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Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #302 : 27 декабря 2016, 23:51:20 »

a ray of sunshine
Something is a ray of sunshine if it brings happiness to someone.
a voice (crying) in the wilderness
You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.
answer the call of nature
If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.
at sea | all at sea
If you're at sea, or all at sea, you're confused about something and not sure what to do.
beat around the bush | beat about the bush
If you beat around the bush, or beat about the bush, you don't say something directly, usually because you don't want to upset the person you're talking to.
can't see the forest for the trees American English
If you can't see the forest for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved.
can't see the wood for the trees British English
If you can't see the wood for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved.
down to earth
If someone is down to earth, they are practical and sensible.

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #301 : 26 декабря 2016, 23:20:19 »
Money Idioms

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

- the person who pays for something has control over how the money is used

He who pays the piper calls the tune and the owner of the sports team can decide who will play on the team.
head over heels in debt

- to be deeply in debt

My cousin is head over heels in debt and has no money at all.
heads or tails

- the face of a coin or the other side of the coin

The referee threw the coin to see if it would be heads or tails.
highway robbery

- the charging of a high price for something

The amount of money that the company is charging for its services is highway robbery.
hit pay dirt

- to make a valuable discovery, to find the dirt in which much gold is found

We hit pay dirt when we got the rights to distribute the new product.
hit the jackpot

- to make a lot of money suddenly (usually from gambling)

We hit the jackpot at the casino and came home with much money.
honor (someone's) check

- to accept someone's personal check

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #300 : 23 декабря 2016, 20:09:46 »

crazy like a fox
Very clever, cunning, or shrewd while appearing foolish or mad. People thought I was crazy when I told them my idea for massive social networking site—crazy like a fox, more like it!

Fox guarding the henhouse
A person likely to exploit the information or resources that he or she has been charged to protect or control. My sister is going to put her ex-convict brother-in-law in charge of her business, and I'm worried he'll be like a fox guarding the henhouse.

Fox's sleep
A state of apparent sleep (or feigned indifference) in which someone is actually aware of everything going on around him or her.
Alludes to the idea that foxes sleep with one eye open and thus are always at the ready.

 an attractive girl or young woman.
Man, who was that fox I saw you with?

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #299 : 20 декабря 2016, 11:43:28 »
Colour Idioms

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A67e-isDR0" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A67e-isDR0</a>

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #298 : 19 декабря 2016, 16:45:44 »
at sixes and sevens - куча-мала, беспорядок
at the tip of the tongue - на кончике языка, почти сказано
bublin brook - болтушка, сплетница
babe at the woods - словно с луны свалившись
back off - заткнуться, прекратить пороть чушь, говорить медленнее
at first blush - с первого взгляда, поначалу
at sea - растерянность, ступор, конфуз
back out - не сдержать обещания, сделать западло
rotten rat - гнилой человек, потерявший доверие
back up - одобрять, подстраховать
back to the wall - в западне, в безвыходной ситуации
bad egg - в семье не без урода, белая ворона
ball game - убить двух зайцев, поймать синюю птицу, удача
ball of fire - гиперипульсивный, чересчур энергичный человек
bananas oil - лапша на уши, наглая лесть
bank on - надеяться, рассчитывать
be gettin on - стареть, набираться опыта
beat about the bush - толочь воду в ступе, лить воду из пустого в порожнее
beat it - смываться, сматываться, убираться

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #297 : 12 декабря 2016, 13:45:54 »
KNEE-HIGH TO A GRASSHOPPER- от горшка два вершка

The last time I came here I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #296 : 12 декабря 2016, 13:44:43 »
👉 «Боб твой дядя!» — это выражение часто употребляют в Великобритании. Его ставят в конец предложения, и означает оно что-то вроде «Вуаля!» или "Дело в шляпе".

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #295 : 12 декабря 2016, 13:44:03 »

also "never look a gift horse in the mouth"

-don’t be ungrateful when you receive a gift;
-do not be critical of a gift you receive;
-do not refuse something good that is offered;
-do not be unappreciative of or question a gift you have received.

Example Sentences

1) I know you don’t like the dress very much, but it was a gift; you should not look a gift horse in the mouth.
2) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, be grateful for what you have received.
3) He gave his old car as a gift; I know its not a great one, but I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
4) It’s not what you were hoping for, but it’s the best he could afford; I would advise you not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
5) If I were you, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just be grateful that he was kind enough to give you his old watch when you needed one.

This phrase alludes to the fact that the age, hence the usefulness, of a horse can be determined by looking at its teeth. The expression says that if a horse is given as a gift, you should not look at its teeth to determine its quality. It is an ancient expression and the exact origin is unknown. However, the first print occurrence in English is found in 1546 in John Heywood’s “A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue” (middle English). The phrase can be traced further back to the Latin text of St Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, in AD 400.

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #294 : 06 декабря 2016, 11:20:06 »
Idioms about cats

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions using the word cat.

Be the cat’s whiskers
When you are the cat’s whiskers, you are better than anybody else.

Ever since he asked her out on a date, she thinks she is the cat’s whiskers.
She thought she was the cat’s whiskers in her lovely blue gown.

 Has the cat got your tongue?

This expression is used when someone does not say anything when you expect them to.

Let the cat out of the bag

To let the cat out of the bag is to reveal a secret unintentionally.

