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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 04 мая 2017, 10:28:42 »
                                                                       P. 37 text 4
                                                                     Осада Ленинграда
  Ужасающая осада Ленинграда была одной из самых летальных в истории. Она длилась 900 дней, с сентября 1941 по январь 1944. Гражданское население города почти в три миллиона, отказалось сдаваться, даже когда они были полностью окружены. В первую зиму осады не было отопления, не было поставки воды, почти не было электричества и было очень мало еды. не смотря на бесконечные  бомбежки, главными врагами города были голод и заморозки . Изнуренные люди падали насмерть. На всех улицах лежали трупы. Единственный безопасный путь к материку был лед на озере Ладога который считался путем к спасению.
 Каким-то образом, город выжил, и его героические сопротивления можно обозначить следующим девизом " Троя пала, Рим пал, но Ленинград не пал" Блокада забрала жизни 670 тысяч людей, хотя некоторые источники говорят, что около 1,5 миллиона людей умели. Город стал символом советской стойкости и непобедимости. Осада была ознаменована Зеленым Поясом Славы, совокупность памятников вдоль этой исторической линии фронта. Вы все еще можете увидеть предупреждения на улицах Санкт-Петербурга какая сторона защищена от немецких обстрелов.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 апреля 2017, 12:12:37 »
                                                  Class reading, p. 35
Вопрос: Что привело вас, Адмирал, к тому что вы стали офицером Американского Морского Флота и стать сторонником разоружения?
Ответ: Я не сторонник разоружения и я не чуть не изменился. Как раньше, вещи которые я могу делать только стрелять и разрушать, но ситуация поменялась. Я присоединился к флоту, когда ядерное оружие только появилось. На какое-то время, мы были единственными которые имели его. Но сейчас у Москвы есть все что есть и у нас. Как солдат и патриот, мое дело- защищать мою страну, и осознавать что ядерная война это безумие. Никто не может выиграть. У меня есть имена для тех, кто не хочет атомной смерти- защитники выживания.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 апреля 2017, 12:21:28 »
  p. 24 ex. VIII
1. He has a big experience in touching the language.
2. I know by experience, how dangerous it is.
3. Remembering childhood eperience, we lost a time count.
4. His minds are looking good. I`m sure, he`s speaking from his experience.
5. That case is so wired unpleasent. Thoughts of it makes me sick.

                                                                       Weapon, arms, munitions
1. Сражаться с противником с оружием.
2. Забастовка- это политическое оружие
3. Атомное и ядерное оружие- угроза для мира.
4. Заводы производят оружия и боеприпасы.
5. Когда война началась, все взрослые мужчины взялись за оружия.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 13 апреля 2017, 10:38:25 »
                                                                              p. 8  ex. 7
1. I`m afraid, I can`t answer on all you quastions, because I didn`t see a lot in this country.
2. A new road soon be constranting joying factory with railway.
3. He speaks like a man, who has his own opinion for each things.
4. He inroduced me to a friend of his who had just returned from a far East.
6. I can`t forget the story you told.
7. I hope, that story will remind you about your duty.
8. Being the young man in 18 years old he went to armi valantirily.
9. Being the officer, my grandad was the honest, brave, with a strong character and never loosing heart.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 06 апреля 2017, 10:50:03 »
                                                          p. 21 ex. 3
10. The Germans capturing huge Soviet territories, surrounding Leningrad, and threatening Moscow.
11. At the peak of the German offensive.
12. How were arms and munitions produced?
13. By the people`s selflessness and by the strenght of the people`s spirit.
14. Taken prisoner.
15. On the battlefield.
16. The partisans carried out the "Rail war" operation in occupied areas of Russia and Belorussia.
17. Belorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. Small unit.
19. 28 men from General Panfilov`s division engaged in an unequal battle against the nazis near the Dubosekovo railway sisding, destroyed 30 German tanks.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 04 апреля 2017, 11:39:11 »
                                           How did I spend my vacation
These vacation was spent very fast. I think, that for me it was faster than some of my weekends. And I also thought that on these vacation I could sleep a lot and do just what I want, but… there was just one day when I slept till eleven o`clock. That was Friday. So I`m going to tell you why I couldn`t sleep every day till 12 o`clock or do whatever  I want.
  First day of my vacation was Monday. I actually woke up at 6:45 a.m. by myself. I think that because of I had Birthday and I was really nervous. So I woke up and after I had a really great day with my best friends Selena and Emiliya. I can say that it was the best day of these vacation, because I was with my friends who I really love.  So on that day first we went to the café for having breakfast there, after we went to the cinema and in the end we went to the Gorky park. Despite there was very cold on this day, that was very, very cool day.
  On Tuesday my parents and me went to Geneva for two days. I spent there great time too. After Geneva we went to Moscow where were just one day of my vacation. So that was Friday when  I were sleeping till 11a.m. But also on that day I went to the math class, but it doesn’t matter.
  I spend really good vacation and it doesn’t matter that I woke up early and didn`t do whatever I want. I`m so happy that my vacation was actually like that.

1. On what day I slept till elen o`clock?
2. What was I doing on Monday?
3. At what time did I wake up on Monday?
4. With who did I spent my Birthday?
5. With who did I go to Geneva?
6. Where did I go with my parents?
7. Did I like my vacation?

