Автор Тема: Short texts for reading  (Прочитано 791206 раз)

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Оффлайн Марианна

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #807 : 11 февраля 2016, 08:05:33 »
What will you do to prevent theft? Do you call the neighbors, they removed the leaves, mail and turn on the lights while you are not at home? what do you do with the things that you contacted the police? where you don't have to talk about your departure?

Оффлайн Amelia_K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #806 : 09 февраля 2016, 14:14:16 »
Dear Ben,
Thank you for you letter.I was glad to read from you. I`m sorry ,I haven`t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
In you letter you write that you moved house and now you have a new school. I hope that you make new friends.
I like most friends in my school. Yes,I have a lot of friends in my school.
We go to cinemas , parks and restaurants.
Sorry, I must go as I have promised to help my mum with the house work.
     Write back soon.
      Best wishes.

Оффлайн Luisa

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #805 : 09 февраля 2016, 14:13:34 »
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your latter. I was glad read from you. I`m sorry I haven`t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
In your latter you write that you moved house and go to a new school! I hope that you make new friends.
The most in my school I like breaks, because I can spend this time with my friends! Yeas, I have many friends! We are laughing!
Do you like your new place? How is there?
 Sorry I want go as I have promised to help my brother with his homework.
 Write back soon.
Best wishes!

Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #804 : 09 февраля 2016, 14:12:37 »
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read from you. I`m sorry I haven`t written for so long, but I have been very busy at school lately.
In your letter you asked me few questions.
About my I like mathematics. I don`t have any friends and because of that I don`t walk with «my friends»

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #803 : 09 февраля 2016, 14:10:41 »
                                                                                                                                                      Moscow ,Russia.
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your latter .I was glad to read from you .I`m sorry I haven`t writer for so long ,but I have been very busy at school lately.
In your latter you write that you moved your house and you go to the new school.
In my school I like breaks  ,because I can speak with friends.

Оффлайн Stanislaviy228

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #802 : 09 февраля 2016, 14:09:36 »
Dear, Ben
I’m sorry, I haven't written you. I’m working on some projects now and I don’t have much time.
In your letter you told me, that you’re moved and you are going to a new school. Where did you move? What is your new house like? Is your new place safe?
My favorite thing about my school is that we don’t have many students and I can talk to some high schoolers. I don’t have friends.
I have to go. I should help my teacher to decorate the main hall.
I hope you make friends.
 Best wishes.
Stacey xx


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #801 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:58:57 »
                                                                                                                9 February 2016
                                                                                                                Moscow Russia
                                                                                                                Red square

My dear NOT heterosexual friend tom,
Thank you for your letter .It was glad to read from you .I am sorry I have not written for so long.
In your letter you told me about your active summer holidays, and asked me
How often do I take active holidays . And now I`ll answer you.
Actually my life is a big active holiday, I Love extreme sports like skateboarding
Or a surfing in my bath, swimming in the blood, exploring caves, fighting with lesbians, exploding metro stations, and many others extreme hobbies I have.
And how about that project of yours? Did you learn something new in history theme? Did you liked it? I would like to know something about your boyfriend
Excuse me but I must go.
I hope you`ll right me soon.
From Russia with love
Best wishes
Your heterosexual friend Max.

Оффлайн Babkova_ira

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #800 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:57:16 »
       Dear Tom,
                       Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
    I really don’t often take active holidays because I’m too busy at school. I think the best company is friends and parents, because with them I won’t be bored. I don’t like extreme sports but I would like to jump with parachute.
        You wrote that your class got an interesting project.  Which interesting events did you choose? What do you think about this project? About what would you prefer to write?
      Sorry I must go as I have promised to help my brother with his homework. Write back soon
   Best wishes,

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #799 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:55:39 »
                                                                                                                                                                           9 February
                                                                                                                                                                   Verzemneka st., 3
                                                                                                                                                                     Moscow, Russia
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. Forgive me for being silent for so long, but I have been extremely occupied at school lately.
    In your letter you mentioned your summer holidays. Mountain hiking is one of the extreme sports, and I suppose that everyone should try it at least once.
However, it’s not as extreme as the skydiving which I would like to try in the future. This is because to me this sport is the most risky and dangerous, for a single mistake is a matter of life and death.
I take active holidays every summer with my mom and dad, to me they are the best company.
What is the project of yours about? What events did you write about? Did you get a good grade? Please write soon.

