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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #359 : 04 марта 2017, 23:24:33 »
A hot potato

Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

The abortion issue is currently a hot potato in the United States

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #358 : 01 марта 2017, 19:07:09 »

Have egg's on one's face
Look foolish or be embarrassed
 If you ask any more personal questions, you'll end up with egg on your face.

a nest egg
an amount of money that you have saved
Regular investment of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.

butter-and-egg man
A wealthy, unworldly person who spends freely when in the big city.
Sam always wants to show off his money when he comes to visit us in the city, but he can't fool me—I know he's really just a butter-and-egg man!

kill the goose that lays the golden egg
to destroy something that makes a lot of money
 If you sell your shares now, you could be killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

sure as eggs
something that you say when you are certain about what is going to happen or what someone will do
He'll be back again next week asking for more money, sure as eggs is eggs.

egg someone on
to encourage, urge, or dare someone to continue doing something, usually something unwise.
John wouldn't have done the dangerous experiment if his brother hadn't egged him on.

don't put all your eggs in one basket
Don't focus all of your attention on one thing or in one area, in case that situation changes or goes awry.
 I know you love Harvard, but don't put all your eggs in one basket—make sure to apply to several other schools too.

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #357 : 01 марта 2017, 10:01:32 »

By the book

If you do something by the book, you do it strictly according to the rules or the official procedures.
Caught red-handed
If someone is caught red-handed, they are caught in the act of doing something wrong such as cheating or stealing.
Cook the books | cook the accounts
If someone cooks the books, or cooks the accounts, they keep inaccurate accounts for a business, usually in order to pay less tax.
Cover your tracks
If you cover your tracks, you make sure no-one can find evidence of what you've done.
Face the music
If someone has to face the music, they have to accept the consequences of doing something wrong.
Fall from grace
If you fall from grace, you do something that results in a loss of respect and support, especially among those who influence your life or career.
Feather your own nest
If you feather your own nest, you use your position or your job illegally for personal gain.
Grease someone's palm INFORMAL
If you grease someone's palm, you pay them a bribe.
Keep your nose clean
If you keep your nose clean, you stay out of trouble by making sure you don't do anything wrong.

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #356 : 25 февраля 2017, 22:19:18 »
     The preparatiion to what exactly lesson can take years, I wonder.

I've exaggerated a little bit here, just a figure of speech !

Оффлайн born to be wild

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #355 : 24 февраля 2017, 22:29:36 »
Though the question wasn't adressed to me, my favourite expression is off and running and I use it from time to time^

 The preparation for a complicated lesson was going to take years
, but as I was off and running, it appeared I would be able to finish it within the deadline.
     The preparatiion to what exactly lesson can take years, I wonder.

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #354 : 24 февраля 2017, 22:12:00 »

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #353 : 24 февраля 2017, 19:44:34 »
I know you like sports. Which of the idioms used in post #351 is your favourite?!

Though the question wasn't adressed to me, my favourite expression is off and running and I use it from time to time^

 The preparation for a complicated lesson was going to take years, but as I was off and running, it appeared I would be able to finish it within the deadline.

Оффлайн born to be wild

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #352 : 24 февраля 2017, 19:35:07 »
I know you like sports. Which of the idioms used in post #351 is your favourite one?

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #351 : 24 февраля 2017, 17:04:21 »
Английские идиомы о спорте

kick off (something) – начинать нечто, запускать мероприятие или проект
Это выражение обозначает вбрасывание мяча, с которого начинается матч, в частности – в американском футболе.
I'm going to kick off the discussion with a few questions.

get the ball rolling – начинать что-нибудь
Let's get the ball rolling on this project tomorrow.

off and running – хорошо стартовать
Our team was off and running in the race to get this player.

par for the course – естественное или ожидаемое в данной ситуации
Being late is par for the course with this lecturer.

home straight (stretch) – на финишной прямой
Так называется последняя дистанция, проходимая на скачках.
I've been preparing for the exam since last Monday, but I'm finally on the home straight.

in the homestretch – последний этап
The investigation into the downing of the plane is now in the homestretch.

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #350 : 23 февраля 2017, 12:03:45 »
Cry Wolf

to call help when you don't need it.

Don’t pay attention to Peter; he’s only crying wolf.

The origin of the expression 'cry wolf' comes from one of Aesop’s Fables, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. In the story, a young shepherd amuses himself by calling for help, saying a wolf is threatening his flock when nothing is really happening. He cries wolf so often that when a wolf actually menaces the flock, no one comes to help.

