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Re: News
« Ответ #985 : 07 декабря 2020, 01:20:50 »

UNIT 1. My Family and I (To be, To have).
UNIT 2. The School I Go To (Present Continuous).
UNIT 3. Seasons and Weather (Present Continuous + Present Simple).
UNIT 4. Holidays. Day Off

UNIT 1. Travelling (Modal Verbs).
UNIT 2. Holidays. Day off (Past Simple, Past Continuous).
UNIT 3. Customs.Traditions. Holidays (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect).
UNIT 4. Cinema, Theatre, TV, Internet

UNIT 1. Travelling (Present Simple, Present Continuous).
UNIT 2. The Internet (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous).
UNIT 3. Customs. Tradition. Нolidays (Comparison of Adjectives).
UNIT 4. Meals
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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #984 : 06 декабря 2020, 15:04:10 »
Approval is needed
I. Vocabulary Activisation and Speech Exercises

I. Warming up exercise. Listen to the text and read it together with the speaker (as many times as you need to do it at the speed of the speaker). Mind your pronunciation

II. Complete the sentences by quoting the text
     1. Mary, John and Boris are sitting... . 2. Boris has just come from London, where his family... . 3. "We give presents to each other, we decorate a Christmas tree at home and... . 4. It falls on the first of January and the most important time ... . 5. I hope Ded Moroz ... .

III. Fill in the missing words
     1. "Our ... is New Year", John answers. 2. "Does he listen to you?" "Yes, he does if we ... ."  3. At midnight the Kremlin clock ... twelve times. 4.  I ... ... ... well and behaving myself since the beginning of the school year. 5. I ... Ded Moroz will grant my wish", John answered.

IV. Answer the questions by quoting the text

     1. Are Mary, John and Boris sitting in the kitchen and talking? 2. What is John's favourite holiday? 3. What do Boris and his family usually do on the Christmas day? 4. What do children do? 5. Who will deliver the gifts?

V. Translate the following sentences
     1. В гостинной сидели и беседовали Мэри, Джон и Борис. 2. Борис только что вернулся из Лондона, где вместе с семьей праздновал свой любимый праздник.

VI. Copy the text (in writing)

VII. Reproduce the text

VIII. Read, look up and say
 1."Hello, John! How are you?"
   "I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?"
   "I'm fine, too."
   "What are you doing tomorrow?"
   "I'm going to the country house with my parents. We are celebrating the New Year there."

 2. "The New Year is coming. Have you decorated the New Year tree?"
    "Oh, yes, we have. Our New Year tree is big and beautiful. Ded Moroz will place his presents under it."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yes, I am. I studied well and I behaved myself. He is sure to come and grant my wish."

 3. "Happy New Year!"
    "Same to you!"
    "Where are you celebrating the New Year?"
    " We are celebrating it as usual, at home."
 4. The New Year morning
    "Hello! How are you this morning? Why are you looking so sad?"
    "I was waiting and waiting for Ded Moroz, but he hasn't come."
    " And who is there in the garden with a large sack on his shoulders?
    "Oh! This is him! Hurrah!"
Ded Moroz: "Here I am! I am happy', I did it! Too many children studied well and behaved themselves! So many presents to deliver!"

5. "Happy Christmas!"
    "Same to you!"

IX.  Listen to the text and say what the text is about

X. Make up your own sentences in writing using the Active Vocabulary

XI. Make up your story (based on the text, in writing). Make sure there are no mistakes in it. Consult the teacher. Then reproduce the story in one-minute time.

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Re: News
« Ответ #983 : 06 декабря 2020, 13:55:21 »
     Какими должны быть тексты в Учебнике по английскому языку, построенному Концепции - комплексный метод обучения, личностно-деятельностный и индивидуальный подходы

Информативно, познавательно, воспитательно, присутствуют примеры на активную лексику и грамматику в диалогах (для развития говорения по лексике и грамматике юнита), выделена грамматическая и лексическая цепочка из юнита в юнит.

