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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #262 : 13 июля 2016, 14:44:42 »
Методические рекомендации

1. Фонетика. Грамматика. Phonetics. Grammar
Фонетика. Произношение отрабатывается с помощью имитационных возможностей ученика. При постоянном использовании имитационных упражнений в качестве речевой разминки, произношение значительно улучшается.
Предлагаемые в упражнениях предложения связаны по смыслу.
Грамматика. Прорабатываемая в пособии грамматика представляет из себя «усеченный» вариант так называемой практической грамматики, «усеченной» до самого необходимого уровня коммуникативного общения.
Клуб собирает учеников разных уровней подготовки. Вышеназванный подход дает возможность ученику со средним (и выше среднего) уровнем подготовки «отшлифовать» данную грамматику, а ученику начального и ниже среднего уровня подготовки – учиться владеть материалом на доступной ему скорости и с помощью доступных ему видов работы. При работе с данными упражнениями включаются имитационные возможности ученика и его оперативная память.
Многократное повторение предложений в разных формах деятельности подключает также долговременную память. В результате – развитие вышеназванных возможностей человека (имитация, оперативная и долговременная память), а также «автоматизация» необходимых языковых явлений (в данном случае – грамматических).
Предлагаемые в упражнениях предложения связаны по смыслу.

2. Устная и письменная речь. Oral and Written Speech

3. Аудио и видео понимание. Audio and Visual Comprehension


4. Мелодии. Tunes to Remember
     Песня предлагается как образец культурного кода англоговорящего мира.
Соответственно, в  данном учебном пособии помещён следующий учебно-воспитательный материал:
- слова песни:
- информация о песне и её исполнителях, ее месте в культурной жизни мира.
К каждой песне прилагается аудиозапись и видеоматериал.
Песня знакомит ученика с музыкальной классикой и способствует  созданию позитивной обстановки в клубе.

Примерное распределение времени из расчета 80’
на одну главу (один клуб)

Вступление                                                                                           – 5’
1.   Фонетика. Грамматика.                                                                – 10’
2.   Oral and Written Speech                                                                – 40’
3.   Audio and Visual Comprehension + Tunes to Remember                  – 20’
Заключение                                                                                         – 5’

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #261 : 13 июля 2016, 14:36:44 »
Вера Ивановна, другой вариант грамматической части.


Present Indefinite

1. I watch films online.
2. We don’t go to school in the summer.
3. He wants to become the Tsar of Russia.

Present Continuous

1.We are not having breakfast now.
2.He is sitting on the chair.
3.She is listening to what the teacher is saying.

Present Perfect

1.   I have been to Britain twice.
2.   He has never been to Britain
3.   They haven’t traveled by train

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #260 : 13 июля 2016, 14:25:43 »

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для работы клуба английского языка Школы-ВУЗа «Современное образования»
Структура пособия.
Пособие состоит из 15 глав, каждая предназначена для проведения одного клуба.
Структура главы
В каждой главе (клубе) – четыре части.
1.   Фонетика. Грамматика. Phonetics. Grammar.
2.   Устная и письменная речь. Oral and Written Speech.
3.   Аудио и видео понимание.  Audio and Visual Comprehension.
4.   Мелодии. Tunes to Remember.

Методические рекомендации

Как работать

Вступление (~ 5’). Проверка численного состава. Объявление темы и цели клуба.
1.   Фонетика. Грамматика (~ 10’). Проводится в актовом зале для всех участников клуба с установкой – послушай, произнеси вместе со всеми, так как на следующем этапе будешь произносить самостоятельно.
2.   Устная и письменная речь (~ 40’). Проводится по группам (число – 3, одна из которых, начинающая, – в малом спортивном зале). Эта часть включает:
а) упражнения на фонетику и грамматику;
б) основной текст и упражнения к нему;
в) дополнительный(е) текст(ы) для ознакомительного чтения и обсуждения. Тексты имеют аудио-видео основу.
3.   Audio and Visual Comprehension. Демонстрация видеоэпизодов с установкой: расскажи, что понял.
4.   Tunes to Remember. Пункты 3 и 4 проводятся для всех в актовом зале.
Заключение. Короткое подведение итогов (общая характеристик проведенного клуба) и (возможное) задание для тех, кто хочет получить более высокий балл по английскому языку – написать «essay» на одну из тем:
1. содержание видеоэпизода;
2. что мне понравилось (не понравилось) в эпизоде;
3. с чем я согласен (не согласен) в …
другие темы
– 300 – 400 знаков.   

