Автор Тема: Monologues  (Прочитано 22204 раз)

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Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #70 : 28 апреля 2016, 12:20:09 »
1) 431627
2) 2113311
3) 3
4) 1
5) 2
6) 2
7) 3
8) 2
9) 3
10) 7425861
11) 316745
12) 2
13) 3
14) 4
15) 4
16) 2
17) 4
18) 4
19) him
20) has been celebrated
21) shortest
22) greatest
23) to cook
24) was build
25) more
26) population
27) impossible
28) sticky
29) different
30) unknow

Оффлайн пирожок с малинкой🍓

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #69 : 28 апреля 2016, 12:19:48 »
1. 431627
2. 2113311
3. 3

19. Him
20. has been celebrated
21. shortest
22. greatest
23. to cook
24. was build
25. more
26. population
27. impossible
28. sticky
29. different
30. unknow

Оффлайн Babkova_ira

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #68 : 28 апреля 2016, 12:19:28 »
A-7 B-4 C-2 D-5 E-8 F-6 G-1
A-3 B-1 C-6 D-7 E-4 F-5
1- A-4 B-3 C-1 D-6 E-2 F-7
A-2 B-1 C-1 D-2 E-3 F-1 G-1
3. 3
4. 1
5. 2
6. 2
12. 2
13. 3
14. 4       

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #67 : 28 апреля 2016, 12:07:52 »

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #66 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:20:14 »
I was asked to compare the two photos currently lying flat in front of me. I have chosen these two photos because gist displayed is rather interesting and actual for me, as I am about to finish studying in school myself.
The first image shows the viewers four university graduates exited and flattered by their examination results. No background is indicated so I cannot elaborate concerning their whereabouts. In the second photo we can see four adolescents going about their business in the school yard and four kids further away carrying their backpacks and books.
Both pictures have several things in common while being in posession of few but quite distinctive differences. Let's commence with mutualities. Both have at least some sort of connection with a scholar establishment, teachers are nowhere to be seen, and the positive attitude is overwhelming, but that's about it. Now moving on to differences. Firstly, age, obviously. Then a type of the educative center is clearly a follow-up. There are university students in the first one, whereas the second one features pupils.
 I would personally prefer being one of the students in the first photo because I am looking forward to entering the adult life.

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #65 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:09:49 »
In the first picture we can see people who graduated from college. They have special college clothes. And in the second photo we can see pupils, i think that they came back from school.
Also these pictures are different : age of people, cloth, type of educaion.
I'd prefer photo number 1 because they are so happy about finishing their university.

Оффлайн Ivan Pirtskhalava

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #64 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:09:32 »
 Let me describe these two pictures.In the photo number one we can see four university students. All of them are wearing school uniform. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. I suppose they are school students studying in university. Some of them are holding their student books, also some have the backpacks on their backs.
Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. Mostly, everybody in the photos are standing and smiling. But there is a difference too: firstly, on the left we see young people meanwhile on the right there are kids. Secondly, on the left the characters have already finished their education programs, while on the right students are still studying. After all, I can say that the second picture looks like it was taken from school.
I would prefer to be a university student because thers is more fun there than at school.

Оффлайн пирожок с малинкой🍓

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #63 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:09:07 »
In the first picture we can see four university students.All of them are wearing square academic caps. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. Some of them are holding their student books, some have the backpacks on their backs.Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. Mostly, everybody in the photos are posing and smiling. The differnce are in the second picture there are kids and in the first picture there are young people. In the first pic people have already finished their education. On the right students still styding.I'd prefer first picture because i want to be uiversity student.

Оффлайн Червячек

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #62 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:08:59 »
In the photo number one we can see four university students. All of them are wearing square academic caps. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. I suppose they are school students. This pictures have in common two group of studing students and they are bouth indoor. Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. This pictures are different: on the left the characters have already finished their education programs, while on the right students are still studying. I want to be at the first group, because they are already fineshed their studing.

Оффлайн Gorohov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #61 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:05:58 »
In the photo number one we can see four university students. All of them are wearing square academic caps. It seems like they have just graduated . In the second picture we see a group of children. I suppose they are school students studying approximately in the 7th grade. Some of them are holding their student books, some have the backpacks on their backs.
Both of the pictures are related to education. On both of them there are some people. Mostly, everybody in the photos are posing and smiling. But there is a difference too: firstly, on the left we see young people meanwhile on the right there are kids. Secondly, on the left the characters have already finished their education programs, while on the right students are still studying. After all, I can say that the second picture looks like it was taken from some school commercial.
I’d prefer being a university student, because my parents always say that university years were the happiest years of their lives. And finally, I can’t even imagine what a feeling it is – when you are graduated and have no exams to pass and no lectures to learn. It should be great.