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Re: News
« Ответ #982 : 06 декабря 2020, 00:01:42 »
+       Grade 3, Unit 3.  CUSTOMS. TRADITIONS. HOLIDAYS

The Main text

The New Year Day. Christmas

      Mary, John and Boris are sitting in the living room and talking. Boris has just come back from London, where his family had celebrated Christmas, which is their favourite holiday.
     "What do you usually do on the Christmas day?"  Mary asks Boris.
     "We give presents to each other, we decorate the Christmas tree at home and sometimes we go to the centre of London on the Christmas eve. And what is your favourite holiday?"

    "Our favourite holiday is New Year", John answers. "It falls on the first of January and the most important time is the New Year eve. At midnight the Kremlin clock strikes twelve times, our parents open champagne and clink glasses."
     "And what do children do?" " We wait for Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) to come with his granddaughter Snegurochka. He will give us the gifts from his large sack. We usually ask him to bring the presents we want", Mary says.
     "Does he listen to you?" "Yes, he does if we study well at school and behave ourselves.  Last year I got new hockey skates! I want to get a LEGO set this year.  I have been studying well and behaving myself since the beginning of the school year. I hope Ded Moroz grants my wish", John answers.

Speech Patterns. New Year and Christmas greetings
1. Happy New Year! - С Новым Годом!
2. Merry Christmas!
3. Thank you, same to you!

- In Russia the New Year beats Christmas in its importance.
- The New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins.
- How do you usually celebrate New Year?

The main Russian festivals and celebrations
- New Year
- Christmas
- Maslenitsa
- Easter
- Victory Day

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Re: News
« Ответ #981 : 05 декабря 2020, 23:50:38 »
+       Grade 3, Unit 3.  CUSTOMS. TRADITIONS. HOLIDAYS

Read, look up and say
1."Hello, John! How are you?"
   "I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?"
   "I'm fine, too."
   "What are you doing tomorrow?"
   "I'm going to our country house with my parents. We are going to celebrate the New Year there."

2. "The New Year is coming. Have you decorated the New Year tree yet?"
    "Oh, yes, we have. Our New Year tree is big and beautiful. Ded Moroz will place our presents under it."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yes, I am. I have studied well and I behaved myself. He is sure to come and grant my wish."

3. "Happy New Year!"
    "Thank you, same to you!"
    "Where are you celebrating the New Year?"
    " We are celebrating it as usual, at home."

4. The New Year morning

    "Hello! How are you this morning? Why are you looking so sad?"
    "I was waiting and waiting for Ded Moroz, but he hasn't come."
    " And who is there in the garden with a large sack on his shoulders?
    "Oh! That is him! Hurrah!"
Ded Moroz: "Here I am and I am happy! Too many children have studied well and behaved themselves! So many presents to deliver!"

5. "Merry Christmas!"
    "Thank you, same to you!"

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Re: News
« Ответ #980 : 05 декабря 2020, 14:39:38 »
+       Grade 3, Unit 3.  CUSTOMS. TRADITIONS. HOLIDAYS

III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech

1. Holidays in Russia. New year
     There are many holidays in Russia: New Year, Christmas, Love Day, Army Day, Easter, Victory Day and others.
     New Year is the most popular holiday in this country. Children like it very much because it is like a fairy tale.
     They decorate the New Year tree (it's a fir tree in Russia), write New Year cards, give presents to each other and their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Very often they make the presents and New Year toys themselves. The grown up people like these presents most of all.
     "How are you getting ready for the coming New Year?"
     "I am writing New Year cards in the Internet and improving my school marks. My mother says that my good marks are the best present for her. By the way, I have just got an excellent mark for an English test".

2. Christmas and Easter are very important
     Christmas in Russia falls on the 7th of January. On the Christmas eve my grandparents watch the night service in the
Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Собор Христа Спасителя) and my parents go to the Cathedral to participate in the service.
     "Do they participate in the sacred procession (крестный ход)?"
     "There is no sacred procession on Christmas night, but there is one on the Easter night. My parents tried it two years ago. They say it's a wonderful experience and they have been doing it every year since that time."
    "Are your parents religious people?"
    "No, they are not. But they cherish the customs and traditions of Russia."

3. The USA. A country of many different traditions
     The USA is a country consisting of 50 states. Among them are the state of New York, Florida, Alabama and many others. The USA is the country where people of different nations came to live in order to become safe, rich and happy.
     Different nations have brought different cultures, customs and traditions into the USA. However there are some holidays and traditions which are marked and celebrated all over the country. Among them are Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and others.

