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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 февраля 2020, 12:19:39 »
Dear Rod,
         I am very glad to hear from you again. I am very sorry to keeping silent for a week,but I had an operation 3 days ago, and I spent all this time in a hospital. It's really cool that you're doing some sports.
        Now,answering your questions.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 февраля 2020, 12:10:55 »
                                                                           4. seasons
1. What is the most pleasant season in the year,according to the author? Describe it.
    According to the author ,the most pleasant season of the year is spring. In spring the weather is getting warmer and warmer,everithing changes and seems to revive.
2. Why do all people like summer?
   All people like summer because of it's cloudless sunshine,it's gardens and meadows full of flowers.
3. What is the "Indian Summer"?
   "Indian summer"-is the way we call some warm days of early autumn.
4. What is the weather like in winter?
    In winter days are short and gloomy;it often snows and it freezes.
5. What is the longest day of the year?
    The longest day of the year is the 22nd of June.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 06 февраля 2020, 12:19:54 »
              Идея каникул заключается в смене обстановки. Когда вы уходите в отпуск , чтобы поменять обстановку
 так , как вы хотите , вы , должно быть , представляете себе , что всё будет в порядке: все пойдет идеально по
плану , включая погоду.

                                                                                text ''Weather and Sports''
       Большая часть молодых людей занимаются спортом, потому что им это нравится. Но есть и другие , которые
не могут себе представить день без игры в футбол , волейбол , или теннис , испорченный сильным дождём.
      Конечно , официальные соревнования проводятся в любую погоду , но это , естественно , требует большого
 количества энергии . Вы когда нибудь слышали о ком-то , кто поставил Мировой рекорд  , или рекорд страны ,
 например ,занимаясь бегом или прыжками в плохую погоду Вы  возможно вспомните одного или двух таких из
 истории спорта , если постараетесь


Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 04 февраля 2020, 12:20:54 »
...Last Friday was a busy day. We had classes till 3 pm and then we went to the museum. I always thought that museums were boring and I didn't feel excited about the excursion at all. To my surprise, I enjoyed it very much!...

...Do you think that visiting museums and exhibitions is boring or not, why?.... When was the last time you were in a museum?... What kind of museum / exhibition would I you like to visit, why?
Dear Paige,
              Thank you for your letter, I was very glad to hear from you. Sorry , I haven't written for you for a long time, but I was very busy at my Granny's house yesterday. Now, answering your questions.
              I think that impression of the excurtion really depends on the theme of the museum.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 30 января 2020, 12:19:58 »
                                                                               variant 7
                                                                              the letter
…Yesterday was a special day — we had the Earth Hour. My town (and lots of towns around) went dark for one hour. It’s one of the ideas of an ecological group called the Green Movement. We switched off the lights to draw people’s attention to the poor ecological situation on the planet…

…Do people have the Earth Hour in your country? What can people do to save energy in their everyday life? Do you approve of the Green Movement, why?

Dear Ben,
        Thank you for your recent letter. I was very glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written you for a long time,but I have been very busy at school lately.
        Now ,answering your questions.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 января 2020, 12:08:36 »
                                                                        exercise 5
1. He tries hard ,but he only learns a little.
    The harder he tries ,the less he learns.
2. If you drive fast you will soon get there.
    The faster you drive the sooner you will get there.
3. He earns a lot,but he spends a lot.
    The more he earns the more he spends.
4. You go to bed early and you feel well tomorrow.
    The earlier you go to bed the better you feel tomorrow.
5. If you read much you'll know the language well.
    The more you read the better you know the language.
6. I think about it again and again and I feel sure of it more and more.
    The more often I think about it the more I feel sure of it.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 января 2020, 12:19:16 »
                                                                                             execise 4
1. Is Peter as good as John or James?
    He isn't as good as Jon,but much better than James.
2. Have they got as much money as the Williems or the Smiths?
    They haven't got as much as the Williems,but they have much more than the Smiths.
3. Is London as far from here as Cambrige of Oxford?
    It isn't as far from here as Cambrige,but much father than Oxford.
4. Are you as tired today as John or James?
    I am not as tired today as John,but much more tired than James.
5. Is he as like his father as his sister or brother?
    He isn't as like his father as his sister,but much more like his father than his brother.
6. Was this year as bad as last year or the year before?
    This year wasn't as bad as last year, but was much worse than the year before
7 Have you got as little money today as you had yesterday and the day before?
   I don't havas little money today

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 января 2020, 12:18:59 »
                                                                                  variant 1
Dear Ben,
          Thank you for your recent letter. I was very glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written you for a lind time,but I have been very busy at school lately.
          Now, answering your questions. People collect things to keep good memories,I think. I have a small collection of things on the theme of my favourite series. In my country a lot of people prefer sport or arting as a hobby.
          I am sorry, I have to go,as I promised to help my father with cooking.
          Write back soon.
          Best wishes,

