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Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: History of Russia in English
« Ответ #3 : 09 августа 2016, 09:25:02 »
У меня есть приятель-француз Фредерик. В хорошем смысле манерный парижанин и большой ценитель хорошей кухни и вина. Как и все французы он очень гордится Наполеоном. Да и есть за что. Гениальный полководец, легко и играючи разбивал европейские армии, триумфально входил в столицы и перекраивал карту Европы. И все это до тех пор, пока ему не взбрело в его гениальную голову проделать такой же фокус с Россией, что ему катастрофически не удалось.

А кто ему помешал? Как писал Пушкин: "Остервенение народа, Барклай, зима, иль русский Бог?" Может быть. Но еще русский царь Александр I.

У вас есть кто-либо из русских царей кому бы вы симпатизировали? Мой любимец в этом смысле - Александр I. Обаятельный, умный, с хитринкой, зачинатель либеральных реформ и политический реалист. Вся его жизнь, от начала царствования и до смерти (да и сама смерть) - сюжет авантюрного романа.
До сих пор не известно достоверно умер ли он, или действительно, как и хотел, отказался от трона в пользу брата и стал отшельником в Сибири.

Читайте ниже о конце жизни Александра и о загадочном старце в Сибире, который по свидетельствам современником, ну очень походил на усопшего императора.

The love of his youth, Empress Elizabeth came to his rescue. For many years they’d lived separately as strangers but now he recognized in her a loyal friend with whom he could talk about anything.
When Elizabeth was diagnosed with tuberculosis, Alexander decided they must leave St. Petersburg and its damp climate as soon as possible. He wrote to his old friend Prince Volkhonsky – “soon will move to Crimea and live as private subjects. I’ve served 25 years, after that soldiers are entitled to retire".

He did not go to Crimea, but to the southern city of Taganrog instead. The Emperor had visited it once and liked it. Hurried preparations were made for the arrival of the royal couple.
Alexander left first to prepare everything for his wife’s arrival. He moved into a single storey stone mansion on Grecheskaya street. He swept the garden pass himself. He helped to hang engravings on the wall and moved the furniture into place. And then Elizabeth arrived, they enjoyed a quiet peaceful life. They went for walks, greeting those they knew. They read their favorite books. They prayed together. Alexander seemed rejuvenated as if he had been given a second chance at life. But all the while he remained Emperor. Alexander’s strange carefree behavior would come at the price. It was soon to become the pretext for a tragic and bloody revolt. But Alexander did not live to see that. His sudden idyll lasted only 2 months.
On November the 19th after a short illness he died. The Empress Elizabeth died 6 months later.

The Emperors sudden death threw many into confusion. There were rumors that Alexander had faked his death and gone into hiding somewhere. Ten years later reports emerged of a mysterious old man named Feodor Kuzmich, who lived in a village near Tomsk in Siberia. He was well educated, spoke several foreign languages. He was extremely pious. He refused ever to discuss his earlier life. The old man was tall, broad shouldered and like Alexander deaf in one ear. Kuzmich died in 1864 and was buried in the grounds of the Tomsk Monastery. His headstone reads “This is the grave of the Great Blessed Elder Feodor Kuzmich”.

The rumors that Kuzmich was in fact Alexander remained to this day neither proved nor disproved.

Оффлайн Meerkat

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Re: History of Russia in English
« Ответ #2 : 05 августа 2016, 10:08:29 »
Вот такая история.

 7 марта 1960 года американский авианосец спас 4–ых советских солдат (Зиганшина, Поплавского, Крючковского и Федотова) , 49 дней дрейфовавших на барже в океане без еды и воды. Баржу оторвало от причала на Курилах и унесло в открытый океан на 2000 с лишним километров. Случай этот известный и о нем написано много. Советских солдат перевезли в США, где их встретили с большим энтузиазмом впечатлительные американцы.  Но советских солдат просто так не пронять и они после экскурсии по Америке вернулись в СССР. Героями. Наверное, не столько потому что выжили, а потому, что не остались в США. 49 дней ребята продержались едва-едва. «Пищу принимали раз в два дня. Когда съели последнюю картошину, в ход пошла кожа – ремни, ботинки, гармошка. Даже кирзовые сапоги пригодились – «варили их в океанской воде, чтобы выварился гуталин, потом резали на кусочки, бросали в печку, где они превращались в нечто похожее на древесный уголь и это ели…Кусочки варева жевали, намазав на них технический вазелин...». Советская пресса, описывая героический дрейф, как всегда в таких случаях перегибала палку с патетикой.
А советская молодежь, уловив неуклюжесть передовиц, отреагировала на пропаганду, сочинив ироническую песенку с такими словами:

Как на Тихом океане
Тонет баржа с чуваками,
Чуваки не унывают —
Под гармошку рок лабают!
Зиганшин-буг, Зиганшин-рок,
Зиганшин первый съел сапог...
Пока Поплавский зубы скалил,
Зиганшин съел его сандали.
Зиганшин-буги, Зиганшин-рок,
Зиганшин съел второй сапог...
Москва, Калуга, Лос-Анжелос
Обьединились в один колхоз.