4. New Year Around the World
     Celebrating the New Year is a tradition the world over.
     However not every country celebrates it on the same day.
     The Americans and Europeans celebrate their New Year on the First of January(January 1).  The date was introduced by the Romans. Julius Caesar did it to honour James Befus, a god with two faces. One face looks back to the old year and the other looks forward to the new year.
     The Chinese celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar, at a time between January 21 and February 19.
In India they celebrate the first day of each season. So the Hindus have four New Years in their calendar.
     However, in every country New Year means the beginning of a new and happier life. All the people want to make the coming year better than the year that has just passed into eternity.

5. The Traditions I Like
     Hello! My name is Misha. I live in Moscow, Russia. I am nine. I am a third year pupil. I go to Modern Education school where I study two languages - Russian and English.
     I've been studying in the school for two and a half years now and I've learnt much about customs, traditions and holidays the world over. What tradition is my favourite?  New Year is very important.  I like to decorate the New Year tree, to write New Year congratulation cards to my friends and relatives and to meet Ded Moroz when he comes with his big sack and grants me with his gifts.
     Another tradition which I like is my birthday.


Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #979 : 03 декабря 2020, 18:22:49 »
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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #978 : 03 декабря 2020, 16:55:02 »

Present Simple – настоящее время, которое употребляется для обозначения регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий.
Слова – указатели: often, always, rare, every day/week/hour/year, usually.
I always go to school in the morning. – Я всегда хожу в школу по утрам.

Present Continuous – настоящее время, которое употребляется для обозначения действия в определенный промежуток времени.
Слова – указатели: now, still, at the moment, currently.
I am going to school now.
I am still doing my homework.

Present Perfect  – настоящее совершенное время, которое упоребляется для обозначения действия произошедшего к определенному моменту в настоящем времени
Слова – указатели: just, never, yet, already.
I have just done my homework. - Я только что сделал

Grammar Exercises
I.   Read the following sentences, translate them into Russian and see how Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect are used in them.
    1.   He is playing table tennis now. He plays table tennis every day. He has already played table tennis.
    2.   Boris is telling Mary and John about the customs and traditions in England. He always tells about the customs and traditions in England. Boris has never told them about the customs and traditions in Scotland.
    3.   Mary always shows her photos to Boris. He has never shown his photos from England. John is showing his photos from Red Square now.
    4.   I am writing a Christmas card now. I write Christmas cards every year. I have just written a Christmas card.
    5.   He always sends a Christmas card via email.  I am sending a Christmas card now. We have never sent a Christmas card via email.

II.    Copy the sentences of Ex. I.

III. Find the sentences in the text in which Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect are used and copy them.

IV. Open the parenthesis in Present Simple.
Model: People always (to buy) presents to each other. - People always buy presents to each other.
   1.   People always (to give) presents to each other and send Christmas cards.
   2.   Many families in Great Britain (to celebrate) Christmas in the open air.
   3.   Boris (to want) to visit London with John and Mary.
   4.   I always (to decorate) our classroom for the New Year.
   5.   She has been to England. She often (to talk) about the customs and traditions of that country.

V.  Open the parenthesis in Present Continuous.

Model: “What is John doing?” “He (to play) now.” – “What is John doing?” “He is playing now.”
   1.   "What are they doing?" " They(to play) and (to talk) now."
   2.   “Where is Boris now?” "He is busy. Не (to tell) Mary and John about the customs and traditions in England."
   3.   He (to listen) to the story about traditions and customs in Russia.
   4.   The weather is cold and snowy now. Mary and John (sit) with their cousin Boris in the living room.
   5.   It’s winter now. It (snow) at the moment.

VI.  Open the parenthesis in Present Perfect.
Model: I (to finish) reading “The Forsyte Saga” this week. I have finished reading “The Forsyte Saga” this week.
   1.   We have just produced a new film about the teachers. Have you (to see) it?
   2.   Mary just (to cook) a good dinner.
   3.   I am not hungry. I (to have) just breakfast at our school buffet.
   4.   I (not to be) at school this month because of the coronavirus .
   5.   We never (to work) together.

