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Оффлайн Сумрак

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2652 : 11 мая 2018, 12:18:48 »
10. (p.12).

1. What's building is the most beautiful in Moscow?
2. This park is the most beautiful in the town. I have never seen a more beatiful than that.
3. On sunday I wake up later than usual.
4. Moscow is the largest city in Russia.
5. -Look at this picture. Have you ever seen more beautiful one?
    -Nice picture! The most beautiful picture that I've ever seen.
6. -I'm afraid I didn't explain this rule enough.
    -I couldn't say so. If you want to know my opinion, I think that you explain this rule clearer and cleverer than all in our group.
7. -Do you want that I give you this book? They say it's very intresting.
    -I don't think so. Maybe you could give me more intresting one?
8. -Are you sure that you don't want to take back your tab-recorder?
    -But it's not mine. My is bigger and newer than that one.
9. -Why weren't you go with us to the country?
    -I wanted, but I couldn't. I took my Grandma to the railway station.
ex. 11 (p.30).

The Russian Federation is immense. It's territory occupies about 17 million square kilometers. The Russian Federation covers for one seventh of the world land's area. It's borders are the longest in the world. In the west our country borders on Norway, Finland, Baltic States, Belorussia and the Ukraine. In the south it borders on Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Moscow is a capital of Russia. The population of Russia is 140 million people.

The United Kingdom (The Great Britain) is situated on two big islands, called British. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, Northern and Irish seas. The longest river in the country is Severn, the deepest is the Thames, on which stands the captal of Great Britain- London.
England is the highly developed industrial country, but the industry depends on international trade: the country isn't rich in natural resources.
If you go to England from the Russian Federation, you will need 1-2 days to cross the continent by train and two hours to cross the La-Mansh.

Оффлайн Mihsa Grihsin

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2651 : 11 мая 2018, 12:03:05 »
                                                                      ex.11, pg.30
The Russian Federation is immence.Its' teritory is 17 000 000 square killomiters.The Russian Federation covers 1/7 of the world's land area.Its' frontiers are the longest in the world.In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine. In the south it borders on Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.The kapital of Russia is Moscow. The population of Russia is over 140 million people.

The United Kingdom is located on two small islands, called the British. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Northern and Irish seas. The longest river in the country is Severn, the deepest is the Thames, on which the capital of Great Britain is London.
England - a highly developed industrial country, but its industry is very dependent on foreign trade: the country is not rich in natural resources.
If you go to England from the Russian Federation, it will take you 1-2 days to cross the continent by train, and 2 more hours - to cross the La-Mansh.

Оффлайн Mihsa Grihsin

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2650 : 11 мая 2018, 11:30:28 »
                                              ex.10,pg 12

1. What building is the highest in Moscow?
2.This park is the most beautiful in the city. I have never seen a park more beautiful than this.
3. On Sundays I get up later than usual.
4. Look at this picture. Have you seen anything more beautiful? - Wonderful picture! The most beautiful of all that I have ever seen!
6. I'm afraid I did not explain this rule clearly enough. - I don't think so. If you want to know my opinion, I think that you explained it more clearly and cleverly than all our group.
7.Do you want me to give you read this book to read? People say it's very interesting. - I don't think so. Could you give me a more interesting one?
8.Are you sure that you don't want to take your microphone back?- But it's not my microphone.Mine is much bigger and newer.
9.Why did not you come to town with us yesterday? - I was going to, but I could not. I had to hold my grandmother at the station.

Оффлайн mihail7

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2649 : 11 мая 2018, 10:47:33 »
                                          Ex 7 P 9

1. I insisted on speaking with this person.

2. Joke so funny! I can`t not laugh.

3. My friend always spends holidays in the big city. As for me I prefer to went to the sea coast.

4. I called him 2 days ago, but he couldn`t call me: he was bisy translating.

5. The doctors sayid him to give up smoking, but he does not want to listen to them.

6. Is there any hope that we will do the work on time?

7. He went instead of continuing to listen.

8. -I`m afraid, I`m talking too much. You must be tired of listening to me.
    -Oh, no! Nothing of the kind! I listening you with the pleasure.

9. -Have you ever listened to an opera in a "Big theater".
    -No, I have not, but I dream about it. You know how difficult it is to get tickets there.

