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Оффлайн Elly

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   Dear Ben,
  Thank you for your last letter. Is was great to hear from you after such a long time. I really should have written you earlier. I have been busy with my exams lately.
  Now I'm ready to answer your questions.
  Teenagers read less than their parents, because they find it boring and now they have video games. I like reading fantasy and detectives. In my free time I go in for sports and cycling.
  Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. Hope to hear from you again.
  All the best,

Оффлайн Elly

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                                                     R.L Stevenson
                                                    In search of Mr Hyde

    During the next few weeks Mr Utterson spent many hours in the narrow street where Enfield had seen Hyde. He waited patiently near the mysterious door, hoping for a sight of Mr Hyde - and one dry, clear winter night he was successful. The street was empty and silent and small sound carried a long way. The lawyer heard footsteps.

Оффлайн Ann

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Hello, dear внучка!

     I've just read your posts №№ 267, 268  and marked the mistakes. Will you make the necessary corrections.
     I'm afraid I didn't exactly understand where the story about Ann Morgan belongs to.  I wish you could explain to me what's what.

Оффлайн Elly

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    Ann Morgan, a modern British writer, had not read translated  from another language before 2012. Her literature collection consisted mainly of stories and novels by British and American authors, and they were all in English of course. This was not enough to be called a cosmopolitan reader!
   At the start of the New Year, Ann made a resolution to read a book from every country in the world, written be a national writer. She wanted to complete the task by the end of the coming year. She made a catalogue of countries, the members of the United Nations. When her list came to one hundred and ninety-six, she realized it would be practically impossible to find a book from each of these countries.

Оффлайн Elly

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Yes, I will.


1. The summer was almost over. Emma felt awfully upset.

2. "I wish it were warm and sunny all the year round," she kept saying.

3. " There's no fun in winter. And autumn is the most boring season of the year. I hate autumn with its rain and wind."

4. "You are wrong." Nick was the first person who ever dared to express his disagreement on the point.

5. He was eating an apple and his voice didn't sound clear for that reason. But he went on: " Summer is useless. It's too hot for work and study. It's a crazy season for travelling because there are crowds for tourists everywhere.

6. The beaches and restaurants are occupied by them and everything is awfully expensive.

7. " I don't agree with the point that summer is useless," said Emma.

8. " Just wait, I'll show you that photos from our last summer holidays.

9. There are a lot of them here." She reached for her phone again.

Оффлайн Ann

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  Will you do some more OGE exercises?
Give a polite answer and then do the exercises.

Оффлайн Elly

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1. He doesn't learn German, he learns English.
2. I'll go to the park tomorrow, and where will you go?
3. Taxi will arrive at 11, don't be late.
4. I'll leave by the time you come. I'll have left by the time you come.

Оффлайн Ann

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Внучке! Перевести

1. Он не учит немецкий, он учит английский.
2. Я пойду завтра в парк, а ты куда пойдёшь?
3. Такси придёт завтра в 11.00. Не опоздай.
4. Я уеду к тому времени, как ты придёшь.

Выучить наизусть предложения из поста №263. In the near future we'll talk the sentences over.

Оффлайн Elly

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3. He doesn't learn French.
4. They will go there with pleasure.
8. The train will arrive at 7:20.
10. The train will have left by the time they go to the station.

Оффлайн Elly

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1. I am waiting for Peter.
2. He had finished his work by 7 o'clock.
3. He doesn't learn french. French.
4. They will go there with plesure. pleasure
5. Mary and John were at home last Monday.
6. He will have read the story by 10 o'clock.
7. Don't open the window.
8. The train will have arrive at 7:20. will arrive
9. Have you ever been to the Caucasus?
10. The train will left by the time they get to the station. will have left

Оффлайн Elly

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1.These films
2. I always talk much.
3. Now I'm watching an interesting film.
4. When I'm with my friends, I am watching films with pleasure.
5. When I am without my friends, I don't like interesting films.
6. What is an interesting film?
7. I don't talk when I watch an interesting film.