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #60 : 26 апреля 2016, 12:02:16 »
Class Work
Ex.6(C6 Monologue)
In the first photo we can see people who have just finished university. Two men and two women who are wearing special cloth and square caps. In the second photo we can see crowd of pupils with backpacks and books. These pictures have in common a lot of things: firstly - all people are wearing cloth, secondly - all people were in the school, finally - in the both  pictures we can see people.
Also, these pictures some things in difference: firstly - age of people, secondly - cloth, finally - quantity of people.
I'd prefer picture number 1 because I want to study in the university and finish with a good diploma.

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #59 : 26 апреля 2016, 11:55:54 »
In the 1st photo there are people in the special clothes,maybe soldiers. In the 2nd photo there are some people and boy among them with bag and books and girl going to him. In the both photos there are many people but in the 1 photo there are students in the special form but in the other photo there are students without any form. I'd prefer the 2nd photo because they are without any form.

Оффлайн Gorohov

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #58 : 05 апреля 2016, 12:20:43 »
I want to discuss very important delusion nowadays - delusion, that's it's more enjoyable too live in big family. And this is completely wrong
I don't really understand couples, that decide to have more than 2 kids, especially when they don't have big income from their jobs. Firstly, when you have lots of kids, you have to spend lots of money, first couple of years on children food that is kind of expensive, on baby clothes and different things like children seat in car, toys and other stuff like this. Then, when kids will go to elementary school you should buy for them books and other consumables like pens, pencils etc. Then comes middle, high and then Institute, in which it's hard to enter in on budget studying. So you will have to pay for your kids additional studying so he will have a chance to get "normal" job. So for about 20 years you have to spend so much money on your kids that eventually will leave you with nothing. Yes, there’s some situations where everything goes other way, but there’s so little chance of it, that I decided not to mention it.
But lets stop with pros and go to cons.
I don’t see them. You just have to get along with loud noises, quarrels, misunderstandings, spending very  and such stuff for about 20 years. I just can’t see anything good in big family, there is nothing enjoyable in it.
Yes, there are people that think, that say “children are flowers of life” and they just love kids, but I’m not one of them.
So in conlusion, I want too say that if you want a big family, think again and change your opinion

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #57 : 05 апреля 2016, 12:19:46 »
 Now days parents are very strict with kids. I want to tell you about very important problem - "It’s not right to be strict with little chilren".
 I think that nowdays a lot of parents are very strict with their children. Well, when everybody are strict with teenagers, they feel badly. When people are strict with kids, they usually have sad childhood. For this reason my opinion is not to be strict with boys and girls.
 The opposite opinion is to be strict with kids. I don't like this opinion because, when you tell them things which they can decide without you. You can give them usefull advices, but don't choose their way of life for them. Don't give them too much freedom but understand children's feelings.
 I'dont like opposite opinion, like i said you need to take care about your kids, but don't choose their way of life, by yourself.
 Taking everything into consideration, i wold like to say that you need to take care of your children and take part in their life, but don't choose how to live their life for them.
 Thank you for listening, by.

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Monologues
« Ответ #56 : 05 апреля 2016, 12:19:32 »
Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.
It means that learning foreign languages is absolutely useless,that it doesn't matter if you know many languages,that they can't help you in any situation.
I don't agree with this statement because,in my opinion,foreign languages are very useful. Without foreign languages you can't go abroad,you feel uncomfortable. You can't even order some food in a foreign restaurant. Nobody will uderstand you in foreign countries. You can't talk to people from other countries.For example,english is an international language. If you know it you will always feel comfortable. If you know many languages you will always find a job and it will be well-paid.
But some people think that foreign languages are useless because,that there are things that are much more important than languages. They think that it's enough to know your national language.
I don't agree with them because people who don't know foreign languages are uncultured and rude people because foreign languages can help you everywhere.
In conclusion i'd like to say that foreign languages are very useful for you:for your future job,for example. And,of course,it will help you during life in all ways.