Оффлайн Войтович В.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2648 : 11 мая 2018, 10:44:26 »
P 30 ex X
-Я слышал,он очень хорошо бегает на лыжах и завоевал в прошлогоднем чемпионате все награды института.
-Неужели? Я этого не знал.Какая приятная неожиданность!
Я люблю бадминтон.В эту игру можно начать с первой попытки.
-В место того,чтобы заняться настоящим спортом,мой муж каждое воскресение удит рыбу.Не удивительно,что он такой толстый,-он совсем не двигается.
-Не расстраивайся.Рыбная ловля-тоже неплохое занятие и помогает быть здоровым и бодрым.
-Завтра мы играем в хоккей с командой вашего института и мечтаем победить вас.
-Сомневаюсь,что вы это сможете.Ничья,может быть,у вас получится.
Есть надежда  установить новый рекорд  института по стрельбе?
-Все зависит от обстоятельств,но я не уверен.Нашей команде команде не хватает опыта.Мы начали тренироваться только год назад.

-I heard, he runs very well on skis and won in last year's championship all the awards of the institute.
-Really? I did not know that. What a pleasant surprise!
I love badminton. You can start this game on the first try.
-In the place to do real sports, my husband every Sunday will fish. It is not surprising that he is so fat, he does not move at all.
Do not worry. Fishing is also a good activity and helps to be healthy and vigorous.
- Tomorrow we play hockey with the team of your institute and we dream to defeat you.
- I doubt that you can do it. Nichya, maybe you will succeed.
Is there any hope of establishing a new shooting institute record?
-All depends on the circumstances, but I'm not sure. Our team lacks experience. We started training only a year ago.

Оффлайн Dariya

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2647 : 11 мая 2018, 10:42:32 »
p.9 Ex.7

1. Я настаиваю на разговоре с этим человеком
    I insist on a conversion whith this man.

2. Шутка такая смешная! Я не могу перестать смеяться.

    The joke is so funny! I can't stop laughing.

3. Моя подруга проводит отпуск в большом городе, что касается меня, я предпочитаю уезжать за город.
     My girlfriend spend her holiday in a big town. As for me, i prefer going out of town.

4. Я звонил ему два месяца назад, но он не смог говорить: он был занят работой над переводом.

    I called him two days ago, but he could can speak: he was busy working of the translation.

5. Врачи советуют ему отказаться от курения, но он не желает их слушать.

    Doctors advised him to quit smoking, but he did not want to hear them.

6. Есть надежда, что мы успеем закончить эту работу вовремя?

    Is there any hope that we will finish the work on time?

7. Он ушёл вместо того, чтобы подождать меня.

     He left instead of waiting for me.

8. — Боюсь, я слишком много говорю. Ты должно быть, устал меня слушать.
    — О, нет! Ничего подобного! Я слушаю тебя с удовольствием!

    — I afraid I've been talking too much. You must be tried of lisening to me.

    — Oh, no! Nothing of the kind! I engoy listening to you.

9. — Ты когда нибудь слушал оперу в большом театре?

    — Нет, не слушал, но мечаю об этом. Ты же знаешь, как трудно достать туда билеты.

    — Have you ever listened to an opera in a big theater?

    — No, I did not listen, but I notice about it. You know how difficult it is to get tickets there.

Оффлайн УбийцаКрови2003

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2646 : 11 мая 2018, 10:37:57 »
Page 30 №10

1. -Я слышал, он очень хорошо бегает на лыжах и завоевал в прошлогоднем чемпионате все награды института.
- Неужели? Я этого не знал. Какая приятная неожиданность.
- I've heard it's very good begaetna skiing and won last year's Championship Awards Institute.
- Really? I didn't know it. What a pleasant surprise.

2. Я люблю бадминтон. В эту игру можно начать играть с первой попытки.
I love badminton. In this game, you can start playing from the first attempt.

3. - Вместо того, чтобы заняться настоящим спортом. Мой муж каждое воскресенье удит рыбу. Не удивительно, что он такой толстый,- он совсем не двигается.
- Не расстраивайся. Рыбная ловля - тоже неплохое занятие и помогает быть здоровым и бодрым.
-Instead of having to deal with present sports. My husband every Sunday catchesfish, it is not surprising that it is so thick, it did not move.
-Do not get upset. Fishing is also a good lesson and helpsbe healthy and vigorous.

