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Re: News
« Ответ #625 : 13 июня 2020, 23:24:46 »
     Posts about Peter the First, №№ 619-624, are here for further investigation, shortening and taking out the material we could want to use. We could introduce much of it if we decide to concentrate on just one great person in a unit. The  above stories about Peter the First's youth and childhood seems to me to be worth of attention.

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Re: News
« Ответ #624 : 13 июня 2020, 23:02:40 »
Off to a bad start

     The beginning of Peter’s life was very, very unlucky. When he was just 4, his father Tsar Alexei died, and 6 years later the Streltsy rebellion put his enemies — the Miloslavskiy family — in power. The only people who could educate Peter were the clergy and court teachers. In late 17th century Russia there were no schools or universities (something Peter himself would fix decades later). Court educators were not an option for two reasons. First, Peter’s sister, regent Sophia, hated him and had no interest in giving him good education. Second, Peter’s mother Natalia feared that the court educators were Sophia’s spies and did not let them anywhere close to Peter.

     The only people she didn’t fear were the ‘Germans’ — that is how 17th century Russians called all Western Europeans. Thus, from his infancy, Peter was surrounded by foreigners. Well, ‘surrounded’ may be an exaggeration, as there weren’t nearly enough foreign teachers to give him a good education. Moreover, in his childhood Peter showed complete disinterest in all matters academic. He always preferred games and military studies.
     In 1682, during the Streltsy Rebellion, Peter and his mother Natalia moved away from the Kremlin, fearing for their lives. There, Peter indulged in the war games that became the main theme of Peter’s childhood. According to contemporary sources, games took up all of his time. As a result, no one treated Peter seriously and most had very low expectations of him — barely higher than the expectations for his sickly and disabled brother Ivan. Later historians like to describe young Peter as an extraordinarily gifted prodigy, but, judging by contemporary accounts, this was far from the truth.

The Toy Army
     Peter’s ‘toy army’ (better translated as ‘amusement army’) became one of the most famous chapters in his biography. The ‘toy’ part can be confusing for the reader, as there was nothing toy-like about it. The army consisted of several hundred grown men, mostly made up of lower classes. The army quickly grew — in fact, it grew so quickly that Peter had to build and entire ‘toy city’ of Presburg to accommodate them. Peter used the army for war games and studied the art of war. Why did Peter love his toy army so much? Some historians theorise that the young Tsar was building a personal bodyguard, or even was planning to overthrow Sophia. Again, contemporary accounts suggest that Peter was just having fun.
     Whatever the case, the two military divisions that the Toy Army grew into — Preobrazhenskiy and Semyonovsky — became the foundation of the Imperial Guard, and survived until the fall of the Empire 200 years later. The two divisions were the elite force of the Empire, supporting Peter and his successors over and over. After Peter seized the throne from Sophia, it did not take long for the ‘Toy Army’ to shine — it suppressed the second Streltsy Rebellion in 1698 in just one hour.

     Playing war games in voluntary exile, Peter became obsessed with the Navy. In retrospective, describing the beginning of the Russian Navy, Peter wrote that his interest began when he accidentally found a boat, taking a walk in the countryside. He stumbled upon a broken botik — a miniature scaled down British warship purchased by the Romanovs long before Peter was even born. Peter had the botik fixed and learnt to sail it in a local lake, and soon an ‘amusement fleet’ was created to compliment the toy army. 40 years later, celebrating Russia’s naval victories against Sweden in the Great Northern War, Peter personally sailed the borik into the Baltic Sea, where its arrival was celebrated by the entire fleet. “Look how the grandchildren are honouring their grandfather!” — remarked Peter. Ever since then the botik was called the ‘Grandfather of the Russian Fleet’ and can still be seen in the Naval Museum in St Petersburg.
     As useful as military education was for Peter, he grew without proper academic teaching. Until his death, Peter had poor grammar and a limited vocabulary. Moreover, contemporaries complained about Peter’s bad manners. No wonder, as he was educated away from court and proper etiquette.

