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Оффлайн Gorohov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #657 : 19 января 2016, 12:13:30 »
1.In photos i can see 2 bears. On first photo i can see an Arctic bear in a zoo. Lots of people are filming him and taking photos. On second photo there is a grizzly bear in a wild or probably in natural reservation. He's looking for something.
2.In both photos there are bears.
3.The photos are different in enviroment.
4.I prefer more natural life for wild animals.
5.Becouse it's closer to what they have to live like. It's more natural then the zoo life where they get fat and become uncapable to live in the enviroment they was born to live in.

Оффлайн Milan

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #656 : 19 января 2016, 12:13:14 »
In the left picture there is a big bear sitting on the ground and people are taking photos. In the right picture there is a bear with a stick in its hand in the fuild. There are bears in both pictures. In the left picture there are many people but in the right picture the bear is along. I'd prefer wild animals tolive on the nature to walk where they want because if people include on them animals feel uncomfortable and can bite somebody.

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #655 : 19 января 2016, 12:08:33 »
Two Bears
In both pictures we can see Grizzly bears. In the first picture here are a bear in the zoo, he is not very happy, because he is tired of crowds of people, and a lot of them are taking photos with the bear. In the second photo we can see a bear who is walking in the wild and he seems very acive and happy, and here are many flowers around him. I prefer freedom for all animals and I wish that all animals will be free.

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #654 : 19 января 2016, 12:08:18 »
In both photos action takes place in the forest, near Siberia. There are two bears and in the first photo people are looking at bear and in the second photo bear alone. That photos are different because in the first photo there are bear and people and in the second photo there is only one bear and that's all. I prefer free life for animals, because i thing that zoo is very bad thing for animals. They can't feel themself free there. And when they are free, they can live their own life, like nature want it.

 :russian: :russian: :russian:

Оффлайн alex4874

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #653 : 19 января 2016, 10:50:56 »

1. I noticed that al were looking at me.
2. I felt someone look watching me.
3. I did not notice that him enter the room.
4. I did not see him entering the room.
5. I was watching the ball falling on the ground.
6. I was watching the sun rising in the dark sky.


1. Are you sure? Did you see him took part in the championship last year?
2. Are you sure? Did you see him set a new record?
3. Are you sure? Did you see him observe the rule?
4. Are you sure? Did you see him swam in the river?
5. Are you sure? Did you see him tried to help the people?
6. Are you sure? Did you see him waiting at the entrance?
7. Are you sure? Did you see him trying to cross the river?

Exercise 4

1. Really? I am sorry. I have never heard him playing.
2. Really? I am sorry. I have never heard him playing chess.
3. Really? I am sorry. I have never heard that he is fluently speaks English.
4. Really? I am sorry. I have never heard that he is participate in a track and field events.
5. Really? I am sorry. I have never heard him singing.
6. Really? I am sorry. I heve never heard him wrestling.

Exercise 6

1. I saw him enter to the t
2. I felt someonewatching me and I did not like it.
3 He is anexperience driver. Really? I have never seen him driving.
4. I heard he had pussed his exams and had gone to to the seaside

Оффлайн ekaterinapp

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #652 : 19 января 2016, 10:49:59 »
p.4 ex.2
1. I noticed them looking at me.
2. I felt someone watching me.
3. I didn't notice him enter the room.
4. I didn't see him entering the room.
5. I was watching the ball falling on the ground.
6. I was watching thesun rising in the dark sky.

p.5 ex.3
1. Are you sure? Did you see him take part in the championship last year?
2. Are you sure? Did you see mine friend has seat a new record?

Оффлайн That Guy

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #651 : 19 января 2016, 10:49:43 »
Page 4 Ex.2
1. I noticed that they are looking at me.
2. I feet someone's watching me.
3. I didn't noticed that he enter the room.
4. I didn't see how he entered the room.
5. I was watching the ball falling on the ground.
6. I was watching the sun rising in the dark sky.

Page 5 Ex.3
1. -He took part in the championship last year.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him taking part in the championship?
2. -They say, my friend has set a new record.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him set the new record?
3. -I'm sure he's observed the rule. he always does.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him observing the rule?
4. -The weather was bitterly cold, but he swam in the river.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him swimming in the river?
5. -He's no criminal. On the contrary he tried to help the people.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him helping the people?
6. -He insists on waiting for you at the entrance.
    -Are you sure? Did you see him waiting for me?

Оффлайн arw

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #650 : 19 января 2016, 10:44:32 »
Ex.6 pg.6
1. I watched him go up to the table and gently pick up the telephone.
2. I felt somebody watching me, I don't like it.
3. "He is an experienced driver!" " Are you sure? It's a pity, I've never seen him driving".
4. I heard he had passed his exams and had gone to the sea side.
5. I've never heard you singing.
6. Your friend I'd somewhere here. I saw he enter the hall.
7. I see you are tired. Isn't it time to finish the work?
8. Everybody saw him swim in the river in bitterly cold weather.
9. No one noticed me leave the hotel, take a taxi, and go away.

Оффлайн arw

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #649 : 19 января 2016, 10:36:15 »

1. I noticed them looking at me
2. I felt someone watching me
3. I did not notice him enter the room
4. I did not see him entering the room
5. I was watching the ball falling on the ground
6. I was watching the sun rising in the dark sky


1. Are you sure? Did you see him take part in the championship last year?
2. Are you sure? Did you see him set the new record?
3. Are you sure? Did you see him observed the rule?
4. Are you sure? Did you see him swimming in the river?
5. Are you sure? Did you see him help the people?
6. Are you sure? Did you see him wating for you at the entrance?
7. Are you sure? Did you see him trying to cross the river?


