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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3942 : 19 декабря 2019, 14:09:39 »
The text is about dicipline in film industry.In the beggining author tells is about how important dicipline is for actors.People often think that acting is easy but actualy it is not.Nowadays film,theatre,television has become more money and time concuming.For example it takes 9 days to shot an hour long film.You have to be in a good shape every day as an actor because nobody cares wether you are inspired or not.Actors who follow the diciplin acomplish a lot and those who do not finish their lives in not the best ways

Оффлайн Александра

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3941 : 19 декабря 2019, 14:09:31 »
Discipline in the film industry
People who are not involved in the theatre just don't know what it's like. Probably the most difficult thing in acting is the enormous amount of work -physical and mental work. In recent years the theater,television become more cost. No one cares whether you are inspired or not. You never say to a movie director:'' I can't do this today''. The rules are strict. The discipline are very important for actors. The big names of Hollywood approach their work as professionally. The most tragic example is Marilyn Monroe. She was a good actress,but not disciplined.
 According the author, discipline is doing what is required of you regardless of your fears. No great actor has been without them.

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3940 : 19 декабря 2019, 14:08:30 »
Text 2.
June Havoc likes to say that people don't understand, what is like to be an actor.
Propably the most difficult thing in acting is enormous anount of work - physical and mental work - involved in the craft. The TV, theatre and film industry has become more expensive and time consious than before, so hour-long program is shot in nine days. And film director don't care about your health, so you need to be in time and be discipline.
There are a lots of people, who are good actors and actresses and they have a good discipline: Richard Burton, Elizbeth Taylor etc. But also we have a bad example, such as Marilyn Monroe.
Discipline, according into the author, is doing what is reuired of you regardless of your problems and fears.  With the discipline comes courage - the courage to extend yourself. No great actor without them.

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3939 : 19 декабря 2019, 14:04:11 »
                                                                Discipline in the film industry   

   The text is about film industry. people who are not involved in the theatre just don't know what it's like. There is a big amount of work: physical and mental work. In recent years the theater, television and film industry became more cost and time conscious than ever before.  Everything must be compressed in  a very short time period.
   An average hour-long time programe is shot in nine days. You are supposed to show up at time, and in a very good physical shape. You never say to a moovie director "i am not in the good form today, can we do it tomorow.''
     The rules are strict for everyone. Actors who don't meet their demands find it difficult to find work.
      Their are alot of good examples in Hollywood such as Richard, Elizabeth, John, Marlon, Paul, Audrew, Katherine and others for who discipline is their second nature. They approch their work like some bankers, lawyers and doctors. But their are some tragic examples like Marlyne Manroe who didn't respect her demands.
     Their is a simple defenition of discipline: doing is whar required of you regardless of your problems and fears. With discipline comes courage. 

Оффлайн NASTIA.NOVI.aue

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3938 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:20:03 »
page9 ex7
1.I dont think so.Can you get  me a more intersting tickets for film.
2.I dont think so.Can you give me a more delioshest cake.
3.I dont think so.Can you give me a more reciter.
4.I dont think so.Can you invited be nicer.

Оффлайн Mihail Vassiliev

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3937 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:19:42 »
                                                                             Class work
                                                                        Exercise VII Page 9
1. Would you like to get tickets for this film?
They say it's interesting.
I don't thing so. can you give me a tickets for a more interesting one?
2.Eat this cake. it's delicious.
I don't think so. Can you give me a more delicious one?
3.Would you mind if I recite this poem at the party? it's beautiful.
I don't think so. Can you recite a more beautiful one?
4.Do you think I could invite you to our party tomorrow?
They say it's going to be nice and relaxing.
I don't think so. Can you invite me a more nice and relaxing party?
5.You know, I'm always eager to help you. Would you likeme to translate this aricle for you? It's difficult.
I don't think so. Can you give me a more difficult article?
6. would you like me to sing a song at the party?
It's popular.
I don't think so. Can you sing a more popular song?

Оффлайн kseniaSeregina

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3936 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:19:34 »
exercise 7 page 9
1. Would you like me to get tickets for this film? They say it's interesting.
    I don't think so. Can you get tickets for the more interesting one?
2. Eat this cake. It's delicious.
    I don't think so,can you give me a more delicious one?
3. Wouldyou mind if I recide this poem at the party? It's beautiful.
    I don't think so,can you recide a more beautiful one?
4. Do you think I can invitwe you to our party tomorrow? They're saying it's going to be nice and relaxing.
    I don't think so,can you invite me to a more relaxing one?
5. You know,I am always eager to help you. Would you like me to translate this article for you?
    I don't think so

Оффлайн Денис Хасанов

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3935 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:19:09 »
1)Would you like me to get tickets for this film?They say its interesting.I dont think so.Can you give me the tickets for a more interesting one.
2)Eat this cake.Its delicious.I dont think so.Can you give me a more delicious one.
3)Would you mind if I recite this poem at the party?Its beautiful.I dont think so.Can you recite a more beautiful one.
4)Do you think I could invite you to our party tomorrow?They say its going to be nice and relaxing.I dont think so.Can you invite me for a nicer one.
5)You know,Im always eager to help you.Would you like me to translate this aricle for you?Its difficult.I dont think so.Can you translate a more difficult one.
6)Would you like me to sing this song at the party?Its popular.I dont think so.Can you sing a more popular one.
1)Are you sure youre not going to take back this warm and beautful cap of yours?But its not mine cap.Mine is much warmer amd more beautiful.
2)Is it true that your mother refuses to take back this beautiful picture?But its not her picture.Her is much more beautiful.
3)Why dont you take back your umbrella?Its still solid and rather beautiful to look at.But its not mine umbrell.Mine is much more solid and beautiful.
4)Does he really want to refuse to take back his own tape-recorder?Its still new,isnt it?But its not his tape-recorder.His is much newer.
5)Are your parents going to refuse to take back their radio?They can still use it.Its rather good,isnt it?But its not their radio.Their is much better.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3934 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:18:52 »
Ex 8 p 10

