Автор Тема: Рабочие материалы V.B.  (Прочитано 616635 раз)

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Оффлайн Alesto

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1311 : 16 июля 2018, 20:41:51 »

Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1310 : 16 июля 2018, 18:45:43 »
     Понятие «клиповое мышление» или «клиповое сознание» появилось в 1990-х годах. Сlip в переводе с английского обозначает «отрывок из фильма, нарезка».
     Клиповое мышление – это быстрое, но поверхностное мышление,оно не дает проникновения в суть, но позволяет улавливать главное и быстро ориентироваться в информации и обстановке.
Обладатель КМ не может длительное время сосредотачиваться на какой-либо информации, и у него снижена способность к анализу.
     Понятийное мышление присуще людям, которые привыкли во все вникать и разбираться в сути. Оно характеризует способность ребенка учиться. Понятийное мышление по скорости обработки информации медленней, чем клиповое мышление, но оно более доскональное.
    Вот мнение профессора, доктора психологических наук, старшего научного сотрудника отдела организации научно-исследовательской работы ФГБУ "Всероссийский центр экстренной и радиационной медицины им. А.М. Никифорова МЧС России" Рады Грановская.

 "Клиповое мышление - это направление цивилизации. Но, тем не менее, надо понимать, к чему это ведет. Те, кто пошел по линии клипового мышления, элитой уже никогда не станут. Идет расслоение общества, очень глубокое. Так что те, кто позволяет своим детям часами сидеть за компьютером, готовят для них не самое лучшее будущее."

Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1309 : 16 июля 2018, 14:01:28 »

Фильм White Fang
смотреть ЗДЕСЬ
Его можно скачать на торрентах

Мартин Иден аудиокнига на английском
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxmxiUHV0a0" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxmxiUHV0a0</a>

Мартин Иден 1 серия (только на  немецком  и итальянском)
Есть ещё фильм 1942 года "Приключения Мартина Идена" (по мотивам), но его нет нигде. Даже на русском

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1308 : 16 июля 2018, 13:44:56 »
      Клиповое мышление – это быстрое, но поверхностное мышление. При огромном количестве информации в современном мире, давящей на психику, человек вынужден пользоваться клиповым  (клип в рекламе) мышлением. Оно не дает проникновения в суть, но позволяет улавливать главное и быстро ориентироваться в информации и обстановке. Из-за поверхностного восприятия, клиповое мышление не способствует развитию духовных качеств.   Понятийное мышление присуще людям, которые привыкли во все вникать и разбираться в сути. Это – ученые, математики, физики, люди, изучающие точные науки, в которых поверхность недопустима.
      Понятийное мышление по скорости обработки информации медленней, чем клиповое мышление, но оно более доскональное. И в том и другом мышлении есть свои плюсы и минусы. Клиповое мышление позволяет мгновенно ориентироваться в критических ситуациях и на интуитивном уровне принимать решения. У людей с понятийным мышлением, в критических ситуациях может наступать ступор, так как они не в состоянии быстро переварить огромный объем внезапно обрушившейся ни них информации. Клиповым мышлением, обычно, обладают люди успешные, так как они моментально ухватывают главное и просматривают возможные выгоды. Молодежь, в массе своей, мыслит клиповым мышлением. Она ни на чем не хочет заморачиваться, кроме получения удовольствий от жизни, а то, что хоть немного напрягает, подавляет и загоняет в подсознание. Поверхностное мышление не только не развивает чувства, но и ухудшает память, потому что нет глубокого проникновения в суть вещей и явлений, то есть, понимания мироздания. Да и в бизнесе, даже если присутствует хорошо развитое клиповое мышление но нет глубокого понимания сути того, чем занимаешься, долго не удержаться. Без клипового мышления человечеству никак не обойтись, иначе нервная система просто не выдержит перегрузок, которые все возрастают. Клиповое мышление оперирует не словами – они для него – тормоз, а образами. Это дает понимание, но не дает конкретики. А понятийное мышление дает конкретику, но оно слишком медленно и консервативно. Можно набить свою голову информацией, очень правильной и востребованной в данный момент, но завтра, эта информация может быть уже не актуальна и даже вредна – клиповое мышление очень быстро это уловит, что делать тогда, как быстро перестроиться? Кроме того, понятийное мышление узконаправленное, оно не дает охвата, не позволяет огромное многообразие соединить в единое целое. И клиповое мышление этого не дает, потому что оно поверхностно. Как быть?
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Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1307 : 13 июля 2018, 15:13:48 »

