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Сообщения - Golubev

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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 апреля 2013, 19:24:48 »
Dear friends,
nice story, is not it?
Let's enjoy more.
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Мнение о Клубе
« : 25 апреля 2013, 17:40:53 »
Dear friends,
we hope you like our discussion here!
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 17 апреля 2013, 22:42:21 »
Dear friends,
we hope you like our stories; pls enjoy our next joke:

Jim sees two boys running.
"Why are they running?" he asks Ben.
"The boys who comes first gets the prize" says Ben.
"Now I see... But why is the second boy running?" asks Jim

Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 апреля 2013, 10:00:54 »
Dear Friends,
we hope you really enjoy our short stories!
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 01 апреля 2013, 13:35:29 »
Dear friends!
I think all our Club members can share your opinion.
Let's enjoy our next short story - MP3 is always available at the meetings,
we just need to read the story very carefully now, answer the questions and be ready to listen to it in the evening.
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two more. One day the man behind the bar said to him, 'Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don't you get one big glass instead?'
The man answered, 'Because I do not like to drink alone.
I drink with my friend.'
But a few days later the man came in and asked only for one beer.
'Oh, ' said the barman, 'has your friend died?'
'Oh, no, ' said the man. 'He is very well. This beer is for him. But I have stopped drinking beer. My doctor doesn't want me to drink any more because it is dangerous for me. '

What did the man in this story do every day ?
What did he ask for ?
What did he do then ?
What did the man behind the bar say one day ?
What did the man answer ?
What happened a few days later ?
What did the man ask  this time ?
What did the barman ask ?
What did the man answer ?

Архив / Re: Декада открытых уроков-2
« : 29 марта 2013, 11:59:14 »
Уважаемые коллеги, родители!
Приглашаю Вас посетить открытые уроки английского языка:
9 апреля, 9:30 до 10:50, кабинет 412, 5-7 класс-группа В, тема:"Meals"
11 апреля, 11:00 до 12:20, кабинет 412, 8-9 класс-группа В, тема:"Theater,Cinema,Television"
С уважением,
Голубев Олег Юрьевич.

Dear Friends,
how do you like our Short Story?
what about listening to audio of it at our meeting?
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

  Dear Friends,
how about enjoying this short story? Audio material is available at our club meeting, as usual.
(We can get ready for listening to it now by reading and answering questions)
Golubev Oleg.

    Nasreddin* had an old shed. It had no windows, so it was very dark, and it was full of old things.
One day Nasreddin went into this shed to get a ladder, but slipped on something and fell against a big garden fork. The fork hit him the head and knocked him down. Then it fell on top of him and hit him hard on the left leg. The ends of the fork then went into his long beard. He fought with the fork fiercely, and at last threw it off him, jumped up and ran out of the shed. He was very angry. He had an old sword under his bed, and he now ran and got this. Then he ran back to the shed, opened the door suddenly and shouted in a terrible voice, 'All right, come out and fight, you and all the other forks in the world! I'm not afraid of you!'
What did Nasreddin have ?
What was it like inside ?
Why was it dark ?
What happened one day ?
Why did Nasreddin go into the shed ?
What did he do inside the shed ?
What did the fork do ?
What did it do after that ?
What did the ends of the fork do ?
What did Nasreddin do ?
How did he feel ?
What did he have under his bed ?
What did he do now ?
What did he shout ?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 марта 2013, 14:59:58 »
Dear friends and all the members of our Club,
this is a very good story showing the usage of Present Continuous Tense!
What do you think of it?
Do you often use this Tense in your speech?
Pls advise,
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

Dear friends,
what do you think of the ways we should learn and use more English idioms?
Let's enjoy them!
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg.

Dear Friends,
That is really nice! Let's learn and enjoy more English idioms!
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Let's enjoy some of English idioms!
« : 14 февраля 2013, 16:48:34 »
Dear friends,
that's great we have a chance to learn and use idioms in our everyday life! Let's use them more.
Best Regards,
golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Let's enjoy some of English idioms!
« : 08 февраля 2013, 12:01:44 »
Dear Friends,
I think that in situation when somebody is trying to pull your leg -we say: someone is leading you up the garden path.
pls duly advise of the correct answer, if I'm mistaken.
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 06 февраля 2013, 16:36:54 »
Dear Friends,
we have so many examples of proper Grammar usage here!
What do you think of it? Can you share with us your own models?
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

Английский язык / Re: Let's enjoy some of English idioms!
« : 30 января 2013, 09:47:17 »
Dear Friends,
speaking on this idiom : He has taken in his best friend and now has a heavy ....
can the answer be "burden" ?
please advise
Best Regards,
Golubev Oleg

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