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Re: News
« Ответ #623 : 13 июня 2020, 22:34:46 »
     Peter’s favorite game was lessons with his army. And the soldiers of the prince were not toys. His peers dressed in uniform and marched through the streets of the city, while Peter the Great was a drummer in his regiment. Later, he even started his own artillery, also real. The comic army of Peter I was called the Preobrazhensky regiment, to which the Semenov regiment was later added. Besides them, the Tsar organized a comic fleet.

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Re: News
« Ответ #622 : 13 июня 2020, 22:33:46 »
Childhood and youth of Peter I

     Biography of Peter I from the beginning meant his future reign, since he was born to the family of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov and his wife Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. It is noteworthy that Peter the First was the 14th child of his father, but the first-born for his mother. Also it is worth noting that the name Peter was not traditional for both dynasties of his ancestors, so historians still cannot figure out why he got such a name.

Peter the Great in Childhood | Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

     The boy was only four years old when his father died. His elder brother and godfather, Fedor III Alekseevich, took the throne. He became a guardian of his brother and ordered to give him the best possible education. However, Peter the Great had big problems with education. He was always very curious, but just at that moment the Orthodox Church started a war against foreign influence and all Latin teachers were banished. Therefore, the boy was taught by Russian clerks, who did not have deep knowledge, and there were no Russian-language books of the proper level. As a result, Peter the First had a lean vocabulary and until the end of his life he was writing with mistakes.

Childhood of Peter the Great | View Map

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Re: News
« Ответ #621 : 13 июня 2020, 22:32:36 »
Peter I: biography

     Peter I, for his merits, received the nickname Peter the Great. He is a very important person in Russian history. Peter 1 created the Russian Empire, so he was the last tsar of all Russia and the first Emperor of Russia. The son of tsar, the godson of tsar, and the brother of tsar - Peter was proclaimed the head of the country and at that moment the boy was only 10 years old. At the beginning, he had a formal coordinator, Ivan V, but from the age of 17 he already ruled independently, and in 1721 Peter I became the emperor.

    For Russia, the reign of Peter the Great was the time of large-scale reforms. He significantly expanded the territory of the country, built a beautiful city St. Petersburg, raised the economy, founded a network of metallurgical and glass factories, and also reduced the import of foreign goods to a minimum. In addition, Peter the Great was the first Russian ruler who adopted best ideas from Western countries. But all the reforms of Peter the Great were achieved due to violence against the population and the eradication of all dissent. Peter 1 still causes different opinions among historians.

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Re: News
« Ответ #620 : 13 июня 2020, 22:15:58 »
Peter the Great. Childhood, youth, education

     Peter did not receive the usual education of a Russian tsar; he grew up in a free atmosphere instead of being confined within the narrow bounds of a palace. While his first tutor, the former church clerk Nikita Zotov, could give little to satisfy Peter’s curiosity, the boy enjoyed noisy outdoor games and took especial interest in military matters, his favourite toys being arms of one sort or another. He also occupied himself with carpentry, joinery, blacksmith’s work, and printing.
     Near Preobrazhenskoye there was a nemetskaya sloboda (“German colony”) where foreigners were allowed to reside. Acquaintance with its inhabitants aroused Peter’s interest in the life of other nations, and an English sailboat, found derelict in a shed, whetted his passion for seafaring. Mathematics, fortification, and navigation were the sciences that appealed most strongly to Peter. A model fortress was built for his amusement, and he organized his first “play” troops, from which, in 1687, the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky Guards regiments were formed—to become the nucleus of a new Russian Army.

