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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор: Chocolate
« : 26 мая 2024, 11:15:16 »

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Foolish people express ideas and do things too fast. Wise personalities avoid rash actions. So think a while before you say or do anything.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 03 мая 2024, 01:47:01 »

Half a loaf is better than none

We should be grateful for what receive, even though we expect to receive a lot more. The main aim should be to work harder in order to achieve our goals.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 21 апреля 2024, 16:57:45 »

Give a dog a bad name and hang him

If enough bad things are said about some person, they can ruin his reputation even though they may not be true. Some bad rumors may ruin the reputation of any person.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 24 марта 2024, 18:54:50 »

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good

Most things that happen will benefit somebody, somewhere, sometime. But in this case it will be a really disastrous happening that brings no advantages at all.
Автор: Chocolate
« : 23 марта 2024, 19:41:47 »

A new broom sweeps clean

When a new person starts a job, he/she tends to make noticeable changes and carry out the job with thoroughness.
Автор: Alexey S
« : 09 марта 2024, 22:24:17 »

You may lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink

You can persuade a person or guide him only to a certain extent, because the final step can only be taken by the person himself. Thus, you cannot ultimately force a person to do what he or she does not want to do.
Автор: info
« : 13 марта 2023, 17:33:03 »

Автор: Ann
« : 17 мая 2022, 21:47:49 »

An army marches on its stomach 

Meaning: An army needs a regular supply of food in order to keep on fighting

     I've been trying to remember if there is a similar saying in Russian. The one I remembered is "Война войной, а обед по расписанию",  which sounds funny and is much softer.

Автор: DAS
« : 28 апреля 2022, 21:30:23 »

An army marches on its stomach 

Meaning: An army needs a regular supply of food in order to keep on fighting
Автор: DAS
« : 28 апреля 2022, 21:15:56 »

  Hear! Hear!

Unfortunately, there is plenty of hypocrisy nowadays and the skill of detecting people possessing such detrimental quality is crucial in order to keep them at bay.
Автор: Ann
« : 09 апреля 2022, 18:42:25 »

All are not friends that speak us fair 

Meaning: Someone says nice things about you doesn't mean that they are your friend or that they even like you
  Hear! Hear!
Автор: DAS
« : 14 декабря 2021, 23:12:38 »

All hat and no cattle 

Meaning: All talk and appearance and little or no substance
Автор: DAS
« : 02 декабря 2021, 18:50:58 »

All are not friends that speak us fair 

Meaning: Someone says nice things about you doesn't mean that they are your friend or that they even like you
Автор: DAS
« : 24 ноября 2021, 10:24:12 »

Not anymore!

Unfortunately so. Some people who have recently lost their reputation seem not to care about that.
Автор: Ann
« : 19 ноября 2021, 23:36:24 »

A good name is the best of all treasures 

Meaning: Your good reputation is worth more than money

Not anymore!