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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 января 2017, 12:10:49 »
In one of the Sundays in middle of November British people commemorate solders, who died during First and Second World Wars. On that day which is called Rememberence Sunday at 2 o'clock in the morning people gather around Cenotaph, where's buried Unknown Soldier and watch sad ceremony. Statesmen, diplomats, generals and admirals stand in front of Cenotaph with wreaths in their hands. Solemn silence. Even Queen is not meeted with usual cheers. Everyone awaits the Minute of Silence which lasts for 2 minutes in England.
Then the Queen goes forward, puts her wreath at the base of Cenotaph, bows and then returns to her place. One by one prime-minister, leader of the opposition party, statesmen, and finally thousands of common British people put their wreaths at the base of Cenotaph.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 11 октября 2016, 14:09:46 »
Трамп: И Хиллари, я просто задам тебе такой вопрос. Ты занимаешься этим на протяжении 30-ти лет. Почему тогда ты начала думать о решениях только сейчас? 30 лет ты этим занималась и только сейчас ты начала задумываться о решениях.
Клинтон: Ну, на самом деле...
Трамп: Я верну... прошу прощения... я верну рабочие места. Ты этого сделать не можешь.
Клинтон: Ну, на самом деле, я думала об этом какое-то время.
Трамп: Ага, 30 лет.
Клинтон: И у меня есть... Ну не настолько долго. Мне кажется мой муж сделал неплохую работу в девяностых. Я много думаю о том, что работало тогда и что мы можем заставить работать снова...
Трамп: Ну, он подписал NAFTA... он подписал NAFTA...
Клинтон: ... миллионы рабочих мест, сбалансированный бюджет...
Трамп: Он подписал NAFTA, что являлось худшей торговой сделкой, подписанной в этой стране.
Клинтон: У всех поднялась прибыль. Производственные работы так же поднялись в девяностых, если мы будем рассматривать факты. Когда я была в Сенате, у меня было некоторое число торговых сделок, принесенных мне и каждую из них я проверила по одинаковым критериям.  Создадут ли они новые рабочие места? Увеличат ли они доходы? И хороши ли они для национальной безопасности? За некоторые я проголосовала. Самая большая это межнациональная сделка известная как CAFTA, я голосовала против нее. И все потому что я придерживалась тех же стандартов, которых я придерживалась, проверяя остальные торговые сделки.
Но давайте не предполагать что единственная часть нашей экономики это торговля. Конечно она является ее частью, и я уже говорила, что собираюсь делать. Я собираюсь иметь отдельного прокурора. Мы усилим торговые сделки, имеющиеся на данный момент, и мы собираемся держать людей ответственными. Когда я была секретарем штата мы увеличили американский экспорт повсеместно на 30 процентов. Мы увеличили поставки в Китай на 50 процентов. Так что я знаю как работать дабы обеспечить рабочие места и каким экспортом заниматься для создания новых рабочих мест.
Трамп: Но вы не сделали ничего за 30, за 26, да за сколько угодно лет...
Клинтон: Ну, я была сенатором, Дональнд...
Трамп: Вы этого не сделали. Вы не сделали этого.
Клинтон: И я была секретарем штата...
Трамп: Прошу прощения.
Клинтон:И я сделала многое...
Трамп: Ваш муж подписал NAFTA, что является худшим, что происходило с производственной индустрией.

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 06 октября 2016, 10:49:52 »
Variant 14
20.will grow
23.didn't run
24.would live

Английский язык / Re: The Romanovs!!!
« : 15 сентября 2016, 10:47:49 »
Questions to paragraph 1

1)Who was the tsar of Russia from 1613 to 1645
2)When was Mikhail the tsar of Russia?
3)Who was elected as tsar of Russia?
4)Was Mikhail elected as tsar of Russia?
5)When was Mikhail elected as tsar of Russia?
6)Who learned he had to become the tsar when he was young?
7)Did Mikhail burst in tears when he learned that he had to become tsar?
8)What was Mikhail finally persuaded to accept?
9)By who did Mikhail was persuaded to accept the throne?
10)Did Mikhail's mother bless him to persuade the throne?

