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Английский язык / Re: Council of Europe
« : 07 апреля 2016, 12:17:34 »
59. Собрание Европейского Консульства обеспечивает прочную основу для защиты от потенциальных рисков их безопасности, охраны и прав в цифровой сфере. Консульство будет содействовать, отслеживать и помогать с исполнением собрания Европейского Консульства о защите детей от сексуального эксплуатирования и сексуального злоупотребления, собрание киберпреступности и её дополнительного протокола, собрание защиты личности с автоматической обработкой персональной информации, собрания предотвращения и борьбы с жестокостью и женщинам и домашнего насилия, собрание действий против травли людей, так же как и относящиеся к этому рекомендации Комитета Министров.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 10 марта 2016, 11:32:51 »
1) Joan Wilder wrote the popular women's novels in his apartment in New York. After finishing one of them, she celebrates it by the fireplace with your favorite cat, hoping to meet the man, like the hero of his novel, Jesse, saving Angelina.
Soon Joan learns that her sister is kidnapped in Colombia. The kidnappers demand to bring the card (received by mail from Joan deceased husband's sister, who was recently killed), which indicates the location of a hidden treasure (as it later turns out, the giant emerald). Joan brings the card to Colombia, but sat on the wrong bus, got lost in the jungle. He comes to help her American adventurer, handsome Jack T. Colton. Jack did not get rich off and decides to help Joan. Gradually, they fall in love. Together they successfully repulsed the bandits and corrupt police are emerald and free his sister Joan.
2) Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas, Danny De Vito and others...

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 27 октября 2015, 11:41:41 »
1) A.V. was a native of Florence and a navigator, was first employed by Spain and later by Portugal, to make explorations.
2) In 1499 he skirted the coast of Venezuela and northeastern South America.
3) Europe, Africa and Asia.
4) It now seemed clear that Amerigo Vespucci proved the existence of the fourth part. In consequence of this belife a German professor, who printed a little treatiseon geography a few years later, suggested that the fourth part should be called America, after A.V.

East of west, home is best.

Misha Bychkov

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