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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 января 2016, 12:22:22 »
School Uniform
For all times in most schools there was special school uniforms that made every pupil look like everyone else, but they destroyed individuality of person. Elder one’s, parents and teachers are in to this idea, but youngsters are don’t like uniforms, suits, etc.
I don't really like the idea of school uniforms at all, and mostly i don't like how does everyone explains school uniform rule - everybody wear similar costumes because if someone's richer, he can have expensive, made by designer clothes instead of other, not really rich one's, which leads to another problem of this rule - richer pupils can buy a really expensive suit that will not look like others, making him different again, showing everyone his material status. Other thing that no one likes in school uniforms – when it’s warm, you’re dying of heat, and when it’s cold – it’s really cold in those uniforms. Of course those uniforms were made only for justice, so everyone was equal but it made thoughtlessly, making this rule undone at all. For another side - if someone is really poor - uniform might hide it. But it’s the only good thing that I can see in uniforms.
So my conclusion is that we should stop wearing special costumes and uniforms in schools, because if you will hide someone’s individuality, you will destroy his/her personality, which will lead in to becoming this person very boring in conversation and in everything else, and because it's thing of past, that a really small part of people like and admire.

~230 words

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 января 2016, 11:17:07 »
1.Managers have to be good with people
2.Actors need to have a sense of humour
3.She's so ambitious - she wants to be the world's top pop star.
4.Our boss is very generous, and is always giving us presents
5.All workers should know their strengths
6.She's very confident and really believes in her own ability
7.Architecs need to work long hours

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 января 2016, 12:14:26 »
Throughout the history of education the most common means if maintaining discipline in schools was corporal punishment. While a child was at school, a teacher was expected to act as a parent, with the same means of making children obey as the parents had. This often meant that school students were often punished with a cane if they did something wrong. Corporal punishment at schools has now disappeared from all European countries. Thirty-one US sates have banned it, but the other nineteen states ( mostly in South ) continue to allow corporal punishment in schools. Teachers have the right to apply corporal punishment, often by caning, remains commonplace in school in some Asian, African, and Caribbean countries. Generally speaking, most countries retain punishment for misbehavior, but it usually takes non-corporal forms such as dtention after the lessons. In Russia corporal punishment was banned in 1863.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 января 2016, 11:47:57 »
                                                                  Romancing The Stone.
The film is about a woman, who just finished writing a love story. One day she recieved a strange map from her sister's murdered husband and a call from her sister, telling her, that she was kidnapped in Colombia by criminals because of the map that was sent to her by her sister's dead husband. They will kill her sister if she doesn't give them this map

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 января 2016, 12:13:30 »
1.In photos i can see 2 bears. On first photo i can see an Arctic bear in a zoo. Lots of people are filming him and taking photos. On second photo there is a grizzly bear in a wild or probably in natural reservation. He's looking for something.
2.In both photos there are bears.
3.The photos are different in enviroment.
4.I prefer more natural life for wild animals.
5.Becouse it's closer to what they have to live like. It's more natural then the zoo life where they get fat and become uncapable to live in the enviroment they was born to live in.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 15 января 2016, 12:07:44 »
I've choosed photo number 3
1.I've took this photo when i was in 1st grade
2.On this photo you can see my elementary school teacher
3.She is writing something
4.I've took this photo becouse my mom made me to take it
5.I wanted to show you my favourite teacher in my previous school

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 12 ноября 2015, 11:49:56 »
We bought a zoo.
being a widow Benjamin had a problem with his children and at work. He had a misunderstunding with his son, becouse he didn't  study. Soon he finally got expelled from school. Benjamin had an elder brother that gave him advice to start fresh. He decided to change his life, take everything to concederation. He sarted to look for a new home with his doughter.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 22 октября 2015, 11:49:48 »
A toast to interpreters
1.Emotions after visit
Author meets his friend, wich just returned from USSR, and asks him about the trip. Kent Rockwell, his friend, firstly said about Interpreter.
2.Why interpreters are very important
Author says, that Interpretors are not only interpreting for you, but in addition they act as organizers, administrators, guides, friends and it could be indefinitely prolonged
3.Talents and skills of Interpreter that must be appreciated
Here the author tells us wich skills of Interpreters must be appreciated, for example - interpertors conversant with not only the language, but also the cultural backgrounds and special interests of the visitors. Also, we can see, that with help of Interpreter author made friends with [barn from Iraq/center]
4.Apologize before all of Interpreters
In this micro-term author apologizes befor all of the interpretors becouse he and lots of other tourists and visitors, that takes all of free time of iterpreters, and left no time for their families
5.Exhausting work of Interpreters
In last micro-term author wants to say, that interpreter work is not easy,that they have to deal with people with hard characters and that in fact, he feels that he crossed Russian landscape on bridge of prostrate interpreters

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 20 октября 2015, 11:39:09 »
A Toast to Interpreters
1.Emotions after visit
A friend of the author tells him about his Interpreter, how good she was and
2.Why Interpreters are very imporant
Here the author mentions about lots of aspects of Interpreters work
3.Talents and skills of Interpreter that must be appreciated
This part of text tells us about Interpretors talent to work with different races and nations without any probem
4.Apologieze before all of Interpreters
Here the author apologizes before all of Interpreters that don't have enough time for their families, becouse of them, the visitors
5.Exhausting work of Interpreters
And in this part the author tells us, how hard and exhausting work of Interpretor might be

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 октября 2015, 12:06:31 »
1. Do you believe in the idea of handling people?
1. Yes, ofcourse
2. If you can handle people, will you be successful in life?
2. Yes, you can have lots of useful communications
3. Why do we use bad words and gestures?
3. Because we feel bad. It's part of our emotions.

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