VII.  Choose between Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect.
   1.   “What are you doing?” “I (am reading / read / have read) new customs at the moment.”
   2.   “Who has just written a letter to Santa?” Boris (is writing / writes / has written) a letter to Santa.
   3.   “Where is Mary?” (Has she come / does she come / is she coming) yet?
   4.   “It’s winter now. It (is snowing / snows / has snowed) at the moment.”
   5.   “Where is Yemi?”. He is upstairs. He (has just finished / finishes / is finishing) his Free Speech Lesson.

VIII.  Translate the following into English.

   1.   Сейчас зима. Мэри и Джон сидят в гостинной с Борисом.
   2.   Борис рассказывает сейчас об обычиях и традициях Англии.
   3.   Они показвают фото с Красной площади.
   4.   Я никогда не был в Лондоне.
   5.   Он уже сделал домашнее задание.

IX.  Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing and explain the difference between them.

   1.   He is playing table tennis now. He plays table tennis every day. He has already played table tennis.
   2.   Boris is telling Mary and John about customs and traditions in England. He always tells about customs and traditions in England. Boris has never told them about customs and traditions in Scotland.
   3.   Mary always shows her photos to Boris. He has never shown his photos from England. John is showing his photos from Red Square now.
   4.   I am writing a Christmas card now. I write a Christmas card every year. I have just written a Christmas card.
   5.   He always sends a Christmas card via email.  I am sending a Christmas card now. We have never sent a Christmas card via email.

X. Make up sentences using the following words. Be ready to read and translate them.
Model: Our / just / translated / have / pupils / the / text / main.. –
  1.   She / done / already / homework / her / has.
  2.   You / a / good / have /job / done. Let me give you a hug.
  3.   Boris / had / such / has / busy / a / day.
  4.   Mary / the / has / you/ cook / cake. Please help yourself.
  5.   I / haven't / seen/ ages / you / for/. Where have you been all this time?

XI.  Make up sentences using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect. Use the following hints.
Present Simple: to tell about the customs and traditions in England,
Present Continuous: to sit in the living room and tell about the customs and traditions.
Present Perfect: to do homework,
*        *

XII.  Make up general questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.
Model: Му teacher has just invited me to a scheduled Zoom meeting. – Has my teacher invited me to a scheduled Zoom meeting?
  1.   It’s 9.30am. The first lesson has just started.
  2.   She has never used Zoom before.
  3.   The best IT Support Specialist in Moscow has just provided all the necessary assistance.
  4.   He has already purchased new hardware equipment.
  5.   "Mary, have you seen Boris?" "He has just taken the dog out for a walk."

XIII. Make up special questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.
Model: I have been to the school buffet. (where). – Where have you been?
   1.   I have just had breakfast at our school buffet[/color] I have bought pancakes with jam and a slice of apple pie(what).
   2.   Sergey (who) has fixed that sticking door, (what) finally. It seems to be opening fine now.
   3.   We have built a new birdhouse (what).
   4.   I haven't done my homework yet, but I am going to do it now.
   5.   She hasn't finished cleaning the classroom yet.

XIV. Make up questions to the main text (as many as you can).
*        *
XV. Describe the pictures using the Grammar (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect) and the Active Vocabulary of the Unit.

XVI. Маke up a monologue using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and the Active Vocabulary of the Unit
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Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #977 : 03 декабря 2020, 13:18:35 »
1.   Customs and Traditions in Great Britain

John and Mary are talking with their cousin Boris about his life in London.
"There are many customs and traditions in Great Britain," Boris says. "One of them is called "Wrong side of the bed."
    "What does it mean, Boris?" Mary asks him.
    "Yes, Boris! Tell us, please!" John asks him, too.
    "My mum says, when people are bad tempered they must get out of bed on the wrong side. The wrong side of the bed is the left side."
     "Oh! Our grandma tells us the same thing!" Mary and John are very surprised. "I think we have many common things with you, Boris!"
      Mary, John and their cousin Boris are laughing together now.

2.   Customs and Traditions in Russia

    Mary and John's cousin Boris is writing an e-mail to his parents now. He is writing about his life in Russia and its customs and traditions.
     People in Russia keep their old customs and traditions and are very proud of them. Russian people usually give up their seats to the elderly or to other people who need it. People usually visit friends not only on holidays and weekends. They can do it without any warning. The Russians, especially Mary and John's family, are very hospitable and open-hearted people. They like to invite guests to their places and give them traditional souvenirs.

