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Re: News
« Ответ #445 : 08 июня 2018, 21:31:33 »
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

1. Read aloud. Mind your intonation.
2. Complete the sentences by quoting the text.
3. The teacher dictates the text. Put it down.

     George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright and a literary critic. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925. George Bernard Shaw didn’t get good education and started working at the age of 15. After a while, Shaw moved to London to live with his mother and began writing plays and novels because he wanted a career in literature.

    Most of his early plays focused on social problems, but the audience didn’t like it at the start. Some of his plays such as ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’, ‘Major Barbara’, ‘The Doctor's Dilemma’, ‘Saint Joan’ and ‘Pygmalion’ got much appreciation and became his greatest successes on the stage. He lived the rest of his life as a famous person, interested in dramatics until his death. Shaw still remains one of the most important writers in the English language who helped to form the theatre of his time.

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Re: News
« Ответ #444 : 07 июня 2018, 14:05:38 »

“Oh No, Rhett” she cried. “All I know is that you do not love me and you are going away! Oh, my darling, if you go, what shall I do?”
He waited for a moment and then said:
“Scarlett, I don’t want to pick up broken fragments anymore and stick them together. What is broken is broken. Perhaps, if I were younger- may be. But I’m too old to believe in such things. I’m too old to listen to your lies. I can’t live with you and lie to you and I certainly can’t lie to myself. I can’t even lie to you now. I wish I could care what you do or where you go, but I don’t.”
 “My dear, I don’t really care.”


    Scarlett silently watched Rhett go upstairs, feeling that she would die from the pain in her heart. She knew now that he had been sure about every word he said. She knew because she felt in him something strong and unusual. Something she had looked for in Ashley and never found.


She had never understood the two men she had loved and so she had lost them both. Now, she knew that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him; had she ever understood Rhett, she would never have lost him. She wasn’t sure if she had ever really understood anyone in the world.


There was sadness in her heart now, a sadness that she knew would become a strong pain.
“I won’t think of it now,” she thought. “I’ll go crazy if I think about losing him now. I’ll think of it tomorrow.”
“But,” cried her heart, “I can’t let him go! There must be some way!”
She could get Rhett back. She knew she could.
“I’ll think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. Tomorrow, I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.

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Re: News
« Ответ #443 : 05 июня 2018, 17:12:11 »

The war between the North and the South has started. The Yankees were coming. The army was leaving. What should she do? Where should she run?
Suddenly she thought of Rhett Butler and calmed down. She hated him, but he was strong and smart and he wasn’t afraid of the Yankees. He was still in town. And he had a horse and carriage, too. Oh, why hadn’t she thought of him before! He could take them all away from this terrible place, away from the Yankees!
She called her servant girl and said: “Prissy, find Rhett Buttler! Only he can help!” And Prissy ran away.


Scarlett was waiting on the porch for Rhett to come. It seemed hours before he came. At last, she saw him far up the road and rushed to greet him. Even in this situation, Rhett was very well and fashionably dressed and in the belt of his trousers he had 2 dueling pistols.  His pockets were full with ammunition.
 “Good evening,” he said, “I heard you were going to take a trip.”
“If you make any jokes, I will never speak to you again,” she said with trembling voice “I am scared to death and we haven’t got time to talk. We must get out of here.”
“At your service, Madam. But, where are you going?”
 “I’m going home, to Tara! Oh, Rhett, we must hurry!”
 “There, there, darling,” he said softly. “Don’t cry. You shall go home, my brave little girl. You shall go home. Don’t cry.”


The wagon was very small and the horse was not very fast. Scarlett’s teeth chattered, she was very cold and frightened.
“Hurry!” It was the only word in her mind. Hurry! Hurry!
“Soldiers,” said Rhett Butler and stopped the horse.
The group of soldiers came down Marietta Street, between the burning buildings. They looked very tired, many of them didn’t have boots and they had bad, torn clothes.