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #259 : 13 июля 2016, 13:58:06 »
Вера Ивановна, мой вариант разминки. Что-то в этом роде?


Фонетика (отработка хором)
1. Mikhail Romanov was the Tsar of Russia.
2. He didn’t want to be a Tsar.
3. He became the Tsar of Russia in 1613.
4. Mikhail Romanov spoke foreign languages.
5. I like watching films about Russian Tsars.
6. Do you want to be a Tsar?
7. Mikhail Romanov lived in Moscow.
6. I live in Moscow where Mikhail Romanov lived.
7. I don’t live in the Kremlin.

Грамматика(ответы на вопросы)

1. Who was the first Romanov?
2. Where did Mikhail Romanov live?
3. What did a Tsar do?
4. Why didn’t he want to be the Tsar of Russia?
5. When did Mikhail become the Tsar of Russia?
6. How old was Mikhail in 1613?
7. Which title did Mikhail have?

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #258 : 13 июля 2016, 13:51:36 »
Вопросы к тексту
1. Who was the first tsar from Romanov family (dynasty)?
Michael Romanov was the first tsar
2. Who was the new tsar of Russia?
Zemskii Sobor chose a new tsar of Russia -  Michael Romanov.
3. What happened during his reign?
Diplomatic and trade relations with other countries improved greatly during his reign
4. How old was Michael when he took the throne?
He was only 16 at that time
5. Was he afraid of becoming a tsar?
He was afraid of becoming a tsar
6. Did he want to become a tsar?
He didn't want to take the throne.
7.What did Michael's policy do to Moscow?
Mikhail’s politics made Moscow one of the most beautiful cities of the time.
8. Did Michael improve Russian industry?
Russian industry improved greatly

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #257 : 13 июля 2016, 13:07:53 »
Club № 11

7 min 55 sec
Episode 6

Alexander I

23:38 – 24:17
Within hours of Pauls’ death his son, the new Emperor Alexander issued a declaration promising to rule in the spirit of his grandmother Catherine the Great. But he didn’t share the general sense of jubilation. He was sickened by the events of the previous night. He had only wanted what was best for Russia. But his good intentions had paved the way to hell, his own personal hell that would remain with him for the rest of his life

Chapter Two – Alexander Pavlovich

24:20 – 26:50 
It was Catherine the Great who chose name Alexander for Paul’s first son. Officially, he was named in honour of the Russian hero Alexander Nevsky. In reality after the great conqueror Alexander the Great.
The Empress showed all the motherly affection she had denied to her son Paul on this boy, her first grandson. Catherine wrote about the little prince with pride. She described the boy who was courteous, cheerful and obedient and who made an effort to be liked. Everyone expected great things from Alexander. He was watched all the time. He was like being always on stage and in time he developed masks for every occasion.
Politician Barankov noted: “The Emperor could penetrate minds and see to the bottom of people’s souls without ever revealing his own thoughts and feelings.
Alexander knew his grandmother wanted to leave the throne to him instead of his father but he didn’t relish the prospect.  The only person he trusted was his Swiss tutor Frédéric Laharpe. A republican and an idealist Laharpe was appointed by Catherine to instill her own enlightened humanist values in the young prince. Alexander was not yet 15 when the Empress arranged for him to meet two sisters, princesses of Baden – 13 year old Louise and 11 year old Dorothea. Alexander was to choose one of them to marry. He chose the elder – Louise, who converted to Orthodoxy and took the name Elisabeth. They were married the following year. Courtiers nicknamed the newlyweds “cupid and psych”. Alexander’s charming beautiful bride inspired many artists and poets. Feodor Glinka wrote of her: “Gentle Queen, glory of the tsars, your divine face is worthy of altars”.

