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Оффлайн sasha kalganova

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4377 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:56:04 »
p19.ex 2.                                                                                                                                                                        2. She stiling with daughter and playing with the idea.                                                                                                     3. Some Person thinks he cant afford even a much expensive vehicle a taxi.                                                                              4.Beautiful woman in clothes of grey and blue colours,two man in fashionable furs,another man a loose-in-the-shoulders coat made of strange green material.                                                                                                                                         5.Whatever sight                               

Оффлайн Фомина

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4376 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:45:30 »
1. autor of the story buy to souvenir.
2. she hesitating taking a ous to Manhetn because tiket fare 5 dollars
3. a tiket for a trip to the center will cost youfive dollars.
4. the sidwolk in the Manhetn was filled with passers-by a beautiful woman in clothes of grey and blue colors with went together perfecktly two men in fashyionable furs another man in a loos-in-the-shoulders coat vade of strange green matirial an old woman drssed as if sht were going to join the circus a very young girl in sandals and with her knees naked and red from the freezing weather


Оффлайн Алия

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4375 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:45:23 »
ex 2
1) HE was buying good and lasting souvenir, something to remind him of the place
3) A ticket for the bus five kopeck fare.Ive never met a person who thinks he cant afford even a much more expensive vehicle, a taxi I mean.
4)A beautiful women in clothes of grey and blue colours which went together perfectly , two man in fashionable furs, another man in a loose-in-the-shoulders coat made of strange green material, an old women dressed as if she were going to join the circus, a very young girl in sandals and with her rnees naked and red from the cold freezing weather.
 5) The authors attention a gold chain a modest one .
2) She hesitating about taking a bus the ticket very expensive.

Оффлайн Mishel_bliner_

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4374 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:43:20 »
 loshad loshad loshad

ex 2
1) A good and lasting souvenir, something to remind me of the place and the spell of my life I spend there.
2)She hesitates about taking a bus because the ticket is wery expansive.
3)A ticket for a trip to the centre of New York and back to the suburbs will cost youfive dollars. People often taking for a taki.
4)The side-walk was filled with passers-by : a beautiful woman in clothes of gray and blue colours which went together perfectly, two men in fashionable furs.

Оффлайн Maryana

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4373 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:43:07 »
ex.2 p.19-20
1.)she wanted get a thing to remind spell of her life she spent there.
2.) because a ticket for a trip to the centre of city and back to the suburbs cost 5$
3.) 5$. people there often take a taxi because the price is same and they want to get to office in time
4.) Americans don't seem to be very particular about what they wear.
5.) she saw a gold chain. a modest one, not very long and for a reasonable price

Оффлайн Женя

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4372 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:42:41 »
ex 2 page 19

1. autor of text want buy souvenir , something to remind her of the place
2. she didn't want buy a expensive ticket, it was cost 5 dollarrs.
3. people get taxi because some of them want get to  office in time and price is reasonable
4. americans don't seem to be very particular about what they wear. they wear a colorfui and strange wear
5. she saw a gold chain.it was a modest one, not very long. one of them seemed to her to be can worth buying.

Оффлайн arseniy

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4371 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:42:16 »
ex.2 p. 19
  1)  a good and lasting souvenir, something to remind her of the place and spell of her life she spend there.
  2) because she could take a taxi for the same price
  3) the bus ticket fare will cost you 5 dollars. yes they do
  4)  she saw mane people in strange clothes,like they going to join circus.
  5)  her attention caught a gold chain at the window of a Jeweller`s shop

Оффлайн Тимофей Ф.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4370 : 19 ноября 2021, 13:42:04 »
p 19 ex 2

1 Autr going buy thing she needed.

2 she hesitating because this cost 5 dollars.

3 the bus fare cost 5 dollars. yes people often take taxi

4$ the people dont seem to be porticular about what they wear.

5 autor thing the people going to join the circus.

 amen amen amen amen amen

Оффлайн Charming girl

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4369 : 12 марта 2021, 10:32:53 »
                Traveling  Agency

One day a man came to the Travelling Argency.
Man: Good morning.Could  you offer me something?
Traveling argent: Good morning. Would you like to go on a trip by ship?
Man: NO.NEVER.It can sink.
Traveling argent:OK.Would you like to go somewhere by plane.?
Man:No.One hundred times No.It can fal.
Traveling argent:Oh.May be... Would you like to go to for a trip by ... bike?!
Man: I can't ride a bike 😫.
At the end of the story man simply went  hiking to the woods.

