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Содержание. Часть 2 => Английский язык => Тема начата: yemi от 27 мая 2015, 19:24:00

Название: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: yemi от 27 мая 2015, 19:24:00
How not to get lost in a foreign country!

Do it with me. Do it exactly as I do. Do it better than I do!
Игра 20 мин

Listen to me very carefully and attentively.
Now we are going to play a game which is called: Do it with me. Do it exactly as I do!

(Дети повторяют за учителем один в один все действия)

ЛУР 20 мин
Active Vocabulary
1.  turn left/ turn right – повернуть налево/направо
2. to go straight on, straight ahead – идти прямо
3. to go by taxi/ by bus – ездить на такси/ на автобусе
4. to thank smb.– благодарить кого либо
5. to take the second turn to the right - второй поворот направо
6. to turn around  - развернуться

Word Combinations
Asking  the Way
1.   How do I get to ? – Как мне добраться до?
2.   Should I go straight? – Мне идти прямо?
3.   Excuse me, where is? – Простите,  а где ?
4.   Excuse me. How can I get to this place? – Извините. Как мне добраться до этого места?
5.   Could you tell me how to get to? – Могли бы вы сказать мне, как добраться до…?
6.   Could you help me, please? – Не могли бы Вы мне помочь?
7.   Is it far?  - Далеко ли он?
8.   How far is it from here?  Насколько далеко он отсюда?
9.   Where are we now? – А где мы сейчас?
10.   What's the name of this street? – Как называется эта улица?
11.    How long does it take to get there? – Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы доехать туда?
Thanking People
12.   Thank you for your help – Спасибо за помощь.
13.   That`s OK. That`s all right. Not at all. – Все в порядке. Не за что.
14.   Thank you very much indeed. – Большое спасибо.

  Read, look up and say.

Excuse me, where is the nearest hotel?
Turn left and then go straight ahead
Thanks a lot, bye!
Excuse me, please. Does this bus go to the centre?
No, you`ll have to get off at the bank, and take a 33.
Can you tell me where to get off?
It`s the next stop but one.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Am I OK for Red Square?
No, we only go as far as Kitai-Gorod, but you can walk from there.
How much farther is it?
It`s quite a way yet, but I`ll tell you in good time.
Thanks very much.
That`s OK.
Where exactly do you live?
My address is10, Godovikova Street, apartment 53.
How do I get there?
First right, second left. You can`t miss it.
Is it far to walk?
No, just a couple of  yards.

Excuse me, where is the park?
Turn right.  It's not far.
Excuse me, where is the hotel?
It’s opposite the park.
Where is the park?
Over there!
Excuse me, where's the post office?
Turn left at the traffic lights, it's not far
Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: alexandr-pimenov от 27 мая 2015, 19:26:29
How to do shopping in a foreign country

Active vocabulary
1.   A shop- магазин
Clothes shop- магазин одежды
Food shop- продуктовый магазин

2.   To go shopping- ходить по магазинам
3.   To buy- покупать
I would like to buy something- Я бы хотел купить что-то
4.   Different pairs of shoes- Различные пары обуви
5.   Tight- тесный (здесь: жмут)
6.   Can I help you? - Могу ли я чем-нибудь помочь?
7.   I’m just looking around- Я просто смотрю/оглядываюсь по сторонам
8.   I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please. - Я бы хотел купить пару коричневых туфель, пожалуйста.
9.   What size do you take? - Какой у вас размер?
10.   Would you like to try them on? - Вы хотите их померить?
11.   Can you give me a smaller size?-Вы не могли бы дать размер поменьше?
12.   What’s the price? - Какая цена?
13.   It’s too expensive for me.- Это слишком дорого для меня.
14.   Anything cheaper here? - Здесь есть что-нибудь подешевле?
15.   I will take them. - Я беру их.
16.    Anything else? - Что-нибудь еще?



1.   Translate from English into Russian

1.   I go shopping every day. 2. I usually go to the clothes shop and the food shop. 3. Now I’m going shopping. 4. Now I’m at the clothes shop. 5. I would like to buy shoes. 6. I’m looking around. 7. I would like some nice shoes. 8. What size do you take? 9. I take size 38.  10. Here are different shoes. 11. I would like to try shoes on. 12. The shoes are a bit tight. 12. These shoes are too big. 13. What’s the price? 14. This is too expensive for me. 15. Anything cheaper here? 16. I’ll take this pair/these shoes.

2.   Fill in the gaps

1.   I go… every day. 2. I usually go to the…and the… 3. I’m … shopping now. 4. I…at the clothes shop now. 5. I would like… some shoes. 6. I’m…around. 7. I would like… nice shoes… 8. What…you…?

3.   Complete the sentences

1.   I (be) size 38. 2. Here (be) different shoes. 3. I (would like, try) these shoes on. 4. Can you (give) me (small size)?  5. The shoes (be,tight,a bit). 6. The shoes (be,large,too). 7. (What, be) the price? 8. (It,be) expensive. 9. I (will,them,take).

4.   Read, look up and say

1.   “Can I help you?”
“ I’d like a pair of shoes.”
“What size do you take?”
“I take size 38.”
“ Would you like to try them on?”
“Yes, certainly. They are perfect. What’s the price?”
“It’s too expensive for me but I’ll take them.”