26:51 – 29:00   
Elisabeth would go on to become renowned as the Russian patriot. During the Napoleonic wars she founded a society to support the sick and wounded and paid for their hospital treatment. She founded orphanages and schools for the children of officers killed in the war as well as charitable institutions.
Elisabeth was considered the great beauty of her age. Guards, officers formed clubs inspired by their love for her. For all of Russian society she became an emblem of love, beauty and virtue. But when Elisabeth first arrived at the Russian court, during the reign of Alexander’s father Paul, she found it a place of anxiety and gloominess. The Emperor constantly found fault with everyone, even Elisabeth. And as the young couple grew up their different temperament became more obvious. Alexander was passionate, Elisabeth – cool. They drifted apart and in time got their lovers.
In the sixth year of marriage Elisabeth gave birth to a daughter, Maria but she died within a year.
With each passing year Alexander realized he didn’t want to become Emperor. He’s dreamt of leaving everything behind and going to live with Elisabeth by the river Rhein in romantic seclusion. In a letter to a trusted friend he confessed: “I realize I wasn’t born for the title I bear now and even less for the one destined for me. I’ve sworn to myself to refuse it in one way or another”. 
46:24 – 47:20
The love of his youth, Empress Elizabeth came to his rescue. For many years they’d lived separately as strangers but now he recognized in her a loyal friend with whom he could talk about anything.
When Elizabeth was diagnosed with Tuberculosis, Alexander decided they must leave St. Petersburg and its damp climate as soon as possible. He wrote to his old friend Prince Volkhonsky – “soon will move to Crimea and live as private subjects. I’ve served 25 years, after the soldiers are entitled to retire".

47:21 – 49:05
He did not go to Crimea, but to the southern city of Taganrog instead. The Emperor had visited it once and liked it. Hurried preparations were made for the arrival of the royal couple.
Alexander left first to prepare everything for his wife’s arrival. He moved into a single storey stone mansion. On Grecheskaya street he swept the garden pass himself. He helped to hang engravings on the wall and moved the furniture into place. And then Elizabeth arrived, they enjoyed a quiet peaceful life. They went for walks, greeting those they knew. They read their favorite books. They prayed together. Alexander seemed rejuvenated as if he had been given a second chance at life. But all the while he remained Emperor, Alexander’s strange carefree behavior would come at the price. It was soon to become the pretext for a tragic and bloody revolt. But Alexander did not live to see that. His sudden idyll lasted only 2 month.
On November the 19th after a short illness he died. The Empress Elizabeth died 6 months later.

49:09 – 50:15
The Emperors sudden death threw many into confusion. There were rumors that Alexander had faked his death and gone into hiding somewhere. Ten years later reports emerged of a mysterious old man named Feodor Kuzmich, who lived in a village near Tomsk in Siberia. He was well educated, spoke several foreign languages. He was extremely pious. He refused ever to discuss his earlier life. The old man was tall, broad shouldered and like Alexander deaf in one ear. Kuzmich died in 1864 and was buried in the grounds of the Tomsk Monastery. His headstone reads “This is the grave of the Great Blessed Elder Feodor Kuzmich”.
The rumors that Kuzmich was in fact Alexander remained to this day neither proved nor disproved.

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #256 : 13 июля 2016, 13:06:11 »

Фонетика (отработка хором)
1. Zemskii Sobor elected a new tsar of Russia -  Michael Romanov.
2. Michael Romanov was the Tsar of Russia from 1613 to 1645.
3. He was persuaded to accept the throne by his mother
4. Michael's coronation took place in the Dormition Cathedral.
5. Diplomatic and trade relations with other countries improved greatly during his reign
6. Michael Romanov obtained peace with both Sweden and Poland
7. Mikhail’s politics made Moscow one of the most beautiful cities of the time.
8. He left the throne to his son Alexis.

Грамматика(ответы на вопросы)
1. Who was elected by Zemskii Sobor?
2. When was Michael Romanov the tsar of Russia?
3. Who persuaded him to accept the throne?
4. Where did Michael's coronation took place?
5. What happened during his reign?
6. What did Michael achieve?
7. What did Michael's policy do to Moscow?
8. Who took the throne after him?

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #255 : 13 июля 2016, 12:21:48 »
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov
Mikhail Romanov, the tsar of Russia from 1613 to 1645 and founder of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia until 1917, was unanimously elected Tsar of Russia by the Assembly of the Land (Zemsky Sobor) on 21 February 1613. He had been chosen after several other options had been removed, including royalty of Poland and Sweden. When young Mikhail learned he was about to be granted the highest title anyone could dream of in Russia, he burst into tears of fear and despair. He was finally persuaded to accept the throne by his mother who saw no way out, so she blessed the young man who had to obey.
He was a gentle and monarch who gave little trouble to anyone. Thanks to Mikhail Russian industry entered an era of prosperity: the first manufactories appeared, alongside the all-Russian market. Diplomatic and trade relations with other countries improved greatly and agriculture seemed to get a second wind. Mikhail’s politics helped raise the living standards of the common people and made Moscow one of the most beautiful and festive cities of the time.
Vocabulary for understanding and expression
founder   основатель
unanimously   единогласно
the Assembly of the Land   Земский Собор
to burst into tears of fear   разрыдаться от страха
to bless   благословлять
to obey   подчиняться
to give little trouble to smb.   никому не доставлять хлопот
era of prosperity   эра процветания
to get a second wind   получить второе дыхание
the common people   простые люди