1. I watch an interesting film everyday.
2. Now I'm watching an interesting film.
3. During my last winter holidays I often watched films.
4. I was watching an interesting film when you call me.
5. Tomorrow I'll watch an interesting film.
6. When you call me, I'll be watching an interesting film. It's always like this, you always call me when I'm busy.

Оффлайн Elly

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1. Is was unexpected news. The family gathered over their evening meal to discuss it.
 "John was a nice boy," the father said, " He was a bit wild sometimes, but he had a good heart.

2. He left America right before his eighteenth birhday.

3. And I haven't seen him since then." Katie knew that John was her father's older brother. According to a family legend, he had dug for  gold in Alaska, had made a fortune but soon lost all his money, and became a sailor.

4. Katie was about to say that she wanted to meet her Uncle John very much. But she looked at her parents and said nothing.

5. Everyone thought that John had died somewhere at sea.

6. But here was a telegram and it read: "Dear brother I'm coming this weekend.'' The telegram signed "John."

7. " Do you think you will be able to recognise him? " - the mother broke the silence.

8. " More than forty years have passed. He could have changed out of recognition. Now anyone can pretend that he is your brother. If I were you, I would check his story somehow."

9. The father nodded. " It's easier than you think. There is something about this house that only my real brother and I know ."

10. The roller skates I got for my birthday were a great present. I could hardly wait till the next morning to try them. In fact, I had never been roller-skating before but I had seen how easily people in the park did it and was sure I would manage too.

11. After all, I'm sporty and a good football player.

12. I didn't even think that it might be dangerous.

13. I went to the park alone and it was a bad decision to make.

14. I fell and hurt my leg badly. My leg looked unnaturally blue.

15. It was very painful and I couldn't walk. Some people called for an ambulance. Luckily, the bone was not broken, but I had to spend some time in hospital.

Оффлайн Ann

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     I italicized your mistakes in post № 257. Will you correct them.

Оффлайн Elly

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                                                                    Керстин Гир
                                                         первый дневник сновидений

      Мне почему-то казалось, что дом Эрнеста Спенсера должен выглядеть намного изысканнее и богаче, и я почти разочаровалась, когда наше такси остановилось перед сравнительно скромным на вид кирпичным домом на Редингтон Роуд. Традиционная кладка, окна с белыми подоконниками, множество фронтонов и эркеров, скрытые за калиткой и стенами,- дом совершенно такой же, как и многие другие на этой улице. Дождь стих, и вечернее солнце окрасило все вокруг золотым светом.
  - Вполне симпатично, - ошарашенно прошептала Мия, пока мы следовали за мамой по вымощенной дорожке к входной двери. В саду цвели гортензии и росли подстриженные в форме шаров декоративные деревья.
    - Самая симпатичная тут ты, - прошептала я в ответ.
  Слова мои были чистой правдой - Мия выглядела просто изумительно с мудреными косичками, шедевром Лотти, которые должны были придать ей праздничный вид и сыграть на контрасте с джинсами. Мама ( к большому сожалению Лотти) разрешила нам их надеть. Прежде всего потому, что щеголять в свежевыглаженном праздничном платье сегодня хотелось ей самой.
   Мама нажала на кнопку звонка, и в доме раздалась мелодичная трель.

Оффлайн Elly

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1.These films
2. I always talk much.
3. Now I'm watching an interesting film.
4. When I'm with my friends, I am watching films with pleasure.
5. When I am without my friends, I don't like interesting films.
6. What is an interesting film?
7. I don't talk when I watch an interesting film.

1. I watch an interesting film everyday.
2. Now I'm watching an interesting film.
3. During my last winter holidays I often watched films.
4. I was watching an interesting film when you call me.
5. Tomorrow I'll watch an interesting film.
6. When you call me, I'll be watching an interesting film. It's always like this, you always call me when I'm busy.