3.   Customs and Traditions in the USA

Mary and John are having an English class now. Their teacher is talking about customs and traditions in the USA.
The United States of America is the country with a mixture of cultures. Almost every nation gives something to American traditions and customs.
Americans like smiling, handshaking and joking. Baseball, basketball, football and bowling are their favourite sports. Most of the USA holidays are celebrated in all the states. These are Thanksgiving Day, Columbus Day, Independence Day, Presidents’ Day, Veterans’ Day, Memorial Day, Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day.

4. Strange Customs around the World

Mary and John's parents are reading a book to their children. The book is about strange and interessting customs from different countries. Mary and John are listening to the stories with interest.
There is Teeth tossing in Greece. People put children’s teeth under their pillows and wait for a swap with cash by a fairy.
 In the Satare Mawe tribe men show the courage by placing hands in a basket filled with angry bullet ants. The bites are really painful.
 Then there is Tomato craze in Spain. La Tomatina is the biggest tomato fight that exists. It is a strange culture among the Spanish in Bunol where tomatoes are used as weapons. It is like snowballs fight in Russia.

5. My Favourite Traditions

Hi! My name is Misha. I'm from Russia. I think traditions play an important part in the life of the people. I think if we keep up our traditions we can save national history and culture.
 My favorite family holiday is New Year's Day. A week before the celebration we decorate a New Year tree with colorful glass balls and toys. My family usually has the New Year dinner. When the clock strikes midnight, we give each other presents. Later, we watch TV and relax and go outside to watch fireworks.
  Another celebration which I like is my birthday.

Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #976 : 30 ноября 2020, 16:59:11 »
3rd and 4th Grades

     Russia’s most popular holiday the New Year is just around the corner. The New Year beats Christmas in its importance. The streets are decorated with trees and lights usually 1 to 3 weeks before the holiday itself. It is common to keep the trees until 14th of January.
     Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) always delivers the gifts to children. He carries them in a large sack on his back and he wears valenki, traditional boots made out of wool. He is joined by his granddaughter Snegurochka. It is a New Year’s tradition to place two figures of them under the New Year’s tree.
     Along with eating and decorating the tree watching special holiday programmes on TV is another part of the celebrations.

*   *   *

     My favourite holiday the New Year is just around the corner. I am looking forward to celebrating it! The New Year beats Christmas in its importance in Russia. My parents and I always decorate our flat 2 weeks before the holiday. We buy a New Year tree and we usually keep it until the 14th of January.
     Ded Moroz always leaves me a nice gift under the New Year tree. Last year I got new hockey skates! I want to get a LEGO set this time. I hope Ded Moroz will (hear) grant my wish.
     All my relatives come to us to celebrate the New Year. Tables break under the huge amount of amazing and delicious dishes. Along with eating and decorating the tree watching special holiday programmes on TV is another part of the celebrations. At midnight the bells ring for one minute. That’s the turn to open champagne, make a wish and clink glasses with your loved ones exactly when the clock strikes 12.

     Mary, John and Boris are sitting in the living room and talking. Boris has just come from London. Where his family celebrated Christmas, which is their favourite holiday.
     "What do you usually do on the Christmas day?" - Mary asks Boris
     "We give presents to each other, we decorate a Christmas tree at home and sometimes wo go to the centre of London on the Christmas night. And what is your favourite holiday?"

Speech Patterns
1. Happy New Year! - С Новым Годом!
2. A happy New Year to you! - Счастливого Нового Года!
3. My best wishes for the New Year! - С наилучшими пожеланиями в Новом Году!
4. The Old Year out, the New Year in. - Старый год уходит, новый приходит.
5. New Year Greetings. - Новогодние поздравления.
6. All the best for the New Year! - Всего наилучшего в Новом Году
7. The way you spend New Year’s Eve is the same way you’ll spend the rest of the year. - Как Новый Год встретишь, так его и проведешь.
8. A happy upcoming year! - С наступающим!

- In Russia the New Year beats Christmas in its importance.
- The New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins
- How do you usually celebrate New Year?