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 17 мая 2016, 12:07:38 »
Varinat 12

1. 367215
2. 2113311
3. 3
4. 3
5. 2
6. 3
7. 1
8. 3
9. 2
10. 8271346
11. 531762
12. 1
13. 4
14. 2
15. 2
16. 1
17. 3
18. 1
19. could not
20. would come
21. are
22. would think
23. children
24. begun
25. more
26. absolutely
27. entertainment
28. visitors
29. movement
30. anxious
31. safely
32. 1
33. 3
34. 4
35. 2
36. 3
37. 3
38. 2
39. I prefer action, detective and adventure films. I prefer watching films at home, becouse you can at any moment pause the film and go take some additional food without skipping some parts of the film. I don't agree that it's better to read a book befor watching film, based on it. Becouse while you read the book you can imagine, what are the voices, appearance of the characters, and when you go to cinema, you see completely different and everything what you have imagined earlier is destroyed.
40. The importance of education cannot be exaggerated: it helps make a good career, enables to gain success easily. However, does the education make us responsible and determined? Can it help get rid of bad habits and gain new ones?

As for me, education greatly develops character qualities such as decisiveness, persistence and determination. To begin with, education frequently takes place under the guidance of a teacher, so students have to get used to discipline and attentiveness to achieve good results in studying subjects. Furthermore, there is always a competition between youngsters over getting assignments done faster or winning different kinds of sport championships, which immediately makes adjust students to rivalry and competition. Finally, education teaches us how to be tolerant, patient and hard working.

On the other hand, some people claim that education does not make us responsible or determined. Firstly, becoming successful and persistent totally depends on a person, so education has nothing to do with developing one’s character. Secondly, students can be influenced by some teenagers and thus gain bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking or using foul language.

I cannot agree with these people. Even though a lot of things depend on a person only, there is something education can greatly help with: it teaches how to cope with different problems, helps realize what a person is interested in and thus enables one to find out what he or she is good at.

In conclusion, I would say that getting education is a very important part of our life. Not only does it easily help make a good career, but it is also a great way to improve character and find out one’s talents and interests.
1)What ages are available for tutoring
2)What are the prices
3)Can you leave your contacts
4)What special offers can you provide
5)Are there any discounts for regular customers
I've chosen photo number 2
1)This photo was taken couple weeks ago on island resort by my mom.
2)On those photos you can see bungalows in which we lived
3)Nothing much happening
4)I keep this photo in my album becouse i want to keep memories about our trip
5)I decided to show you this photo, becouse i wanted to prove you that i wasn't in Russia
1)In the first photo we can see a supervisor talking to some employes after conference
In second one - man, that falled asleep while working.
2)Pictures are common becouse on both of them you can see office employes
3)Pictures are different becouse in first photo people are awake,and in second - no
4)I prefer photo number 2
5)Becouse i'd like to sleep like this man

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 мая 2016, 12:19:58 »
Variant 9

