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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 февраля 2017, 12:01:32 »
                                                          День дурака
День дурака празднуется в разных странах мира 1-ого апреля каждый год. Иногда его называют Днем всех Дураков,
первое апреля не национальный праздник, но широко известно и празднуется как день когда многие люди разнообразно шутят. Этот день отмечается шутками, розыгрышами и другими приколами над друзьями, семьей, учителями, соседями и т.д.
  Самые ранние записи связывающие Первое апреля с шутками можно найти в сказках Чаусера. Многие писатели советуют восстановить 1 января как Новый Год в 16 веке было причиной для создания этого праздника, но эта теория не имела ссылку к предшествующим событиям.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 февраля 2017, 10:48:03 »
падающий- falling
упавший- fallen
поднимающийся- rising
поднятый- risen
побеждающий- winning
побежденный- won

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 февраля 2017, 10:43:17 »
                                                          p. 6 ex I   
   теряющий- losing
   потерянный- lost
   кончающий- ending/finishing
   оконченный- ended/finished
   упаковывающий- packing
   упакованный- packed
   празднующий- celebrating
   отпразднованный- celebrated
   начинающий- starting/beganing
   начатый- started/begun

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 февраля 2017, 13:35:46 »
                                                                    What was Behind the Door?
    Hitler`s aim was always the crushing of the Soviet UNION. '' If Russia is crushed," Hilter said at his GHQ / General Headquarters/ on July 31, 1940, "England will lose all hope. And then Germany will dominate Europe and the Balkans.
        Feverish preparations for attacking the USSR were began. Before attacking the USSR the nazis got together, according to Hilter, " The biggest concertaion of troops in world history." Germany and its satellites redeployd 5,500,000 troops to the Soviet borders. They were confronted by a 3,000,000-strong Red Army. The Germans had rwicw as many tanks and three times more planes.
         The nazi troops as distinct from the Soviet men and officers had quite a lot of experience in waging modern  warfare by that time. The factor of surprise attack was on their side. It looked as if victory was in the hands of the armored Wehrmacht.
          '' Our hopes for victory," wrote German Fiedmarshal Kleist, "were based, to a large extent, on hopes that the invasion would trigger off a politcal upheval in Russia. These great hopes stemmed from the conviction that Stalin`s own people would overtrow him after grave defeats. This convicton was disseminated by the fuhrer's political"
             When the flames of the unprecedentedly bloody war unleashed by the nazis were already raging in Russia, Hilter admitted to his entourage: "On June 22 we opened a door, but didn`t know wht was behind it."
        And what did he open the door on?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 02 февраля 2017, 10:43:51 »
                   N. 9

                                                         N. 10
2-Not stated
6-Not stated

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 31 января 2017, 12:20:03 »
                                                               Moscow Theatres

1. What kind of reputation does Moscow have? What is it famouse for?
     Moscow has had a reputation as a city of theaters.  Moscow is famouse for big number of the theatres.
2. Where is the Bolshoi theatre situated?
     The Bolshoi theater is situated in Theatre Square in Moscow`s central quartet, not far from Kremlin.
3. What have you learnt about the history of the Bolshoi theater?
     The Bolshoi traces its history to 1776 when a standing opera company was organized in Moscow.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 31 января 2017, 11:59:05 »
                                                          A Visit to the Theater
     Theater is a wonderful place. There are many actors and actresses here.  They perform different plays. The hero`s family often gouse to the theater.
     Last mounth hero`s  familywent to the theatre. They saw the play  "Romeo and Juliet"
Their seats were in the dress circle. It was a wonderful performance. He enjoyed every minute of the play. The actors were really very good, especially the actress playing Juliet. Her dress was beautiful.
    He likes Shakespeare`s plays. The hero has always wanted to see " Romeo and Juliet" in the theter. He would like to know more about William Shakespeare and see all his plays in the theater.
    If you want to go to the theter you should think about some things beforhand. First of all go to the box-office and ask if they have seats for the day you want. Don`t forget that the most expensive seats are in the front stalls or in the boxes, and the cheapest are in the gallery. The seats in the dress circle are not so expensive, but quite good, especially if they are in the first and second row. If you can`t decide about your seats you can look at the map of the hall which usually is on the wall of the box-office ans can be quite helpful.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 26 января 2017, 10:46:59 »
                                                         Music and I
I love to listening music very much. Sometimes I run from school to my home juts for listening music. One day my phone has been broken, and can without any problems that, it was one of the most horrible days, because I couldn`t listening music. And I was so happy when I could listen it again.
 I`m usually listen music in car or when I`m drawing. Sometimes, when I`m lying in my bad, and it doesn`t matter if it`s day or night, I`m just lying and listening music. 
I love pop and Spanish/ Latin music. I can`t say that I have just one favorite singer, but in phone a lot of songs by Shakira. I love Shakira like a singer and like a person. I have never seen her, but I know that she is very good. She sings in English and in Spanish

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 19 января 2017, 10:32:28 »
                                                                  p. 5 ex. VI
1. What a beautiful day it is!
2. How fast he was!
3. How beautifully she plays the violin.
4. What a hot day it is!
5. How tall he is!
6. How cold was it last night!
7. How pretty she is!
    What a pretty girl she is!
8. How handsome he is!
    What a handsome fellow he is!
9. What a beautiful dress she is wearing!
10. What a beautiful new car you have!