А вот это мой вольный перевод этой песенки:

Ziganshin-rock, Ziganshin-boogie
Ziganshin's originally from Kaluga.
Ziganshin-boogie, Ziganshin-rock
Ziganshin ate his boot and sock…
Poplavsky-boogie but rocks he better,
Poplavsky ate his girlfriend's letter.
Moscow, Kaluga, Los AngelOs
Are now united in a single kolkhoz.

Ниже кадры спасения советских солдат, снятые с борта американского авианосца «Kearsarge». Сначала видео позирующих американских морячков, а кадры спасения начинаются с 1:35.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYIMsIC8a1k" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYIMsIC8a1k</a>

А вот как происходило спасение:

On March 2 they saw a ship, the first since drifting off to sea. They lit a fire on the deck to signal the ship of their presence, but the ship passed. However, help did arrive on March 7 from the US aircraft carrier Kearsarge, which noticed the barge and approached it.
The Soviet soldiers did not know what to do. They were Soviet citizens and, though they were dying of starvation, they were afraid to receive help from Americans – the Cold War was raging in 1960. Later in an interview, Ziganshin confessed that he had been less frightened of death than of American help.
They thought that Kearsarge would give them food and fuel then leave, but they were instead invited on board the aircraft carrier. The crew gave them soup and bread and found a translator to speak with them. Moscow was informed about the soldiers immediately, but remained silent for several days. The Soviet government was debating whether the four should be treated as heroes or traitors.
In a week, the Americans hosted a press conference on board the Kearsarge. Though Soviet reporters were not allowed to participate, one of them, Boris Strelnikov, called to say everything was all right and the soldiers have nothing to worry about. The press conference was over in less then an hour – though Ziganshin had a nosebleed because of the stress.
One of the reporters asked the soldiers if they wanted to stay in the USA. He said he could help with it, but they refused the offer. They wanted to go home.

Оффлайн Meerkat

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History of Russia in English
« Ответ #1 : 04 августа 2016, 12:44:04 »
Уважаемые братья и сестры! Предлагаю не только посплетничать на куртуазные темы отечественной истории, но и еще сделать ее инструментом изучения английского языка.

А начнем, пожалуй, с английских соответствий историческим названиям страны (или ее частей) в которой мы живем.

Kievan Rus - Киевская Русь

Muscovy - Московия

The Grand Duchy of Moscow - Великое княжество Московское

The Grand Principality of Moscow - Великое княжество Московское

The Tsardom of Russia - Московское царство

The Russian Empire - Российская Империя

USSR (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) - СССР, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

The Soviet Union - Советский Союз

RSFSR (The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) - Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика

The Russian Federation - Российская Федерация

Russia - Россия

И довеском на сегодня маленький отрывок из истории династии Романовых, конкретно об интригах при поиске жены для первого Романова - царя Михаила. Ничего не меняется под луной.

Mikhail was now in his twenties, the grown-up man. Accordingly, it was announced that by court’s will the great ruler Tsar Mikhail had reached the age of adulthood and the time had come for him to take a wife. The Tsar’s mother had found a bride for his son but Michael made his own decision.
    Years ago, during his exile, he had fallen in love with Masha Khlopova, the daughter of one his guardians and promised to marry only her. The Tsar’s decision was announced and his bride to be was found rooms within the Palace. The Saltykov brothers, relatives of the Tsar’s mother were put in charge of her safety. But just before the wedding, Masha suddenly fell dangerously ill.
The palace was alive with rumor and suspicion. The Saltykovs summoned the best foreign doctors, who announced that a terrible disease was devouring the royal bride from within and no cure was possible. People were soon whispering that the Tsar’s mother was behind it, because she was opposed to the marriage.
In any event, Masha eventually recovered, only to be exiled to Siberia, for apparently concealing an illness from the Tsar’s advisers.
An investigation later concluded she’d been poisoned by the Saltykovs, who were dismissed from court. But the whole affair put Michael off any thought of marriage for many years.
     When Tsar Mikhail turned 28, his relatives began to worry without an heir the future of the dynasty was in doubt. Once more his mother had a candidate. This time, reluctantly Michael agreed to the match and was married to Princess Maria Dolgorukova. But four months later, Maria fell sick and died. The cause never fully established.
     After this latest disaster, Michael dismissed his mother from any involvement in his marital affairs and instead arranged for the traditional election of a Russian royal bride.
