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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 01 марта 2019, 12:16:38 »
10. 2517648
11. 342576
20.was surprised
21.was not
22.is looking
23.most popular
24.are eaten
25.were getting

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 февраля 2019, 12:01:35 »
  The oppotunities of the 21st century are huge and every city or town tries to improve its facilities and its entertaiment. There is a place like zoo nowadays. There are people who adore looking at animals and visit zoos often,but there are also people who have an opposite opinion and never visit them. Should every city and town have a zoo or no?
   In my opinion every city and every town shouldn't have a zoo. First of all, those animals which are in the zoo and not in the wild and not free as they belong to, they are suffering. Secondly,if every city and town had a zoo that would mean too many animals are locked, so one day those kind of wild animals will fade away.
   However,there are lots of people who have an opposing opinion. These people only think about the fun side of it,don't pay attention to the future of the animals and don't find the conditions of animals at zoos not comfortable for them,so they would want to have a zoo in every city.
  Personally,i disagree with the above mentioned opinion, because it's a pity to see those poor animals locked in a cage.
   In conclusion, I would like to say, every city or town should not have a zoo. It will cause a lot of problems for the animal world. We should care more for our planet and its inhabitants.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 29 марта 2018, 10:55:06 »

1. A-7 B-1 C-4 D-3 E-5 F-6
2. A-1 B-1 C-2 D-3 E-2 F-3 G-1
3.1) 4.3) 5.2) 6.3) 7.1) 8.3) 9.1)
10. A- B- C- D- E- F- G-
11. A-4 B-1 C-3 D-5 E-7 F-6
19.is loved
21.was swimming
22.has began
23.was built
31. variety

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 06 марта 2018, 14:10:31 »
                                The 8th of March.International women's day.
Most people all over world celebrate the 8th of March every year. The first observance of a Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Woman's Conference to become an "International Woman's Day. On this day we're celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women.
In Russia this holiday has its own history and celebrates specially. It's one of the biggest holiday in Russia. The 8th of March is official non-working day for everybody in the Russian Federation. As congratulations men and women give flowers, postcards with poetry, chocolate, and other pleasant gifts to their mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters and daughters.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 01 марта 2018, 10:17:25 »
Once upon a time,there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit.
1.Was the girl young?2.Was the girl unhappy?3. What girl lived there once upon a time?
4.Why was the girl unhappy?5. Whose mother was dead?6. Who has married another woman?7.Why did her father marry another woman? 8.Who has two daughters? 9.Who is a widow? 10.Who didn't like the girl one little bit? 11.Why didn't the stepmother like her one little bit?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 01 марта 2018, 10:00:48 »
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your letter! It was nice to read from you.
In your letter you asked me about collecting something and pocket money.
Personally, I collect little figures of angels,because i find them really cute and beautiful.
Talking about pocket money, I usually spend them while going out with my friends,for example on buying tickets to different events or to eat something yummy.
What about my parents attitude towards it, my father is absolutely ok with that and my mom just loves to spend my pocket money with me!
I was very glad to hear you have entered some courses. What exact courses have you entered? Are there lots of people there? How do you like studying these courses?
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 15 февраля 2018, 10:43:28 »
Modern TV series are better than blockbuster films.
Watching films and tv series is very popular nowadays. Besides from watching movies in cinemas, you can also find numerous of modern international  tv series on the internet. Some people say that they enjoy watching blockbuster films more than tv series,while others believe that tv series are more interesting. What is better to watch?
In my opinion, modern tv series are more fascinating than blockbuster films. Firstly, while watching tv series you get really used to the characters,because you see their faces every time you watch a new episode, they become a part of your life. Secondly, if you really like some movie you only have a few hours of it, you can watch it many times,but one day you'll get tired of it anyway and if you're watching tv series which have many seasons and episodes, you will have much more time to enjoy the story and characters you like.
However, some people have the opposite opinion and think that blockbuster films are better.These people don't have enough time to watch tv series, they'd rather spend a few hours by watching an excellent but completely ended story and forget about it.
I can't agree with this above mentioned contention,because i always want to learn more about the character i liked in the movie after i finish it. I can't wait till the next part of the blockbuster is out and if there is no continiuation i get a little bit upset.
In conclusition, modern tv series are better than blockbuster films for me. Of course you may watch blockbusters sometimes ,for example when you're going to the cinema, but if you have free time to watch something at home, i would recommend you to choose tv series.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 ноября 2017, 14:04:53 »
Our motherland is immense. It covers one-seventh of the world's land area. In the west. In the south this country borders on Kazakhstan,Georgia and Azerbaijan. Divide into two parts. The river flows into the Pacific ocean. Our country is rich in lakes.The Caspian sea. Lake Baikal.
The natural border. Mountain chains are situated in the south. Varied nature. In the far north. To get a good idea of the difference in scenery. To say nothing of the climate contrasts. This region is famous for its gold. This country is rich in natural resources. That is a great advantage. The reserves of timber,oil,coal,iron,gold and metals. Mankind depends more and more on the natural resources.