                                                               p.5 ex. VIII
1. I don`t eat in the cafetera either.
2. Herald didn`t go to the movie either.
3. I don`t eat lunch at one o`clock either.
4. Mary doesn`t like pies for dessert either.
5. He doesn`t go to the restaurant on the corner either.
6.She doesn`t come here also.
7. John doesn`t walk to school either.
8. He doesn`t like this material either.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 17 января 2017, 10:26:11 »
                                                               p. 4. ex. V
1. What a pretty girl!
2. How pretty she is!
3. What strange remarks to make!
4. How well she swims!
5. How hot it is today!
6. What hard sentences these are!
7. What a beautiful eyes she has!
8. How beautiful she sings!
9. What a foolish thing to say!
10. What a hot weather we are having!
11. How hot it is today!
12. How quickly the time passes!
13. How well she speaks English!
14. What an excellent student he is!

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 17 января 2017, 10:16:54 »
                                                   p. 3 ex. II

1. They were supposed to leave at ten o`clock yesterday.
2. He is supposed to come tomorrow at five.
3. He is supposed to be here now.
4. The train is supposed to be faster that the bus.
5. John is suppused to be better student that Henry.
6. He was supposed to be here yesterday at three o`colck.
7. He is supposed to call me tomorrow.
8. He is supposed to know her well.
9. This book was supposed to be publish last year.
10. These chairs are supposed to put in the next room.

Английский язык / Re: My last New Year holiday
« : 10 января 2017, 11:57:23 »
                                                                                             My New Year holiday
I would like to tell you about my New Year holiday.  This New Year was one of the greatest holiday have I ever had. I had two weeks vacations. First week and party I had in Moscow and second week my parents and I spent in Israel.
First week of my vocation I think that I was doing nothing. But actually New Year party was really amazing. My parents and I went to my relatives` country-house. There was Anna (my sister, she is a niece of my uncle wife). She is older than me by 4 and half years. Actually there was a daughter of my aunts friend and one more good girl (it is so difficult to explain who was she). Of course there were another people. When the program starts , we were eating. So the first part was a little bit boring, but after 00:00 ( 1 January) the party become amazing!
We went outside and were setting fireworks. That was really beautiful. And we had a very fanny game:    we had a lot of balls of strings and we thru them to each other and after all of us were in strings and that was really difficult to come of them. After we came back to the house and have a magician. He was cool and fanny. After we had a LAMA  in house!!! That was really cool! My parents went home at 3:30 but I stood there till the end and went to sleep at 8 a.m. That was one of the best New Year ever!
Where did I spnet my holiday?
With who did I spent my holiday?
What were we doing after 00:00?
When did my parents go home?
How many weeks of vocation did I have?
How did I spent my first week?
Where did I go in my second week?
With whom did I go to Israel?
With whom did I spend most of the time?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 20 декабря 2016, 12:20:36 »
                                                                                         P.7 ex XI
1. When I was young ,I used to make incorrigible mistakes.
2. It doesn`t seem like genuine gold. I don`t understand, why I have to pay so much for it.
3. " Does this dress really suit me?'' - " Yes. You look very good in it''
4. " What  hot weather it is today!"-"Horrible! I remember that ten years ago it was colder.”
5. Which of these books is worth reading?
6. Am I supposed to do this work? If so, I need your help. I can`t afford to lose.
7. “I`m not very particular about what I eat! I eat everything”-“Neither am I. But this pie of yours is too much.”
8. I think, that a real man should not  be sad, when he loses , moreover, if he has chosen to be a military man.   

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 декабря 2016, 14:12:39 »
                                              Sophia Alekseyvna
  I was born 27th September 1651, I was the daughtar of tsar Alexey and his first wife Maria Milislavskaya. I had a very active mind and convinced my father  to allow me to share lessons with my sick brother Feodor, heir to the Russian throne. My father had also two other sons, Ivan, who was an invalid and blind, and Peter, the son he had from his second wife Nataliya Naryshkina.
   I showed outstanding intelligence, energy and ambition, and was a well-educated woman. As I grew older, I began to attend council meetings, an even shared my ideas and adcivce on state matters. In 1676, my father died. My sick brother became tsar Feodar III and I became his chief advisor. However, Feodor didn`t occupy the throne for long. He died in 1682, aged only 20. Supported by the streltsy ( semi regular military units in Moscow), she seized power shorty after Feodor`s death and was proclaimed regent during the minority of her brother, Ivan V, and of her half-brother, Peter I ( Peter the Great), who reigned joinly. Sophia wished to be crowened tsarina in her own right, but she lacked sufficient support among the nobility and clergy.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 декабря 2016, 13:30:15 »
                                                        Aleksey Romanov

  Greetings my friends!  My name is Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov. I was the second Russian tsar of the house of Romanov.
   I was surrounded by servants and nurses. Then I came under the charge of a tutor, a boyar named Boris Ivanovich Morozov, who exerted great influence over his pupil for the next 30 years. At the age of five, I learned to read, and at the age  of seven I know how to write. I was clever and quick-witted.
     I received some formal education, but it was limited to practical subjects needed to conduct of the affairs of the state. I was taught history, geography, mathematicks and natural sciences, as well as military and foreign affairs.
    I was also encouraged to read a wide range of books, including classical works by Plato, Aristole and Pythagoras, medical books, and works on astrology and occult arts. I even tried to write verses and lefy notes about the Polish War. I liked to philosophize and was a passionate hunter.

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