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Английский язык / Re: News
« : 14 марта 2017, 08:27:19 »
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the lesson plan (group 10-11 C).


Английский язык / Re: News
« : 28 февраля 2017, 08:11:45 »
Dear distinguished colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to kindly ask for your (no any doubt) sympathetic consideration of the attached lesson plan.

With kind regards

Английский язык / Re: News
« : 27 февраля 2017, 11:38:39 »
Good morning,

Please find attached the lesson plan for tomorrow's class (10-11 C, АПК).


Английский язык / Re: News
« : 26 февраля 2017, 19:42:44 »
Good evening,

I guess 10-11 "C" class (starting at 12.50) suits the purpose. The lesson plan will be posted as soon as it's ready by tomorrow lunchtime at the latest.



ПЕРВЫЙ СЛАЙД выступления В.Э.

А разве в  Англии едят Boiled buckwheat?

Гречку едят только любители экзотики и выходцы из Восточной Европы. )))

Уважаемые коллеги!

Предлагаю следующий вариант выступления, с учетом последних изменений повестки круглого стола (смотрите последний выделенный абзац).


Обучение предметным компетенциям русского языка и литературы на уроках английского языка: практика метапредметного подхода

     Принятая в апреле 2016 г. правительством РФ Концепция преподавания русского языка и литературы, своей целью определила обеспечение высокого качество изучения и преподавания русского языка и литературы «в соответствии с меняющимися запросами населения и перспективными задачами развития российского общества».
    В качестве причин разработки и принятия Концепции упоминаются недостаточный уровень развития коммуникативных компетенций обучающихся, владения навыками устной и письменной речи, нормами русского литературного языка и речевого этикета ит.д. Концепция обращает внимание на необходимость формирования межпредметных связей предмета русского языка с другими учебными предметами, в частности, с иностранными языками.
      Приветствуя принятие Концепции, необходимо отметить, что все эти проблемы давно осознавались педагогическим коллективом Школы-Вуза «Современное образование», учебный план которой разработан и осуществляется в том числе и для наилучшего овладения учащимися школы навыками, упомянутыми в Концепции 2016 г. Причем делается это в рамках принципиальной парадигмы нашего образовательного учреждения, практикующего метапредметное обучение на основе личностно-деятельностного подхода и комплексного метода обучения.
     Так, метапредметный подход к изучению английского языка в Школе-Вуз «Современное Образование» позволяет учащимся овладевать не только иноязычными коммуникативными компетенциями, но и совершенствовать умения и компетенции в области русского языка и литературы. Осуществляется это через целый ряд метапредметных приемов, когда, выполняя задания на уроках английского языка, отвечая на вопросы или опровергая неверные утверждения, ребенок выполняет основные логические операции: анализ, сравнение, классификация, обобщения, установления аналогий, синтез, в том числе и в отношении между английским языком и родным русским языком и литературой.
     Например, учебный план предмета «Перевод» подразумевает, помимо прочего, обучение школьников навыкам грамматической и стилистической трансформации англоязычных текстов или англоязычной устной речи в целях их корректной передачи на русском языке в соответствии с нормами и правилами русского языка. Кроме того, страноведческий и литературоведческий аспекты учебного курса преподаются с опорой и в связи с примерами из родной литературы, что позволяет выйти за рамки предметности, развивая у ребенка понимание инокультурных особенностей, существующих в рамках культурного универсализма. Такая же метапредметная связь с русским языком осуществляется в ходе овладения основным курсом английского языка, на занятиях «Английского клуба» и «АПК», что позволяет учащимся непрестанно совершенствовать практические речевые навыки и другие умения как в английском, так и русском языках.

Следует отметить, что в ходе осознания учащимися инокультурных особенностей происходит формирование собственной культурно-лингвистической (а учитывая метапрадметность преподавания английского языка) и исторической самоидентификации, что непосредственно связано с задачей патриотического воспитания подрастающего поколения, как главной составляющей современной государственной  образовательной  политики. При этом формирование патриотического мировоззрения осуществляется не в противопоставлении собственной культурной и государственной уникальности другим культурам и историям стран изучаемого языка, а в ходе овладения фактологией активного и плодотворного интеллектуального вклада собственной страны в общемировую культуру и науку. Мы убеждены, что подобный подход позволяет избежать вульгаризации темы патриотического воспитания и соблюсти баланс между культурным и историческим самоуважением с одной стороны и уважением чужих культур и историй с другой.

Text #1 for translation classes (elementary/lower-intermediate levels)

Based on Шленкина В.И., «Английский язык. Социальная психология или что должен знать каждый подросток? Современное образование, Москва, 1997 г.»