10. 1527368
11. 315672
12. 4
13. 3
14. 1
15. 3
16. 2
17. 4
18. 2
19. us
20. would come
21. became
22. was given
23. first
24. does not need
25. were
26. calculation
27. chemical
28. swimmers
29. happines
30. really
31. successfull
32. 3
33. 3
34. 4
35. 3
36. 2
37. 4
38. 2
39. Nowadays most young people are too "busy" to read books, others just say that it's boring for them. But i do love to read books and i prefer traditional books. I just like the feeling of holding them, turning the pages. That's what makes traditional books special. I don't know about my friends, but i read for a couple of hours at the night time, when i just can't sleep. 
1)What are the most popular sight of the city
2)What price is for family of three
3)Are there any recommendations you can give?
4)What services do you provide during the trip?
5)What is the number of maximum people in one trip?
I've chosen photo number one.
1)This photo was taken in Kenia couple of weeks ago.
2)Here you can see couple of rhinos and our car with our guides on it.
3)Our guides taking photos of rhinos
4)I keep this photo in my album becouse i love rhinos
5)Becouse i wanted to show how i spent my time on weekend
1) On the first photo you can see Greek bus on the road
On second one - australian subway
2)Pictures are common becouse on both of them are public transport
3)Pictures are different in type of transport and location, where this transport takes place
4)I prefer subway becouse even when it's hot outside it's usually pretty chill in subway
5)becouse even when it's hot outside it's usually pretty chill in subway
Nowadays i found some kind of problem: Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying; others think that working part-time has many advantages
So i think that pupils should decide by themselves - study or work, it's a bad idea to force people do something that they don't really want to do. If someone already understood, that he needs money, or maybe working expirience more, than Geography or Chemstry classes he or she should be able to be employed for part-time without any troubles. And same goes to pupils, that want to finish studying first, without additional responsibilities.
I do disagree with idea of focusing only on studying, becouse i think that getting expirience worth more than Biology class or Historical one.
So in conclusion i want to say, that i think, that working part-time, while you study is a good idea, becouse of gaining expirience.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 26 апреля 2016, 12:05:58 »
In the photo number one we can see four university students. All of them are wearing square academic caps. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. I suppose they are school students studying approximately in the 7th grade. Some of them are holding their student books, some have the backpacks on their backs.
Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. Mostly, everybody in the photos are posing and smiling. But there is a difference too: firstly, on the left we see young people meanwhile on the right there are kids. Secondly, on the left the characters have already finished their education programs, while on the right students are still studying. After all, I can say that the second picture looks like it was taken from some school commercial.
I’d prefer being a university student, because my parents always say that university years were the happiest years of their lives. And finally, I can’t even imagine what a feeling it is – when you are graduated and have no exams to pass and no lectures to learn. It should be great.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 апреля 2016, 12:20:44 »
Наследие самураев

История самураев

Самурай ( что означает "человек, который служит") был японских элитным классом воинов на протяжении 700 лет. В десятом веке имперский суд Киото безуспешно пытался организовать обязательную армию. Если бы суду это удалось, богатые землевладельцы не решили нанять  личных солдат и самураи могли никогда не существовать. Самураи были благородными воинами, что шли в бой на конях, бросая вызов противникам в ритуальной битве. Их обычаи могли показаться похожими на обычаи средневековых Европейских рыцарей, если бы они когда-нибудь встретились. Позже армии становились больше и бились более кровожадно, большинство самураев обучались рукопашному бою. Тем не менее, спустя долгий период мира в Японии дела у самураев шли не очень хорошо и в конце концов в 1860-ых они потеряли свою силу и место в японском обществе.

Личность самурая

Меч самурая символизировал авторитет и роскошь воина. Это было одновременно  и оружие, и предмет искусства. Это двойное значение было зеркалом личности самих самураев. В то же время, как они были воинами, они общались с художниками, драматурами, и интеллектуалом. Генералы самураев практиковали каллиграфию, занимались разведением цветов, и ходили в театр. Но среди всех их культурных занятий, самым важным была чайная церемония. Церемония делания и распивания чая было еще одним ритуалом,почти медитацией. Она проводилась в специальной маленькой комнате, где было запрещено любое оружие, даже для самураю, и это было очень привлекательно для боящихся боя воинов.


Бусидо это кодекс воина. Изначально он был написан как некоторое подобие инструкции на время долгого мира, когда боевые умения были ненужны. Традиция боевых искусств до сих пор соблюдается в Японии. Миллионы японских детей практикуют классические стили боя на мечах ( кендо ), стрельбы из лука ( киодо )и рукопашный, безоружный бой ( джиуджитсу ) в школах. Но Бусидо это также кодекс этических правил: честь, преданность, и жертвование. Как объясняет Терукуни Юки, учитель боевых искусств,"Здесь мы учимся духу победы, но он заключается не в победе над противником, скорее в превосходстве самого себя. Сейчас многие скорее будут обвинять других, нежели фокусироваться на самом себе. Наше посыл заключается в том, что если ты будешь стараться, в кендо или в еще чем нибудь, ты будешь наслаждаться жизнью.