Оффлайн пирожок с малинкой🍓

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #798 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:54:53 »
             Dear Tom,
                  Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
                  In your letter you said that you got an interesting project about events. I don’t really often take active holidays because I don’t like this way of relaxing. I do dancing every day and I prefer more quite holidays. I think the best company for me is with my friends. I would like to try skydiving because it’s my dream.
                  Did you like the project? Do you want to do more projects like that? What was the mark?
                  Sorry I must go as I have promised to help my mum with the home work.
                  Write back soon
                  Best wishes,
 :applodisment: :applodisment: :applodisment: podderzka podderzka podderzka :tarakan: :tarakan: :tarakan:

Оффлайн Червячек

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #797 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:54:43 »
    Dear Tom,
                      Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
                      In your letter you wrote that you had interesting project last month. I take my active holidays for three or two times a year. The best company for me is my friends and parents. I would like to try snowboarding freestyle, because it’s quite interesting and exciting.
                      Did you get a good grade for you project? Was it hard for you? Did you enjoy this project?
                      Sorry I have to go as I promised to help my mum with the homework.
                      Write back soon.
                      Best wishes,
 [joyful_ghost] [joyful_ghost] [joyful_ghost] [joyful_ghost] [joyful_ghost]

Оффлайн svetlanavasilievna12

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #796 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:54:14 »
                                                                                                  9 February
                                                                                        Tverskaya street 21
                                                                                        Moscow, Russia
Dear Tom,
   Thank you for your letter. It was glad to read from you. I am sorry I have not written for so long,  but I have been very busy at school.
   In your letter you ask me about different kinds of active holidays and time spending in general.Answering your first question I ‘d like to emphasize the importance of active holidays. I take my active holidays about 4 times a year. We often spend our time hiking to the  mountains, I really enjoy it. The last winter holidays were the greatest ones. I  insist on the necessity of spending holidays with family. My dream is to try hydroski because I am so bored with neverending winter.

And how about that project of yours? Did you learn any new information on history theme? How can you describe the most important features of the project to the entire class?
                                                                                  Please write soon.
                                                                             Best wishes,

Оффлайн Maksim Chemarda

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #795 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:51:05 »
                                                                                                                                                              Malya Polanka 2
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you. Im sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy at school lately.
In your letter you’re telling me about your family mountain hiking trip. Its very wonderful that you’re spending free time with your family. frankly saying I don’t have a lot of holidays because I have to prepare to the RSE and I do not have a lot of time. In my opinion the best company for me is MA SQUAD FORREAL DAWG.  Generally speaking I’ve tried a lot of active sports, but I actually would like to try motor cross racings, because its very fast sport and it looks amazing. In which country have you been? Do you really like hiking? What the best place could you recommend us for taking hiking sports?
Sorry I must go as I have promised to help my cousin with his homework.
Write back soon
Best wishes
Ya bratha M.A.X.

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #794 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:43:26 »
                                                                                                                                                 Russia, Mosow
Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Tom, it is amazing to hear from you.
It’s great that you had wonderful time with your family for a whole week. It’s  very important to spend time with your family, so I’m very happy for you.

I do active holidays very often, because it’s makes you more healthy. Also, people need some adrenaline and they do some extreme sports. The best company for me is company of people who fond of sports, because it’s very interesting and exiting. I want to j-jumping. Because it’s very extreme and sick sport.

About what envents did you write project paper? Why do you have so interesting theme for your project paper? How do you think, what mark will you have for your project paper?

Keep in touch, see you soon.

:russian: :russian: :russian:

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #793 : 09 февраля 2016, 11:39:34 »
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
In your letter you asked me about my holidays. Usually, I spend my holidays at home, because I don’t like active spending time. The best company for me are my bed, TV and fridge. I’d try jumping with the parachute, I think it’s a very exciting kind of extreme sport.
Also I have other questions for you.Which extreme kind sport do you prefer? What do you like more, sitting at home or walking around the house? How is the weather in your city?
I hope you will answer my questions soon.
Oh, sorry I must go as I have promised to help my mum with cooking. Write back soon. Best regards to your parents and your dog.
Best wishes.