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #254 : 13 июля 2016, 12:15:01 »
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov
Mikhail Romanov, the tsar of Russia from 1613 to 1645. He was elected Tsar of Russia by the Zemsky Sobor on 21 February 1613. When young Mikhail learned he had to become the tsar, he burst into tears. He was finally persuaded to accept the throne by his mother, so she blessed the young man.
He was a gentle monarch. Diplomatic and trade relations with other countries improved. Mikhail’s politics made Moscow one of the most beautiful cities of the time.
Vocabulary for understanding and expression
to elect   выбирать
to burst into tears      разрыдаться
to persuade   убеждать
to accept   принимать
to bless   благословлять
gentle   мягкий
diplomatic and trade relations   дипломатические и торговые отношения
to improve   улучшать

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #253 : 13 июля 2016, 10:16:52 »
Episode 6
Nicholas 1
3 min 70 sec.
46:24 – 47:20
The love of his youth, Empress Elizabeth came to his rescue. For many years they’d lived separately as strangers but now he recognized in her a loyal friend with whom he could talk about anything.
When Elizabeth was diagnosed with Tuberculosis, Alexander decided they must leave St. Petersburg and it’s damp climate as soon as possible. He wrote to his old friend Prince Volkhonsky – “soon will move to Crimea and live as private subjects. I’ve served 25 years, after the soldiers are entitled to retire".

47:21 – 49:05
He did not go to Crimea, but to the southern city of Taganrog instead. The Emperor had visited it once and liked it. Hurried preparations were made for the arrival of the royal couple.
Alexander left first to prepare everything for his wife’s arrival. He moved into a single storey stone mansion. On Grecheskaya street he swept the garden pass himself. He helped to hang _______ on the wall and moved the furniture into place. And then Elizabeth arrived, they enjoyed a quiet peaceful life. They went for walks, greeting those they knew. They read their favorite books. They prayed together. Alexander seemed rejuvenated as if he had been given a second chance at life. But all the while he remained Emperor, Alexander’s strange carefree behavior would come at the price. It was soon to become the pretext for a tragic and bloody revolt. But Alexander did not live to see that. His sudden idyll lasted only 2 month.
On November the 19th after a short illness he died. The Empress Elizabeth died 6 months later.

49:09 – 50:15
The Emperors sudden death threw many into confusion. There were rumors that Alexander had faked his death and gone into hiding somewhere. Ten years later reports emerged of a mysterious old man named Feodor Kuzmich, who lived in a village near Tomsk in Siberia. He was well educated, spoke several foreign languages. He was extremely _____ He refused ever to discuss his earlier life. The old man was tall, broad shouldered and like Alexander deaf in one ear. Kuzmich died in 1864 and was buried in the grounds of the Tomsk Monastery. His headstone reads “This is the grave of the great Feodor Kuzmich”.
The rumors that Kuzmich was in fact Alexander remained to this day neither proved nor disproved.

50:19 -51:00

Two years before his death Alexander had talked to his younger brother Grand duke Nicholas of his intention to abdicate in his favor. Nicholas’s wife wrote in he diary “speaking to us about his abdication, the Emperor said – how I will rejoice when I see you driving pass me I’ll mingle in the crowd. With the rest of them should hurray!!!”

Episode 7
Chapter One – Nicholas 1 Pavlovich
7 min, 70 sec.
2:10 – 2:44
When Nicholas was 5, his father the Emperor Paul was brutally murdered by conspirators. The children remembered it well. The youngest brother Michael was playing on his own. He built a train of tiny carriages, and used it to carry toy soldier to a putty plant, then buried him in the earth. When asked what he was doing, he answered – “I’m burying my father”.