Самураи Сегодня

Постоянное появление самураев это связано с обычным фактом - это один из самых великих экшн-персонажей. Он мечник-одиночка, который убивает дюжины противников во имя чести и личной славы. Воин-самурай это ковбой, рыцарь, гладиатор и джедай из Звездных Воин в одном человеке. Самураи были вдохновением для сотен фильмов, игр, комиксов и ТВ драм. В Японии каждую весну мужчины одевают броню самураев и воссоздают известные самурайские битвы. Этот "самурайских уик-энд" выглядят сверепо и реалистично, но с пластиковыми защитными очками и затупленными мечами они никогда не будут такими же устрашающими как раньше. У одного из "самурев" спросили, хотел бы он вернутся во времени в те времена. "Хмм," отвечал он, "Те времена хоть и были романтичны, но они были так же очень страшными. Живи или умри "

Английский язык / Re: Russian Space Program
« : 12 апреля 2016, 11:47:35 »
Cosmonautics Day is an anniversary celebrated in Russian and some other countries, that was part of USSR back in the day on 12 April In 2011, April 12 was declared as the International day of human space flight in dedication of the first manned space flight made on April 12, 1961 by the 27-year-old Russian Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. He circled the Earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft. The commemorative day was established in the Soviet Union one year later, on April 9, 1962. In modern Russia, it is celebrated in accordance with Article 1.1 of the Law "On the Days of Military Glory and the Commemorative Dates in Russia". Gagarin's flight was a triumph for the Soviet Space program, and opened a new era in the history of space exploration. Gagarin became a national hero of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc and a famous figure around the world. Major newspapers around the globe published his biography and details of his flight. Moscow and other cities in the USSR held mass demonstrations, the scale of which was second only to WWII Victory Parades. Gagarin was escorted in a long motorcade of high-ranking officials through the streets of Moscow to the Kremlin where, in lavish ceremony, he was awarded the Highest Soviet honor, the title of hero of the Soviet Union, by the Soviet Leader Nikita Khruschev.
Nowadays the commemoration ceremony on Cosmonautics Day starts in the city of Korolyov, near Gagarin's statue. Participants then proceed under police escort to Red Square for a visit to Gagarin's grave in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis and continue to cosmonauts alley near the Monument to the conquerors of space. Finally the festivities are concluded with a visit to the Novodevichy Cemetery 

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 апреля 2016, 12:20:43 »
I want to discuss very important delusion nowadays - delusion, that's it's more enjoyable too live in big family. And this is completely wrong
I don't really understand couples, that decide to have more than 2 kids, especially when they don't have big income from their jobs. Firstly, when you have lots of kids, you have to spend lots of money, first couple of years on children food that is kind of expensive, on baby clothes and different things like children seat in car, toys and other stuff like this. Then, when kids will go to elementary school you should buy for them books and other consumables like pens, pencils etc. Then comes middle, high and then Institute, in which it's hard to enter in on budget studying. So you will have to pay for your kids additional studying so he will have a chance to get "normal" job. So for about 20 years you have to spend so much money on your kids that eventually will leave you with nothing. Yes, there’s some situations where everything goes other way, but there’s so little chance of it, that I decided not to mention it.
But lets stop with pros and go to cons.
I don’t see them. You just have to get along with loud noises, quarrels, misunderstandings, spending very  and such stuff for about 20 years. I just can’t see anything good in big family, there is nothing enjoyable in it.
Yes, there are people that think, that say “children are flowers of life” and they just love kids, but I’m not one of them.
So in conlusion, I want too say that if you want a big family, think again and change your opinion

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 17 марта 2016, 11:37:13 »
2 concerts
1)In a first photo we can see some kind of a rock band performing at german(?) festival. In second photo - musician performing classical music on piano in concert hall.
2)In both photos we can see musicians, performing music
3)Differences are - place, where does musicians preform and style of preforming music
4)I would prefer 2nd concert
5)I've chosen it because i don't really like modern rock and i thnik classical music is better variant

1)In first photo we can see some kids playing "table soccer" in kids zone. In second we can see some people playing football on football field.
2)In both pictures i see people playing football
3)They play football in different ways
4)I would prefer 1st type of playing football
5)I'm not very into sports so i would better play table soccer instead of real football

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 15 марта 2016, 11:33:14 »
1) What are the dates of departure?
2) What hotel facilities can your hotel offer?
3) Is breakfast included?
4) How many city tours do your hotel can offer
5) Are there any discounts that you can offer me?

