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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 января 2017, 11:42:36 »
1. Oh, no! I've never reaired my car by myself.
2. Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be able to do it. It's to old.
3. Oh, no! I've never drived a car.
4. Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. You'll never be ableto do it. I've got too many suitcases and I need a bigger car then yours .
5. Oh, no! I've never played chess.
6. Of course, I would, but it's hardlypossible. You'll never be able to do it. I'm too old and dull for that.
7. Oh, no! I've never tried to speak English to him.
8. Of course, I would, but it's hardlypossible. You'll never be able to do that. I'm sure he won't understand a word.

1) I haven't asked anybody anithing.
2) I haven't spoke anithing to anybode.
3) I haven't told anything to anydoby.
4) I haven't promised anything to anybody.

1) Because he is inhuman, isn't he?
2) Because it is insignificant, isn't it?
3) Because it is uncomfortable, isn't it?
4) because he is unklin and unreliable?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 ноября 2016, 14:09:06 »
p.4 ex. 2

1) I haven't asked him to change timetable.
2) I haven't spoke with them.
3) I haven't told anything to my friend.
4) I haven't promised anything to them.

1) Because he is inhuman.
2) Because he is insignificant.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 ноября 2016, 13:54:13 »
p.4 ex.1
1. Oh, no! I've never repaired my car.
2. Of course, I would, but it's hardy possible. You'll never be able to do it. It's too old.
3. Oh, no! I've never drove a car.
4. Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I've have to many suitcases and I need a bigger can then yours.
5. Oh no! I've never played chess.
6. Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I'm too old and dull for that.
7. Oh no! I've never tried to speak English to him.
8. Of course, I would, but it's hardly possible. I'm sure he won't understand a word.

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 06 октября 2016, 10:49:39 »
№1 736254
№2 2323211
№3 3
№4 2
№5 3
№6 2
№7 3
№8 1
№9 2
№10 6437518

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 04 октября 2016, 13:36:08 »
№1 542317

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 29 сентября 2016, 10:39:58 »
№3 84

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 29 сентября 2016, 10:32:41 »
№1 task 38

Английский язык / Re: State examination ЕГЭ
« : 27 сентября 2016, 14:03:02 »
                                                                                 Task 2.   
1) Do you know the location of the swimming pool?
2) When does it works?
3) Do you have sauna there?
4) What is the price for three months?
5) Do you have any discounts for students?

                                                                                  Task 3.
I have chosen the photo number 2. I took this photo when I was a the hospital. In this photo you can see my mother. She is working as a nurse and helping me with my headake. I took this photo, because she was asking me to do it. I decided to show it to my friends, because I am proud of her.
                                                                                   Task 4.

At the first picture you can see a white bear at the zoo. At the second picture you can see a brown bear at the nature. This pictures have in common two bears. The pictures are different, because at the first you can see a white bear, but at the second it's brown, the first picture was made at the zoo, the second one was made at the nature. I prefer a wild king of life for animals, because it's will be better for them to live at the nature.

Английский язык / Re: The Romanovs!!!
« : 15 сентября 2016, 10:48:18 »
                                                                               Questions to the first paragraph.
1) Who was the tsart of of Russia from 1613 to1645?
2) When Mikhail Romanov was the tsar of Russia?
3) Who was elected tsar of Russia by the Zemsky Sobor on 21 February 1613?
4) When was he elected tsar of Russia by the ZemskySobor?
5) Who learned to become the tsar?
6) Did he burst into tears?
7) What was he persuaded to accept?
8 ) Who was finally persuaded to accept the trone?
9) Did she Blessed the young man?
10) Was he elected tsar of Russia?