What everyone should know about themselves

Text 1

Being a young person you should know that becoming an adult is very difficult. It’s important to know that everybody has a hard time growing up, that everybody has feelings that are sometimes difficult to understand and deal with, that everybody has problems with parents and that everybody needs friends.
Understanding feelings, relationships and attitude is the first step in dealing with them. Let’s begin with your feelings.
Everyone has feelings, even if they can’t always describe them accurately. Anger is a feeling, so is joy, so is sadness, so is fear. Basically, there are two kinds of feelings: pleasant and unpleasant. When two opposite feelings occur at the same time, people say that they have mixed feelings. They become confused and often don’t know how to act, like when someone really hurts you. The way you feel at different times tells you a lot about yourself and what is important to you.
The strength of your feelings tells you how important the feeling is. That, too, tells you a lot about yourself. Everybody wants to be happy, to experience joy, love, affection and all other good feelings. Happy feelings aren’t a problem. Just enjoy them. But uncomfortable feelings get in the way of happy feelings. They prevent you from feeling good by draining your energy.
To begin to understand your feelings find a quiet place where you can sit down and think.  We shall help you to understand yourself more.   

Ok, as agreed I'm posting here  the adapted version (elementary-pre intermediate levels) of the text "What people will do and will not do" and attaching my lesson plan for Translation classes.

What people will do and will not do

There are always things that people will do and things that people will not do.  They will easily do things that are told them many times. We know that 70 percent of the people will agree with what they are told many times. And they will repeat somebody else’s’ nice phrases as their own because people like looking nice and right.
There are also things that people will never do. They will never do something what is against their interests. People do not accept new ideas or changes easily. They will not support changes if they can possibly fight against it. It is also difficult for the people to stand against the opinion of the majority. That is why the old saying goes that “people follow like sheep”.
Certainly there are many exceptions to these general rules. But we should concentrate on rules but exceptions when we plan our policies and strategies.
Let me put an example of how those rules work in real life. When you want somebody to do something willingly never start with saying that you are about to prove something to him or her from the position of knowledge. It might built a stone wall and close his or her mind. The reason for that is that it might look as you try to demonstrate the person that you are more important or more powerful than he/she is. Instead you should make an impression that what you are trying to ask the person to do is, in fact, his or her idea.
This is the best way to handle people in various situations we encounter in our everyday life.

Учебно-методический комплект (английский язык)

1.   Учебник английского языка А. Стар «Английский язык. Основной курс», под редакцией профессора Шлёнкиной В.И.

Unit 1. “Holidays. Day Off”;
Unit 2. “Travelling”;
Unit 3. Reading books”;
Unit 4. “Meals”;
Unit 5. “Home”;
Unit 6. “Sports”;
Unit 7. “Geography”;
Unit 8. “Seasons”;
Unit 9. “Town”;
Unit 10. “Shops and Shopping”;
Unit 11. “Theater, Cinema and Television”;
Unit 12. “The Great Patriotic War”;
Unit 13. “Customs, Traditions, and Holidays”;
Unit 14. “Literature”;
Unit 15. “At the Doctor’s”;
Unit 16. “My Future Profession”.

2.   Английский язык. Вечные  темы. Анита Стар, под редакцией  профессора Шлёнкиной В.И., 2013 год.
3.   “50 Rules Kids won’t Learn in School” (Learning English and Making a Step to Being Healthy, Wealthy and Wise). Анита Стар, под редакцией профессора Шлёнкиной В.И., 2014 год.
4.   «Английский язык. Социальная психология или Что должен знать каждый подросток?», профессор Шлёнкина В.И., 1997 г.
5.   «Английский язык. Психология делового общения», к.ф.н., профессор Шлёнкина В.И., 1997 г.
6.   «Английский язык. Вечные темы»;
7.   Speaking, Reading and Writing, Анита Стар, под редакцией профессора Шлёнкиной В.И., 2009 г.
8.   Practical Grammar, Збарская А.В., 2008 г.
9.   «Английский язык. Культура», профессор Шлёнкина В.И., 2000 г.
10.     «A look at English and Аmerican Literature». Аудиокурс 1,профессор Шлёнкина В.И., Белостоцкий Ю.Г., Матвеев С.Г. 2005г.
11.    Listening and Speaking, Анита Стар, под редакцией профессора Шлёнкиной В.И., 2008 г.
12.    А. Стар "Beginners' Course". Анита Стар, под редакцией профессора Шлёнкиной В.И., 2012 год.

One more time about how to prepare a notebook for each lesson:

1. The date should be written in the top right corner as below;

June 4, 2016

2. The classwork and homework should be written in the centre of the page below the date.

3. The heading for mistakes' correction should be just "Correction".

4. Classwork, homework, correction as well as the date should be neatly underlined.

Что заставит англичан рассвирепеть?