I didn’t want anyone to know about our trip to Bangkok, but my girlfriend let the cat out of the bag by stupidly tweeting about it.

Like the cat that got the cream

When you look like the cat that got the cream, you look very pleased.

You look like the cat that got the cream. What’s the matter?

When Susie came home yesterday she was grinning like the cat that got the cream, but she didn’t say what the matter was.

Look like something the cat dragged / brought in

If somebody looks like something the cat dragged in, they look very untidy.

You aren’t going out like that – you look like something the cat dragged in.

Not have a cat in hell’s chance

To have no chance at all

He hasn’t a cat in hell’s chance of winning the election.

She doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance of getting that job.

Set the cat among the pigeons

To set the cat among the pigeons is to cause trouble.

The minister’s remarks about abortion and premarital sex set the cat among the pigeons.

When the cat’s away, the mice will play

Used to suggest that people will do whatever they want when someone in authority is not there.

I don’t think we can leave the kids alone. When the cat is away…

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #293 : 05 декабря 2016, 18:23:27 »

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Compensation or retribution that is (or should be) of an equal amount or degree to the injury or offense that was originally dealt.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; this I demand from all who have wronged me.

tooth and nail
Furiously or fiercely; with all of one's strength and effort.
 The elite troops have been placed around the perimeter to defend the palace tooth and nail from rioters.

hen's tooth
Something very scarce (because hens have no teeth).
 I can hardly believe your brother got an A on his final exam—grades like that are as scarce as a hen's tooth for him!

love-tooth in the head
A constant need or yearning for love.
 A: "Stacey always seems to have a boyfriend." B: "I know, she really has a love-tooth in the head!"

have a sweet tooth
desire to eat many sweet foods-especially candy and pastries.
 I have a sweet tooth, and if I don't watch it, I'll really get fat.

long in the tooth
to be very old
Don't you think she's a bit long in the tooth to be a romantic heroine?

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #292 : 03 декабря 2016, 23:31:24 »
     The parrots in the picture below look cunning and clever. They  probably don't understand "the mechanics of the language", but they seem to understand much about us, the human creatures.

Parrots are  intelligent birds and I completely agree on the point, that some species can understand humans. However, what they have really excelled at - is responding to sounds. For instance, there is an amazing lyrebird in Australia, which is capable of imitating practically any sound (This footage isn't  fake  :yes:)

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOFy8QkNWWs" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOFy8QkNWWs</a>

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #291 : 03 декабря 2016, 20:06:09 »
Повседневном английском идиомы


Оффлайн Ann

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #290 : 02 декабря 2016, 00:16:20 »
     The parrots in the picture below look cunning and clever. They  probably don't understand "the mechanics of the language", but they seem to understand much about us, the human creatures.

Оффлайн DAS

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #289 : 01 декабря 2016, 22:39:49 »

parrot (someone's) words
To repeat verbatim what someone else has said or is saying. When you're teaching students a new language, it does them little good to just have them parrot your words—they have to understand the mechanics of the language itself.
The three boys encircled the fourth, parroting his words of protest in mocking tones.

be as sick as a parrot
to be very disappointed
Tim was sick as a parrot when he heard Manchester had lost the match.

if you learn something parrot-fashion, you are able to repeat the words, but you do not understand their meaning
When I went to Sunday school, we had to recite passages from the Bible parrot-fashion.

Оффлайн Arsenovna

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Re: Let's enjoy some of the English idioms!
« Ответ #288 : 01 декабря 2016, 13:13:56 »
Идиомы, связанные с цветами

As blue as the devil – грустный, угрюмый
Black as coal – черный как уголь
Black board – классная доска
Black eye – подбитый глаз
Black out – запечатывать
Black sheep – паршивая овца
Black-and-blue – избитый
Blue devils – меланхолия, тоска
Blue-ribbon – исключительный, лучший
Burn with a low blue flame – быть очень злым
Do something up brown – делать что-либо правильно
Green winter – бесснежная зима
Green with envy – завистливый
Green-eyed monster – ревность
In the green – в расцвете сил
In the pink – в добром здравии
Navy blue – тёмно-синий
Pink slip – уведомление об увольнении
Red herring – обманный маневр
Red tape – волокита, бюрократизм
Red with anger – побагроветь от гнева
Red-letter day – праздничный день
The green light – разрешение
The pink of perfection – верх совершенства
White coffee – кофе с молоком
Tickled pink – удовлетворенный, польщенный
Till one is blue in the face – долго и безуспешно
To be green about the gills – побледнеть
To be in the red – быть в долгах
To be/get out of the red – расплатиться с долгами
To catch red-handed – поймать с поличным
To have a green thumb – быть талантливым садоводом
To roll out the red carpet – оказать теплый прием
To see red – разозлиться, прийти в ярость
To show the white feather – проявить малодушие, струсить
To stand in a white sheet – публично каяться
White as a sheet – бледный как смерть
White elephant – обременительное или разорительное имущество
White fury – неистовство
White horses – барашки (на море)
White lie – безвредная ложь
White night – ночь без сна
White-collar crime – должностное преступление
White-collar worker – работник офиса
Yellow journalism – жёлтая пресса
Yellow streak – трусость (как черта характера)
Yellow-bellied – чрезвычайно робкий или трусливый

It is the first day of winter! :good: [joyful_ghost]