Ahead of them was a tunnel of fire where buildings were burning on both sides of the short, narrow street that led to the railroad. Rhett whipped the horse and they jumped into it. Scarlett  thanked God for his presence. It was so good to have such a man near her.


“Oh, Rhett,” she whispered, “What would I have ever done without you? I’m so glad you aren’t in the army!”
He turned his head and looked at her strictly.
“We’re out of town now,” said Rhett shortly and stopped the horse, “and on the main road.”
“Hurry. Don’t stop!”
“Let the animal have a rest. The horse is tired”
Please, Rhett, let’s go home. The horse isn’t tired.”
“Just a minute. It’s only YOU who is going home. And I am leaving you.”
“Leaving us? Where-where are you going?”
“I am going, dear girl, with the army.”
Scarlett thought he was joking. But he wasn’t.
“Get out,” he ordered.
She was just looking at him. Rhett caught her under the arms and put on the ground beside him.
“I’m not asking you to understand or forgive me” he said “But our fair Southland needs every man. I love you so much, my dear Scarlett. But I must be going. I’m off to the war.”
And he kissed her.

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Re: News
« Ответ #442 : 04 июня 2018, 19:24:40 »

     Scarlett sat down again trying to understand what she had done. Ashley was gone and his stricken face was still fresh in her memory. She had lost him forever. Now he would hate her and remember all that had happened.
She picked up a little china rose-vase and threw it over the sofa at the fireplace. The vase crashed into many pieces.
“This,” said a voice from behind the sofa, “is too much.”


    Scarlett was so afraid that she couldn’t say a word. Rhett Butler rose from the sofa where he had been lying and greeted her politely.
    He was real. He wasn’t a ghost. Scarlett tried to calm herself down but was very angry with him because he had heard everything.


 “Sir,” she said, “you are no gentleman!”
“Right you are,” he answered with a smile. “And, you, Miss, are no lady. No one can be a lady after saying and doing what I have just heard”. But, my dear Miss O’Hara, you are an unusual  girl, very unusual, and I respect you for that. I just can’t understand what you see in this elegant Mr. Wilkes. He should thank God for a girl with your-how did he say it?-’passion for living,’ but…”


“You aren’t fit to clean his boots!” Scarlett shouted in rage.
“And you were going to hate him all your life!” He sat down on the sofa and she heard him laughing.
She wanted to kill him that very moment. But instead, she walked out of the room and banged the heavy door behind her.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrhNPS4nbmQ" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrhNPS4nbmQ</a>

1:13 - до конца

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Re: News
« Ответ #441 : 04 июня 2018, 12:44:55 »

     It was dark in the library. The room was filled with dark books and it depressed Scarlett. She started to think it wasn’t the right place for her serious talk with Ashley.
     She closed the door and tried to make her heart beat more slowly. Scarlett tried to think of what she had planned to tell him, but she couldn’t remember anything. All she could think of was that she loved everything in him - from his golden hair to his dark boots. He had to love her, too!


“Ah, Scarlett!” said Ashley,opening the door and looking at her with a smile “What are you doing here?.
“Ashey, I’ve got a secret to tell you”
 “What is it?” he asked. “A secret to tell me?”
 “Yes-a secret. I love you.”


But Ashley said nothing.
 “Ashey,” she said after a moment of silence “Don’t you want to-to marry me?”
He replied, “I’m going to marry Melanie. “She is like me, part of my blood, and we understand each other. And you, Scarlett, are so young and unthinking that you do not know what marriage is. What’s more, you have a passion for life that I haven’t and will never have! Me and you are too different!”


When Scarlett heard about Melanie, she remembered how much she hated her, her pale face, her little hands and her manners.
“You are a coward, Ashley!” she cried - “You’re afraid to marry me! You’d rather live with that stupid little girl who opens her little mouth only to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and only talks with losers just like her! I shall hate you till I die, Ashley!”