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Re: News
« Ответ #619 : 13 июня 2020, 22:08:40 »
Peter the Great

Personality and Achievement

     Peter was of enormous height, more than six and one-half feet (two metres) tall; he was handsome and of unusual physical strength. Unlike all earlier Russian tsars, whose Byzantine splendours he repudiated, he was very simple in his manners; for example, he enjoyed conversation over a mug of beer with shipwrights and sailors from the foreign ships visiting St. Petersburg
      Restless, energetic, and impulsive, he did not like splendid clothes that hindered his movements; often he appeared in worn-out shoes and an old hat, still more often in military or naval uniform.
      He was fond of merrymaking and knew how to conduct it, though his jokes were frequently crude, and he sometimes drank heavily and forced his guests to do so too.
     A just man who did not tolerate dishonesty, he was terrible in his anger and could be cruel when he encountered opposition: in such moments only his intimates could soothe him—best of all his beloved second wife, Catherine, whom people frequently asked to intercede with him for them. Sometimes Peter would beat his high officials with his stick, from which even Prince A.D. Menshikov, his closest friend, received many a stroke.
     One of Peter’s great gifts of statesmanship was the ability to pick talented collaborators for the highest appointments, whether from the foremost families of the nobility or from far lower levels of society.

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Re: News
« Ответ #618 : 13 июня 2020, 19:34:40 »
Great People
Alexander Pushkin
      Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born in Moscow. He was a Russian poet, novelist and writer of short stories. He was the greatest Russian poet. He started the great tradition of Russian literature. Pushkin wrote in a way that no other Russian had done:he used the Russian language as it was spoken.
     Pushkin's father came from an old aristocratic family. All aristocratic families learned to speak French, so Pushkin and his brother and sister spoke and wrote in French more than in Russian. The children were cared for by a nurse, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva. It was the nurse who taught them to love the Russian language. She told the children Russian folktales. Pushkin also read many books in his father's library. When he was 12 he went to a new school called the Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo. Years later this school was renamed Pushkin after their famous pupil.

Ivan the Terrible
     Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born in 1530, known as Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Grozny) was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and the first Tsar of Russia from 1547 to 1584.
He was tall and full of energy. His eyes were big. His beard was long and thick, but most other hairs on his head are shaved off. He ruled Russia with an iron fist, (plundering the land and terrorizing the people).
Ivan's creation of the Oprichnina, answerable only to him,  afforded him personal protection.

Peter the Great
     Peter was born on June 9, 1672, near Moscow. He was a tsar of Russia. He transformed Russia. He became tsar of Russia in 1682 and in 1697 he visited Western Europe and decided Russia must have access to the sea.
Peter was interested in shipping and shipbuilding. He was a tall man and his height was about 200 cm. He did not have square shoulders and his feet and hands were small. Moreover Peter’s head was small for his figure. In accordance with his mother’s desire Peter married. The marriage was in 1689 and Eudoxia Lopukhina became his wife. 10 years later the marriage broke down and Peter’s wife became a nun. Peter had 2 wives and 14 children by them. Only 3 of his children survived to adulthood.
    He built the city and seaport of St. Petersburg which became the capital of Russia in 1711. He changed Russia's society, by making new laws. Peter also made many changes within Russia. He looked to western Europe for ideas. Peter was a lifelong learner. Among other skills, he learned shipbuilding and pulling teeth.
He created a strong navy, organized his army according to western standards and introduced new administrative divisions of the country. During his reign, Peter overcame opposition from the country's aristocracy and started changes in all areas of Russian life. He concentrated on developing commerce and industry. He modernized the Russian alphabet and established the first Russian newspaper. Peter was also a skillful diplomat.
       Peter was fascinated by everything to do with craftsmanship. By the age of 18, he knew smithing, carpentry, wool-turning and shoe making. He’d studied military science, fortification and ship building. And learned German by speaking to men from the foreign quarter. This was an area of Moscow set aside for foreigners. Established in 1652 when Peter’s father, tsar Alexey ordered all non-Orthodox Christmas to move to a new settlement outside the city. A new foreign quarter was built just outside the walls along the Yauza river. It was self-governed and home to Europeans of all nationalities. Most were military men, doctors or craftsmen, all seeking professional opportunities in Russia.


Catherine the Great
      Catherine II was the empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796. She is one of the most famous monarchs in history. Better known as Catherine the Great, she expanded Russia’s territory. She was born on May 2, 1729, to a German prince at Stettin, Prussia. Catherine the Great ruled Russia 34 years. She greatly increased the power of the crown. She also increased Russian land, adding land in the west and south. This land included a part of Poland. During Catherine's rule, Russia became a strong power in Europe

Catherine the Great added five hundred thousand square kilometers to the Russian territory. Catherine the Great made Russia the strongest country in Europe after her first War with Turkey (1768–1774). This was one of the greatest victories for Russia. Turkey started the second war (1787–1792) but lost again..