Оффлайн Стефан

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4368 : 12 марта 2021, 10:12:35 »
                                         The  Story AT  The Travel Agency
-hello, I want to spent my holiday traveling.
-HELLO, I can offer you a sea cruise.
-No, no, the ship can sink.
-Oh but its very big, beautiful, rich and safe.
-No I am afraid.
-Ok, then you can travel by plane, it 's very safe transport.
-No, no, I am afraid that plane can crush.
-Oh...Ok also I can offer  you a  bike tour.
-No, no I am afraid that I can break my legs.
-Oh my god!
-I want to spend my holiday by walking  at nature.
-No, no, I think that its very dangerous also bees  can scting you and you can get allergy
- No, no, I like nature.

Оффлайн Маргарита Сиданич

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4367 : 12 марта 2021, 10:10:59 »
                                                                     Mr. East And Traveling
  Once Mr. East came to the travel agency. He asked travel agent to recommend him an exciting trip.
 "How about traveling by ship?"
 "Let me think..."
 "What have you decided?"
 "I think it's too dangerous. Ship could sink."
 "Maybe traveling by plane can please you?"
 "Perhaps... Wait. It's very dangerous to! There could be an air crash."
 "I suppose, riding a bike is absolutely safe. Isn't it?"
 "No, no, no! It's extremely dangerous!!! I could fall down and hurt myself!"
 The next week Mr. East went hiking. He had a very good rest. 

Оффлайн турбо_славянин

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4366 : 12 марта 2021, 10:07:00 »
March 12,                                                                CLASSWORK

                                                                   A Story At The Travel Agency

-Hello! Are thre any tickets for my flight?
-Yes! Of course stayed!
-We can offer you three types of travel.
-The first option: by boat.
-But it can sink!
-Ok, the second option: by plane!
-But it can crash and we will all die!
-Well, the last option: by bike.
-But I can fall off him!
не православно

Оффлайн АринаД

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4365 : 12 марта 2021, 09:58:22 »
March 12.
One day a man, who name is Bill went to the Travel agency.
Booking clerk say; -''Good morning, can I help You?''
Bill; -''Yes, please. I want to buy a ticket to London.''
Booking clerk; -''What do You want to travel on?''
Bill; -''I dont know. What can You recommend?''
Booking clerk; -''You can travelling by ship.''
Bill; -'' I don't want travelling by ship, this is very scary.''
Booking clerk; -''Okay, You can travelling by plane.''
Bill; -''No. I'm afraid heights.''
Booking clerk; -''Okay, I have a perfect option for You. You can travelling by bike.
Bill; -''No. I don't want travelling by bike too. I can fall. I'll go on foot.
Booking clerk; -''Okay, have a nice day. Bye.
Bill; -'' Thank You, bye.''

Оффлайн Mishel_bliner_

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4364 : 11 марта 2021, 12:28:44 »

page 12 ex X
1) What is the tallest building in Moscow ?
2) This park is the most beautiful in the city. I have never seen a park more beautiful than this.
3) On Sunday a get up leter than usal.
4) Moscow is the largest city in Russia.
5) ,,Look at this painting. Have you seen anything more beautiful ?''-,, Beautiful peanting ! The most beautiful I've ever seen !''
6) ,,I'm afraid I didn't axplain this rule clearly anouth''-,,I wouldn't say that. If you want to know my opinion, I think you explained it clearer and smarter than everyone in our group.''
7) ,,Do you want me to give you this book to read ? They say it is very interesting.''-,,I din't think so. Maybe you can give me a more interesting book ?''
8) ,,Areyou sure you didn't want to take back your tape recorder ?''-,,But it is not my tape recorder. Mine is much bigger and newer.''
9) ,,Why didn't you go out oftown with us yesterday ?''-,,I was going to, but couldn't. I had to accompany my grandmother to the station,''

Оффлайн Ohotnizza

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4363 : 12 февраля 2021, 10:48:53 »
Last year Mr. West had to go on a buisness trip to New York.
He packed his things, booked a room in a hotel, took a taxi and arrivd at the airport just in time to hear the following; "your attention, please. B.O.A.C announces the departure of flght No 573 to New York". Mr. West looked around; there was nobody to se him off. He got into the plane and took a sea among other passengers. The plane took off. Mr. West made himself comfortable and asked the air hostess to wake him up 10 minutes before they arrived in New York.