The main Russian festivals and celebrations:
- New Year
- Christmas
- Maslenitsa
- Easter
- Victory Day

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Re: News
« Ответ #975 : 29 ноября 2020, 23:06:42 »

0. Новое название.
1. Главный текст (Внести праздники добавить ппредложения).
2. + про наш Новый Год.

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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #974 : 29 ноября 2020, 13:29:44 »
3rd Grade
1. Mary decorates the Christmas tree.
2. To give Christmas presents.
3. To write Christmas cards.
4. To celebrate Christmas.

2nd Grade

4th Grade
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Re: News
« Ответ #973 : 28 ноября 2020, 16:48:56 »
Approval is needed

I. Read the following sentences, translate them into Russian and see how Positive, Comparative and Superlative forms are used in them.
 1. This gift is nicer than that one.
 2. Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) is the oldest character in Russia.
 3. My New Year’s Tree is the highest.
 4. We invite more relatives this year.
 5. We had a festive supper yesterday. The dishes were delicious!

II. Copy the sentences of Ex. I.

III. Find the sentences in the text in which Positive, Comparative and Superlative
forms are used and copy them.

IV. Write three forms of adjectives.
Model: big – bigger – the biggest.
 1. Small.
 2. Funny.
 3. New.
 4. Smart.
 5. Nice.

V. Open the parenthesis using Comparative form of adjective.
Model: This custom is (old) than that custom. – This custom is older than that
 1. The New Year is (early) than Christmas in Russia.
 2. Winter holidays are (short) than summer holidays.
 3. We invite (much) relatives this year.
 4. These fireworks are (bright) than those.
 5. A festive supper is (tasty) when the family gets all together.

VI. Open the parenthesis using Superlative form of adjective.
 1. This is the (happy) holiday in my life.
 2 .This winter is the (cold) one.
 3 .The snowman is the (big) in the park.
 4. My grandparents are the (kind).
 5. Our traditions are the (old).

VII. Translate the following sentences into English.
 1. Этот фейерверк красивый.
 2. Эта ёлка самая высокая в городе!
 3. Мы пригласили больше родственников в этом году.
 4. Мне нужно лечь раньше спать, чтобы завтра встретить Новый Год.
 5. Зажигание лампочек на ёлке – старая традиция.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian and explain the difference
between them.

 1. More people celebrate the New Year than Easter.
 2. We set off the biggest firework.
 3. Our Christmas tree is the nicest.
 4. This snowman is smaller than that.
 5. I’ve got the best (good, better, the best) gift ever!

IX. Make up sentences using the following words. Be ready to read and translate

Model: Winter / are / holidays / longer / than / holidays / autumn. – Winter
holidays are longer than autumn holidays.
 1. Celebration / a / starts / year / this / earlier.
 2. Fireworks / off / we / set / usual / than / longer.
 3. Ded Moroz / a / visit / of / is / always / fun.
 4. Easter / comes / this / later / year.
 5. The oldest / maslenitsa / is / tradition.

X. Make up sentences using all the forms of Adjectives. Use the following hints.
Present Perfect: to set off fireworks, a Christmas tree, tradition, a visit of Ded
Moroz, to invite friends, a festive supper, our country.

Making Questions
XI. Make up general questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.

XII. Make up special questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.


XIII. Make up questions to the main text (as many as you can).

XIV. Describe the pictures using the Grammar (Positive, Comparative and Superlative forms of adjectives) and the Active Vocabulary of the Unit.
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Re: News
« Ответ #972 : 28 ноября 2020, 16:29:12 »
UNIT 3 GRADE 2 Seasons and Weather
Approval  is needed

I.   Read the following sentences, translate them into Russian and see how Present Simple and Present Continuous are used in them.
1.   I always go to school in the morning.
2.   “Look! It is raining now!” “It always rains in autumn.”
3.   “What does he like to do in winter?” “He often plays snowballs with his parents.”
4.   Mary and John usually learn new words and word-combinations in English.
5.   “What are they doing?” “They are having a lesson now.”

