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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор: Ann
« : 17 сентября 2016, 23:22:12 »

                                                   The English Alphabet

    Are you one of those unfortunate people who speak English very well but at once become worried when your teacher asks you to write? Don’t be worried. Remember that a lot of English people have the same problem. Near my home there are at least two notices wrongly spelt and a lot of English people who are otherwise quite clever have to use dictionaries. What is wrong with this, for example: ‘Ould cars bought here’? The problem is this silly spelling, of course. As all those who read, know it just isn’t logical.

To be continued...   
    The English people who cannot write correctly are not considered to be well educated.
Автор: Ann
« : 24 сентября 2015, 00:16:09 »

                                                   The English Alphabet

    Are you one of those unfortunate people who speak English very well but at once become worried when your teacher asks you to write? Don’t be worried. Remember that a lot of English people have the same problem. Near my home there are at least two notices wrongly spelt and a lot of English people who are otherwise quite clever have to use dictionaries. What is wrong with this, for example: ‘Ould cars bought here’? The problem is this silly spelling, of course. As all those who read, know it just isn’t logical.

To be continued...   
     Oh, yes! Veru few people are educated nowadays.
Автор: Ежик
« : 16 июля 2015, 01:01:45 »

     I remember a funny story from my childhood:" The English write London  but speak Liverpool."
Автор: DS
« : 07 июля 2015, 21:20:08 »

100 английских глаголов движения и действия

Автор: Дети к. Гранта
« : 27 июня 2015, 01:46:41 »

Скажите, как будет по-английски 'как проехать на Трафальгар Сквер'? Ничего личного и никаких проверок. Просто так спросил.

А в английском я полный ноль. Не могу писать, как Шекспир или Оскар Уайлд. Не говоря уже о Джойсе.
     Переводим. How do I get to Trafalgar square?
Автор: admist
« : 10 июня 2015, 15:13:49 »

I spoke good English.

Скажите, как будет по-английски 'как проехать на Трафальгар Сквер'? Ничего личного и никаких проверок. Просто так спросил.

А в английском я полный ноль. Не могу писать, как Шекспир или Оскар Уайлд. Не говоря уже о Джойсе.
Автор: asdfg
« : 10 июня 2015, 13:51:54 »

I spoke good English. But the word «ghoti» not utter. This is a bad word!
Of course there isn't really a word «ghoti» in English, but it does show how ridiculous English spelling is, doesn't it?
Автор: Мышка
« : 06 июня 2015, 00:14:54 »

I spoke good English. But the word «ghoti» not utter. This is a bad word!
Автор: asdfg
« : 05 июня 2015, 18:38:22 »

How do you pronounce in English the word «ghoti»?
Go-tea, g-hotty or jotty? Well, if «gh» is as in «rough», «o» is as in «women», «ti» is as in «station», then «ghoti» is «fish». Of course there isn't really a word «ghoti» in English, but it does show how ridiculous English spelling is, doesn't it? Are you one of those unfortunate people who speak English very well but at once become worried when your teacher asks you to write? Don't be worried. Remember that a lot of English people have the same problem.
Автор: Alesto
« : 04 июня 2015, 13:24:20 »

                                                   The English Alphabet

    Are you one of those unfortunate people who speak English very well but at once become worried when your teacher asks you to write? Don’t be worried. Remember that a lot of English people have the same problem. Near my home there are at least two notices wrongly spelt and a lot of English people who are otherwise quite clever have to use dictionaries. What is wrong with this, for example: ‘Ould cars bought here’? The problem is this silly spelling, of course. As all those who read, know it just isn’t logical.

To be continued...   