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 23 марта 2017, 10:32:26 »
                        Should we share our feelings
 Should we share our feeling?  I think yes. It`s very important to share feelings. But before we can answer, we should know what actually feelings mean.
Feelingscan be divided into two groups: bad feelings and good feelings. Good feelings like happiness, excited, surprise, successful. Bad feelings- sadness, cruelty, disappointment, shame. But there is one more feeling, which everybody feels different. Somebody feels like a good feeling, somebody feels like bad. That feeling is love. As I have said before, everybody feels it different. So what about me? I think  that love is the best feeling ever! That it`s perfect when you love somebody and somebody loves you.
But let`s talk about if is it important to share our feelings. Yes, I think it is. If you don`t share your feelings with anybody you can become sick. You must share you feelings, because if you have a lot of bad feelings inside you, one day you can just blow up with all you feelings or if you keep all your feelings inside, you could have a heart attack.
So we all should share our feelings!

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 марта 2017, 12:11:05 »
                                                           p. 8 ex. 7
1. Having seen so little of this country, i`m afraid, I can`t answear on all your quastions.
2. The new road, will soon be bild, conecting factory with the railway station.
3. He talks like a person, who has he`s own opinion for everithing.
4. He introduced me to a friends of his who had just returned from a far east.
5. We went for a sightseeing after we bought tickets and packed our things.
6. I can forget the story told by you.
7. I hope, this story will remined you of your debt.
8. When in 18 years old, he went to army with his own wish.
9. Being an officer, ,my grandad was honest, brave, with the strong character, never losing heart.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 марта 2017, 10:44:55 »
                                                                 p. 21 ex. 3
14. Taken prisoner.
15. Battlefield.
16. The partisans carried out the "Rail war" operation in occupied areas of Russia and Belorussia.
17.Belorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. Small unit.
19. 28 men from General Panfilov`s division siding, distroyed 30 German tanks.
20. We have no room to retreat.
21.The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 марта 2017, 10:33:33 »
                                                    p. 6 ex. 1
Теряющий- потерянный              Losing- lost
Кончающий- оконченный           Ending-ended
Упаковывающий- упакованный    Packing-packed
Празднующий- отпразднованный   Celebrating- celebrated
Начинающий- начатый                     Starting- started
Освежающий- освеженный              Refreshing- refreshed

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 марта 2017, 12:15:58 »
                                                                p. 20 ex. 3
1. Hilter`s aim was always the crushing of the Soviet Union.
2. Feverish preparations for attacking the USSR were begun.
3. 5,500,000 troops were confronted by a 3,000,000- strong Red Army.
4. The nazi troops had quitea a lot of experience in waging modern warfare by that time.
5. The factor surprise attack was on German`s side.
6. The armored Wehrmatch.
7. The fuhrer`s political.
8. The conviction that Stalin`s own people will overthrow him.
9. The bloody war unleashed by the nazis.
10. The nazis captured huge Soviet territories, surrounding Leningrad. and threatening Moscow.
11. At the peak of German offensive.
12. How were arms and munitions produced?
13. People`s selflessness and by the strenght of the people`s spirit.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 02 марта 2017, 10:49:15 »
                                                                          April Fool`s day
On the first of April people celebrate April Fool`s day. On this day they make fun and laugh. They play jokes on their friends and relatives: mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. The jokes must be harmless. If you belive in the joke you become an April Fool.
1. When April Fool`s day is celebrated?
2. What do people do on April Fool`s?
3. What is celebrated on the first of April?
                                                                              April Fool`s day
April Fool`s day or all Fool`s Day is the first of Aoril. The fun of the holiday is to play silly but haemless jokes on family members and friends. The victim of these joke is called an April fool. Playing jokes on this day became popular long ago and in many countries of the world. children and grown-up people enjoy this day very much.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 февраля 2017, 11:49:58 »
                                                          ex. V
1. We came up to the militiam standing in thr corner and asked him the way.
2.Did you see in what direction the boy standing here went?
3. The people waiting for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time.
4."The man waiting for you has just left" " Too bad"
5. Each time talling this story he can`t help smiling!
6." The houses built in the 60-s are not as convenient as the modern ones. I live in a house built in last year" "Good for you"
7. Said good bey, he proudly left the room.
8. Not having many, we couldn`t take a taxi and arrived at the airport when the plane had alredy taken off.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 февраля 2017, 11:32:50 »
                                          p. 7 ex. IV
1. The number of apatment houses built  for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. It has been planed to dig out  a new canal here supplyed the whole area with water for irrigation. 3. Not knowing his telephone number I couldn`t ring him up.
5. Working as an interpreter for many years he had a good practical knowledge of the language. 6. Finished there meal they went fot a stroll in the park. 7. The long-playing records produced by the local factory are of exceptionally quality. 8. The so long expected answear came at last.                 

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 февраля 2017, 12:19:09 »
                                                                    p. 7 ex. IV
1. The number of apatment houses built  for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. It has been planed to dig out  a new canal here supplyed the whole area with water for irrigation. 3. Not knowing his telephone number I couldn`t ring him up.
5. Working as an interpreter for many years he had a good practical knowledge of the language. 6. Finished there meal they went fot a stroll in the park. 7. The long-playing records produced by the local factory are of exceptionally quality. 8. The so long expected answear came at last.

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