4. - Завтра мы играем в хоккей с командой вашего института и мечтаем победить вас.
- Сомневаюсь, что бы сможете. Ничья, может быть, у вас получится.
Tomorrow we play hockey with a team of your Institute and the dream beat you.
- I doubt that would be able to draw notbe., you have.

5. -Есть надежда установить новый рекорд института по стрельбе?
- Все зависит от обстоятельств, но  не уверен.Нашей команде
не хватает опыта. Мы начали тренироваться только год назад.
-There is hope the Institute set a new record by shooting?
-it all depends on luck, but not sure. Our team is lackingexperience we started to train only a year ago.

-.- .- -.-      -.. . .-.. .- ,    -.- . -- .. ?

Оффлайн Сумрак

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2645 : 11 мая 2018, 10:36:47 »
 :lols:                                                      р106 ex3 part2                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Haley just cooked soup fried fish with vegetables, green beans pudding and biscuit. at 7 o'clock there will be dinner. and then the whole family gathered at the table. First they ate soup and then fish with vegetables. then they talked about everything that interested them. then it's time to drink coffee. dad drank black coffee children coffee with milk. pudding and biscuits were so delicious that the children ate them all. Has Hayley's family already finished dinner? Yes, now they decided to watch TV.

Оффлайн Войтович В.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2644 : 11 мая 2018, 10:10:14 »
p9 ex VII.
Я настаиваю на разговоре с этим человеком.
I insist on deconstructing this person.
Шутка такая смешная!Я не могу не смеяться.
The joke is so funny! I can not help but laugh.
Моя подруга всегда проводит отпуск в большом городе.Что касается меня,я предпочитаю уезжать на берег моря.
My friend always spends holidays in the big city.As for me, I prefer to go to the beach.
Я звонил ему два дня назад,но не смог поговорить:он был занят работой над переводом.
I called him two days ago, but I could not talk: he was busy working on the translation.
Врачи советуют ему отказаться от курения,но он не желает их слушать.
Doctors recommend him to stop smoking, but he does not want to listen to them.
Есть надежда,что мы сделаем эту работу вовремя?
Is there any hope that we will do this work on time?
Он ушел вместо того,чтобы подождать меня.
He left instead of waiting for me.
-Боюсь,я слишком много говорю.Ты,должно быть,устал меня слушать.
-О,нет! Ничего подобного! Я слушаю тебя с удовольствием.
-I'm afraid I talk too much. You must be tired of listening to me.
-Oh no! Nothing like this!I listen to you with pleasure.
-Ты когда нибудь слушал оперу в большом театре?
- Нет,не слушал,но мечтаю об этом. Ты же знаешь,как трудно достать туда билеты.
-You ever listened to Opera at the Bolshoi Theatre?
-No,not listened to. but I dream about it.You know how hard it is to get tickets there.

Оффлайн УбийцаКрови2003

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2643 : 11 мая 2018, 10:07:03 »
Page 9 №7

1. Я настаиваю на разговоре с этим человеком.
I insist on speaking with this man

2. Шутка такая смешная! Я не могу смеяться.
Such a Joke funny! I can't laugh

3. Моя подруга такая смешная! Я не могу не смеяться.
Моя подруга такая смешная! Я не могу не смеяться.

4.Я звонил ему два дня назад, но не смог поговорить: он был занят работой над переводом.
I called him two days ago, but could not speak: he was busywork on the translation

5. Врачи советуют ему отказаться от курения, но он не желает их слушать.
Doctors refuse to give up smoking, but he does not want to listen to them.

6. Есть надежна, что мы сделаем работу вовремя?
There are reliable, that we will work on time

7. Он ушёл вместо того, чтобы подождать меня.
He resigned rather than to wait for me.

8. - Боюсь, я слишком много говорю. Ты должно быть, устал меня слушать.
 - О, нет! Ничего подобного! Я слушаю тебя с удовольствием.
 -I'm afraid I'm too much of a say. you must be tired of listening to me.
-Oh no! Anything like it! I am listening to you with pleasure.

