Автор Тема: Рабочие материалы V.B.  (Прочитано 617318 раз)

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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1017 : 22 мая 2017, 12:06:54 »
Read and enjoy the following funny stories (jokes)

The stories can also be:
a). read in chorus;
b). read individually;
c). analysed from the point of view of grammar and vocabulary;
d). learned by heart and reproduced;
e). acted.

1."Why is your dog watching me so closely while I am eating?"
"It's because you are eating out of his plate?"

2. " I remember when I was young" the old gentelman said to little Bobby, "I had to fight against sixteen cannibals, and all of them ran away".
"But", said Bobby, "last year you told me there were eight cannibals."
"Yes", said the old gentelman, " but you were too young then to know the whole horrible truth"

3. "You are five today. Happy birthday to you!"
"Thank you, Mama."
"Would you like to have a cake with five candles on it for your birthday party?"
"I think I'd better have five cakes and one candle"

4. "Mother, we're going to play elephants at the Zoo. Will you help us?"
"What can I do?"
"You can be the lady who gives them nuts and sweets."

5. "Is it bad luck when a black cat follows you?"
"That depends on whether you are a man or a mouse."

we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1016 : 22 мая 2017, 10:05:20 »
№6 Скучный "Drill" ("ЛУР")

I. Make the sentences negative:

1. We are having an English class now.
(We aren't having an English class now.).
2. We are waiting for the teacher.
(We aren't waiting for the teacher.).
3. We are singing English songs now.
(We aren't singing English songs now..
4. We are reading the text now.
(We aren't reading the text now).
5. We are listening to the disc.
(We aren't listening to the disc).
6. We are repeating after the speaker.
(We aren't repeating after the speaker).
1. He is having an English class now.
(He isn't having an English class now.).
2. She is waiting for the teacher.
(She isn't waiting for the teacher.).
3. He is singing English songs now.
(He isn't singing English songs now..
4. She is reading the text now.
(She isn't reading the text now).
5. He is listening to the disc.
(He isn't listening to the disc).
6. She is repeating after the speaker.
(She isn't repeating after the speaker).

II. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. We are having an English class now.
(Are we having an English class now?).
2. We are waiting for the teacher.
(Are we waiting for the teacher?).
3. We are singing English songs now.
 (Are we singing English songs now?.
4. We are reading the text now.
(Are we reading the text now?).
5. We are listening to the disc.
(Are we listening to the disc?).
6. We are repeating after the speaker.
(Are we repeating after the speaker?).
1. He is having an English class now.
(Is he having an English class now?).
2. She is waiting for the teacher.
(Is she waiting for the teacher?).
3. He is singing English songs now.
(Is he singing English songs now?.
4. She is reading the text now.
(Is she reading the text now?).
5. He is listening to the disc.
(Is he listening to the disc).
6. She is repeating after the speaker.
(Is he repeating after the speaker?).
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1015 : 22 мая 2017, 08:35:49 »
№5 Скучный "Drill" ("Возвращаем человека к чтению")

I. Make the sentences negative:

1. We are reading books.
(We aren't reading books.).
2. We are working on phonetics.
(We aren't on phonetics).
3. We are watching the lamps.
 (We aren't watching the lamps)..
4. We are looking at the curtains.
(We aren't looking at the curtains.).
5. We are looking at the pictures.
(We aren't looking at the pictures).
6. We are describing the pictures.
(We aren't describing the pictures).
1. He is reading a book.
(He isn't reading a book.).
2. She is working on phonetics.
(She isn't working on phonetics).
3. He is watching the lamps.
 (He isn't watching the lamps)..
4. She is looking at the curtains.
(She isn't looking at the curtains.).
5. He is looking at the pictures.
(He isn't looking at the pictures).
6. She is describing the pictures.
(She isn't describing the pictures).

II. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. We are reading books.
(Are we reading books?).
2. We are working on phonetics.
(Are we working on phonetics?).
3. We are watching the lamps.
 (Are we watching the lamps?)..
4. We are looking at the curtains.
(Are we looking at the curtains?).
5. We are looking at the pictures.
(Are we looking at the pictures?).
6. We are describing the pictures.
(Are we describing the pictures?).
1. He is reading a book.
( Is he reading a book?).
2. She is working on phonetics.
(Is she working on phonetics?).
3. He is watching the lamps.
 (Is he watching the lamps?)..
4. She is looking at the curtains.
(Is she looking at the curtains?).
5. He is looking at the pictures.
(Is he looking at the pictures?).
6. She is describing the pictures.
(Is she describing the pictures?).
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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1014 : 21 мая 2017, 21:17:34 »
№4 Скучный "Drill"

I. Make the sentences negative:

1. We are sitting at the tables.
(We aren't sitting at the tables).
2. We are going to the whiteboard.
(We aren't going to the whiteboard).
3. We are going upstairs now.
 (We aren't going upstairs now)..
4. We are going downstairs now.
(We aren't going downstairs now).
5. We are jumping now.
(We aren't jumping now).
6. We are playing now.
(We aren't playing now).
1. He is sitting at the table.
(He isn't sitting at the table.).
2. She is going to the whiteboard.
(She isn't going to the whiteboard).
3. He is going upstairs now.
 (He isn't going upstairs now)..
4. She is going downstairs now.
(She isn't going downstairs now).
5. He is jumping now.
( He isn't jumping now).
6. She is playing now.
(She isn't playing now).

II. Make the sentences interrogative:
1. We are sitting at the tables.
(Are we sitting at the tables?).
2. We are going to the whiteboard.
(Are we going to the whiteboard?).
3. We are going upstairs now.
 (Are we going upstairs now?).
4. We are going downstairs now.
(Are we going downstairs now?).
5. We are jumping now.
(Are we jumping now?).
6. We are playing now.
(Are we playing now).
1. He is sitting at the table.
(Is he sitting at the table?).
2. She is going to the whiteboard.
(Is she going to the whiteboard?).
3.He is going upstairs now.
 (Is he going upstairs now?)..
4. She is going downstairs now.
(Is she going upstairs now?).
5. He is jumping now.
(Is he jumping now?).
6. She is playing now.
(Is she playing now?).
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Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1013 : 21 мая 2017, 16:21:41 »

Оффлайн born to be wild

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1012 : 21 мая 2017, 16:13:18 »

1. Кадры, договора, отпуска.
2. Переводные экзамены, 25.05. - день окончания начальной школы, 30.05. - день окончания и года и 4 четверти. (Алла), 1.06. - начало летней школы. PR - летней школы за оставшиеся дни.
3. Сценарии.
4. Учебные пособия: ОГЭ и ЕГЭ в реальной жизни (Йеми, Самарин), The Art of Сommunication (Дмитриев).
    ЕГЭ и ОГЭ в реальной жизни по русскому языку.  Алла! Тебе на размышление. Может быть, что-нибудь, связанное с клубом?
5. PR - работа (Ольга Васильевна, Раф, Верещагина). - Реклама летней школы (в.ч. на сайтах) см. Доска объявлений, Летняя программа, пост №124. Не забыть про летнюю программу на мероприятиях.
6. Художники на День окончания.
7. Виктор, Павел, С.Мих., Г...и.
8. Крылов, Дунаев.
9. Нике. Отдать фото на печать.
10.Сделать объявление в письменном виде.(Летняя школа) Пост №876 в опер. информация.

11. Горячая вода .
12. Камеры. Подключение.
13. Связаться с Михаилом (прораб)

Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1011 : 20 мая 2017, 22:52:33 »
     Мари, подпиши фотографию. Не все администраторы знают, о чем идет речь.

Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1010 : 20 мая 2017, 21:23:16 »

 22 апреля 2015 TALK SHOW. "Цивилизация погубит жизнь на Земле?!

