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Оффлайн Vladb

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1752 : 25 апреля 2017, 13:24:35 »
 The most common type of disease nowadays is cold.  There are no people on the Earth, who have never been ill at least once in life. The most unlucky of us have two or three colds a year. For them cold is a common thing, something that isnt special. But its not like that.
      Cold is dangerous because of its effects. Furthermore, it's not easy to fight with it, because there are lots of viruses, which cause the cold and you never know, which virus you need to fight.
      Medications everybody knows:
   -Drink a lot of water.
   -Warm your feet.
   -Dont eat too much.
   -First several days stay in bed.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1751 : 25 апреля 2017, 13:15:42 »
The most common type of disease recently is the common cold. Hardly there is at least one such person who has not been ill with the flu at least once in his life. Moust unlucky of us getting ill two or even three times a year. For them common cold is something regular. But this is not true at all.
  The disease is unpleasant because it causes complications. And you can't get rid of it easily, because it's caused by different viruses, and you never know which one of them you should fight against.
 Everybody knows funds from common cold: Drink much water, keep your legs warm, don't eat too much and stay in bed for a few days.

Оффлайн Марианна

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1750 : 25 апреля 2017, 13:15:14 »

         Cold is the most popular disease. There's a hardly a human being who hasn't been ill with the flu at least once in his lifetime. The most unfortunate of us have it 2 or even 3 times a year. They believe that the common cold is something trivial, nothing of the kind!
         This disease causes complications. Except for that, people thought that there was only 1 virus which caused colds, and you don't know what types of viruses you will treat of.
        Everybody knows how to protect themselfs from common cold, like drink plenty of water and tea, keep your feet warm, don't eat much, lay in bed at the first cold's days.

Оффлайн Alfred Nobel

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1749 : 25 апреля 2017, 13:09:59 »
ex 15
 The most known desease nowadays is cold. There are no people on the Earth, who have never been ill. The most unlucky have cold 2 or 3 times a year. For them cold is a a usual thing, something trivial. But it's not like that.
  Cold is very dangerous, because it can have complications. Furthermore, it's not easy to fight it, because there are a lot of viruses which cause the cold, and you never know, which virus you need to fight.
 Facilities everybody knows:
Drink a lot of water
Warm your feet
Do not eat too much
First several days stay in bed

Оффлайн Elly

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1748 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:13:26 »
                                                                               Class reading p.35
                                                                                      TEXT 3

Q: что привело вас Адмирал к тому что вы стали офицером высокопоставленным офицером морского флота в США и стали сторонником разоружения?
A: Я не сторонник разоружения, я и нисколько не изменился. Как и прежде единственные вещи что я мог делать, это только стрелять и разрушать. Но сейчас времена изменились. Я присоединился к Морскому флоту, когда ядерное оружие только появилось. Какое-то время мы были единственными кто имел его. Но сейчас у Москвы есть все, что есть у  нас. Как у солдата и патриота моя забота, это безопасность моей страны, и я понимаю , что ядерная война- это безумие.
Никто не выиграет.  У меня есть имена для тех кто не хочет

Оффлайн Luisa

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1747 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:12:37 »
                                                  Class reading, p. 35
Вопрос: Что привело вас, Адмирал, к тому что вы стали офицером Американского Морского Флота и стать сторонником разоружения?
Ответ: Я не сторонник разоружения и я не чуть не изменился. Как раньше, вещи которые я могу делать только стрелять и разрушать, но ситуация поменялась. Я присоединился к флоту, когда ядерное оружие только появилось. На какое-то время, мы были единственными которые имели его. Но сейчас у Москвы есть все что есть и у нас. Как солдат и патриот, мое дело- защищать мою страну, и осознавать что ядерная война это безумие. Никто не может выиграть. У меня есть имена для тех, кто не хочет атомной смерти- защитники выживания.

Оффлайн kartashevavv

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1746 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:12:24 »
Вопрос: что привело Вас, Адмирал, к тому, что вы стали главнокомандующим офицером Американского флота и стать сторонником разоружения?
Ответ: Я не сторонник разоружения и я ничуть не изменился. Как и раньше я могу только стрелять и разрушать, но ситуация немного поменялась. Я присоединился к флоту, когда ядерное оружие только появилось на свете. Первое время мы были единственными, кто имел его. Ноя сейчас у Москвы есть все те вещи, которые есть и у нас. Как солдат и патриот, мое дело защищать свою страну и осознавать, что ядерная война это безумие. Никто не может ничего выиграть. У меня есть имена для тех, кто не хочет атомной смерти-защитники выживания.