1) Can you  please answer me, where is the museum situated?
2) What are special offers, if you have them?
3) How many exhibitions does your museum have?
4) What are the working hours of your museum?
5) Are there any special tickets for kids?

Coffee room
1) Can you please show the price list?
2) Are there any discounts?
3) Is there any kind of online booking?
4) What is diversity  of deserts?
5) Can your coffee room offer any entertainment programs?

1) What is the cost of membership card?
2) Can i get a presonal trainig program?
3) What are the working hours?
4) Can your gym offer any muscle gain programs?
5) Are there any guest passes?

1) Are there any museums and theaters nearby your hotel?
2) What special offers does your hotel have?
3) What is the number of available rooms?
4) What is quality of your service?
5) Are there TV's in your hotel rooms?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 марта 2016, 12:10:11 »
Internet search

1. The name of the movie is Romancing the stone
2.Names of main characters are Joan Wilder & Jack T. Colton
3.Джек доказывает, что достоин доверия
4.Я думаю, что они вернутся в США и поженятся

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 февраля 2016, 12:03:07 »
Connecting the dots
Connecting the dots is the first story from Steve Job's speech in Stanford University. Steve says that his biological mother was very young, so she decided to put him up for adoption. Everything was set up for Steve before he was born. But when he popped out,the lawyer family decided, that they wanted a girl, so Steve Job's parents got a call in a the middle of the night, with the question - "we have an unexpected boy, do you want him?" They answered - "Of course". But when his biological mother found out, that his mother had never graduated from college, and his father had never graduated from High school - she refused to sign the adpotion papers. But after Job's parents promised, that he would go to college, she relented and signed the papers. And after 17 years he really did go yo college, he chose Reed college, that is as expensive, as Stanford, so all his parents money went on tuition. But after 6 month he decided to drop out and attend only at classes, that interested him. It wasn't all romantic, he didn't have his own dorm room, so he slept on the floor in his friends room, he had to return empty Coke bottles for 5 cents to buy food with, and on every Sunday night he went to other side of the city to Hare Krishnu temple to get a free meal. He loved it. So, he attended calligrafy classes, the best in whole country, after he  had seen wonderfully hand-calligrafed posters in college. On these classes he learned a lot about calligraphy, and later, when he was making 1st Mac, it all went back to him. First Mac had great topography, and since Windows fully copied Mac - all of PC's have theyre wonderful topography because of first Mac.
So, Steve Jobs wanted to say that it's completely impossible, to connect the dots looking forward, but it's really easy, to look back in the past. You have to believe in your guts, fate, karma, whatever, that the dots will connect in the future somehow.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 11 февраля 2016, 11:57:19 »
The Speech by Steve Jobs
1.   Connecting the dots
Steve Jobs starts his 1st story saying, that it has began, before he was born. His biological mother was a very young, not married aspirant student, and she wanted to put him up to adoption. She thought that he should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was set to him – he should be adopted by lawyer and his wife. But when Steve was born turned out, that it was a boy, and lawyer wanted a girl. So couple, which was on waiting list got a call in the middle of the night. They asked: “We have an unexpected child, do you want him?” The answered: “Of course.” But later, his biological mother found out, that his mother never graduated from college and his father never graduated from high school, so she didn’t want to sign adoption papers. She signed it only when his parents promised, that he will go to college. 17 years later, Steve chooses college that was expensive as Stanford is.  But after six month he decided to drop out. So he could go only on classes that he wanted to go on. But there was a bad side – he didn’t’ had his own dorm to sleep at, he had return Coke bottles for 50 cents to buy food and on every Sunday night he went thru all city to haru-krishnu temple to get free meal. He liked it.
In Reed College he went to calligraphy classes. It really helped out when he made his first Mac. The topography was great. And, when Windows fully copied it, has made all computers have great topography.
“Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.” – That was ending words.
The moral is –you can’t connect dots looking forward, but you can see them connected lookingback in future.

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