9. - Ты когда нибудь слушал оперу в большом театре?
- Нет, не слушал, но мечтаю об этом. Ты же знаешь, как трудно достать туда билеты.
-You ever listened to Opera at the Bolshoi Theatre?
-No, not listened to. but I dream about it.You know how hard it is to get tickets there.


Оффлайн САНЧОУС))0)

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2642 : 11 мая 2018, 10:00:37 »
P. 106. ex 3 (Translate the following )Beginners Course1. Mother hasn't made a breakfast yet.
2. They have already tasted jam?
3. John hasn't drunk a cup of coffee yet.
4. Mrs. Smith has just baked a pudding?
5. Jack and Helen never ate flakes with milk for breakfast.
6. I wasn't out at a lunch at Dzhonsov yet.
7. Time to have tea. All family has already gathered at a table?
8. Kate has already drunk tea with milk, but hasn't eaten cookies yet.
9. Did you sometime eat green beans? - No, I don't love vegetables, I usually eat meat


P. 107 TEXT Mrs. Hayley has just cooked soup, fried fish with vegetables, green beans, a pudding and a biscuit. At 7 o'clock there will be a dinner. And here, all family has gathered at a table. At first they have eaten soup, then - fish with vegetables. Then - have talked about everything that interested them. Then time to have coffee has come. The father had black coffee, children - coffee with milk. The pudding and biscuits were such tasty that children them have eaten everything. Hayley's family already hakonchit a dinner? Yes, now they have decided to watch TV.

Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2641 : 10 мая 2018, 14:10:15 »
Page 25. Ex 2.
1. Varied scenery.
    In our country you can see the varied scenery.

2. The variety of languages.
    There is very big variety of languages in the world.

3. The difference between English and Russian languages.
    There are some differences between English and Russian languages.

4. The different tastes.
    The different people have the different tastes.

PAGE 25. EX 1(b)
1. We have learned the map of Russia and got a good idea of this country.
2. I will try to give you a good idea of the economic and industry of Russia.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2640 : 10 мая 2018, 14:10:00 »
.                                                                                                                                                                                 .
2.   page 25.

1. Various scenery.
Our country has the most various scenery in the world.
2. A variety of languages.
There is no country in the world with such a variety of languages than the New Guynea.
3. The difference between the British and American variants of a language.
There is a little difference between the British and American variants of a language.
4. Different tastes.
Every man have a different tastes of others.
а) 1. Если вы пересечёте Российскую Федерацию с севера на юг, вы получите отличное представление о её пейзажах и климате.
2. Я хочу дать тебе представление о карте Российской Федерации.
3. Мы не получили ни малейшего представления о пейзаже страны.
б) 1. We have studied the map of the Russian Federation and we've gotten a good idea of the country.
2. I want to give you an idea of the economy and industry of Russia.
.                                                                                                                                                                                 .

Оффлайн fellaration

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2639 : 10 мая 2018, 14:08:45 »
1) Природа Российской Федерации очень разнообразна
2) Виды страны очень разнообразны не говоря уже и о контрасте климата
3) Нет в мире другой страны с таким разнообразием видов
4) Все эти озера похожи: они отличаются только в размере
5) На Кавказе очень мало преступности
6) Английская грамматика сильно отличается от Русской грамматики
7) Эти страны довольно разные
8) В чем разница между двумя странами?


1) Число маленьких рек в этом регионе меняется из года в год
2) Каспийское море сильно отличается от черного моря
3) В этих горах есть разные типы лесов
4) Этот фрукт похож на яблоко, но имеет другой вкус

1) We have no other country with such various of nature in the world.
2) They are completley different people.
3) All mountains are same. They are differs only in size
4) If you wants to see variety of scenery, go to north of our big country
5) Climat of far east 

Оффлайн Mihsa Grihsin

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #2638 : 10 мая 2018, 14:01:17 »
a)1.Если ты пойдёшь по Россиииииии с севера до юга ты поймёшь о её пейзажах и климате.
2.Я вам расскажу о карте России.
3.Он совершенно не представлял о пейзаже в стране.
b)1.We have studied the map of the Russia and got a good idea about the country.
2.I will try to give you an idea about economic and industry in Russia.