Памятка "Знаки препинания при оформлении перечней"

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1306 : 05 июля 2018, 11:13:05 »
В 2017/18 уч. году в 410 ауд. проходил ЕГЭ-тренажер по англ. яз. (Йеми) , время англ. клуба.
Этот вопрос уже поднимали, пару дней назад!
Ждём конструктивных предложений от Вас! Сами понимаете, поменять сетку расписания будет не так легко!
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Оффлайн NLO

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1305 : 05 июля 2018, 01:15:27 »
 В 2017/18 уч. году в 410 ауд. проходил ЕГЭ-тренажер по англ. яз. (Йеми) , время англ. клуба.

Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1304 : 03 июля 2018, 14:54:30 »
ASDFG, обозначить аудитории, в которых будут происходить занятия

411 каб. - часть 1
409 каб. - часть 2
410 каб. - часть 3

Ознакомить с данным планом буд. "руководителей" данных участков

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1303 : 03 июля 2018, 14:08:56 »
ASDFG, по поводу пособия:

1. Cоставить план клубов по Стивенсону "as a model".

Unit 5. Robert Louis Stevenson
Club I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………NN
Part 1. Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text.
Text. Robert Louis Stevenson (Biography)……………………………………………………………..NN

Part 2. Training the perception of English speeches via listening and ability to accurately reproduce the information received via listening.
Slides. Robert Louis Stevenson (Biography)……………………………………………………………NN

Part 3. Preparations towards making a grammatically correct reproduction of acquired information. Prepared and unprepared speeches.
Text. TREASURE ISLAND, 1883 (EXTRACTS)………………………………………………………….NN

Club II …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..NN
Part 1. Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text.
Text. TREASURE ISLAND, 1883 (EXTRACTS)………………………………………………………….NN

Part 2. Training the perception of English speeches via listening and ability to accurately reproduce the information received via listening.
Slides.TREASURE ISLAND, 1883……………………………………………………………...............NN

Part 3.  Preparations towards making a grammatically correct reproduction of acquired information. Prepared and unprepared speeches.
 Text. TREASURE ISLAND, 1883 (EXTRACTS)…………………………………………………………NN

we all have secrets...

Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1302 : 03 июля 2018, 13:58:27 »
ASDFG, по поводу пособия:

1. Cоставить план клубов по Стивенсону "as a model".

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1301 : 03 июля 2018, 13:53:07 »
I клуб Стивенсон

Part 1.  Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text
Robert Louis Stevenson (Biography)
(1850 – 1894)
     Stevenson was the only son of Thomas Stevenson, a prosperous civil engineer, and his wife, Margaret Isabella Balfour. His poor health made regular schooling difficult, but he attended Edinburgh Academy and other schools before, at age 17, entering Edinburgh University, where he was expected to prepare himself for the family profession of lighthouse engineering. But Stevenson had no desire to be an engineer, and he eventually agreed with his father, as a compromise, to prepare instead for the Scottish bar.
     In 1873, in the midst of painful differences with his father, he visited a married cousin in Suffolk, England, where he met Sidney Colvin, the English scholar, who became a lifelong friend and Fanny Sitwell (who later married Colvin). Sitwell, an older woman of charm and talent, drew the young man out and won his confidence. Soon Stevenson was deeply in love, and on his return to Edinburgh he wrote her a series of letters in which he played the part first of lover, then of worshipper, then of son.                           
     Later in 1873 Stevenson suffered severe respiratory illness and was sent to the French Riviera, where Colvin later joined him. He returned home the following spring. In July 1875 he was called to the Scottish bar, but he never practiced. Stevenson was frequently abroad, most often in France. Two of his journeys produced An Inland Voyage (1878) and Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes (1879). His career as a writer developed slowly.
1.   Reading the text aloud (by paragraphs, phrases, chains and other options).
2.   Rewriting the text.
3.   Dictation.

Part 3.  Preparations towards making a grammatically correct reproduction of acquired information. Prepared and unprepared speeches.[/i]

     Treasure Island tells of Jim Hawkin’s boyhood adventure on a quest for buried treasure.
The story opens at Jim’s father’s inn, the Admiral Benbow. A wild seaman, Billy Bones, comes to stay, bringing with him a large sea chest. He frightens the locals by getting raucously drunk and singing the sea chanty:
“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest –
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”
     Bones asks Jim to keep an eye out for “the seafaring man with one leg” , who Bones fears above all else. One day, the pirate Black Dog comes to the inn and fights with Bones. Wounded, Black Dog retreats and Bones collapses. Bones confesses to Jim that he was first mate for the infamous Captain Flint, and that he knows where Flint’s treasure is buried. He also knows that Black Dog, another of Flint’s men, will bring the rest of the crew to find him so that they can seek the treasure for themselves.