2. “Hello!”
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, please”.
“I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please”.
“Here are different pairs of shoes. Would you like to try them on?”
“Yes, please. They are perfect. I’ll take them. Thank you!”
“Have a nice day!”
“Have a nice day!”

3. “Hello!”
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, please”.
“I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please”.
“Here are different pairs of shoes. Would you like to try them on?”
“Yes, please. The shoes are nice, but a bit tight”.
“Then try on these, sir”.
“These are fine. I’ll take them. Thank you!”



Use a desk as a counter at the shop. Print out the pictures of shoes of different colours and put them on the counter. Prices should also be printed out. Take it in turns to act out the dialogues both as a shop assistant and a customer.

Role-play the dialogues

Dialogue 1

-Can I help you?
-No, thanks. I’m just looking around

Dialogue 2
- Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please.
-Certainly. What size do you take?
- Size 38
-Here you are
-Thank you.

Dialogue 3
-Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please.
-Certainly. What size do you take?
- Size 38
-Here are different pairs of shoes. Would you like to try them on?
-Yes, please. They are perfect. I’ll take them. Thank you!
-Have a nice day!
-Have a nice day!

Dialogue 4
-Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please.
-Here are different pairs of shoes. Would you like to try them on?
-Yes, please. The shoes are nice, but a bit tight.
-Then try on these, sir.
-These are fine. I’ll take them. Thank you!
-Have a nice day!
-Have a nice day!

Dialogue 5

-Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please.
-Here are different pairs of shoes. Would you like to try them on?
-These shoes are too big. Can you give me a smaller size?
-Yes, sure. Are they OK?
-They are perfect. Thank you!
-Have a nice day!
-Have a nice day!


Dialogue 6
-Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-I’d like a pair of brown shoes, please.
-Here you are. Are they OK?
-They are perfect. Thank you! What’s the price?
-20 pounds
-That’s too expensive for me.
-Do you have a cheaper pair?
-Yes, sure. Try this pair on!
-These shoes are just perfect! I’ll take them!
-Anything else?
-No, thanks!
-Have a nice day!
-Have a nice day!

Games on Speech Patterns

We are going to play the game “Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me”.
I’m going to clean the board. Could you possibly clean it?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
There is so much paper/rubbish on the floor. Could you possibly pick it up?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The headphones are on the table. Could you possibly put them back?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It’s too hot (sweltering) in class. Could you open the window?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The door is open. Could you possibly close the door?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It is too noisy in class. Could you possibly settle down?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
You play with your gadgets too much. Could you possibly stop playing with them?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
You are eating and drinking in class. Could you stop doing that?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.

Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: yemi от 27 мая 2015, 20:14:59
How to say "hello", "goodbye", apologize, invite, and express gratitude!


Hi! How are you?
Very well, thank you! And how are you?
Not bad. Thanks.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Peter.
I am John. Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you, too!

Goodbye, and thanks for everything!
You're welcome!!!

Thank you for a lovely evening!
Thank you for your time.

How about going to the cinema tonight?
Sounds great! I'd love to.

Why don't we go for a picnic tomorrow?
Good idea! I'm all for it!!!

I'm sorry, I've lost your book.
Don't worry. That's OK.

Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: info от 19 мая 2016, 23:38:00
                           Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me

    Yemi,  I suggest you use this material (posts  №№ 2, 3 ) in our this year summer school.
Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: asdfg от 20 мая 2016, 21:05:48
                           Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me
Great idea! I'm all for it!
Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: info от 21 мая 2016, 23:26:38
                           Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me

    Yemi,  I suggest you use this material (posts  №№ 2, 3 ) in our this year summer school.
     Жду ответа от Йеми.
Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: V.B. от 16 января 2018, 01:10:24
Speech patterns from alexandr-pimenov (ответ № 2)

Games on Speech Patterns

We are going to play the game “Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me”.
I’m going to clean the board. Could you possibly clean it?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
There is so much paper/rubbish on the floor. Could you possibly pick it up?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The headphones are on the table. Could you possibly put them back?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It’s too hot (sweltering) in class. Could you open the window?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The door is open. Could you possibly close the door?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It is too noisy in class. Could you possibly settle down?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
You play with your gadgets too much. Could you possibly stop playing with them?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
You are eating and drinking in class. Could you stop doing that?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.

The speech patterns could be used now, as well as the game Do it with me, do it exactly as I do, do it better than me.

Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: Ann от 08 мая 2018, 01:15:40
To ASDFG, DAS and Йеми. I suggest you also look through ответы №№ 1, 2, 3.

Games on Speech Patterns

We are going to play the game “Do it with me, do it exactly as I do it, do it better than me”.
I’m going to clean the board. Could you possibly clean it?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
There is so much paper/rubbish on the floor. Could you possibly pick it up?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The headphones are on the table. Could you possibly put them back?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It’s too hot (sweltering) in class. Could you open the window?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
The door is open. Could you possibly close the door?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
It is too noisy in class. Could you possibly settle down?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
You play with your gadgets too much. Could you possibly stop playing with them?
-Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I don’t think I could.
You are eating and drinking in class. Could you stop doing that?
--Oh, yes, I could/Oh,no, I am afraid I couldn’t.
Название: Re: The Plan for English Language at Summer School
Отправлено: DAS от 08 мая 2018, 21:13:44

We'll be able to use all of these during the summer school program