Вот эта запись с камеры наблюдения на обыкновенном жилом доме (смотрите ниже) вызвала целую волну возмущения. Женщине, которая непонятно из каких побуждений засунула кота в мусорный бак с крышкой, угрожали смертью по почте и в телефонных звонках.
Постепенно все затихло, но то что произошло явно демонстрирует особенное отношение англичан к животным. Иногда кажется, что животных они любят больше, чем людей. И, наверное, в чем то они правы. Ведь у человека есть воля и голос. Животные безответны и поэтому очень уязвимы.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1xuLs7BCeo" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1xuLs7BCeo</a>

Английский язык / Re: British School Newsletter
« : 13 октября 2016, 08:44:20 »
В Великобритании лучшие университеты, когда принимают абитуриентов на первый курс, не полагаются исключительно на результаты английского аналога ЕГЭ. Они проводят собеседования исход которых является решающим фактором для поступления в Оксфорд или Кембридж.

В этом году Оксфорд наконец решился обнародовать примерный список вопросов, которые задают приемные комиссии разных факультетов соискателям.

Например, абитуриентов факультета иностранных языков могут спросить: “What makes a novel or a play political?” Поступающих на факультеты философии, политологии или экономики могут попросить порассуждать о том “What exactly do you think is involved in blaming someone?”

Профессор математики университета Оксфорда Дю Сатой вспоминает, что когда он проходил собеседование много лет назад, первый вопрос, который ему задал экзаменатор был: "Вы сможете заменить мне лампочку?" Нынешний профессор начал в панике соображать какой математический аспект может содержаться в вопросе сколько математиков потребуется, чтобы заменить одну лампочку. А оказалось, что лампочка просто перегорела и его действительно попросили помочь вкрутить новую.

В общем, собеседование в Оксфорде это тест на склад ума, эрудицию и.... чувство юмора. Последнего я и вам желаю, уважаемые друзья!  ;) 



In writing the homework, the teacher needs to indicate clearly the Unit, page and exercise numbers.  For example:
1.   Unit 9 (Town), page 8, text 1 ("Moscow through the eyes of an American").
-   read the text with the speaker at the speed of the speaker three times (track no. 1).

2.   Pages 14-16 (exercises to text 1);
-   do exercises I, II and III (II and III);
-       get ready for classroom reading assessment;
-       listen to track no.3 while you read the text and imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation.

3.   Page 6, grammar exercise V (track no. 3).
-   react to the statements according to the example.
-      get ready to demonstrate your skills to the teacher.

4.   Page 6, exercise 6 (translation, track no. 4).
-   Translate the sentences using the complex objects. Check with the key on the memory stick.

5.   Page 30 (Home reading), text (A small Russian town, track no. 15);
-   read with the speaker at the speed of the speaker (three times), translate and understand.
-   make up 10 questions to the text (in writing);
-       listen to the story;
-       give the gist of the story;
-       get ready to retell the story in the class;
-       put 10 questions to the text;
-       make up 5-7 sentences of your own using vocabulary words;
-       make up a story about yourself using vocabulary phrases and structures.


The beginning of the lesson

Hello! (Good morning! Good afternoon!)
Take off your jackets, please.
Close the door, please.
How are you today?
How are you getting on?
How's life?
How are things with you?
Are you feeling better today, Vasya?
Write the date on the board, please.
Andrey isn’t here today. He is not well.
Let's begin our lesson now.
Is everybody ready to start?
I hope you are all ready for your English lesson.
I think we can start now.
Now we can get down to work.

Pupils late to class

Where have you been?
We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing?
Did you miss your bus/train/taxi/airplane/interstellar shuttle?
Did you oversleep?
Don't let it happen again.

I'm waiting for you to be quiet.
We won't start until everyone is quiet.
Stop talking and be quiet.
Settle down now so we can start.
Have you done your homework?
Take out your books, please.
Open your books at page 33, please /Turn to page 33, please.
Come out and write it on the board.
Finish off this exercise at home.

Pay attention, everybody.
You need pencils (pens).
We'll learn how to ...
Are you ready?

Everybody, please.
All together now.
The whole class, please.
I want you all to join in.
Could you try the next one?
I would like you to write this down.
Would you mind switching the lights on?

Nastya, share your book with Varya, please.
Exercise one at the top of page three.
Put on (put down) your headphones, please.
Listen to the tape, please.

Which exercise are we doing?
Work on your own.
Have you got a pencil?
Can I borrow your rubber?
Can you lend me a rubber, please?
Put your hand up if you know the answer.
Ready? Let’s start. Sasha, you start.
What did you say Alina?
Just a moment. Wait a minute. Hold on a second. Hang on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.

Has everyone got a sheet of paper (a notebook)?
Put your textbooks in your schoolbags. The activity books.
A piece of chalk. The chalk is finished.
Look this way.
Stop talking.
Listen to what ... is saying.
Leave that alone now.
Be careful.

Please repeat after me.
Could you repeat that, please?
First listen, and then repeat. Say it with me.
Give me some more examples, please.
Do you understand?
First of all, today, ...
Right. Now we will go on to the next exercise.
Have you finished?
For the last thing today, let's ...
Whose turn is it to read?
Which question are you on?
Next one, please.
Who hasn't answered yet?
Let me explain what I want you to do next.
The idea of this exercise is for you to ...
You have ten minutes to do this.
Your time is up.

Georgy, read the next sentence. Can you read this word?
Look at exercise two. Could you read the instructions, please?
Keep going.
Can you speak louder?
What does …. mean? Can you spell it, please?
How do you spell … , please?
Everybody work individually.
Work by yourselves.
Work independently.
What about this word?

What's the Russian for "neighbourhood"?
Explain it in your own words.
It's spelt with a capital "U".
Can anybody correct this sentence?
Fill in the missing words.

Feedback: encouragement and error correction


Very good. That's very good. Well done. Very fine. That's nice. I like that. Marvellous!   You did a great job. Magnificent! Terrific! Wow! Jolly good! Great stuff!    Fantastic! Right! Quite right. That's right. That's it. That's correct. That's quite right. Yes, you've got it. You've got the idea. That's much better. That's a lot better. You've improved a lot. You have good pronunciation. Your pronunciation is very good. You are communicating well. You speak very fluently. You have made a lot of progress. You're getting better at it all the time.

Neutral comments

It depends. It might be, I suppose. In a way, perhaps. Sort of, yes. That's more like it. Not really. You've almost got it. You're on the right lines. There's no need to rush. There's no hurry. We have plenty of time. Go on. Have a try. Have a go. Have a guess.


Unfortunately not. I'm afraid that's not quite right. You can't say that, I'm afraid. You can't use that word here. Good try, but not quite right. Have another try. Not quite right. Try again. Not exactly. You were almost right. That's almost it. You're halfway there.    You still have some trouble with pronunciation. You need more practice with these words. You'll have to spend some time practising this.

Finishing class

Close your books.
Put your books away.
Pack your things away.
You may pack away now
Put your books and pencils away/ in your bag”
Okay, time up. Close down all the programmes but don’t turn the computers off.
The bell hasn't gone yet.
I don’t remember hearing a bell.
There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
One more thing before you go.
Where are you going?/ Where do you think you are going?
Back to your places.
You can’t go until you all…
Why are you packing your bags already?
Did anyone tell you to pack your bags?”/ “Did I say you can go?… I thought not”
Oh, whoops. That’s the bell already/ Is it that time already? Before you go, we have to… It’ll only take a minute
That’s all for today
We’ve run out of time
Is that the bell I hear?
Well, you can all stay here and carry on speaking if you like…
It’s almost time to stop.
I’m afraid it’s time to finish now.
We’ll have to stop there.
There’s the bell. It’s time to stop.
That’s all for today. You can go now.
Can you put all the chairs and tables back into their original places.
This is your homework for tonight.
Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework.
Prepare the next text for Monday.
There is no homework today.
Remember your homework.
Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
Whose book/ eraser/ ruler/ dictionary/ pencil case/ coat/ hat/ scarf is this?/
Has someone forgotten a…?

Goodbye, everyone!
See you again next Friday!
See you tomorrow afternoon!
See you in room 412 after the break.
Have a good holiday!
Enjoy your vacation!

Everybody outside!
All of you get outside now!
Hurry up and get out!
Try not to make any noise as you leave.
Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.


In writing the homework, the teacher needs to indicate clearly the Unit, page and exercise numbers.  For example:
1.   Unit 9 (Town), page 8, text 1 ("Moscow through the eyes of an American").
-   read the text with the speaker at the speed of the speaker three times (track no. 1).

2.   Pages 14-16 (exercises to text 1);
-   do exercises I, II and III (II and III);
-       get ready for classroom reading assessment;
-       listen to track no.3 while you read the text and imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation.

3.   Page 6, grammar exercise V (track no. 3).
-   react to the statements according to the example.
-      get ready to demonstrate your skills to the teacher.

4.   Page 6, exercise 6 (translation, track no. 4).
-   Translate the sentences using the complex objects. Check with the key on the memory stick.

5.   Page 30 (Home reading), text (A small Russian town, track no. 15);
-   read with the speaker at the speed of the speaker (three times), translate and understand.
-   make out 10 questions to the text (in writing);
-       listen to the story;
-       give the gist of the story;
-       get ready to retell the story in the class;
-       put 10 questions to the text;
-       make up5-7 sentences of your own using vocabulary words;
-       make up a story about yourself using vocabulary phrases and structures.

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