1 Are you sure you're not going to take back this warm and beautiful cap of yours?
But It's not my cap mine is much more beautiful and warner.
2 Is it true that your mother refuses to take back this beautiful picture?
But it is not her picture,hers is much more beautiful.
3 Why don't you take back your umbrella?It's still solid and rather beautiful to look at.
But it's not mine umbrella mine is much more solide and more beautiful.
4 Does he really want to refuse to take back his own tape recorder?It's still new,isn't it?
But it's not his tape recorder his is much more newer.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3933 : 19 декабря 2019, 12:09:19 »
Ex 7 p 9

1 Would you like me to get tickets for this film?They say it's interesting.
I don't think sow can you get me tickets for a more interesting one?
2 Eat this cake.It's delicious.
I don't think sow can you give me a more delicious one?
3 Would you mind if i recite this poem at the party?It's beautiful.
I don't think sow can you recite a more beautiful one?
4 Do you think i could invite you to our party tomorrow?They say it's going to be nice and relaxing.
I don't think sow can you invite to a more relaxing one?
5 You know,I'm aways eager to help you.Would you like me to translate this article for you?It's difficulte.
I dont think sow can you translate a more difficulte one?
6 Would you like me to sing this song at the party?It's popular.
I don't think sow can you sing a more popular one?

Оффлайн Александра

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3932 : 17 декабря 2019, 14:09:35 »
1)you know , I am very fond of photography. It means a lot to me. Last night I found some pictures. Now I am going to describe the picture in front of me. I have chosen picture number 3. The picture was taken at lovely sunny day. In the picture we can see beautiful mountains , trees and amazing blue sky. We can also see cristall and shiny river. This river reflects all the details and it's look wonderful. I decided to keep this picture in my photo album because it's the best picture I've ever taken! I wanted to show this picture to my friend because I found it very beautiful. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention.

Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3931 : 17 декабря 2019, 14:00:04 »
                                                            DESCRIBING THE PICTURES.

(1)I like photography very much. (2)It takes a significant place in my life.  (3)Yesterday I returned from my last trip and brought some photos from it. (4)Now I`m going to describe one of three best pictures I took there. (5)I`ve chosen picture number three. (6)It was taken on the last day of my trip in the central park of Barcelona. (7)In the picture we can see the alley. (8)The trees on it are highlighted in blue. (9)There are a lot of benches under the "blue trees" to sit on. (10)This picture creates a state of peace. (11)It is especially nice to walk along this alley at night. (12) I decided to keep this picture in my photo album because it`s one of the best pictures I`ve ever taken and to have something to remind me of this wonderful place! (12)I wanted to show this picture to my friend because I want him to know, what beautiful places are on our planet. (13)That`s all I wanted say. (14)Thank you for your attention.

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3930 : 17 декабря 2019, 13:44:51 »
Comparing Pictures
1.Now i am going to compare the two pictures in front of me.
2.In the first picture we can see two people sailing small boats.
3.In the boat near to us we can see a man rowing the boat and a dog.
4.In the boat futher away we can see only one person.
5. In the second picture we can see a ferry.
6. There is probably a lot of people on it, including a crew.
7. Both pictures have a common theme- sailing.
8. That is why in both of them we can see a means of water transportation.
9.However, they are also the first difference between pictures.
10. In the first picture the mean of transportation is a small boat, while in the second picture it is a pretty big ferry.
11. The way people sail also differs- people on the first picture have to navigate the boat themselve, row the boat, while people in the second picture just enjoy the ride while the crew does all the work.
12.Personally, i would prefer the first picture, because sailing on your own seems more fun than taking a river tour on a ferry.
13.That's all i wanted to say.
14. Thank you for your attention.

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3929 : 17 декабря 2019, 13:43:19 »
1.I can't imagine my life without the photography.
2. It means a lot to me.
3.Now i'm going to compare the two picture in front of me.
4.In rhe first picture we can see military people, going somewhere.
5. In the second one, we can see boys in military uniform.
6. Both pictures have a few things in comon.
7. Firstly, both of his people have a military uniform, like in army.
8. Secondly, these people are in strict lines.
9. However, there are some differences between these photoes.
10. People in the second picture are not adult.
11. They are just kids.
12. Also in the first picture people serve in army.
13. In the second picture it's just a training.
14. Personally I prefer the first picture, cose I like kids.
15. That's all I wanted to say.
16. Thank you for your attention.

Оффлайн Александра

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3928 : 17 декабря 2019, 13:38:05 »
1)As you know I am very fond of photography.2) It means a lot to me. 3)I usually like to look at different beautiful pictures. 4)Now I am going to describe the picture in front of me. 5)I have chosen picture number 3. 6)The picture was taken in winter, in the park. 7)In the picture we can see some snow trees with amazing blue lights.8) We can also see that the photo was taken at night.9) I decided to keep this picture in my photo album because it's the best picture I've ever taken!10) I wanted to show this picture to my friend because I found this picture very beautiful. 11)That's all I wanted to say.12)Thank you for your attention.