Английский язык / Re: World Writers
« : 06 сентября 2016, 13:47:18 »
                                                                Jerome Klapka Jerome biography.
Jerome Klapka Jerome was born on 2nd May 1859 in Caldmore, Walsall, England. He was the fourth child of Marguerite Jones and Jerome Clapp. He had two sisters, Paulina and Blandina, and one brother, Milton, who died at an early age. Jerome was registered as Jerome Clapp Jerome, like his father's amended name, and the Klapka appears to be a later variation. The young Jerome attended St Marylebone Grammar School. He wished to go into politics or be a man of letters, but the death of his father when Jerome was 13 and of his mother when he was 15 forced him to quit his studies and find work to support himself.  In 1873 Jerome left school to begin a series of jobs. In his twenties he was completely broke and penniless. At the age of 29 he married Georgina Elizabeth Henrietta Stanley Marris. They spent their honeymoon on the Thames and Jerome began writing his best known novel “Three Men in A Boat” on his return. In the beginning the book was intended to be serious, but the humorous elements eventually took over. It was published in 1889 and made him rich and famous. There was a sequel, about a cycling tour in Europe, entitled “Three Men on the Bummel”. Other works included “Idle Though of an Idle Felllow”-1886, a book of essays, autobiographical novel “Paul Kelver”- 1902, “The Passing of the Third Floor Back”- 1908. Jerome volunteered to serve his country at the outbreak of the war, but, being 56 years old, was rejected by the British Army. Eager to serve in some capacity, he volunteered as an ambulance driver for the French Army.
In 1926, Jerome published his autobiography, My Life and Times. Shortly afterwards, the Borough of Walsall conferred on him the title Freeman of the Borough. During these last years, Jerome spent more time at his farmhouse Gould's Grove southeast of Ewelme near Wallingfort. Jerome suffered a paralytic stroke and a cerebral haemorrhage in June 1927, on a motoring tour from Devon  to London via Cheltenham and Northamptom. He lay in Northampton General Hospital for two weeks before succumbing on 14 June.[5] He was cremated at Golders Green and his ashes buried at St Mary's Church, Ewelme, Oxfords hire. Elsie, Ettie, and his sister Blandina are buried beside him. His gravestone reads 'For we are labourers together with God'. A small museum dedicated to his life and works was opened in 1984 at his birth home in Walsall, but it closed in 2008, and the contents were returned to Walsall Museum.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 10 мая 2016, 12:20:04 »
Nowadays it is popularly to believe that school is a place where pupils should concentrate on studying.  However, there are others who claim that working part-time has many advantages. I would like to explain my point of view on this problem.
In my opinion while we are studying at school we shouldn't work. First of all, people should study hard and decently because their future depends on it. Secondly, if parents pay for our education we shouldn't let them down so our result connecting with concentration.
On the other hand, some people claim that it is better decision to try part-time job than dedicate all time to studying. These people are convinced that this experience will be used for teenagers as they learn organizing time. Besides, they are analyzing their income and expenses.
I strongly disagree with this view, because it is better to get higher education at first and then find a well-paid job. In addition, I believe that if you are work you haven't enough time to concentrate on studying and because of it you will have problems with education.
Despite other people's opinion, I still believe that education is the foundation of our future life so it is more important to hardly concentrate on studying.

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 05 мая 2016, 12:20:18 »
20)would come
22)was given
24)does not need
42) 1) What  are the most popular sights of the city?
       2)What are the price for  the family of three?
       3)Do you have any recommendations?
       4)What services that they provide during the trip?
     5)What are the number of people in the trip?
43)I’v chosen the photo number 1.
This photo was taken when I was at Africa with my parents. In this photo you can see two giant rhinos and me with my parents. We are having a great trip thought the safari. I decided to keep this photo in my album because it was a good trip and want to save it in my memory. I decided to show this picture to you because I want you to visit that place.
44) At the first picture you can see a bus, at the second we can see a train at the subway station. This pictures have in common two transports, people and it is social transport. This pictures are different, the first picture was made outdoor and the second indoor, at the first one you can see a bus at the second a train so it is a different kind of transport. I prefer the second picture because it is faster to travel by train.                 