Оффлайн Ксюша

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #349 : 21 февраля 2017, 15:58:47 »
Забавные английские выражения.
"Супер-пупер", "чики-пики", "елки-палки" на английском.

Arty-farty - претенциозный
Boogie-woogie - буги-вуги
Chick-flick - фильм о женщинах
Chock-a-block - битком набитый
Eency-weency (incy-wincy) - крошечный
Fuddy-duddy - человек с отсталыми взглядами; консерватор
Fuzzy-wuzzy - sl. кудрявый
Hanky-panky - мошенничество, обман, проделки; распущенность, безнравственность, флирт
Harum-scarum - безрассудный, легкомысленный
Heebie-jeebies - мурашки по коже; мандраж
Helter-skelter - неразбериха, суматоха; как попало, кое-как
Higgledy-piggledy - как придётся, в беспорядке, кое-как
Hob-nob дружеская - беседа, разговор по душам
Hocus-pocus - фокус-покус
Hodge-podge - мешанина, всякая всячина
Hoity-toity - задаваться: Oh hoity-toity, are we? - Ну конечно, где уж нам!
Hokey-pokey - фокус-покус; мошенничество
Hubble-bubble - бульканье, журчанье; шум, гам; гул
Hugger-mugger - беспорядок, неразбериха
Hurly-burly - волнение, переполох
Itsy-bitsy/itty-bitty - крошечный
Jeepers-creepers - черт возьми!
Lardy-dardy - фифа
Lovey-dovey - влюблённый, томящийся от любви
Mumbo-jumbo - бессмысленное бормотание, бессмысленный текст
Namby-pamby - сентиментальный; жеманный
Nitty-gritty - практически важный; будничный, но жизненно необходимый
Okey-dokey - OK
Pell-mell - беспорядочно, как придётся; очертя голову
Raggle-taggle - плохо организованный; разнородный, разношёрстный
Razzle-dazzle - кутёж; мошенничество; броская реклама
Rumpy-pumpy - половой акт
Shilly-shally - нерешительно, неуверенно
Teenie-weenie - крохотный, крошечный, малюсенький
Topsy-turvy - вверх дном, шиворот-навыворот
Walkie-talkie - "воки-токи", переносная рация
Willy-nilly - волей-неволей

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #348 : 18 февраля 2017, 16:59:50 »
Castles in the air

 Daydreaming about success (строить) воздушные замки   

Instead of working hard, he spends time building castles in the air.

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #347 : 18 февраля 2017, 16:13:24 »
Идиомы о доме, или "home" idioms

Keep the home fires burning (досл. «сохранять домашние огни горящими») Если Ваш знакомый обеспокоен тем, что в его отсутствие некому будет побеспокоится о его хозяйстве или рабочих делах, можете прийти к нему на помощь и уверить его в том, что вы будете keep the home fires burning, то есть следить за тем, чтобы все шло как прежде.
Например: Please, don’t worry. I will stay home and keep the home fires burning while you are on holiday. (Пожалуйста, не беспокойся, я останусь дома и буду присматривать за хозяйством, пока ты в отпуске.)

Until the cows come home (досл. «до тех пор, пока коровы не вернутся домой») Собираясь на вечеринку, молодые американцы предупреждают домашних, что их не будет дома, until the cows come home. Но не стоит ждать от них выпонения данного обещания и высматривать из окна, когда же на улице появятся коровы, ведь этим выражением они хотели сказать, что вернутся очень поздно.
Например: I’m going to the party tonight. So I plan to stay out until the cows go home. (Я иду сегодня на вечеринку, так что собираюсь пробыть в гостях допоздна.)

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #346 : 16 февраля 2017, 12:06:30 »
Fat chance
Meaning: We use the expression “fat chance” to refer to something that is incredibly unlikely. Bizarrely, and contrary to what one might expect, the related expression “slim chance” means the same thing.

Example: “We might win the Lottery.” “Fat chance.”

Origins: The origins of this expression are unclear, but the use of the word “fat” is likely to be a sarcastic version of saying “slim chance”. A similar expression is “Chance would be a fine thing”, which refers to something that one would like to happen, but that is very unlikely.

Оффлайн Кристюшa

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #345 : 15 февраля 2017, 14:58:55 »
Earworm или Brainworm

Навязчивая мелодия

Слово earworm — это калька от немецкого Ohrwurm.Самое раннее известные использование — в новелле Десмонда Бэгли 1978 года «Свободные» (Flyaway).

An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm, sticky music, or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing.