2:45 – 3:48

After Paul’s death in 1801, his eldest son 84 year old Alexander became the Emperor. The second brother Konstantin became the new heir to the throne. The third brother Nicholas wasn’t expected to inherit the throne. He grew up under the strict care of his mother Maria, the dowager empress. At the age of 17 Nicholas and his younger brother Michael were allowed to travel abroad. Years later he recalled “That’s when we started to live, stepping from childhood into the light of life. It was in Berlin that I saw for the first time the girl I wanted to spend the rest of life with”. The 16 year old Princess Charlotte of Prussia, daughter of the king was an ideal match for the ground duke. They were married 2 years later and Charlotte took the Russian name – Alexandra Feodorovna.

3:50 – 5:58
Grand duke Nickolas was latter appointed chief inspector of the core of engineers and commander of the guards engineer battalion. Everyday he rose early for prayer and morning exercise, performing complex bare hands drill with the musket. The rest of the day was spent on writing orders and reports and carrying out expectations.
Nicholas’s older brother Alexander the first often hinted that he’d planned to leave the throne to Nicholas, since their middle brother Konstantin had _______. And 2 weeks later, Konstantin’s renunciation of the throne arrived from Poland. It was a unique case in the world history. Instead of quarreling for the throne, two Romanov brothers were insisting it belonged to the other. Earl Langeron later paid them a sabtle French Compliment “The Romanovs are so noble, they do not ascend but descend to the throne’’. But the resulting confusion was dangerous and encouraged the secret radical society – “The Decembrists’’ to make their move.

6:00 – 6:48

The Decembrists were made up of liberal minded guard officers and nobles, who wished to reform the Monarchy and free Russia serves.
It’s members included many high ranking Aristocrats Members of it’s northern society led by Nikita Muraviev favoured a Constitutional Monarchy while members of the southern society under Pavel Pestel wanted to abolish the Monarch and redistribute the land. They planned to carry out a military coup. The more radical conspirates Rideev and  Pestel talked of killing the entire Romanovs family including the Princesses living abroad and their children, so no one could ever lay claim to the Russian throne again.

6:49 – 9:26
The troops were due to swear their oath of loyalty to the new emperor on December 1412. The evening before, Nicholas visited Nicholovsky Castle, where his father had been murdered . When he returned he asked his wife to die with honour if need be. At 11:20 Nicholas was for the Moscow guard regiments and had refused to swear to oath and had marched to Senate square. At 11:30 the Emperor went to the square with the loyal Palace guard. At 12:20 General Miloradovich tried to talk to the rebel troops, but was shot dead by Decembrists.
At 1 pm 900 rebel guardsmen approached the winter Palace. At 1:20 pm Nicholas sent a Bishop to reason with the soldiers but no body listened to him. At 2 pm there were 3,000 rebel troops in the square. Loyal troops were arriving all the time, but Nicholas continued to delay. At 10 past 4 the canon opened fire on the rebels. The young Empress Alexandra could see the senate square filled with people. At the sound of the first volley she write “I fell to my knees in a small study and prayed like never before’’.
The strain of that day affected Alexandra for the rest of her life. Her health suffered. Already thin, she lost more weight and became frequently ill.
The Emperor ordered the first blast of great shots be fired over the heads of the rebel soldiers, but the next volley was fired straight into the crowd.
When the smoke cleared, the death toll stood at 1 General, 18 officers, 282 soldiers and 1.170 civilians, including 79 women and 150 children. _________ A total of 1271 dead.

9:31 – 10:44

679 people were investigated following the decemberists’ revolt, but most turned out to have no connection to the secret societies that had organized the coup.
Of those finally put on trial, 112 lost their titles and all of their property rights. 99 were exiled to Siberia, 36 of those to labour Camps, 9 officers were demoted to the ranks, 36 were sentenced to death, 31 by beheading and 5 by quartering.
Emperor Nicholas himself mitigated many of the sentences and in the end only 5 decembrists were executed. They included ring leaders such as Pestel and the Poet Rileev and the man who’d shot General Miloradovich. Quartering was commuted to hanging.
The Emperor himself paid an allowance to the widows of the executed men. Their families continued to receive payments from the office of the general staff for 20 years while their children were put through school at public expence.