      She was the daughter of Prince Christian August of Anhalt-Zerbst and Princess Johanna Elizabeth of Holstein-Gottorp. She had five brothers and sisters. She married Peter III at age fifteen, and became empress of Russia at age 32. She was smart in many subjects such as three languages (Russian, German and French).

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Re: News
« Ответ #617 : 13 июня 2020, 16:18:47 »
“Sports and games”
Sport is important for us. There are a lot of interesting sports and games. I know basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, swimming, skating and skiing. I like swimming and skiing very much. I swim in the river in summer and ski in the forest in winter. I like to play football most of all. I usually play football with my friends.

"Unbelievable Sport"
The game of chess is one that requires patience, strategy and skill—but why not have two players whacking each other across the face, too?
That's what chess boxing does, as it takes the same skill set the usual game does, but adds in a physical element that leaves the players black and blue, as participants win by way of either the chess game or knocking their opponent out.

"Sports in Great Britain"
The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain. One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket.

"Sports in The USA"
In the USA many sports and sports activities attract millions of active people. One reason of the popularity of sport in America may be the size of America, so people have big choice of summer and winter sports. In the USA people like organized sports. Hockey, football, baseball, basketball and volleyball are the five major sports. Football is the most popular sport.

These days many people like to spend time in front of the computer. Most populat games are MineCraft, Dota, Shooters and Adventures. But for some people games became not just hobby, but profession. Computer games develop memory, because when you play it you try to remember all details. Moreover, it develops logical thinking, language and basic computer skills. Apart from that, you can make virtual friends. So that's why people make virtual competitions and even have their own championships. Amazing!

“Seasons and Weather”
There are four seasons. They are: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is a very cold season. There is usually much snow in winter. In spring the trees become green and birds sing. In summer it is hot. Summer is my favourite season. In autumn the weather is usually rainy. Schoolchildren go to school in September.

"The Weather"
We have five climate zones on this planet: the equatorial climate zone, the tropical climate zone, the temperate climatic zone, Arctic and Antarctic climate belts.
Our country is in the temperate climatic zone. Average temperature is 12-13 degrees.
The weather is the thing we always talk about. In Great Britain if people don't know what talk about they talk about the weather. It often changes and brings cold and misty, sunshine and rain, frost and snow.

"My Favourite Season"
My name is Marta. I'm six years old. I would like to tell you about my favourite season. It is summer. In summer it’s usually hot, dry and sunny. We often go to the Spain at this time of the year. In summer I go swimming in the river Volga, I spend time at the dacha where I read books, do my homework, do some knitting and invite friends over.

“The Place I live in”
We live in a flat. Our flat is not very big. It is very clean and comfortable. There are two rooms in our flat. There is also a kitchen and a bathroom. In the living-room there is a sofa, a TV, a bookcase, a coffee table, and two armchairs. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a shelf. I love my flat very much.

“My house”
I live in a house. I do not live in a flat. Our house is very big and beautiful. There are five rooms in it. There is a living-room, a study and three bedrooms in our house. There is also a kitchen. There is a big garden near our house. There are a lot of apple trees and flowers in the garden.

“My room”
We live in a big flat. There are four rooms in our flat. I have got my own room. It is big and light. It is very cosy. There are two windows in my room. There is a bed, a desk and a wardrobe in it. There are two pictures on the wall. I like my room very much.

“Moscow is our capital”
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is a big and beautiful city. It stands on the Moskva River. There are wide, long streets and high buildings in it Moscow is a very green city. There are a lot of parks in it. Many people like to come to Moscow. They visit its sights. I am very proud of the capital of my country.

“Friends and Enemies”
I have got a lot of friends. They are my classmates. We go to school together in the morning. And we return home together after classes. We like to play. We play different games. Tom is my best friend. He is very kind and clever.