     Meanwhile, Jim’s ailing father dies. While the house is in mourning, a frightening and evil pirate Blind Pew, delivers the Black Spot to Bones. The Black Spot, a summons which tells Bones he has until 10PM to tell the pirates where the treasure is, shocks Bones so badly that he dies of apoplexy.
Terrified that the pirates will descend at any moment, Jim tells his mother everything. They seek assistance from their neighbours who are too frightened to do any more than send for the revenue officers.
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1300 : 03 июля 2018, 13:50:04 »
ASDFG, по поводу пособия:
   Внимательно изучи клуб по Стивенсону:
1. Сравни инструкции, с материалом поданным автором!
Понял, принял!
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Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1299 : 03 июля 2018, 12:55:25 »
ASDFG, по поводу пособия:

   Внимательно изучи клуб по Стивенсону:
1. Сравни инструкции с материалом, поданным автором!

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1298 : 02 июля 2018, 13:35:25 »


Unit 1. O.Henry………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Club I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Part 1. Training the perception of English speeches via listening and ability to accurately reproduce the information received via listening.

Part 2. Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text.
O.Henry. Biography………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Club II …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Part 1. Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text.
The Gift of the Magi (Extracts)……………………………………………………………9

Part 2. Training the perception of English speeches via listening and ability to accurately reproduce the information received via listening.

Part 3.  Preparations towards making a grammatically correct reproduction of acquired information. Prepared and unprepared speeches.
The Gift of the Magi (Extracts)……………………………………………………………9

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Оффлайн yemi

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1297 : 29 июня 2018, 13:54:01 »
Club I   Robert Louis Stevenson

Part 1.  Training on concentration and ability to accurately reproduce visually received information from the written text

                                                            Robert Louis Stevenson (Biography)
                                                                            (1850 – 1894)

Stevenson was the only son of Thomas Stevenson, a prosperous civil engineer, and his wife, Margaret Isabella Balfour. His poor health made regular schooling difficult, but he attended Edinburgh Academy and other schools before, at age 17, entering Edinburgh University, where he was expected to prepare himself for the family profession of lighthouse engineering. But Stevenson had no desire to be an engineer, and he eventually agreed with his father, as a compromise, to prepare instead for the Scottish bar.

In 1873, in the midst of painful differences with his father, he visited a married cousin in Suffolk, England, where he met Sidney Colvin, the English scholar, who became a lifelong friend and Fanny Sitwell (who later married Colvin). Sitwell, an older woman of charm and talent, drew the young man out and won his confidence. Soon Stevenson was deeply in love, and on his return to Edinburgh he wrote her a series of letters in which he played the part first of lover, then of worshipper, then of son.
Later in 1873 Stevenson suffered severe respiratory illness and was sent to the French Riviera, where Colvin later joined him. He returned home the following spring. In July 1875 he was called to the Scottish bar, but he never practiced. Stevenson was frequently abroad, most often in France. Two of his journeys produced An Inland Voyage (1878) and Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes (1879). His career as a writer developed slowly.

In 1876 Stevenson met Fanny Vandegrift Osbourne, an American lady separated from her husband, and the two fell in love. Stevenson’s parents’ horror at their son’s involvement with a married woman subsided somewhat when she returned to California in 1878, but it revived with greater force when Stevenson decided to join her in August 1879. Stevenson reached California ill and penniless (the record of his arduous journey appeared later in The Amateur Emigrant, 1895, and Across the Plains, 1892). His adventures, which included coming very near death and eking out a precarious living in Monterey and San Francisco, culminated in marriage to Fanny Osbourne (who was by then divorced from her first husband) early in 1880. About the same time a telegram from his relenting father offered much-needed financial support, and, after a honeymoon by an abandoned silver mine (recorded in The Silverado Squatters, 1883), the couple sailed for Scotland to achieve reconciliation with the Thomas Stevensons.