 22 апреля в  рамках общешкольного проекта "Благодарим Мать-Землю!" в Школе-ВУЗе "Современное  образование" состоялось  учебно-воспитательное мероприятие, приуроченное к международному дню Матери-Земли. Впервые в истории Школы-ВУЗа оно проходило  в  формате TALK SHOW на тему "Цивилизация погубит жизнь на Земле?!"

      Заблаговременная подготовка к данному мероприятию и его проведение учит ребят: умению правильно пересказать текст; научиться высказывать и отстаивать свою точку зрения; уметь слушать и извлекать информацию из услышанного; работать в коллективе; выступать публично; вести себя за столом в деловой обстановке.

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1008 : 20 мая 2017, 20:35:35 »
The Four Present Tenses

to go to school
a). I am going to my school now.
b). I go to school every day.
c). I have been going to my school for 2 years now.
d). I have already gone to my school.

to look at the pictures
a). I am looking at the pictures now.
b). I look at the pictures every day.
c). I have been looking at the pictures since Monday.
d). I have just looked at the pictures.

to talk to the teacher

a).I am talking to the teacher right now.
b).I talk to the teacher every day.
c).I have been talking to the taecher since morning.
d).I have just talked to the teacher.

to do grammar exercises

a). I am doing grammar exercises at the moment.
b). I do grammar exercises every day.
c). I have been doing grammar exercises since morning.
d). I have just done some grammar exercises.

to work on phonetics
a). I am working on phonetics now.
b). I work on phonetics every day.
c). I have been working on phonetics for ten minutes.
d). I have just worked on phonetics.

to repeat after the teacher
a). I am repeting after the teacher now.
b). I repeat after the teacher every day.
c). I have been repeating after the teacher for 10 minutes (since morning).
d). I have just repeated after the teacher.

Для организации движения добавить глаголы, которые следует  Present Continuous
to sit at the table
to open the book (at page 5)
to close the book
to go to the whiteboard
to go to the window
to go upstairs
to go downstairs
to jump
to clap
to stomp 
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Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1007 : 20 мая 2017, 19:34:29 »
№2 Скучный "Drill"

I. Make the sentences negative:

1. I do my homework every day.
(I don't do my homework).
2. I do physical exercises every day.
(I don't do physical exercises every day).
3. I have a shower every morning.
 (I don't have a shower every morning)..
4. I brush my teeth every morning.
(I don't brush my teeth every morning).
5. I have breakfast every morning.
(I don't have breakfast every morning).
6. I go to school every day.
(I don't go to school every day).

1. He does his homework every day.
(He doesn't do his homework every day.)
2. She does physical exercises every day.
(She doesn't do physical exercises every day).
3. He has a shower every morning.
 (He doesn't have a shower every morning).
4. She brushes her teeth every morning.
(She doesn't brush her teeth every morning).
5. He has breakfast every morning.
(He doesn't have breakfast every morning).
6. She goes to school every day.
(She doesn't go to school every day?).

II. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. I do my homework every day.
(Do you do your homework every day?)
2. I do physical exercises every day.
(Do you do physical exercises every day?).
3. I have a shower every morning.
 (Do you have a shower every morning?).
4. I brush my teeth every morning.
(Do you brush your teeth every morning?).
5. I have breakfast every morning.
(Do you have breakfast every morning).
6. I go to school every day.
(Do I go to school every day?).

1. He does his homework every day.
(Does he do his homework everyday?)
2. She does physical exercises every day.
(Does she do physical exercises every day?).
3. He has a shower every morning.
 (Does she have a shower every morning?).
4. She brushes her teeth every morning.
(Does she brush her teeth every morning?).
5. He has breakfast every morning.
(Does he have breakfast every morning?).
6. She goes to school every day.
(Does she go to school every day?).