Оффлайн Andrei1

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #252 : 13 июля 2016, 02:58:40 »
Вера Ивановна,
Вот упражнения на фонетику и грамматику. Предложения взяты из текста "Mikhail Romanov".
В качестве второй части (5 мин) предложены два варианта, первый - на отработку местоимений, второй - сравнение времен.
Текст упражнений есть и в прикрепленном файле.

Фонетика + Грамматика (10 minutes warm up)

1.   Хоровое чтение предложений (4 min)
-   Michael Romanov would take any measure to prevent a civil war in Russia.
-   In 1617 the treaty of Stolbov was signed.
-   The Poles reached the walls of the Kremlin itself
-   The Poles still held his father prisoner.
-   The Tsar’s mother had found a bride for his son
-   During his exile, Michael had fallen in love with Masha Khlopova
-   Masha suddenly fell dangerously ill.
-   Concealing an illness from the Tsar’s advisers.
-   An investigation later concluded she’d been poisoned by the Saltykovs
-   Tsar Michael was married to Princess Maria Dolgorukova.
-   Four month later, Maria fell sick and died.
-   Look for signs of injury or illness

2.   Replace the nouns in the sentences from part 1 by the personal pronouns – he, she, they, them him, her, it. Чтение по цепочке (один читает свой вариант, остальные повторяют) – 5 min.

2.   Времена Past Simple и Past Perfect. Чтение по цепочке (один задает вопрос, следующий отвечает, и так далее) Узнаем разницу между ними на примере следующих предложений (5 min) :

-   What was signed in 1617?
-   In 1617 the treaty of Stolbov was signed (Past Simple)

-   Who reached the walls of Kremlin?
-    The Poles reached the walls of the Kremlin (Past Simple)

-   Who held his father as a prisoner?
-   The Poles still held his father prisoner (Past Simple)

-   Had Tsar’s mother  found a bride for his son?
-   The Tsar’s mother had found a bride for his son (ученики могут просто ответить Yes, she had) – Past Perfect

-   Had Michael fallen in love with Masha Khlopova during his exile?
-   During his exile, Michael had fallen in love with Masha Khlopova (ученики могут просто ответить Yes, he had) – Past Perfect

-   Had she been poisoned by the Saltykovs?
-   An investigation later concluded she’d been poisoned by the Saltykovs (ученики могут просто ответить Yes, she had) –  Past Perfect

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #251 : 12 июля 2016, 17:02:32 »
Club № 1

Episode 1

Mikhail Romanov
4 min. 8 sec.

9:12- 10:37
    Mikhail would take any measure no matter how brutal to prevent a civil war in Russia. Anarchy had been avoided but war seemed inescapable. Swedish troops were besieging Pskov, 360 miles West of Moscow. Mikhail ordered his diplomats to negotiate peace at any price.
  In 1617 the treaty of Stolbov was signed and the city of Novgorod and surrounding lands were returned to Russia.
The next threat was the Polish army advancing on Moscow, led by Prince Vladislav in person. The Poles reached the walls of the Kremlin itself- the Citadel at the heart of the city.
Russian spies learned that the Poles were digging a mine under the Arbat gates, but the Tsar ignored the pleas of his advisers and refused to abandon the city.
Weighing on his mind was not just the fate of the city but a personal dilemma: The Poles still held his father prisoner. Mikhail knew if he left Moscow, he would lose the throne and if he lost the throne, he would never see his father again.

12:30- 14:07
    The Tsar was now in his twenties a grown man. Accordingly it was announced that the great ruler Mikhail had reached the age of adulthood and the time had come for him to take a wife. The Tsar’s mother had found a bride for his son but Mikhail made his own decision.
    Years ago, during his exile, he had fallen in love with Masha Khlopova, the daughter of one his guardians and promised to marry only her. The Tsar’s decisions was announced and his bride to be was found rooms within the Palace. The Saltykov brothers, relatives of the Tsars mother were put in charge of her safety. But just before the wedding, Masha suddenly fell dangerously ill.
     The palace was alive with rumors and suspicion. The Saltykovs summoned the best foreign doctors, who announced that a terrible disease was devouring the royal bride from within and no cure was possible. People were soon whispering that the Tsar’s mother was behind it, because she was opposed to the marriage.
     In any event, Masha eventually recovered, only to be exited to Siberia, for apparently concealing an illness from the Tsar’s advisers.
An investigation later concluded she’d been poisoned by the Saltykovs, who were dismissed from court. But the whole affair put Mikhail off any thought of marriage for many years.