The shores of the Russian Federation are washed by the seas of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans. The territory of Russia lies in Europe and Asia.  The border line between Europe and Asia lies along the Urals. In the south Russia borders on Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The Volga rises in the Valdai hills and flows into the Caspian sea. The Volga-Don canal connects the Black sea, the Caspian sea, the Azov sea,the White sea. Elbrus is the highest of the Caucasus mountains.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 ноября 2017, 10:51:23 »
Neelam Gupta is 23 years old. Neelam is Indian and she studies photography at the Chelsea School of Art. She loves her neighbours and they love her. She is a very thoughtful person who enjoys helping others. When her neighbours are away on holiday she waters their plants for them and generally keeps eye on things. Her neighbours are always very grateful to her for her help.
Alison Greenway is 25 years old and she works as a DJ for a radio station. She was born in Australia but she moved to London when she was 15. Alison is friendly and polite. At weekends she loves chatting and laughing with her friends in the garden. This sometimes drives her neighbours crazy ,especially when Alison and her friends play really loud music!
Georgina Portman is 58 years old.She is English and she is a History Professor at London University. Georgiana is very artistic and creative. She plays the violin and the piano and she loves painting portraits. She is a typical Englishwoman. She is sometimes annoyed by Alison's loud music but she keeps a still upper lip about it. She is very easy-going and reserved.

2. sensibe, SAFE, friendly, ambitious
3. FAVOURS,plants,bulbs,seeds
4.likeable,caring,MEAN, friendly
5.digging,gardening,planting, CHASING

1.I have a great sense of humor.
2. Yes. Exept when they drop litter in my garden.
3.Hmm,let me think.Punctual,polite and perhaps a little keen-fashioned.
4.She is an old gardener.
5.Could you please clear away the plates that are on the table?
6. Well, it depends on the time of year.

2. English people have a reputation for being a little eccentric.
3. Stop being such a silly billy and be sensible!You are not a child.
4. This painting depicts the Acropolis in Athens.
5. I didn't understand the joke.It was too subtle.
6. Rachel talks all the time. She is such a chatterbox.
7. He looks after his brother.
8. Leo doesn't take care of his father.
9.She's busy as a bee.
10. I'm blind as a bat.
11. As a boss, he's very good with employees.
12. Could you do me a favour?
13. Remember to keep in touch with us.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 октября 2017, 10:53:44 »
agp.30 ex.10
1. I've heard, he is very good at skiing,last year he took all the trophies at our university championship.
Really? What a pleasant surprise!
2. I like badminton. You can start playing it at the first attempt.
3.In stead of playing any sport,my husband goes fishing every Sunday. No wonder he is fat,- he doesn't move at all.
4. Tomorrow we are playing ice hockey against your  university team, we are dreaming about the victory.
I'm not sure,you can do it. The draw,maybe.
5. Is there a hope on setting the new record of our university in shooting?
Ir depends on different conditions , but i'm not sure. Our team doesn't have enough experience.We started training only one year ago.