№3 Скучный "Drill"

I. Repeat after the speaker. Mind the question tags.

1. He does his homework every day,doesn't he?
2. She does physical exercises every day, doesn't she?
3. He has a shower every morning, hasn't he?
4. She brushes her teeth every morning, doesn't she?
5. He has breakfast every morning, hasn't he?
6. He goes to school every day, doesn't he?
7. Peter Brook likes English, doesn't he?
8. She studies very hard every night,doesn't she?
9. He plays football on Sundays, doesn't he?
10. She likes spicy food, doesn't she?
1. He doesn't do his homework every day, does he?
2. She doesn't do physical exercises every day, does she?
3. He hasn't a shower every morning, has he?
4. She doesn't brush her teeth every morning,does she?
5. He hasn't breakfast every morning, has he?
6. He  doesn't go to school every day, does he?
7. Peter Brook  doesn't like English, does he?
8. She doesn't study very hard every night,does she?
9. He doesn't play football on Sundays, does he?
10. She doesn't like spicy food, does she?

II.Complete the sentences with the correct question tags

1. He does his homework every day,_______?
2. She does physical exercises every day, _______?
3. He has a shower every morning, _______?
4. She brushes her teeth every morning,_______?
5. He has breakfast every morning, _______?
6. He goes to school every day, _______?
7. Peter and Vanya like English, _______?
8. She studies very hard every night,_______?
9. He plays football on Sundays,_______?
10. She likes spicy food, _______?


1. He doesn't do his homework every day,_____?
2. She doesn't do physical exercises every day, _____?
3. He hasn't a shower every morning, _____
4. She doesn't brush her teeth every morning,______?
5. He hasn't breakfast every morning, _______?
6. He  doesn't go to school every day, _______
7. Peter Brook  doesn't like English, ______?
8. She doesn't study very hard every night,_____?
9. He doesn't play football on Sundays, _____?
10. She doesn't like spicy food, ______?
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Оффлайн Mari

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1006 : 20 мая 2017, 19:29:03 »
Современные технологии в «Современном образовании»

1:33-3:18 - ЛУРы - 2:25
3:30-4:29 -1:39 - 1:39

4:50-6:13 - ретро-интерактив - 2:03

6:57 - 7:36 - галерея психологической разгрузки - 1:19

10:19 - 11:26 - комната общения - 1:07

Оффлайн Spirit of Finland

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1005 : 20 мая 2017, 15:44:42 »
Еще групповые фото добавлены в мой пост № 1002!

Оффлайн Alesto

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1004 : 20 мая 2017, 14:42:54 »
Групповые фото:


Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: Рабочие материалы V.B.
« Ответ #1003 : 19 мая 2017, 22:50:39 »
№1"Скучный Drill"
№2 Скучный "Drill"

I. Make the sentences negative:

1. I do my homework every day.
(I don't do my homework).
2. I do physical exercises every day.
(I don't do physical exercises every day).
3. I have a shower every morning.
 (I don't have a shower every morning)..
4. I brush my teeth every morning.
(I don't brush my teeth every morning).
5. I have breakfast every morning.
(I don't have breakfast every morning).
6. I go to school every day.
(I don't go to school every day).

1. He does his homework every day.
(He doesn't do his homework.)
2. She does physical exercises every day.
(She doesn't do physical exercises every day).
3. He has a shower every morning.
 (He doesn't have a shower every morning).
4. She brushes her teeth every morning.
(She doesn't brush her teeth every morning).
5. He has breakfast every morning.
(He doesn't have breakfast every morning).
6. She goes to school every day.
(She doesn't go to school every day).

II. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. I do my homework every day.
(Do you do your homework?)
2. I do physical exercises every day.
(Do you do physical exercises every day?).
3. I have a shower every morning.
 (Do you have a shower every morning?).
4. I brush my teeth every morning.
(Do you brush your teeth every morning?).
5. I have breakfast every morning.
(Do you have breakfast every morning).
6. I go to school every day.
(Do you go to school every day?).

1. He does his homework every day.
(Does he do his homework?)
2. She does physical exercises every day.
(Does she do physical exercises every day?).
3. He has a shower every morning.
 (Does she have a shower every morning?).
4. She brushes her teeth every morning.
(Does she brush her teeth every morning?).
5. He has breakfast every morning.
(Does he have breakfast every morning?).
6. She goes to school every day.
(Does she go to school every day?).
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