She cried that in anger and slapped him across the face. After that she understood, she wasn’t angry with him anymore but her heart was empty.
Ashley said nothing and went away, closing the door softly behind him.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrhNPS4nbmQ" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrhNPS4nbmQ</a>

0:00 - 1:13

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Re: News
« Ответ #440 : 03 июня 2018, 11:11:53 »
II Club
1.1 Чтение, Письмо, Перевод, Интернет—Поиск 410каб `22мин

1. Read aloud. Mind your intonation.
2. Complete the sentences by quoting the text.
3. The teacher dictates the text. Put it down.


     Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men could never understand it. They were caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. In her face she had the delicate features of her mother, and the heavy ones of her Irish father. Her eyes were green with long black lashes and her skin was milky-white, like a flower ‘magnolia’.


     One bright April afternoon of 1861 she was sitting with Stuart and Brent Tarleton near the porch of Tara, her father’s plantation. Scarlett was very pretty at that moment. She was wearing a long green flowered dress and green morocco slippers, bought by her father in Atlanta. The green eyes in her sweet face were bright, vivid, lively and very different from her polite manners, the result of her mammy’s strict discipline.

     On both sides of her, the Tarleton twins were sitting in their chairs, looking at the sunlight, laughing and talking. Their six feet tall nineteen-year old bodies were strong with muscles and full of life. They had sunburned faces, happy eyes and bright red hair. Both of them were wearing blue coats and dark yellow trousers, which made them look very much alike.


     In the driveway, there were two horses, red as their masters’ hair; and a couple of nervous dogs that followed Stuart and Brent wherever they went. The twins had the power and energy of country people who have spent all their lives in the outside and troubled their heads very little with dull things in books. This was the reason why they had just been expelled from the University of Georgia, the fourth university for the last two years. They knew, their mother was a hot-tempered woman and that she wouldn’t be pleased to hear the bad news and would surely punish them for that. A single thought of it made them feel uncomfortable.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jWMPvv-AJM" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jWMPvv-AJM</a>

0:00 - 1:42

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Re: News
« Ответ #439 : 03 июня 2018, 11:11:32 »
I Club

1.1 Чтение, Письмо, Перевод, Интернет-Поиск 410каб `22мин

1. Read aloud. Mind your intonation.
2. Complete the sentences by quoting the text.
3. The teacher dictates the text. Put it down.

     Margaret Mitchell was born on November 8, 1900, in Atlanta, Georgia, in an Irish-Catholic family. When Margaret was a child, she loved to make up stories and wrote more than 100 adventure books.
     In 1918, Mitchell joined Smith College in Massachusetts. Four months later, her mother died and Mitchell returned to Atlanta, where she met Berrien Kinnard Upshaw. They got married in 1922, but four months later Upshaw left for the Midwest and didn’t come back.

     After that, Mitchell got a job in the ‘Atlanta Journal’ Sunday magazine, where she wrote more than 130 articles. She married John Robert Marsh in 1925, but her journalist career ended quickly because of the broken leg. While Margaret had to stay at home, she began writing Gone With the Wind, a romantic novel about the history of the South and the tragedy of the war.

     Gone With the Wind was published in 1936, had huge success and got the  Pulitzer award in 1937. Mitchell became famous, and the film based on her novel came out just three years later and became a classic, too. It won eight Oscars and 2 special Oscars.

     During World War II, Mitchell had no time to write, because she worked for the American Red Cross. And on August 11, 1949, she was struck by a car while crossing a street and died five days later. Gone With the Wind was her only novel, which had a great effect on American literature.

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Re: News
« Ответ #438 : 24 апреля 2018, 18:01:47 »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSlVgtwAcRA" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSlVgtwAcRA</a>

1) 0:22 - 1:55

2) 3:18 - 4:57

3) 5:03 - 7:36

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Re: News
« Ответ #437 : 27 марта 2018, 19:38:43 »


 ‘’Hello, how are you?’’
 ‘’Fine, thank you. And how are you?”
 “I’m fine, too.”


 “May I introduce my friend to you, Vera Ivanovna?”
 “Oh, yes!”
 “My name is Andrey. I’ve been a student of Modern         
   Education School since long ago.”
 “Happy to meet you.”
 “Happy to meet you, too.”