1. Really? I have never heard that he is a splendid pianist
2. Really? I have never heard that he is very good at playing chess
3. Really? I have never heard that he speaks English fluently
4. Really? I have never heard that he always participates in the track-and-field events
5. Really? I have never heard that she is the best signer
6. Really? I have never heard that he is a professional wrestler

Оффлайн Alfred Nobel

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #648 : 19 января 2016, 10:32:53 »
1.I noticed them looking at me
2.I felt someone watching me
3.I did not notice him enter the room
4.I did not see him entering the room
5.I was watching the ball falling on the ground
6.I was watching the sun rising in the dark sky
1. Are you sure? Did you see him take part in the championship last year?
Are you sure? Did you see him set the new record?
Are you sure? Did you see him observed the rule?
Are you sure? Did you see him swimming in the river?
Are you sure? Did you see him help the people?
Are you sure? Did you see him wating for you at the entrance?
Are you sure? Did you see him trying to cross the river?
1.Really? I have never heard that he is a splendid pianist
2.Really? I have never heard that he is very good at playing chess
3.Really? I have never heard that he speaks English fluently
4.Really? I have never heard that he always participates in the track-and-field events
5.Really? I have never heard that she is the best signer
6.Really? I have never heard that he is a professional wrestler

Оффлайн Sergevna

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #647 : 18 января 2016, 20:40:13 »
The Salesman
Henry Leech was a salesman. He was a good salesman and sold lots of vacuum cleaners. One
week, the manager sent Henry into the countryside to sell.
He drove out of town and stopped at a farmhouse. He knocked on the door and the farmer’s
wife opened it. Henry started into his speech immediately.
“Mam, how much time do you spend sweeping the floors? “
“A lot of time. This is a farm and things get dirty quickly.” said the woman.
“And how much time do you spend beating the carpets?” asked Henry.
“A lot of time. This house gets dusty and my dog also lays on them”
“Well” said Henry, “This is your lucky day.”
Henry showed her his vacuum cleaner and said,
“You can clean the house in 5 minutes with this!”
The farmer’s wife didn’t look interested.
Henry took out a big bag of dirt. He opened it and threw it all over the floor. The farmer’s
wife was very surprised. Before she could speak Henry said, “ Mam, if this machine doesn’t
pick up every last piece of dirt, I will eat all of it!!!!!”
The farmer’s wife looked at Henry and said,

Оффлайн Sergevna

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #646 : 18 января 2016, 20:29:11 »
An old woman was lonely. She decided to get a pet. She didn’t have much money so she
went to a second hand pet shop.
She saw many animals: a three legged cat, a dog without a tail, fish that could only swim
backwards and a beautiful bird that could only say one thing, “Who is it?”. She decided to
buy the bird. She bought a cage for her bird and went home. She put the bird by the door and
went downtown to do some shopping.
While she was gone, a man knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” replied the parrot.
“It’s the butcher,” he said.
“Who is it?”, repeated the bird.
“It’s the butcher,” said the man.
“Who is it?” asked the parrot.
“It’s the butcher!!,”, said the man angrily.
“Who is it?” “It’s the butcher!!!!”, he screamed.
“Who is it?” “It’s the butcher, the butcher, the butch...”
Suddenly the butcher fell to the floor. He had had a heart attack.
Later that day, the old woman came home and found the man laying on her doorstep. She
opened her door and asked the parrot, “Who is it?” . The parrot replied,
“It’s the butcher!”

Оффлайн That Guy

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #645 : 17 января 2016, 22:32:37 »
                                                                        Page 6  Ex. 6
1. I watched him go up to the table and gently picking up the telephone.
2. I felt, somebody watching me and I didn't like it
3. He is a very experienced driver. Really? It's a pity, I've never saw him how he drives a car.
4. I heard he passed the exams and gone to the sea.
5. I've never heard you singing
6. Your friend is somewhere here. I saw him entering the hall.
7. I see you're tired. It's time to finish your work.
8. Everybody saw him swimming in the river in very cold weather.
9. Nobody noticed me leaving the hotel, taking a taxi and ride away to the airport.

Оффлайн Марианна

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #644 : 15 января 2016, 17:46:50 »
Ex.6 pg.6
1. I watched him go up to the table and gently pick up the telephone.
2. I felt somebody watching me, I don't like it.
3. "He is an experienced driver!" " Are you sure? It's a pity, I've never seen him driving".
4. I heard he had passed his exams and had gone to the sea side.
5. I've never heard you singing.
6. Your friend I'd somewhere here. I saw he enter the hall.
7. I see you are tired. Isn't it time to finish the work?
8. Everybody saw him swim in the river in bitterly cold weather.
9. No one noticed me leave the hotel, take a taxi, and go away.

Оффлайн Shaurma03

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #643 : 15 января 2016, 13:32:39 »
The Russian State library The Russian people read more than any other nation in the world.They read on the Metro , on planes , on trains , during their holidays.In fact , anywhere and everywhere. Of course , with a total of 4,000 milion volumes in our 350,000 public libraris, there is no shortage of reading matter.
 The national library contains more than 40 milion volumes.
 The library's brain is in the catalogue room, where all the information is easly available. The catalogues /hundreds of them/ list the books alphabetically, according to subject, and there are also special information and bibliographical departments dealing with information about every known work published in the world. :russian: :russian: :russian:
