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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 09 марта 2017, 11:44:41 »
6. Whatever you say - i can't believe you. I'm sure that we will win and it is true.
7. My young brother is going to reach 18 years soon. His dream is - to be sea admiral.
8. I want you, to look at the real world. Exams are in a month, and you are still not serious.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 января 2017, 11:42:29 »
Page 4 Ex 1

1) Can you repair your car yourself? Oh, no! I've never repaired my car by myself.
2) Would you like me to repair it? Oh, no! You never be able to do it. It's too old.
3 ) Can you drive a car? Oh, no! I've never driven a car like this.
4) Would you like me to drive you to the railway station? Of course, i would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I've got too many suitcases and i need bigger car than yours.
5) Can you play chess? Oh, no! I've never played chess.
6) Would you like me to teach you? Of course, i would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I'm too old and dull for that.
7) Can you try to speak English to him? Oh, no! I've never spoken English to him.
8. Would you like me to try to speak English to him? Of course, i would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. I'm sure he won't understand a word.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 15 ноября 2016, 14:03:04 »
Peter's Visits to Foreign Quater and his Marriage
France Lefort the Swiss soldier. Was an experienced officer, handsome, capable and well-connected. He became one of Peter's most trusted friends.
Peter was a tsar, a regular guest of France Leforts house. He learned to speak German and Dutch, danced with girls, drank wine and smoked his pipe.Two months after his wedding he left for lake Plesheevo.
Alexander Menshikov destined to become another of the tsar's closest confidants.
Anna Mons is daughter of a dutch wie merchant and soon became Peter's lover.
Peter's mother was horrified. She decided to encouraging him to settle down, She decided Peter should get married.
Evdokia Lyupokina was Peter's bride. She was nineteen years old. She seemed an ideal match - tall, beautiful, sensible and extremal.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 ноября 2016, 14:03:45 »
                                                                        1 ex.
1) Oh, no! I've never repaired my car.
2) Of course, I would, but it's hardy possible. You'll never be able to do it. It's too old.
3) Oh, no! I've never drove a car.
4) Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I've have to many suitcases and I need a bigger can then yours.
5) Oh no! I've never played chess.
6) Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I'm too old and dull for that.
7) Oh no! I've never tried to speak English to him.
8) Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I'm sure he won't understand a word.

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 06 октября 2016, 10:42:50 »

3 7 1 6  2 4


2 3 3 1 2 2 1
















3 5 7 1 4 2 6

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 04 октября 2016, 14:01:25 »














Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 04 октября 2016, 13:57:47 »
Вариант 2.


A) 5



Английский язык / Re: World Writers
« : 06 сентября 2016, 13:47:39 »
Mark Twain’s biography
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, entrepreneur, publisher and lecturer. Among his novels are The adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "The Great American Novel".
Twain was raised in Hannibal, Missouri, which later provided the setting for Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. After an apprenticeship with a printer, Twain worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to the newspaper of his older brother, Orion Clemens. He later became a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River before heading west to join Orion in Nevada. He referred humorously to his lack of success at mining, turning to journalism for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In 1865, his humorous story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County", was published, based on a story he heard at Angels Hotel in Angels Camp, California, where he had spent some time as a miner. The short story brought international attention, and was even translated into classic Geek. His wit and satire, in prose and in speech, earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty.
Though Twain earned a great deal of money from his writings and lectures, he invested in ventures that lost a great deal of money, notably the Paige Compositor, a mechanical typesetter, which failed because of its complexity and imprecision. In the wake of these financial setbacks, he filed for protection from his creditors via bankruptcy, and with the help of Henry Huttleston Rogers eventually overcame his financial troubles. Twain chose to pay all his pre-bankruptcy creditors in full, though he had no legal responsibility to do so.
Twain was born shortly after a visit by Halley's Comet, and he predicted that he would "go out with it", too. He died the day after the comet returned. He was lauded as the "greatest American humorist of his age", and William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature".

Mark Twain’s childhood.
   In November 1835, Halley's Comet streaked through the sky in a flash of light that delighted crowds around the world. Two weeks later, on 30 November 1835, in the small town of Florida, Missouri, John and Jane Lampton Clemens welcomed their sixth child into the world. They named him Samuel Langhorne Clemens (and twenty-odd years later young Sam would rename himself Mark Twain). Three years after Samuel came into the world, his parents' seventh and last child was born, a son named Henry. A year after that, the family moved to Hannibal, Missouri.

Английский язык / World Writers
« : 06 сентября 2016, 13:45:48 »
We have the biography of the most famous world writers here.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 10 мая 2016, 11:55:43 »
                        N 42.
1) What are the most popular sigths of the city?
2) What is the price for family of three?
3) Do you have any recommendations?
4) What services can provide me during my trip?
5) How many people are going to this trip?

