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Сообщения - sasha kalganova

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Я предлагаю на 14-ое февраля песню "Чистый лист"-  группа "Нэнси"

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnJDnG1eueE" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnJDnG1eueE</a>

Я предлагаю песню на 9-ое мая. "Вперед,Россия!"- Олег Газманов


Я предлагаю песню на 14-ое февраля. "Я тебе не верю"Лепс


Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 ноября 2021, 13:56:04 »
p19.ex 2.                                                                                                                                                                        2. She stiling with daughter and playing with the idea.                                                                                                     3. Some Person thinks he cant afford even a much expensive vehicle a taxi.                                                                              4.Beautiful woman in clothes of grey and blue colours,two man in fashionable furs,another man a loose-in-the-shoulders coat made of strange green material.                                                                                                                                         5.Whatever sight                               

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 февраля 2020, 10:32:26 »
 Page 15

1.You have got much milk in your tes. /Some more/
But i want some more milk.
2.You have got thee English books. /One more/
But i want one more English book.
3.You have already read two novels by this writer. /One more/.
But i want one more nevels by this writer.
4.You have already done three exercises. /Three more/.
But i want three more exercises.
5.You have got a pen. /Another/.
But i want another pen.
6.You've had much tea. /Another cup of tea/.
But i want another cup of tea.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 февраля 2020, 10:50:18 »
18.02.2020.                                                                                                                                                     CLASSWORK.                                                                Ex.VIII                                                                                              1.He says that he is going to back soon.
2.Mary told me everything
.3.Then she said good-bye and left.
4.Ann said that she knew the rule
6.Ask her to tell you the time.
.5.To tell the truth,I don't like the man.
7.Say what you think,don't be araid to tell the truth.                                                             
1.I'd like to know what they talking about.
2.Comrade Nikolaev spoke at the meeting yesterday and told us a lot of interesting  things
6. Our teacher often sais that Comrade Petrov can speek English very well.
7. The secretary said that the man who you'd like to talk to is coming here tomorrow.
.3.I made a mistake in the last sentence and the teacher asked me to say again.
4.He has already told you about it,hasn't he? What did he say?.
5.Every time I see my friend we talk about old times.

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