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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #55 : 05 апреля 2016, 12:16:08 »
Some people think that extreme sports help to build character. Essay.

Nowadays many people are convinced that extreme sports help to build character. However, there are others who are against these risky activities. But some people believe that doing extreme sports can real help.

To my way of thinking, doing extreme sport is rather meaningless activity. To start with, it is very dangerous. Many people seriously injure themselves or even die while doing extreme sports. What is more, many psychologists claim that dangerous activities can be reason of serious mental illness. People, who like doing extremal things, feel lack of adrenalin in their blood. They do extreme sports because they need to compensate this shortage. Many experts say that passion on extreme sports can become the real addiction.

However, there are people who believe that extreme sports are important for the society. They are convinced that risky kinds of activities help us build a strong character.  Personally, I cannot agree with this opinion. I think that there are many other activities to do, which are not dangerous and help us build character as well as extreme sports. For example, science, politics or usual sport like tennis, football.

In conclusion I would like to say that if you want to build a strong character, you don’t need to do only extreme sports. There are many other many ways to build strong character.

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #54 : 23 марта 2016, 21:59:10 »
After two months of penal work I have finally obtained the opportunity to relax. All my friends were either busy or out of town, so I decided to take a look at my old photographs. And here they are, the two pictures on which I am about to converse.
The first photo displays a humble and ambitious employee whose mind is currently buried deep in his work. As a matter of fact, he was so concentrated he didn't even notice I took a photo of him! That's the quality that, in my modest opinion, deserves respect.
This took place in his office, clearly.
Hurtling, making quick turns and unnoticeable hat tricks, two race cars are competing in virtual universe with one purpose only - to unravell the best of the best. These speed monsters are being remotely manipulated by two kids, whom you can see in the second photo. These fellows are my little cousins, and the picture was taken in my uncle's house.
Both photos are relatively similar but also have an array of quite distinctive differences. Both represent different computer activities and each requires patience, tremendous amount of effort and wrist motility, but that's about it. The first picture is different form the second in a pile of ways. For instance, the first photo is illustrating serious business, whilst the second photo is obviously entertainment. Other distinctions, such as the age, the presence/absence of the cameras, and the seriousness are also rather conspicuous. I personally, do not like resting, and prefer to occupy myself with additional work during my spare time. It's clear, I assume that my choice is photo "¡número uno!".

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #53 : 22 марта 2016, 20:01:22 »
Homework "Letter to friend Bill"
Dear Bill, sorry that I didn't write to you earlier. I had a holiday for a week in Italy with parents. I agree with you that translator's work is good. Actually I haven't decided on my future career, but I think I'll work in the same sphere of work with you. I'll have meetings with foreighn people and use my translator's skills for speaking with them.
Which countries you are planning to visit? I am interested in it because I like visiting new countries like you. Do you have a girlfriend? How many languages do you know? I hope that you will answer to my questions. Good luck. Best regards.

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #52 : 17 марта 2016, 22:45:36 »
Currently laying flat in front of me are these two photos displaying different types of communication. One of the pictures introduces us to a composition of a certain diplomacy contract, in the other picture, we can see a kindergarten class at full blast.
These pictures have several things in common. Each one implies an imminent communication, both are taking place inside some sort of establishment, not outdoors, and in first and second photo it is required from all the people in presence to maintain at least some level of composure. However there are several quite distinctive differences, such as the degree of seriousness of the discussion decreasing from the first photo to the second one, the age of the people conversing (duh!) and of course the intransigence of the diplomats. I'm more keen on the kinds of situation similar to that demonstrated on the first picture, because I am willing to become a businessman and this is a type of affair I'll have to run up against rather occasionally.

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #51 : 17 марта 2016, 12:17:28 »
Compaing two photos
In the first photo we can see a man who is working on the computer and he is doing it in the cabinet. In the second photo we can see two kids who are playing TV games with their controllers and they are playing at home.
These pictures have in common many things. For example that in both of the photos people are sitting in front of screen, they are using technologies for their pleasure. In difference these photos have more things than common. The age of people is different, in the first photo man is working and in the second photo kids are playing games, also they are situated in the different places.
I'd prefer photo number 2 because I like playing games

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #50 : 17 марта 2016, 12:15:43 »
3.In the 1st picture the action takes place in a big room. There is a conference takes place there. There are people of different nationalities. They are discussing political problems. A man from China arrived. In the 2nd picture there are some children sitting there. There is a lesson. In the both pictures people are discussing something but in the 1st picture there are adults but in the 2nd picture there children. I'd like to sit in the audience like in the 2nd photo because it is more comfortable maybe. But i like the audience in the 1st photo also.