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1745 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:12:08 »
 p.35 text 3.
Вопрос:Что привело вас,Адмирал,к тому что вы стали офицером Американского Морского Флота и стать сторонником разоружения?
Ответ:Я не сторонник разоружения и я не чуть не изменился.Как раньше,вещи которые я могу делать только стрелять и разрушать,но ситуация поменялась.Я присоединился к Флоту,когда ядерное оружие только появилось.На какое-то время,мы были единственными которые имели его.Но сейчас у Москвы есть все что есть и у нас.Как солдат и патриот,мое дело это защищать страну и осознавать что ядерная война это безумие.Никто не может выиграть.У меня есть имена для тех,кто не хочет атомной смерти-сторонники выживания.

Оффлайн arw

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1744 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:08:22 »
1.It's pleasant to look at the colours, when the colours are brighter.
2.The more reliable you are,the more friends you have.
3.The more you interfere with my work the slowlier i do it.
4.the hotter the climate is the more difficult it is to bear it.
5.The more heavilly it's snowing, the more i like it.
6.The more he is complaining of his life, the less I like him.
7.the more his story was diteiled and prolenged, the more we didn't like it.

Оффлайн Divan Ivan

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1743 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:04:05 »
Text 6
§1. What do people wear when it's hot?
They wear T-shirts and shirts, light blouses and skirts, sport shoes, socks and sandals. ▌
§2. What do people usually put on in cold weather?
They wear jeans and trousers, sweaters and jackets, overcoats and caps. ▌
§3. What proverbs about seasons and weather do you know?
"There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes" and "Everything is good in its season" ▌
☺ ☺ ☻ ☻
Die Welt gehört demjenigen, der sich darüber freut

Оффлайн Shaurma03

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1742 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:03:13 »
1.The brighter color is,the more pleasanten it is to look at.
2.The more realible you are,the more friends you have.
3.The more you intefere with my work,the more slowly I do it.
4.The hotter the climate is,the more diffucult to bear it.
5.The more havily snowing ,the more I like it.
6.The more he`s complaining on his life,the less I like him.
7.The more his story was detailed and prolonged,the more we didn`t like.
loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad loshad

Оффлайн Sasha K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1741 : 25 апреля 2017, 12:00:15 »
1. If the colour is brighter, it's pleasat to look at it.
 The bright if the colour is the more pleasant it is to look at.
2. If you're reliable, you have many friends.
 The more reliable you are the more friends you have.
3. When you interfere with my work, I do it slowly.
 The more you interfere with my work, the more slowly I do it.
4. The climateis hot and it's difficult to bear it.
 The hotter the cloud is the more difficult it is to beare it.
5. It's snowing heavily and I like it.
 The more heavily it's snowing, the more I like it.
6. He's complaining of his life and I like him less and less.
 The more he's complain of his life, the less I like him.
7. His story was to detailed and prolonged and we didn't like it very much.
 The more his story was detailed and prolonged, the more we didn't like it.

Оффлайн Divan Ivan

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1740 : 25 апреля 2017, 11:53:34 »
1. The brighter the colour is, the more pleasant it is to look at.
2. The more reliable you are, the more friends you have
3. The more you interfere with my work, the slowlier I do it.
4. The hotter the climate is, the more it's difficult to bear it
5. The more heavily it's snowng, the more I like it.
6. The more he's complaining of his life, the less I like him.
7. The more his story was detailed and prolonged, the more I didn't like it.
Die Welt gehört demjenigen, der sich darüber freut

Оффлайн Alfred Nobel

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1739 : 18 апреля 2017, 13:56:15 »
1. People usually make an appointment with he doctor when thre are ill.
2. You can test your blood, your blud pressure,X-ray your chest and other
3. You do not need to worry about payment.
4. Therapeutists, surgeons, dentists, nerve specialists and others
5. You can consult with many specialists
6. Because thse are seasonsof cold
 When you're ill, you meet a doctor. Sound as rock. Better to chek in. You should make X-ray of your chest. Your doctor would check your launghs and heart. Your blood would be tested. You would be payed before you recover. Medical institutions. Modern technologies. Surgery room. Small operation. Suffer fromcold.

Оффлайн Марианна

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1738 : 18 апреля 2017, 13:45:50 »
pg.15 ex.2
1. People usually make an appointment with the doctor when they have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat or a pain in some part of our body.
2. In modern polyclinic you'll have your chest x-rayed, your heart and lungs examined, your pulse felt and your blood tested.
3. When you are ill, you'll be paid sick-leave benefits until you're fully recovered.
4. In a modern polyclinic works therapeutists, surgeons, dentists, nerve specialitists and others doctors, who will treat you, when you have a problems with health.
5. There are many facilites offer you like treatments and X-rayed room, operating room, numerous consulting room.
6. The therapeutists's consulting room is the most visited doctor's room in autumn, winter, spring, because a lot of people suffer from a common cold.

1. When you're ill, you make an appointement with the doctor.
2. Sound as rock
3. It wouldn't hurt you to check.
4. Have your chest x-rayed
5. Your heart and lungs examined
6. Your blood tested
7. You'll be paid sick-leave benefits until you're fully recoverd
8. medical institutions
9. modern equipment
10. operating room
11. minor operation
12. suffer from a common cold
