSR. In the 1980s it was eclipsed by the hit Trava u doma ("Grass at home") performed by the Russian VIA band Zemlyane ("The Earthlings"). The latter song was awarded the official status of the anthem of Russian Cosmonautics in 2010. Russian cosmonauts have traditionally taken this song with them getting assigned for orbital deployments.

Английский язык / Re: Council of Europe
« : 07 апреля 2016, 12:23:14 »
Дети любят использовать из права в цифровом окружении
Участники штатов и остальные целевые группы
1.Изменение законодательства и политики для защиты детей в цифровом окружении.
2.Принимать участие для уполномочения детей использовать полный потенциал ITC.
3.Предоставить обучение цифровому населению и обращать внимание на радикализацию и брань.
Риски и смягчающие обстоятельства
1) Технологии развиваются быстрее чем стандарты и инструменты Совета Европы.--> Большие инвестирования в ITC и исследования, сотрудничество с приватным сектором.
2) Стандарты и инструменты Совета Европы не достигают ключевых аспектов управления интернетом. --> Широкий круг заинтересованных лиц приближается включая приватный сектор.
1. Инструменты для поддержки детей на руководство человеческими правами для интернет пользователей.
2. Приложение для планшета для детей и родителей для навигации в интернете.
3.Руководство по интеграции приближения к правам детей в цифровой окружающей среде.
4. Мониторинг собраний в цифровое время, защита информации и сексуальной эксплуатации и оскорблений.
5. Пан-Европейский проект по цифровой образованности населения.
6.Нет Кампании Брани.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 22 марта 2016, 20:01:22 »
Homework "Letter to friend Bill"
Dear Bill, sorry that I didn't write to you earlier. I had a holiday for a week in Italy with parents. I agree with you that translator's work is good. Actually I haven't decided on my future career, but I think I'll work in the same sphere of work with you. I'll have meetings with foreighn people and use my translator's skills for speaking with them.
Which countries you are planning to visit? I am interested in it because I like visiting new countries like you. Do you have a girlfriend? How many languages do you know? I hope that you will answer to my questions. Good luck. Best regards.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 17 марта 2016, 12:17:28 »
Compaing two photos
In the first photo we can see a man who is working on the computer and he is doing it in the cabinet. In the second photo we can see two kids who are playing TV games with their controllers and they are playing at home.
These pictures have in common many things. For example that in both of the photos people are sitting in front of screen, they are using technologies for their pleasure. In difference these photos have more things than common. The age of people is different, in the first photo man is working and in the second photo kids are playing games, also they are situated in the different places.
I'd prefer photo number 2 because I like playing games

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 17 марта 2016, 11:46:43 »
Comparing two photos(meetings)
In the first photo we can see  chinese diplomats who had just finished the conversation in the special conversation room. In the second photo we can see usual primary school lesson in the special room.
These pictures have in common a lot of things.We can see people, conversation table, the meeting and lesson were provided in the room.
The pictures have in different also a lot of things. Age of the people,the importance of the meeting,the cameras in the first photo.
I'd like to be in the audience number 1 because I like being in polite group of people.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 17 марта 2016, 11:18:43 »
Comparing two photos(football)
Here we have two photos. In the first photo we can see two kids who are playing table soccer in the room. In the second photo we can see group of people who are playing real football outdoors.
Both of the pictures have in common that we can see different kinds of one game - football, and people who are playing this game.
Pictures are different by the location, kind of the game, age of palyers, and cloth of the players.
I'd prefer photo number 1 because I like playing table football and I like staying at home.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 15 марта 2016, 11:39:23 »
Questions Istanbul Breaks
1. What are the dates of departure?
2. What are the hotel facilities?
3. Do you have the breakfast?
4. Hown many city tours do you have?
5. Do you have any discounts?
Questions Exhibition
1. Where museum is located?
2. Do you have special offers?
3. How many exhibitions do you have?
4. What are the working hours of the museum?
5. Do you have special tickets for kids?
Questions Caffe
1. Do you have pricelist?
2. Do you offer special discounts?
3. Do you have online booking?
4. How many kinds of desserts do you have?
5. Do you have special entertaiment programs?
Questions Gym
1. Do you offer special membership cards?
2. Can I have personal programs?
3. What are the working hours?
4. Do you have special muscles programs?
5. Do you have guest passes?
Questions Hotel
1. Do you have any local museums or theatres?
2. Do youhave special offers?
3. Hov many free rooms do you have?
4. What is the qualityof the staff?
5. Do you have TV in the hotel rooms?
Questions Car Wash
1. What are the working hours?
2. Do you have discount card?
3. Do you have any recommendations?
4. How many people visiting you per day?
5. How much time do you need to wash the car?

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