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #49 : 17 марта 2016, 11:56:01 »
Task 44 №2578
  I was asked to compare these two photos. Both of them represent the same subject, but they also vary in some ways.
In the first picture we can see a music band giving a concert at, presumably, a city hall. In the second photo there's only one person playing a piano.
  The photos, as I said before, have some things in common. both display music artists. But the band plays without any doubt professionally, whereas the adolescent may as well be an amateur. The art of the group is admired by the audience, whilst the grown-up is unknown.
  I prefer to observe the artwork of a music band, because that's the genre I prefer.
Task 44 №2863
   I'll hereby describe the two photos that are currently in front of me. Both images invite us to converse on practically the same subject, but  one can easily distinguish one picture from another.
   The first photo features a game of table soccer, or football, as we in Europe call this fantastic sport. This sort of entertainment is, I think, mainly destined  for children. In the second image, we can see a real-life game of the British-born sport. We cannot substanciate the fact that this is a championship match, nor can we tell for sure that this is a practice game.
   Both pictures, as I said before, have connection to the same topic. Each type of game offers the players an opportunity to compete against their peers. But the type of sport illustrated in the second photo allows you to get a better experience of football than the first one does.
   I personally prefer outdoor activities, and that's precisely why I'm choosing the second photo.

Оффлайн Червячек

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #48 : 17 марта 2016, 11:48:33 »
In the first picture we can see a band playing at concert. In the second picture we can see a kid playing the piano at school. This picture have in common two musical events. Both of them are related to music. This pictures are differetn in audience. In the first we can see the audience with musiician, in the second picture only musician. I prefer the first one, because I love concerts.

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #47 : 17 марта 2016, 11:46:43 »
Comparing two photos(meetings)
In the first photo we can see  chinese diplomats who had just finished the conversation in the special conversation room. In the second photo we can see usual primary school lesson in the special room.
These pictures have in common a lot of things.We can see people, conversation table, the meeting and lesson were provided in the room.
The pictures have in different also a lot of things. Age of the people,the importance of the meeting,the cameras in the first photo.
I'd like to be in the audience number 1 because I like being in polite group of people.

Оффлайн svetlanavasilievna12

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #46 : 17 марта 2016, 11:40:04 »
Task 44.
 Let me start with the first picture. Apparently this picture shows a band playing jazz music according to the instruments they are using.This action takes place at a concert. In the second one we can see a kid playing piano perhaps somewhere at school. It's supposed to be some kind of school party. I would like to compare and contrast these two pictures.  Obviously, both pictures are related to the same theme. It is different kinds of performances. Both pictures are related to music.
Nonetheless, there is a difference. Firstly, in the first one we can see an audience listening to the beautiful music. In the second picture we can see a musician only, and can't see the audience.  Secondly, we have to admit the kinds of music are different, actually. Lastly, we are able to insist on the fact of these guys' possession of qualification to perform in public. They seems to be professional performers. On the contrary, the guy we see in the second picture is a schoolboy, trying to pass the musical exam.
I'd prefer the first picture as i am keen on the jazz and rock parties. It takes place somewhere in a restaurant or bar and these people are just having fun. This idea appeals to me. Listening to this kind of music is more relaxing and full of marvelous feelings.

Оффлайн Gorohov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #45 : 17 марта 2016, 11:37:13 »
2 concerts
1)In a first photo we can see some kind of a rock band performing at german(?) festival. In second photo - musician performing classical music on piano in concert hall.
2)In both photos we can see musicians, performing music
3)Differences are - place, where does musicians preform and style of preforming music
4)I would prefer 2nd concert
5)I've chosen it because i don't really like modern rock and i thnik classical music is better variant

1)In first photo we can see some kids playing "table soccer" in kids zone. In second we can see some people playing football on football field.
2)In both pictures i see people playing football
3)They play football in different ways
4)I would prefer 1st type of playing football
5)I'm not very into sports so i would better play table soccer instead of real football

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #44 : 17 марта 2016, 11:37:02 »
                                                                          N 2.
These photos have in common the band of musicians and solo playing musicion. These pictures are located somewhere when they give the concert. They are different because of amount of musicions in the photos. I prefer the first picture because there we can see full band and the should to play better then te musicion in the second picture.

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #43 : 17 марта 2016, 11:36:20 »
2.In the 1st picture the action takes place in a hall where a boy and a girl are playing table football. In the 2nd picture the action takes place on the field where people are playing football. In the both pictures people are playing football but in the 1st picture it is table football but in the 2nd picture it is big football. I don't know what game i'd prefer. I like both games very much because it's very cool and nice.

Оффлайн Червячек

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #42 : 17 марта 2016, 11:35:37 »
In the photo number one we can see two kids playing table football in the kid zone. In the second photo we can see a group of people playing football at the football field. This pictures have in common two football games. This pictures are different in kinds of football. I prefer the second picture, because I like football in real.

Оффлайн Ivan Pirtskhalava

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #41 : 17 марта 2016, 11:34:05 »
There are two pitures in front of me.In the first piture i an see some kids,who are playing table football.I think that they are somewhere in the kids zone because i  see some decorations for kids behind them.And in the second picture i an see  some people playing real football.I also notied that they are somewhere on the football field.These pictures have something in common.Beause both pitures show some ways of playing foootball.But there is some difference between these pictures.Firtsly,in the first picture kids are playing table football and in the second picture people are playing real foootball.Secondly,in the first picture there are children and in the second picture there are adults.As for me,i prefer real football in the second picture because it helps people to keep fit and i think that it is more useful than table football.