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 декабря 2019, 12:19:36 »
                                                                                                  exercise 4
1. The shores of Russian Federation are washed by the seas of Atlantic,Arctic and Pacific Oceans.
2. The territory of Russia liesin Europe and Asia.
3. The border line between Europe and Asia lies along the Urals.
4. In the South Russia borders on Kazakhstan,Georgia and Aserbaidjan.
5. The Volga rises in the Valday Hills and flows into the Caspian sea.
6. The Volga-Don canal connets the Blak sea,the Asov sea,the White sea.
7. The Elbrus is the highest of the Caucasus mountains.
                                                                                                 exercise 5
1. If  a room measures 10 by 15 feet,it's area is 150 square feet.
2. There are large territory in Africa still unpopulated.
3. Our people will never forget the 22nd of June when the fascists attacted our territory from the air.
4. The area of the Russian Federation lies both in Europe and Asia.
5. The total territory of the russian federation is equal to about one-seventh of the total land area of the globe.
6. There are vast area of forest in Siberia.
7. The territory of this farm is 1000 hectares.
1. Volga is the biggest lake of the West area.
2. The rivers of Siberia stretches to the west

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 декабря 2019, 12:19:34 »
exercise 7 page 9
1. Would you like me to get tickets for this film? They say it's interesting.
    I don't think so. Can you get tickets for the more interesting one?
2. Eat this cake. It's delicious.
    I don't think so,can you give me a more delicious one?
3. Wouldyou mind if I recide this poem at the party? It's beautiful.
    I don't think so,can you recide a more beautiful one?
4. Do you think I can invitwe you to our party tomorrow? They're saying it's going to be nice and relaxing.
    I don't think so,can you invite me to a more relaxing one?
5. You know,I am always eager to help you. Would you like me to translate this article for you?
    I don't think so

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 17 декабря 2019, 12:19:44 »
         Планета Земля это только маленькая часть вселенной ,но это единственное место,где есть человеческая жизнь.
         Сейчас наша планета находится в большой опасности. Кислотные дожди, глобальное потепление,загрязнение воздуха и воды,перенаселение- проблемы которые препятствуют жизни на Земле.
         Кто виновник этой катастрофы Ответ прост все мы.
         Наши леса исчезают потому что вырубаются или сгорают. И если это будет продолжаться,то нам будет недостаточно воздуха,чтобы дышать.
         Моря в опасности. Они полны яда индустриальными и ядерными отходами,химическими удобрениями и пестицидами. Средиземное море уже почти уничтожилось, и Северное море-следующее. Аральское море находится на грани исчезновения. Если мы ничего не предпри

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 12 декабря 2019, 11:55:57 »
THE COUNTRY                                     THE PRESEDENT                             THE PREMIERE-MINISTER
Finland                                                  Sauli Niinisto                                       Sanna Marin
Estonia                                                  Kersti Kaljulaid                                    Juri Ratas
France                                                   Emmanuel Macron                               Edouard Philippe
Italy                                                      Sergio Matarella                                  Giuseppe Conte
Latvia                                                    Egils Levits                                         Krišjānis Kariņš
Lithuania                                               Gitanas Nauseda                                  Saulius Skvernelis
Netherlands                                           Willem Alexander                                 Mark Rutte

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 декабря 2019, 12:18:23 »
                                   page 35
           The United Kindom is made up of for four countries: England.Whales,Scotland and Nothern Ireland, and their capitals are:London,Cardiff,
Edinburgh and Belfast.The UK is a highly developed industrial country.The Great Britain is rich not in natural resourses,but in exporters of
 machinery,electronics,textile,aircraft and navigation equipment. It is it's main industry. The political system of the UK is an interesting thing to
talk about- the Queen reigs,but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with Prime
 Minister at the head.The British Parliment consists of two chambers:the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 декабря 2019, 11:38:53 »
                                                                                               page 35
           The United Kindom is made up of for four countries: England.Whales,Scotland and Nothern Ireland, and their capitals are:London,Cardiff,
Edinburgh and Belfast.The Great Britain is rich not in natural resourses,but in exporters of machinery,electronics,textile,aircraft and navigation
equipment. It is it's main industry. The political system of the UK is an interesting thing to talk about- the Queen reigs,but does not rule

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 03 декабря 2019, 12:19:51 »
                                                                                             page 26 exercise 6
1. Our motherland is immense. No other country equals it in diversity of nature.
2. The Russian Federation coves one-seventh part of the world's land area. This country is rich in natual resourses.
3. The biggest rivers of Russia are situated in Siberia.
4. The Siberia in rich in forests and famous for
5. The nature of South regions of the country are more rich than notern ones.
6. The biggest river of the Far East            in Pacific Ocean.
7. ''With what countries do

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