Soon after his return, Stevenson, accompanied by his wife and his stepson, Lloyd Osbourne, went, on medical advice (he had tuberculosis), to Davos, Switzerland. The family left there in April 1881 and spent the summer in Pitlochry and then in Braemar, Scotland. There, in spite of bouts of illness, Stevenson embarked on Treasure Island (begun as a game with Lloyd), which started as a serial in Young Folks, under the title The Sea-Cook, in October 1881. Stevenson finished the story in Davos, to which he had returned in the autumn.Treasure Island is an adventure presented with consummate skill, with atmosphere, character, and action superbly geared to one another. The book is at once a gripping adventure tale and a wry comment on the ambiguity of human motives.

In October 1890 he returned to Samoa from a voyage to Sydney and established himself and his family in patriarchal status at Vailima, his house in Samoa. The climate suited him; he led an industrious and active life; and, when he died suddenly, it was of a cerebral hemorrhage, not of the long-feared tuberculosis. This happened in 1894.

1.   Reading the text aloud (by paragraphs, phrases, chains and other options).
2.   Rewriting the text.
3.   Dictation.

Part 2.   Training the perception of English speeches via listening and ability to accurately reproduce the information received via listening

A brief video of his biography.
#Invalid YouTube Link#

A video of the film Treasure Island:
#Invalid YouTube Link#

1.   Audio and video presentation of the text.
2.   Defining the main idea of the text and retelling the content.
3.   Making a plan to the text.
4.   Slide display and giving talks about the slides.

Part 3.   Preparations towards making a grammatically correct reproduction of acquired information. Prepared and unprepared speeches.

                                                 TREASURE ISLAND, 1883 (EXTRACTS)

Treasure Island tells of Jim Hawkin’s boyhood adventure on a quest for buried treasure.
The story opens at Jim’s father’s inn, the Admiral Benbow. A wild seaman, Billy Bones, comes to stay, bringing with him a large sea chest. He frightens the locals by getting raucously drunk and singing the sea chanty:
“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest –
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”

Bones asks Jim to keep an eye out for “the seafaring man with one leg” , who Bones fears above all else. One day, the pirate Black Dog comes to the inn and fights with Bones. Wounded, Black Dog retreats and Bones collapses. Bones confesses to Jim that he was first mate for the infamous Captain Flint, and that he knows where Flint’s treasure is buried. He also knows that Black Dog, another of Flint’s men, will bring the rest of the crew to find him so that they can seek the treasure for themselves.

Meanwhile, Jim’s ailing father dies. While the house is in mourning, a frightening and evil pirate Blind Pew, delivers the Black Spot to Bones. The Black Spot, a summons which tells Bones he has until 10PM to tell the pirates where the treasure is, shocks Bones so badly that he dies of apoplexy.
Terrified that the pirates will descend at any moment, Jim tells his mother everything. They seek assistance from their neighbours who are too frightened to do any more than send for the revenue officers.

Jim’s mother, angered that Bones never paid for his lodging, decides to take from his sea chest the money that she is owed. Jim finds a packet of documents and takes it. He and his mother hide and watch the pirates ransack the inn. At last, the pirates are chased away by revenue officers on horseback, who accidentally trample Pew to death.


Jim asks the officers to take him to Dr Livesey, who is visiting Squire Trelawney. He gives him the packet which contains Flint’s treasure map. Thrilled by the possibility of adventure and buried gold, the Squire commissions a ship, the Hispaniola. He hires a crew to seek the treasure – Jim will be the cabin-boy and Livesey will be ship’s doctor. Jim bids farewell to his mother and arrives in Bristol, where the ship is docked.

Jim tells the Captain, the Squire, and Livesey about Silver’s treachery. Because of the crew’s increasing agitation as they draw close to the island, the Captain resolves that the pirates should go to shore while he plans their next move. Jim sneaks ashore and hears in the distance one of the honest men being slain at the hands of the pirates. He also sees Silver murder a man who he was unable to convince to join his mutiny.

Terrified that he will be next, Jim runs into the woods. Here, he meets the wild-looking Ben Gunn, another of Flint’s old crew. Gunn reveals that Flint had buried the treasure on the island with the help of six men, whom he had then killed. Gunn had returned to the island with a group of others three years before. When the treasure wasn’t found, the others marooned him on the island. Gunn, who is affable but slightly mad from his long solitude, has sought the treasure ever since. He now offers to help Jim and his friends if they will give him a passage off the island.

1.   Exploratory reading of the text.
2.   Quoting the text.
3.   Making questions to the text and answering them.
4.   Internet search.


In writing:  An essay on the topic: What I have found out at the lesson about R.L Stevenson and his work "Treasure Island"
Orally:  Preparing a monologue on the written essay topic.
(0.5 - 1min)
