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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 15 ноября 2016, 14:07:19 »
2day i wanna tell u bout Swiss soldier France Lefort. he was experienced officer,handsome, capable, and well-connected. He was also a society host of some note and tsar Peter became a regular guest at his friends and advisers. He also introduced Peter to his servant Alexander Menshikov

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 15 ноября 2016, 13:57:39 »

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 ноября 2016, 14:07:39 »
1. Oh, no! I've never repaired cars like this
2. Of course, I would, but its hardly possible. You will never be able to do it. Its too old.
3. Oh, no! I've never driven cars like this.
4. Of course, I would, but its hardly possibe. You will never be able to do it. I've got so many suitcases and I need a bigger car than yours.
5. Oh, no. I've never palyed chess
6. Of course, I would, but I am too old and dull for that
7. no, i have never spoken english
8. Of course, I would, but I am not sure will hw understand a word.

ex. 2

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 06 октября 2016, 10:47:42 »
вариант 15
No. 1

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 29 сентября 2016, 10:42:40 »
За­да­ние 1 № 84

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 27 сентября 2016, 14:08:12 »
Task 2.
Where is the location of your swimming pool?
What are the opening hours of swimming pool?
Is sauna available?
What is the price for 3 months?
Do you have discounts for students?
Task 3.
I took this photo couple months ago. There is my good friend on the photo. She is a doctor and she was writing some notes in her copybook. I took this photo because I really like the atmosphere. I decided to show you this picture because you want to work in the hospital and I thought that you would like this photo
Task 4.
First photo shows us probably a zoo. There are a bear and people who are taking photos of it.
Second photo shows us a wild life. There are just a bear in the forest.
these photos have some similar things. One of them is that both pictures have bear. The second one is that the bears are standing.
The difference is that one the first photo the bear is in the zoo and a lot of people are taking pictures of it. On the second photo the bear is in the wild life and it is full of energy.
I think that for animals better to live in the wild life because they can do whatever they want.

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 27 сентября 2016, 13:18:31 »
this swimming pool is located in the huge building isn't it?
 what are the working hours of the pool?
do they have a sayna access?
do you have any students offers right now?

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 22 сентября 2016, 10:48:08 »
                                                                                      вариант 1


Английский язык / Re: The Romanovs!!!
« : 22 сентября 2016, 10:18:20 »
                                                                   questions to the text nuber 1 part 2

1.Who was Aleksey MIkhalovich?
2.Was Aleksey surrounded by servants and nurses?
3.At what age he learned how to read?
4.what kind of subjects was he taught?
5.Was he keen on reading?
6.Did he try to write verses?
7.what kind of literature did he usually read?
8.did he like to philosophize?

Английский язык / Re: The Romanovs!!!
« : 15 сентября 2016, 10:46:51 »
                                                                        Questions to the first paragraph

1.Who was Mukhail Romanov?
2.When was Mikhail Romanov tsar of Russia?
3.Who was elected by Zemsky Sobor?
4.Was he elected to be the tsar of Russia?
5.When was he elected by Zwmsky Sobor?
6.Who was yound when he learned he had become the tsar?
7.Did he burst into tears?
8.What was he persuated?
9.By whom was he persuaded to accept the throne?
10.She blessed the young man, didn't she?

Английский язык / Re: World Writers
« : 06 сентября 2016, 13:59:48 »

Английский язык / Re: World Writers
« : 06 сентября 2016, 13:47:07 »
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born in 27 January 1832 – 14 January 1898th  the  place of birth was England, the city was Darberry  , better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll.
Dodgson's family was predominantly northern English, with Irish connections, conservative and High Church Anglican. Most of Dodgson's male ancestors were army officers or Church of England clergy. His great-grandfather, also named Charles Dodgson, had risen through the ranks of the church to become the Bishop of Elphin. His paternal grandfather, another Charles, had been an army captain, killed in action in Ireland in 1803 when his two sons were hardly more than babies. The older of these sons – yet another Charles Dodgson – was Carroll's father. He went to Westminster School and then to Christ Church, Oxford. He reverted to the other family tradition and took holy orders. He was mathematically gifted and won a double first degree, which could have been the prelude to a brilliant academic career. Instead, he married his first cousin Frances Jane Lutwidge in 1827 and became a country parson.
Dodgson was born in the small parsonage at Daresbury in Cheshire near the towns of Warrington and Runcorn the eldest boy but already the third child of the four-and-a-half-year-old marriage. Eight more children followed. When Charles was 11, his father was given the living of Croft-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, and the whole family moved to the spacious rectory. This remained their home for the next 25 years.
Charles' father was an active and highly conservative cleric of the Church of England who later became the Archdeacon of Richmond and involved himself, sometimes influentially, in the intense religious disputes that were dividing the church. He was High Church, inclining to Anglo-Catholicism, an admirer of John Henry Newman and the Tractarian movement, and did his best to instill such views in his children. Young Charles was to develop an ambiguous relationship with his father's values and with the Church of England as a whole.