                         N 43.
1) The photo was taken when i was in Safari.
You can see me sitting on the car in the middle of the picture.
We can see the car which is going through the Safari with different animals.
I'm keeping this photo in my album, because it is very cool and dangerous.
I decided to show it to you, because you can see me here, when i was first time in Afrika.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 мая 2016, 12:05:23 »
                                                              Вариант №9.     Nikita Matveev
10) 1527368
11) 315672
12) 4
13) 3
14) 1
15) 3
16) 2
17) 4
18) 2
19) us
20) would come
21) became
22) was given
23) first
24) does not need
25) were
26) calculation
27) chemical
28) swimmers
29) happiness
30) really
31) successful
32) 3
33) 3
34) 4
35) 3
36) 2
37) 4
38) 2


                                                      Битва за Москву

Наступление на Москву было предпринято в конце сентября, после того, как силы вермахта смогли сломить сопротивление частей Красной Армии под Смоленском. В этом наступлении было задействовано более половины сил фашистов, находившихся на советско-германской границе.
Задачей группы «Центр» стало осуществление плана «Тайфун». В результате немцы смогли глубоко вклиниться в тыл советских войск и окружить четыре армии под Вязьмой и две – под Брянском. Тогда в фашистский плен попали более 660 тыс. советских солдат.

У Красной Армии отсутствовали резервы за линией фронта. Только героическое сопротивление советских войск позволило сковать силы 28 немецких дивизий. Вырваться из окружения удалось очень малой части солдат. Но, это дало время на то, чтобы организовать оборону Москвы. В итоге германским войскам удалось подойти к столице на расстояние 20-30 км.

К началу декабря 1941 года фашисты заняли Химки перейдя канал Москва – Волга. На востоке войска вермахта перешли Нару и вышли к Кашире. Решение об эвакуации предприятий и правительственных учреждений было принято ГКО еще 8 октября. Город перешел на осадное положение. В октябре в Москву были переброшены войска из глубины страны. Ориентируясь на полученную от разведки информацию о том, что Япония не желает вступать в войну с СССР, руководство решилось на переброску войск с Дальнего Востока.

В этот сложнейший момент главнокомандующим западным фронтом назначен Жуков Г.К. К концу ноября 1941 года немцам удалось взять Клин. И на этом их дальнейшее продвижение, наконец, было остановлено. Передовые германские части утратили пробивную способность в силу того, что фронт растянулся. А начавшиеся холода стали причиной частых отказов техники. К ведению боевых действий в столь сложных погодных условиях личный состав вермахта был не готов. Огромной силы психологическое давление было оказано на немецких солдат и героизмом людей, защищающих свою Родину. Эти два фактора привели к падению боевого духа германских войск, что стало
серьезным просчетом немецкого руководства.

Положение Красной Армии оставалось крайне тяжелым. Но, несмотря на это, на Красной площади 7 ноября 1941 года состоялся военный парад, на котором с патриотической речью выступил Сталин. Войска с Красной Площади шли прямо на передовую. Парад произвел огромное впечатление на граждан СССР.

Никита Матвеев 10

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 28 апреля 2016, 12:20:09 »
1) 431627
2) 2113311
3) 3
4) 1
5) 2
6) 2
7) 3
8) 2
9) 3
10) 7425861
11) 316745
12) 2
13) 3
14) 4
15) 4
16) 2
17) 4
18) 4
19) him
20) has been celebrated
21) shortest
22) greatest
23) to cook
24) was build
25) more
26) population
27) impossible
28) sticky
29) different
30) unknow

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 26 апреля 2016, 12:09:49 »
In the first picture we can see people who graduated from college. They have special college clothes. And in the second photo we can see pupils, i think that they came back from school.
Also these pictures are different : age of people, cloth, type of educaion.
I'd prefer photo number 1 because they are so happy about finishing their university.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 апреля 2016, 12:18:09 »
     Confusing wordsand false friends 1.

1. Aboard / Abroad
More and more people go abroad for their holiday.
In 2002, she became the first woman to travel aboard the space shuttle Discovery.
2. Action / Activity
We decidedto take immediate action when we realised there 4. was a problem.
The environmental changes in the area are the result of human activity.
3. Advice / Advise
Can you advise me on the best course of action to take?
He offered me some excellent advice.
4. Affect / Effect
Diverting the course of the river will have a major effect on the local ecosystem.
Frequent traffic jams in the suburbs seriously affect journey times into the city.
5. Appreciable / Appreciative
Widening the road made an appreciable difference to theflow of traffic.
The applause at the end of the concert was warm and appreciative..
6. Avoid / Prevent
Rapid internationalaction managed to prevent an environmental disaster from taking place.
There are areas in the city that are wise to avoid after dark.
7. Beside / Besides
The company's main office is becide the railway station.
Becides their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening.
8. Briefly / Shortly
Briefly before the earthquake began, many animals were seen t be behaving in an unusual manner.
She spoke shortly but passionately about the need to help those in developing countries.
9. Canal / Channel
A canal system joined the two main rivers, which made transporting goods much quicker.
When television first became popular in the early 1950s, thre was only one channel.
10. Conscientious / Conscious
Most people are consious of the need to protect the environment.
Conscientious workers should be rewarded for their hard work.
11. Considerable / Considerate
In my opinion, some people are not very considerate of those around them.
A considerable amount of money was spent on developing the product.
12. Continual / Continuous
The computer system has given us continual problems ever since we installed it. Some days it works, other days doesn't.
The continuous noise from the new motorway has forcedmany people to move.

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