 “The weather is fine (terrible) today, isn’t it?”
 “Oh, yes, it is.”
 “They say it’ll change tomorrow.”
 “I’m sure it will. It changes every day and sometimes every hour.”


 “There are many social networks in the internet. Which one do you visit?”
 “I used to visit Facebook, but not anymore.”
 “Why not? You can make lots of friends and have loads   of ‘likes’ there.”
 “I’ve started to like real friends, whom I can see face-to-face, do sports and go to different
  places together with. One of them   might become a true friend for life.”
“Now I understand what my father calls ‘spending quality time together’ .”

 “Have you ever been to the Maliy Theatre?”
 “Oh, no! Never, and why?”
 “Nika has got tickets for ‘Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare’ . Would 
  you like to go?”
 “I’m afraid  I can’t, I’ve got things to do.”
 “That’s a pity! Theatre makes people more intelligent and interesting.”


 “I’m afraid  I must be going. It’s been a nice party!”
 “I’m glad you liked it.”
 “It’s been a pleasure!”
 “The pleasure was all mine. Stay in touch.”
 “I will. See you next time.”


 “Thank you, Yemi!  It’s been a useful lesson as usual.”
 “I’ m happy you appreciate it. Be attentive when doing your home work!”
 “I will. And I’ll pay special attention to the “Flаsh card.”
  “Bye - bye “.

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Re: News
« Ответ #436 : 18 марта 2018, 13:08:03 »
The Future of Russia (according to american and european experts)

     Internationally, much will depend on events in Washington. Both Donald Trump and Putin seem willing to sit down together and possibly do big deals, but the political toxicity of Russia in Washington makes it seem unlikely that the relationship will be moved any further than mutual backslapping.
     In Europe, governments across the continent will continue to be wary of Russian meddling, and there may be a sense that Putin has overplayed his hand, though the Kremlin will continue to act as a lightning rod for those governments and leaders dissatisfied with the west. There is also a chance for Putin to be the linchpin of a deal with Iran and Turkey over the future of Syria, largely bypassing the Americans and providing a huge win for Moscow, with its military intervention in the country having saved the president, Bashar al-Assad.

•   Demographics

Russian population will start shrinking in the next couple of years given the demographic trends. Only huge immigration rates can change that and this is unlikely to happen. The result will be the increasing number of retirees supported by decreasing number of workers. It is a common problem in Europe but Russia will become old before it became rich

•   Education
Soviet STEM education has produced some of the best scientists and theoretically it should position Russia well in the new even more technological world. But some of the most educated emigrate and find good well paying jobs in the US or Europe. At the same time the education system has been deteriorating with the recent budget cuts

•   Political stability
Putin will likely remain the president at least until 2024 but nobody knows what happens next. He will likely try to appoint some kind of successor and likely someone connected to the army or special services. The result is unpredictable.

•   Economy
Given the western sanctions and no major reforms the economy is predicted to grow 1.5–2% in the next 10–15 years which means no major crisis but no real improvements in the quality of life. Major economic reforms may change that.

•   Oil
New renewable energy sources and things like electric cars will determine the dynamics of oil prices. If changes come earlier than predicted and Russian economy doesn't have time to adjust, it will be very painful for Russians

Stability in deterrence will likely be decisive in the year ahead, as Russia will keep trying to edge out US influence in the world and take a bigger share of the international order. It will also be a decisive year in terms of reassurance for NATO allies, and may well see a resolution of sorts in the Mueller investigation into collusion with Russia.

For a month in the summer, international attention will be on Russia as it hosts the World Cup. Before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi there was a hope inside Russia that success would lead to a new international respect for it as a major world power. This time there is no such expectation on either side. With the current leaderships in Moscow and in Washington, and as the international system becomes more disordered, the US–Russia relationship will surely get worse, but how much worse?

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Re: News
« Ответ #435 : 27 февраля 2018, 12:41:03 »
Maybe at some point we can use this text for our Ennglish club?

