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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 ноября 2015, 20:10:04 »
                                                           We bought a zoo: Questions.
1. Could you please describe the members of the Mee family?
2. What event has taken place six month ago in Mee household?
3. What cause did Mr. Mee's son leave the school for?
4. Why did Mr. Mee receive an excess of attention from the female half of his neighbourhood?
5. What was an incentive for Mr. Mee to move to a new place?
6. Are you aware of any kind of peculiarities of the house the Mee family bought? If so, give a brief portrayal.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 12 ноября 2015, 11:49:13 »
                                                                             We bought a zooThis move tells us about a man called Benjamin Mee, a widowed father of a teenge boy and a girl. His wife has died six months ago, and he currently faces a lot of problems, especially with his children and at work. His son is very depressed on occasion of his mother's "departure", and that has affected his temper a lot. In a nutshell, he started recieving bad marks at school and became a hooligan. As a resdult, he was expelled from his educational enterprise. Taking all this into consideration, Benjamin decided to change his family 's lifestyle. After he became single, the female half of his neighborhood started to pay more attention to him because he was young, handsome and attractive. He and his daughter started looking for a new home. He has checked a lot of houses, but, unfortunately, he wasn't satisfied with any of them. But at last, after weeks of searching he has discovered a  house wich just happened to meet all his needs. But after a while he has dicovered a peculiar thing about the house that he bought: the building was a..................................ZOO!

Английский язык / Re: how i spend my last holiday
« : 10 ноября 2015, 12:18:34 »
                                                            How my friend spent his last holidays.
 Today my essay is not going to be about myself, because I have  decided to change things a bit. I am presenting you my friend's recent vacation. I have recently inquired to his fall holidays and I believe that he has had a great time. Hope you enjoy reading this!
 Firsty, I must say that my mate is very lucky, for his mother's birthday just happened to be on the 31-st of October, and so he had a double feast. Many of his mother's friends were invited and stayed till the late evening to celebrate Hallowe'en with them. He had been preparing a lot for it by decorating the flat with a Jack-o-Flame pumpkin. He also had been shopping for his mom and bought a very delicious cake.
 Secondly, he was at a play called "Pola Negri" on the 1-st of November, and he says he enjoyed it. However, this was no ordinary play, but a musical, so the actors danced and sang a lot. In short, for all you youngsters out there, a musical is like a karaoke.
 Lastly, he went out with a lot with his friends and he once played paintball but he wasn't satisfied with it because he lost four times, being shot in his back. He didn't manage to win and this made him very upset.
                                    SO, THAT'S ESSENTIALLY IT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 октября 2015, 17:39:38 »
                                                                              Ex.4 (page 15)
1. Does a translator's work appeal to you? -- Yes, I've done quite a bit of translating and made up my mind to follow in this line.
2. Does a teacher's work appeal to you? -- Yes, I've done quite a bit of teaching and made up my mind to follow in this line.
3. Does a typist's work appeal to you? -- Yes, I've done quite a bit of typing and made up my mind to follow in this line.
4. Does an editor's work appeal to you? -- Yes, I've done quite a bit of editing and made up my mind to follow in this line.
5. Does a flight interpreter's work appeal to you? -- Yes, I've done quite a bit of interpreting during the flights and made up my mind to follow in this line.
                                                                              Ex.5 (page 15)
1. It would be better for you to solve the problem by yourself instead of asking me to do it.
You'd better solve the problem by yourself instead of asking me to do it.
2. It would be better for you not to take offence at me.
You'd better not take offence at me.
3. It would be better for us to view the matter in this aspect.
We'd better view the matter in this aspect.
4. It would be better for you to remark upon the matter.
You'd better remark upon the matter.
5. It would be better for you to approach the ambassador himself.
You'd better approach the ambassador himself.
6. It would be better for you to participate in the negotiations.
You'd better participate in the negotiations.
7. It would be better for you to get rid of the stage fright as soon as possible if you want to be an interpreter.
You'd better get rid of the stage fright as soon as possible if you want to be an interpreter.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 22 октября 2015, 11:56:33 »
Text 2 on page 27: "A Toast to Interpreters" - PLAN.
1. Mr. Kent's impression of the Soviet Union. ( What did he see there?  How did he like his trip to the USSR? Who did he travel with?)
2. Interpreters as a "phenomena". ( Mr. Kent's story, his attitude towards the interpreters? What does he think of them? How does he describe them?)
3. Hardworking and modest people. ( Any peculiarities? How reliable are the Soviet Interpreters? Maybe they have other qualities and skills as well?)
4. Tackling toursts. ( The invaluableness of Interpreters? Whom are they dealing with? Do they need to study history and culture of their homeland?)
5. Making friends with a barn from Iraq. ( Who helped them to comprehend each other? Did they build a good friendship?)
6. The scedule of an average intepreter in the USSR. ( Their style of life: anything special?)
7. The writer as "the last straw" for the interpreters. ( Why does the narrrator owes an apology to his interpreters? Can you tell something about the author's temper?)
8. A "brief description of life". ( What does an interpreter think his life is meant for?)

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 октября 2015, 22:10:54 »
How easy it is for me to handle my friends:
  I consider this skill crucial, because, as I have mentioned earlier, handling people provides 75% of success. But you ought not to, let's say, gain full control over them. They are your friends, not your servants. Bear that in mind.
Your itinerary to great fortune and perhaps fame always includes your skill of communication with individuals. It isn't a piece of cake of course. In some cases you might encounter a simpleton, an abnormal or even mental person, and you must act vigorously to build up a bridge of partnership, and yes, you may sometimes fall out with these people, but try to be patient. As for me, I try to follow these rules and I have no problems with this.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 08 октября 2015, 12:35:12 »
1. Can handling people lead to success?
2. What is so special about people's emotional condition nowadays?
3. How can emanating feelings affect one's behaviour?
4. Is it essential to controll yourself while speaking?
1. Yes, it will most probably lead to success.
2. These days all people are extremely exhausted and are living on frazzled nerves.
3. You will start emerging daft expressions, and it is necessary to remain calm.
4. Yes, it certainly is.
My personal opinion:
It is significant to learn the art of handling people, otherwise you will be unsuccessful in your life.

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