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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор: Chocolate
« : Сегодня в 21:49:11 »

To beat the air

Meaning: to do something useless

He was beating the air during the whole lesson.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 26 апреля 2024, 20:25:04 »

To be under the weather

Meaning: to feel ill

I won't go out today, I'm under the weather since morning.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 17 апреля 2024, 16:16:16 »

See eye to eye

Meaning: agreeing with someone.

They finally saw eye to eye on that business deal.”
Автор: Chocolate
« : 24 марта 2024, 18:38:04 »

Speak of the devil

Meaning: the person you’re just talking about actually appears right at that moment.

Hi Jane, speak of the devil, I was just telling my friend about your new hobby.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 23 марта 2024, 19:25:26 »

The best of both worlds

Meaning: you can enjoy two different opportunities just at the same time.

By working part-time and studying at magistrature every evening I managed to get the best of both worlds.
Автор: Alexey S
« : 11 марта 2024, 10:40:17 »

A blessing in disguise

Meaning: a good thing that seemed bad at first

My best friend turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Автор: Ann
« : 17 мая 2022, 21:57:27 »

Keep at Bay

To prevent someone / something from reaching, attacking, or affecting you.
That kid is very problematic; I am doing my best to keep him at bay.

Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.

I wish I liked oranges more!

Автор: DAS
« : 28 апреля 2022, 20:54:58 »

I used to use this expression very often.

I also heard it from one of the native speakers many years ago, didn't get its meaning at first and had to look it up in the dictionary. I've been using it quite frequently ever since.
Автор: Ann
« : 09 апреля 2022, 18:37:02 »

Call it a Day

To stop what you are doing because you don't want to do it anymore or you think you've done enough

I am too tired, let's call it a day
It's such good weather, let's stop working and call it a day!

I used to use this expression very often.
Автор: DAS
« : 14 декабря 2021, 23:17:22 »

Call it a Day


To stop what you are doing because you don't want to do it anymore or you think you've done enough


I am too tired, let's call it a day

It's such good weather, let's stop working and call it a day!

Автор: DAS
« : 02 декабря 2021, 18:48:24 »

Shoot the Breeze


spend time chatting, useless talking or chit-chat

to discuss unimportant things or exaggerate the truth


They have spent the whole afternoon just shooting the breeze in the office.
My customers always want to shoot the breeze with me before they say what they were coming to purchase.
Instead of shooting the breeze for so long, she should get to work.

Автор: DAS
« : 18 ноября 2021, 20:11:50 »

Be Head over Heels


To be  very much in love with someone. It is often used to describe the feelings that typically occur at the beginning of a relationship.


I have been head over heels about my girlfriend since the day I met her.

You should't be head over heels about this guy, he doesn't seem to like you that much

Автор: Ann
« : 12 ноября 2021, 22:28:48 »

It's much easier to live with such attitude. However, it should be treated with care when it comes to relationships with close people and other essential things.

     Couldn't agree more!
Автор: DAS
« : 09 ноября 2021, 21:02:53 »

On the Dot


exactly on time
at a precise time

Example Sentences

We were asked to be there at five on the dot.

The Metro train arrived at five o’clock on the dot.

Автор: DAS
« : 08 ноября 2021, 19:39:20 »

Where the Rubber Meets the Road


when you have to face your challenges

when theory becomes a practice

Example Sentences

John had an excellent idea for a project, but his colleagues weren’t sure what would happen where the rubber meets the road.

His boss promised the company a raise after January 1st, but they were concerned if it would happen when the rubber meets the road.

All the talk won’t work if the idea fails when the rubber meets the road.