“The school I go to”
My school is not far from my house. It is big and new. My teachers are very good and kind. There are a lot of classrooms in my school. The classrooms are light and clean. There is a big garden behind the school. And there are a lot of flowers in the school yard. There is also a playground in the school yard.

“School subjects”
I study a lot of subjects at school. I study Mathematics, Reading, Russian, English, Music, Arts, and Physical Education. We count and do sums at Mathematics. We write words and sentences and speak at our Russian and English lessons. We read and learn poems at the Reading lessons. We play sports at the Physical Education lessons. My favourite subjects are English and Reading.

“My English lesson”
I study a lot of subjects at school. I study Mathematics, Russian, Reading, English, Arts, and Music. English is my favourite subject. Our English lessons are very interesting. We learn new words and write exercises. We read texts and translate them. We play games and tell dialogues. I love English and I want to be an English teacher.

"My Family and I"

“My parents”
My parents are very good and kind. They are young. My mother’s name is Natalia. She is thirty years old. She is a doctor. My mother is very beautiful. My father’s name is Victor. He is thirty-two years old. He is an engineer. I love my parents very much.

“I help my mother”
My mother works a lot. She comes home very tired. I love her and I help her. I clean my room. I wash the dishes after dinner. Sometimes I go shopping to buy bread and milk. On Sundays I help my mother to cook.

“My Pets”
Many people like to have animals at home. We call them pets. People can have cats, dogs, parrots or hamsters as pets. We must care about them and love, I have a cat, Tommy, and a dog, Blacky. They are funny. I like to play with them. I love them very much.

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Re: News
« Ответ #616 : 13 июня 2020, 15:55:37 »
Maрия Unit 1 для согласования

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Re: News
« Ответ #615 : 13 июня 2020, 01:42:49 »

I. Vocabulary and Speech

II. Grammar and Phonetics
III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

UNIT 1. My Toys
UNIT 2. My Pets
UNIT 3. Sports & Games (Playtime)
UNIT 4. My Family and I
UNIT 5. My Day
UNIT 6. My Room (The Place I Live In)
UNIT 7. Seasons and Weather
UNIT 8. The School I Go To
UNIT 9. Friends & Enemies
UNIT 1. My Family and I
UNIT 2. The School I Go To
UNIT 3. Seasons and Weather
UNIT 4. Holidays. Day Off
UNIT 5. The Place I Live in
UNIT 6. The Games I Play (Real Games vs Computer Games)
UNIT 7. Animals
UNIT 8. Friends and Enemies
UNIT 1. Holidays. Day off
UNIT 2. Travelling
UNIT 3. Custom Traditions
UNIT 4. Cinema, Theatre, TV, Internet
UNIT 5. Sports & Games (Playtime)
UNIT 6. My Free Time
UNIT 7. My Education
UNIT 1. Travelling
UNIT 2. The Internet
UNIT 3. Custom Traditions
UNIT 4. Meals
UNIT 5. Sports and Games
UNIT 6.Opinion Leaders
UNIT 7. My Education

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Re: News
« Ответ #614 : 12 июня 2020, 18:40:22 »

I. Vocabulary and Speech

II. Grammar and Phonetics
III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

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Re: News
« Ответ #613 : 12 июня 2020, 00:37:29 »
Reading. Writing. Free Speech

Education in Finnland
      1. School begins in August and ends in May. Lessons start at 9 am and usually end by 2 pm. Typically, pupils have 3 to 4 classes a day with a 75-minute length of each. Several breaks during the day are not only for a snack time. Pupils often have the same teacher for 6 years in a row. The education system in Finnland is considered to be one of the best in the world.
Education in the UK
     2. School begins at the age of five. Children younger than five can go to nursery school. Pupils go to primary school (six years). Primary school in the UK is divided into infant school (the first two years) and junior school (the following 4 years). After primary school, students go to secondary school. The school year consists of three terms. Students have about 12-13 weeks of holiday per school year. At primary school, classes run Monday to Friday from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are usually between 25 and 35 pupils in one class. Typical subjects are English, Maths, Physical Education (PE), modern languages (French, German, Spanish).