Английский язык / Re: Monologues
« : 26 апреля 2016, 12:08:59 »
In the photo number one we can see four university students. All of them are wearing square academic caps. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. I suppose they are school students. This pictures have in common two group of studing students and they are bouth indoor. Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. This pictures are different: on the left the characters have already finished their education programs, while on the right students are still studying. I want to be at the first group, because they are already fineshed their studing.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 апреля 2016, 12:14:45 »
                                                                   Confusing words & false friends 1
Action / activity
We decided to take immediate action when we realised there was a proble.
The environmental changes in the area are the result of human activity.

Advice / advise
Can you advice me on the best course of action to take?
He offered me some exellent advise. 

Affect / effect
Diverting the course of the river will have a major effect on the local ecosystem.
 Frequent traffic jams in the suburn seriosly affect journey times into the city.

Appeciable / appreciative
Widening the road made an appreciable difference to the flow of traffic.
the applause at the end of the concert wa warm and appreciative.

Avoid / prevent
Rapid international action managed to prevent an environmental disaster from taking place.
There are areas in the city that are wise to avoid after dark.                                                                                                                                                   

Beside / besides
The company's main office is beside the railway station.
Besides their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening.

Briefly / shorty
Breifly before the earthquake began, many animals were seen to be behaving in an unusual manner.
She spoke shortly but pessionately about the need to help those in developing countries.

Canal / Channel
A canal sistem joined the two main rivers, which made transporting goods much quicker.
When television first became popular in the early 1950s, there was only one channel.

Consideratious / concious
Most people are conscious of the need to protect the environment.
Conscientious workers should be rewarded for their hard work.

Considerable / considerate
In my opinion, some people are not very considerate of those around them.
A considerable amount of money was spent on developing the product.

Continual / continuous
The computer system has give un continual problems ever since we installed it. Some days it works, other days it doesn't.
The continuous noise from the new motorway has forced many people to move.

Control / inspect
New teachers often find it difficult to control their classes.
Environmental health inspectors reguarly inspect commercial kitchens for cleanliness, especially those in restaurants.

Criticsm / objection
I have no objection to people using their mobile phones on buses or trains.
Plans for the new stadium have attracted fierce criticism from local people.

damage / harm / injury
He suffered a serious injury which needed immediate hjospital treatment.
The low levels of dangerous chemicals in the river were enought to cause harm to aquatic life.
 A lot of damage was caused to buildings along the coast during the storm.
during / for / while
He college closes for two weeks at the end of December.
He died duirng trying to cross the desert alone.
Many cratures stay undergroung while daylight hours.

however / moreover
The plan was good in theory. However, in practice is was extrimely difficult to implement.
The plan was exellent. Moreover, it was clear from the beguinning that it was giong to attract a lot of interest.

injured / wounded
I belive that we should do more to help and support soldiers who have been injured in combat.
Several workers were wounded when the drilling platform collapsed.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 апреля 2016, 12:21:30 »
Наследия самураев
история самураев
Самурай (означает "Человек, который служит") был элитным классом воинов в Японии на протяжении 700 лет. В 10 веке имперский суд Киото пытался создать обязательную армию, но не смог. Если бы суду это удалось, богатые землевладельцы не решили бы нанять личную армию и самураи могли бы никогда не существовать. Самураи были благородными воинами, что шли в бой на конях, бросая противникам вызов в ритуальной битве. Их обычая показались бы знакомыми Европейским средневековым рыцарям, если бы они когда либо встретились друг с другом. Позже, когда армии стали больше и воевали ожесточенней, многие самураи учились рукопашному бою. Тем не менее во время долгого перемирия в Японии все складывалось не хорошо для самураев и в итоге в 1860 году они потеряли свою позицию и силу в обществе.

Личность самурая
Меч самурая символизирует авторитет и престиж самурая. это было и оружие и предмет искусства. Двойное значение отображало самого самурая. Они так же хорошо общались с художниками, драматургами и интеллектуалами. Генералы самураи практиковали каллиграфию, занимались посадкой цветов и ходили в театры. Но самой важной была чайная церемония. Эта церемония была еще одним ритуалом, практически медитацией. Это происходило в маленькой комнате, где оружие могли носить только самураи.

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