p.14 ex.14
1. When William was 18, he left his ville and went to London.
2. He found a small flat in the suburbs.
3.Few days later he also found a job in a bank in the centre of London.
4. Every morning William got up at 7.30 and went to the city by the Underground.
5.In the underground William usually read the newspaper and thought about his mother and his village in Wales.
6.Then he could get some money and bought himself a car.
7.The next day he got up at 8 o'clock and left the house at 8.30.
8.He reached the centre at 9 o'clock and were looking around for a parking space.
9.He wes looking for a parking space for an hour and was late for work.
10. This's what happened two days later: William was sitting  in the car for 15 minutes because some workmen were mending the road, and he was 20 minutes late for work.
11. Then he was late for work again because he was sitting for 20 minutes in a traffic jam.
12.When William were sitting in the car,he thought about an easy and wonderful life in a village.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 марта 2017, 10:51:16 »
1. Hilter's aim was the crushing of the Soviet union.
2.Feverish preparations for attacking the USSR were begun.
3.Hilter's 5,500,000 troops were confronted by Red Army.
4.The nazi troops had quite a lot of experience in waging modern warfare.
5.The factor of surprise attack was on their side.
6.Armored Wehrmacht.
7.Political upheaval.
8.The conviction that people would overthrow the goverment.
9.Bloody war unleashed by the nazis.
10.The nazis captured huge Soviet territories, surrounded Leningrad, and threatened Moscow.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 24 января 2017, 12:06:58 »
          Film acting Vs Acting in theatres
Film acting is much more popular right now because the opportunities in film and on television are much better than in the theater and you can make more money in one film than you can working all year on Broadway. But acting in movies is more difficult.It requires even more concentration than a stage performance. Another big difference is pacing. In the theater you prepare yourself mentally so that at curtain time you're ready to work for a couple straight hours. In the movies the work is piecemeal. You may spend numerous days on a sequence that runs only a few pages in the script. And you don't  do a scene once. Each scene is shot several times,each time for a different angle. But some actors say that nothing can replace for them the immediacy of working in front of audience.

Английский язык / Re: My last New Year holiday
« : 10 января 2017, 10:50:50 »
                                         My last New Year holiday.
I do sports professionally,I'm a tennis player. So I spent half of my holidays in a camp in Spain preparing for the up coming season.It was really wonderful there. The weather was good and I had three practices daily and some lessons with respectable and wise people from the Russian National team that was with us in the camp. I learned a lot from this trip to Spain and had a really good time there.
I came back home  for the New Year.  We had such a cool New Year party with my family and our close friends on 31st of December . After the party, on the  1st of January we were lying on the,watching movies and eating pizza the whole day. It was a perfect chill out. The next day I had a training session in the morning and later that same night  left for Serbia,where i took in a tournament. Unfortunately, the tennis club was absolutely awful in Belgrade! I couldn't do my best there because of the conditions... Anyway, i'm not upset. I'll try to do better next time! While in Belgrade, we visited Novak Djokovic's restaurant.Novak is a  famous Serbian tennis player,who has won a lot of trophies in many internetional competition, many of which are displayed  in this restaurant.Seeing all this collection in one place was amazing, thrilling and challening to me. The food, served there was delicious and yummy. To be honest, it was the best part of my visit to Serbia.
I returnted back to Moscow and spent the rest  few days of my holidays here. I prepared for my third term and of course had practices everyday.

Английский язык / My last New Year holiday
« : 10 января 2017, 10:07:38 »
Happy New Year, Guys!!!

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 22 ноября 2016, 10:51:02 »
 Page 34, pic#.
 There are two women in this picture,it's rainy and they're about to leave the restaurant. But one of them found her umbrella broken... She was so upset, because it was her favourite umbrella.She was already going to tell the administrator of the restaurant that she left her umbrella here and someone has brake it, but she saw that her friend was holding the same umbrella as she had. Her friend told her she's left it in the waredrobe with her coat.The girl started smilling,they left the restaurant and she told her friend what happended.

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