Schools in Australia
     3. School begins at the age of five. Schooling lasts for 13 years. Australian schools do more than just educate students. They prepare them for life.
       The school year in Australia starts in either late January or early February. It ends in December. Schools have three or four semesters. Each term lasts 9–11 weeks. Usually there are four holiday breaks between terms: in December (about six weeks) for Christmas, in April (two weeks) for Easter, and two more breaks in July and October (both also about two weeks). School hours are usually from 9:00 to 15:30. Lunch is eaten at school. English is the official language of instruction.

     4. My name is Nicole. I am from Australia and I love my school! It is a school for artists. It's very small. There are seven boys and seven girls in my school. We've got really nice teachers. The students like them! There aren't any desks, pens or exercise books in my school. There are a lot of big tables and lamps. On the tables there are pension and paints: red, orange, brown, yellow, blue, green, white and purple. There aren't any black or grey paints there. Our teachers don't like these colours. I'm very happy in my school. There is a bus and a train to our school from Sidney.
Education in Russia
5. When a child turns 7 years old, she or he can go to a school (state or private). The academic year starts in September.

6. Hi, I am Yaroslav. I am a forth grade pupil. I go to Modern Education School. There is much English in our school. We speak English, we read English stories, we listen to disks, we work on grammar and phonetics  and we write exercises.
    We also play different English and Russian games and sing songs, too. I am thankful to my school.

7. Hello! It’s seven o’clock. Monday morning. I hate it. I’m not an early riser. School starts at 8 o'clock. It takes me 15 minutes to get to my school. My best friend lives in the suburbs of Moscow, that’s why I walk alone to my school.

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Re: News
« Ответ #612 : 11 июня 2020, 22:34:31 »
Наработки Марии My Toys, My Family

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Re: News
« Ответ #611 : 11 июня 2020, 21:48:09 »
Texts for the 1st Form UNITS. (DRAFT - will be added more)

“My family and I”

My family is not very big. I have got a father, a mother and a little brother. My mother’s name is Marina and she is a shop assistant. She is slim, nice and kind. My father’s name is Victor. He is a driver. He is funny and brave. My brother is 4 years old and he doesn’t go to school. I like to play with him. I love my family very much.

“The Place I live in”

I live with my family in a flat. It is big and beautiful. There are two rooms in it: a living-room and a bedroom. We also have (got) a kitchen and a bathroom. My favourite room is a living-room. There is a big sofa, an armchair, a TV and some bookshelves in it. There is a brown carpet on the floor. I love our flat very much.

“My day”

I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I wash myself, get dressed and go to the kitchen. I have porridge, a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. I go to school at 7.40 and I usually have 5 or 6 lessons. I always have lunch at school. I come home at 2 or 3 o’clock and have a rest. Then I do my homework. We have dinner at 6 o’clock. My mother usually cooks meat or fish and potatoes. I read and watch TV, then at 10 o’clock I go to bed.

"My Toys"

Hello! My name is Mary. I have got many toys. I have got a big ball, a pretty doll, a little train, a fast car, a nice teddy bear, a funny hare and coloured blocks. I like to play with my toys.

Additional literature on "My Toys"

"Tastes in Toys"

All kids like toys very much.
Babies like funny toys that make sounds, and toy animals.
Girls play with dolls and doll houses.
Boys prefer toy cars, models, guns.
Both boys and girls enjoy puzzles, board and computer games.

"My favourite toy"

My favourite toy is a doll.
It is not very big, but it’s very pretty. It has big blue eyes and long fair hair. It’s fun to play with my doll, to make clothes for it, and to comb her beautiful hair.
Sometimes my friend Nelly comes to see me and we play together.

Toy Rhymes

My doll

My pretty doll

Is very small.

I love my pretty

Little doll.

The little train

The little train

On a long, long track

Goes clickety, clickety



My kite is white,

My kite is light,

My kite is in the sky.

Now left, now right

We see the kite,

We see it, you and I.


I am a little girl (boy),

I have a teddy-bear;

I play with him all day,

I take him everywhere.