14:09 - 15:15
     When Tsar Mikhail turned 28, his relatives began to worry without an heir, the future of dynasty was in doubt. Once more his mother had a candidate. This time, reluctantly Michael agreed to the match. And was married to Princess Maria Dolgorukova.
But four month later, Maria fell sick and died. The cause never fully established.
     After this latest disaster, Michael dismissed his mother from any involvement in his marital affairs and instead arranged for the traditional election of a Russian Royal bride.
     The advice he received was to watch the girl carefully from a far, appraising their age, complexion and eyes and hair. Look for signs of injury or illness and ensure she’s healthy in mind and kind by nature.
    The tradition of electing a Tsar’s bride was essentially a beauty contest, involving thousands of candidates from noble families.

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #250 : 12 июля 2016, 14:49:33 »

«Как учились царевичи» – учебно-воспитательное пособие, предназначенное для  проведения литературно-исторического клуба в Школе-ВУЗе «Современное  образование».
Пособие составлено на основе текстов на исторические темы, отражает весь период правления в России династии Романовых: царствования Михаила Фёдоровича, Алексея Михайловича, Фёдора Алексеевича, царевны Софьи, Пётра I, Екатерины I,  Анны Иоанновны,  Анны Леопольдовны,  Елизаветы Петровны, Пётра III, Екатерины Великой, Павла I, Александра I, Николая I, Александра II, Александра III, Николая II.

Пособие составлено в  ключе продолжения методик, наработанных классическим  образованием  XX века, и одновременно с  использованием современных технологий.

В пособии – пять (5) глав, каждая из которых составлена по следующему алгоритму:

Алгоритм главы

Часть 1. Цель: обучение грамматике и орфографии через «произвольное» внимание. Одновременное непроизвольное запоминание текста.
а) прочитать (хором, индивидуально по цепочке, показательно);
б) переписать I абзац. Конечная цель – переписать без единой ошибки;
в) написать диктант с одного прослушивания (II абзац). Конечная цель – переписать без единой ошибки.
    Место проведения – кабинет «Возвращаем человека к чтению».

Часть 2. Цель: развитие навыка работы с информацией на слух и зрительно. Развитие логического мышления.                 
а) просмотр отрывка из фильма "Романовы" (06.10’). Задание: расскажи то, что ты запомнил;
б) работа над печатным материалом. Задание: письменно составь план прочитанного текста;
в) пересказ текста с использованием составленного плана.
    Место проведения – «РИК» (Ретро-интерактивный кабинет).

Часть 3. Цель: развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения, дискуссии, дебатов.
а) прочитать выбранный текст про себя и быть готовым рассказать его краткое содержание;
б) быть готовым участвовать в общем обсуждении текста.
    Место проведения – кабинет психологической разгрузки.

В учебном  пособии – пять (5) глав, каждая – на три (3) заседания клуба. Одновременно работают 3 учителя – каждый   в   своей группе, обеспечивая выполнение плана по  частям 1, 2, 3.
Работа  проводится в  следующих  кабинетах:
часть 1 – кабинет «Возвращаем  человека к чтению»;
часть 2 – РИК (ретро-интерактивный кабинет);
часть 3 – кабинет психологической разгрузки.

                Количество клубов за  год – 18. Количество клубов, отводимых на прохождение материала учебного пособия, – 15. Оставшиеся  три клуба используются для  работы по текущим  событиям.


Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #249 : 12 июля 2016, 13:54:54 »
Club № 10
5 min. 37 sec.
Episode 5
Paul I
30:48 – 32:32[/b]
Catherine and Peter’s son Paul, was now nearly grown up. Many expected Catherine to hand over power to him soon or make him co-ruler. It was a time when Catherine needed people around her, whose loyalty was beyond question. So the Empress turned  to a 35 year old Major General, a devoted and trusted friend Gregory Potyomkin.
Catherine and Potyomkin soon became lovers. She later wrote of her needs to him: “My heart cannot be content even for an hour without love. If you want me to be yours forever, show me friendship as well as affection. But love me and always be truthful.” She called him “my student”, “my friend”, “my idol”. Soon, she couldn’t bare to be apart from him. And when he left the capital she wrote tender letters addressing him as “my dear husband”.
Their affair began in the spring of 1774. It’s widely suspected though it has never been proven, that they were secretly married just a few months later in a Cathedral of St. Samson in St. Petersburg.
It was also rumored, Catherine later bore him a daughter Elizabeth, who took the surname Tyomkina.