Home life
During his early youth, Dodgson was educated at home. His "reading lists" preserved in the family archives testify to a precocious intellect: at the age of seven, he was reading books such as The Pilgrim's Progress. He also suffered from a stammer – a condition shared by most of his siblings – that often influenced his social life throughout his years. At the age of twelve, he was sent to Richmond Grammar School (now part of Richmond School) at nearby Richmond.
Social connections
In the interim between his early published writing and the success of the Alice books, Dodgson began to move in the pre-Raphaelite social circle. He first met John Ruskin in 1857 and became friendly with him. He developed a close relationship with Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his family, and also knew William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, and Arthur Hughes, among other artists. He also knew fairy-tale author George MacDonald well – it was the enthusiastic reception of Alice by the young MacDonald children that convinced him to submit the work for publication.
From a young age, Dodgson wrote poetry and short stories, contributing heavily to the family magazine Mischmasch and later sending them to various magazines, enjoying moderate success. Between 1854 and 1856, his work appeared in the national publications The Comic Times and The Train, as well as smaller magazines such as the Whitby Gazette and the Oxford Critic. Most of this output was humorous, sometimes satirical, but his standards and ambitions were exacting. "I do not think I have yet written anything worthy of real publication (in which I do not include the Whitby Gazette or the Oxonian Advertiser), but I do not despair of doing so some day ," he wrote in July 1855. Sometime after 1850, he did write puppet plays for his siblings' entertainment, of which one has survived: La Guida di Bragia.

In 1856, he published his first piece of work under the name that would make him famous. A romantic poem called "Solitude" appeared in The Train under the authorship of "Lewis Carroll". This pseudonym was a play on his real name: Lewis was the anglicised form of Ludovicus, which was the Latin for Lutwidge, and Carroll an Irish surname similar to the Latin name Carolus, from which comes the name Charles. The transition went as follows: "Charles Lutwidge" translated into Latin as "Carolus Ludovicus". This was then translated back into English as "Carroll Lewis" and then reversed to make "Lewis Carroll". This pseudonym was chosen by editor Edmund Yates from a list of four submitted by Dodgson, the others being Edgar Cuthwellis, Edgar U. C. Westhill, and Louis Carroll.

He left Rugby at the end of 1849 and matriculated at Oxford in May 1850 as a member of his father's old college, Christ Church. After waiting for rooms in college to become available, he went into residence in January 1851. He had been at Oxford only two days when he received a summons home. His mother had died of "inflammation of the brain" – perhaps meningitis or a stroke – at the age of 47.

His early academic career veered between high promise and irresistible distraction. He did not always work hard, but was exceptionally gifted and achievement came easily to him. In 1852, he obtained first-class honours in Mathematics Moderations, and was shortly thereafter nominated to a Studentship by his father's old friend Canon Edward Puse  In 1854, he obtained first-class honours in the Final Honours School of Mathematics, standing first on the list, graduating Bachelor of Arts. He remained at Christ Church studying and teaching, but the next year he failed an important scholarship through his self-confessed inability to apply himself to study Even so, his talent as a mathematician won him the Christ Church Mathematical Lectureship in 1855, which he continued to hold for the next 26 years. Despite early unhappiness, Dodgson was to remain at Christ Church, in various capacities, until his death.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 мая 2016, 12:19:13 »
вариант 9
10. 1527368
11. 315672
12. 4
13. 3
14. 1
15. 3
16. 2
17. 4
18. 2
19. us
20. would come
21. became
22. was given
23. first
24. doesn't need
25. were
26. calculation
27. chemical
28. swimmers
29. happiness
30. really
32. 3
33. 3
34. 4
35. 3
36. 2
37. 4
38. 2

                                                                              Курская битва

В начале 1943 г. в Германии была проведена тотальная мобилизация. Летом того года немецкое командование планировало начать одну из крупнейших наступательных операций стратегического значения «Цитадель». Для ее проведения фашистами было стянуто в район Курской дуги 19 танковых дивизий. Общее число войск Вермахта составляло 50 дивизий. Общая численность вражеских войск доходила до 900 тыс. солдат. После разгрома советской армии немецкое командование планировало нанести массированный удар на юго-западе.
План обороны этого района, принятый Ставкой, включал в себя и наступательную операцию в юго-западном и западном направлениях. Для изматывания врага, на заседании Ставки 12 апреля 1943 г. принято решение о преднамеренном переходе к оборонительным боям. В ходе развернутых на Курском выступе работ была создана мощная оборонительная позиция, уходившая вглубь на 300 км. и включавшая 8 оборонительных рубежей. В районе Курского выступа советское командование сосредоточило войска, общей численностью до 1,3 млн. 9 июля 1943 г. войска Воронежского и Центрального фронтов были объединены в Степной фронт.
Битва на Курской дуге началась 5 июля с массированного наступления немецких войск. После недели упорных оборонительных боев наступление врага удалось остановить. Но, противник прорвался на некоторых участках до 30 км. за линию фронта.
В ходе Курской битвы, под Прохоровкой (56 км. от Белгорода) произошло величайшее танковое сражение. С обеих сторон в нем принимало участие до 1200 танков и самоходных орудий. Танковое сражение на Курской дуге стало еще одним примером героизма советских воинов. В тот же день, 12 июля советская армия перешла в контрнаступление. Сражение продлилось 50 дней, до 23 августа 1943 г. Переоценить значение победы в Курской битве для дальнейшего хода войны невозможно.
Курская дуга 1943-го ознаменовала коренной перелом в ходе войны. Теперь стратегическая инициатива перешла к советской армии. Наступательная стратегия, разработанная Вермахтом, потерпела окончательный крах. В ходе Курской битвы потери немцев составили до полумиллиона человек, а так же, большое количество техники. Разгром немецких войск повлиял и на международную ситуацию, создав предпосылки для выхода из Второй мировой войны союзницы Германии Италии. Это позволило облегчить ситуацию на фронтах стран антигитлеровской коалиции.

Чемарда М. 10кл

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 апреля 2016, 12:17:25 »
I have no idea what sould i whrite about those two pictures

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