II.   Copy the sentences of Ex. I.

III.   Find the sentences in the text in which Present Simple and Present Continuous are used and copy them.

IV. Open the parenthesis in Present Simple.

Model: Mary usually (go) to school in autumn. – Mary usually goes to school in autumn.
1.   “What’s the weather like today?” “It (be) sunny and warm today.”
2.   You should take an umbrella with you. It often (rain) in autumn.
3.   It’s spring now. Mary and John (walk) in the park every day.
4.   “It’s cold today” “I always (drink) hot tea when it’s cold.”
5.   John (like) English lessons very much. He (learn) new words and word combinations every week.

V.  Open the parenthesis in Present Continuous.
Model: “What are they doing?” “They (have) a lesson now.” – “What are they doing?” “They are having a lesson now.”
1.   “Where is John now?” “The weather is nice. He (walk) in the park.”
2.   “Look! It (snow) now. Let’s play snowballs outside!”
3.   “What are you doing?” “I (learn) new words and word-combinations at the moment.”
4.   The weather is warm and sunny now. Mary and John (play) outside.
5.   It’s autumn now. It (rain) at the moment.

VI.  Choose between Present Simple and Present Continuous.
1.   “What are you doing?” “I (am learning / learn) new words and word-combinations at the moment.”
2.   You should take an umbrella with you. It (is raining / rains) often in autumn.
3.   “Look! It (is snowing / snows) now. Let’s play snowballs outside!”
4.   It’s autumn now. It (is raining / rains) at the moment.
5.   It’s spring now. John and Mary (are walking / walk) in the park every day.

VII.  Translate the following into English.
1.   Сейчас весна. Мэри и Джон гуляют в парке каждый день.
2.   «Что ты сейчас делаешь?» «Я учу новые английские слова и выражения.»
3.   «Посмотри! Сейчас идет снег. Давай поиграем в снежки!»
4.   Тебе следует взять с собой зонтик. Осенью часто идет дождь.
5.   Сейчас осень. В данный момент идет дождь.

VIII.  Translate the following sentences into Russian and explain the difference between them.
1.   “What are you doing?” “I am learning new words and word-combinations at the moment.”
2.   You should take an umbrella with you. It often rains in autumn.
3.   “Look! It is snowing now. Let’s play snowballs outside!”
4.   It’s autumn now. It is raining at the moment.
5.   It’s spring now. John and Mary walk in the park every day.

IX. Make up sentences using the following words. Be ready to read and translate them.
Model: It / snowing / is / now. – It is snowing now.
1.   What / the weather / is / today / like?
2.   John and Mary / every / walk / day / in the park.
3.   Look! It / snowing / outside / is.
4.   It / rains / in autumn / often.
5.   What / doing / are / they / now?

X.  Make up sentences using Present Simple and Present Continuous. Use the following hints.
Present Simple: to rain often, to learn new words every day, to play snowballs every weekends, to like spring, to go to the sea in summer.
Present Continuous: to learn new word-combinations now, to walk in the park still, to snow at the moment, to have a lesson now, to rain now.

*            *

XI.  Make up general questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.
Model: It’s autumn now. It is raining at the moment. – It’s autumn now. Is it raining at the moment?
1.   It’s spring now. John and Mary walk in the park every day.
2.   You should take an umbrella with you. It often rains in autumn.
3.   The weather is warm and sunny now. Mary and John are playing outside.
4.   He is learning new words and word-combinations at the moment.
5.   They have lessons every day.

XII. Make up special questions to the following statements. Work according to the model.
Model: It’s autumn now. It is raining outside (where). – It’s autumn now. Where is it raining?
1.   It’s spring now. John and Mary walk in the park every day (how often).
2.   You should take an umbrella with you. It often rains in autumn (when).
3.   The weather is warm and sunny now. Mary and John are playing outside (who).
4.   He is learning new words and word-combinations at the moment (what).
5.   They have lessons every day (what).

*              *

XIII. Make up questions to the main text (as many as you can).

XIV. Describe the pictures using the Grammar (Present Simple and Present Continuous) and the Active Vocabulary of the Unit.
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Re: News
« Ответ #971 : 28 ноября 2020, 15:58:51 »
The English Names for the most Popular Holidays in this Country

1. New Year Day
2. Christmas
3. The Cosmonatics Day
4. Victory Day

Customs. Traditions. Holidays.