 32:34 – 34:00
But even this affair brought Catherine only fleeting happiness. Catherine and Potyomkin were both headstrong and always tried to impose their will on the other. Eventually, Catherine had had enough. While Potyomkin was away in provinces, Catherine took a new lover Peter Zavadovsky. Potyomkin wrote to Catherine threatening to kill the man who had taken his place, but she had made her decision and told Potyomkin that the first sign of loyalty is obedience.
Zavadovsky was her favorite for just a year. Before he was replaced by Semyon Zorich, a cavalry officer 14 years Catherine junior. The next lover was even younger, 25 years her junior.
Catherine chose her own lovers but for council and company she always returned to Potyomkin.
Many years later, Catherine’s last favorite Platon Zubov, 38 years her junior wrote: “The Empress always give in to Potyomkin’s wishes and feared him just like a demanding husband. She often pointed to him as the example I should follow.”

50:24 – 51:23     
In 1796, in her 67th year, Catherine prepared to draft a decree on her succession.  She intended to pass over her unloved son Paul and make her 19 year old favorite grandson Alexander her heir. He did not live to see it completed.
 On November 6, 1796, Catherine the Great died of a stroke. Her 42 year old son became Emperor.  In just one month it was plain to see why the Empress had tried to remove him from the succession. Catherine the Great was never wrong.

Episode 6

00:20 – 1:48

November 1776, Grand Duke Paul Petrovich strolled through the corridors of the Winter Palace as his mother Catherine the Great laid dying. He was looking for Catherine secret will. One piece of paper that stood between him and the throne. Unless it was destroyed, the throne would pass directly to his son Alexander as Catherine had wished.
Unlike his father, Alexander seemed born to rule. He had every natural gift: charm, intellect and wit. The only thing he lacked was the desire to rule.
Catherine’s will never saw the light of day. The moment Paul had been waiting for 34 years had arrived. At last, he was Emperor. But in little more than 4 years Alexander would stand over his father’s bloody body and Catherine would at last have her way.   

Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Материалы для сборника
« Ответ #248 : 12 июля 2016, 12:48:11 »
Видеоролики для сборника( к части II всех глав )

Глава I

Клуб 1. "Михаил Федорович" –         Серия 1. 0.24-06.35  –         6.10 Смотреть

Клуб 2. "Алексей Михайлович" –      Серия 1. 23.36-30.16 –        6.40 Смотреть

Клуб 3. "Федор Алексеевич"   –         Серия 2. 01.35-05.09 ––|
                                                                                                   | –  5.58 Смотреть
             "Софья Алексеевна" –           Серия 2. 20.15-22.36  __|

Глава II

Клуб 1. "Петр I" –                             Серия 3. 02.11-08.26–           6.21 Смотреть

Клуб 2.  "Екатерина Алексеевна" –   Серия 3. 46.34-51.00   ––
                                                                                                    |–   4.28 Смотреть
                "Петр II"                           –   Серия 4. 1.22-3.47       __|

  Клуб 3.  "Елизавета Петровна"          Серия 4. 37.07-44.04             6.57 Смотреть

Глава III

 Клуб 1. "
Пётр III" –         Серия 5. 01. 23-06.26  –                           5.03 Смотреть
 Клуб 2. "Екатерина II Великая" –       Серия 5. 18.15-24.44 –                      6.31 Смотреть
 Клуб 3.  "Екатерина II Великая" –        Серия 5. 34.00-39.21 + 48.45-49.58    6.34 Смотреть

Глава IV

"Павел I" –         Серия 6. 01. 50-07.35  –         5.45 Смотреть
Клуб 2. "Александр I" –  Серия 6. 24.23-26.02 – 1.59
                                                              34.49-36.05 – 1.16
                                                              37.13-39.16 –  2.03 = 4.56 Смотреть
Клуб 3. "Николай I" –         Серия 7. 11.23-17.45 ––    6.22 Смотреть

Глава V

Клуб 1.
"Александр II" –         Серия 7. 30.35-36.24  –         5.45 Смотреть
Клуб 2. "Александр III" –       Серия 8. 03.21-09.23 –        6.02 Смотреть
Клуб 3. "Николай II" –         Серия 8. 20.30-25.48 ––|     5.18 Смотреть