Early Foreign Policy
Displaying an astonishing inconstancy, Alexander abandoned his internal reforms to devote himself to foreign policy, to which he would commit the major portion of his reign. Sensitive to fluctuations in continental politics, he was a “European” who hoped for peace and unity. He felt that he was called to be a mediator, like his grandmother, who had been called the “Arbiter of Europe.”
As soon as he came to power, Alexander resealed an alliance with England that had been broken by Paul I. He nonetheless maintained good relations with France in the hope of “moderating” Bonaparte by restraining his spirit of conquest. A feeling of chivalry attached Alexander to the king of Prussia, Frederick William III, and to Queen Louisa, and a treaty of friendship was signed with Prussia. Later, he got on good terms with Austria. His idealism persuaded him that these alliances would lead to a European federation.

Napoleon had other ideas. His territorial encroachments, his desire for world hegemony, and his coronation in 1804 as emperor forced Alexander to declare war against him. Assuming the role of commander in chief, he relied on the Austrian generals and scorned the counsel of the Russian general Prince Kutuzov, a shrewd strategist. The Russians and Austrians were defeated at Austerlitz, in Moravia, on December 2, 1805, and the emperor Francis II was forced to sign the peace treaty, since his territory was occupied by the enemy. Russia remained intact behind its frontiers. Moreover, Napoleon wanted to spare the tsar; he hoped to gain his friendship and to divide the world with him. Such a notion did not occur to Alexander, who wanted revenge.

In 1806 Napoleon defeated Prussia at Jena and Auerstädt. Despite the warnings of both his mother and his advisers, the tsar rushed to the aid of his friend. The battles were fought in East Prussia. After a partial success at Eylau, the Russian army, under General Bennigsen, was decimated at Friedland on June 14, 1807. Then occurred the meeting (June 25) of the two emperors on a raft in the middle of the Niemen off Tilsit (now Sovetsk). The sequel of these events demonstrates that, in the course of the Tilsit interview, it was the tsar of Russia who deceived the emperor of the French. Seeking to gain time he used his charm to play the admiring friend. He accepted all the victor’s conditions, promising to break with England, to adhere to the Continental System set up by Napoleon to isolate and weaken Great Britain, and to recognize the creation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, formed from the part of Poland given to Prussia during the Partition of 1795. In “recompense” Napoleon gave Alexander liberty to expand at the expense of Sweden and Turkey.

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Re: News
« Ответ #434 : 20 февраля 2018, 20:08:19 »
DAS, а что у нас на среду в планах: сценарий проведения клуба?

План уже в "научно-методическом месяце", продолжаем работать с Александром I

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Re: News
« Ответ #433 : 19 февраля 2018, 17:01:10 »
DAS, а что у нас на среду в планах: сценарий проведения клуба?

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Re: News
« Ответ #432 : 13 февраля 2018, 16:17:55 »
Для DAS:
Возможные видеоварианты для английского клуба 14.02.18.



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Re: News
« Ответ #431 : 13 февраля 2018, 15:44:42 »
In addition to the last message, there is some information about courtly love, maybe that can be useful?

Courtly love was a medieval European literary conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights setting out on adventures and performing various services for ladies because of their "courtly love". This kind of love is originally a literary fiction created for the entertainment of the nobility, but as time passed, these ideas about love changed and attracted a larger audience. In the high Middle Ages, a "game of love" developed around these ideas as a set of social practices. "Loving nobly" was considered to be an enriching and improving practice.

Stages of courtly love:

Attraction to the lady, usually via eyes/glance
Worship of the lady from afar
Declaration of passionate devotion
Virtuous rejection by the lady
Renewed wooing with oaths of virtue and eternal fealty
Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied desire (and other physical manifestations of lovesickness)
Heroic deeds of valor which win the lady's heart
Consummation of the secret love
Endless adventures and subterfuges avoiding detection

P.S To be honest, it's kind of a hard task to find something about 14 february without any relation to st.Valentine
