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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1662 : 09 марта 2017, 10:42:21 »
1. The brighter the color is, the more pleasant it is to look at it.
2. The more reliable you are, the more friends you have.
3. The more you interfere with my work, the slower I do it.
4. The hotter the climate is, the more difficult it is to bear.
5. The more heavily it is snowing, the more I like it.
6. The more he is complaining of his life, the less I lihe him.
7. The more his story is detailed and prolonged, the more we like it.

Оффлайн Sasha K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1661 : 09 марта 2017, 10:38:40 »
                                                                             Ex. 6
1. The bright colour is, the more pleasant it is to look at it.
2. The more reliable you are, the more friends you have.
3. The more you interfere with my work, the slower I do it.
4. The hotter the climate is, the difficult it is to bear.
5. The more heavily it is snowing, the more I like it.
6. The more he's complaining of his life, the less I like him.
7. The more his story is detailed and prolonged, the more we don't like it.

Оффлайн Divan Ivan

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1660 : 09 марта 2017, 10:27:32 »
1. The brighter the color is, the more pleasant it is to look at it.
2. The more reliable you are, the more friends you have.
3. The more you interfere with my work, the slower I do it.
4. The hotter the climate is, the difficult it is to bear.
5. The more heavily it is snowing, the more I like it.
6. The more he is complaining of his life, the less I like him.
7. The more his story is detailed and prolonged, the more we don't like it.
loshad loshad loshad
Die Welt gehört demjenigen, der sich darüber freut

Оффлайн Elly

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1659 : 09 марта 2017, 10:16:06 »
                                                                             ex. 7 p. 8

I'm afraid I wilint be able to answer your questions, since I have not much in this country.
A new road will built, a railway linking the plant to the railway station.
Не speaks like men, who has an opinion for any occasion.
Then he introduced me to  friend of his of the had just returned for a long adventure to the far east.
Having bought the tiсkets to tran we went inspect аttraction of the city.
Telling story will remind you, i belive, bout your debt.
Will be a young men 18 years old, he went into the army voluntarily.
Will be the оfficer , mw grandfather will be a fair, braive ,with a strong character and never lost heart.

 :tarakan:    :dumaet:  loshad


Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1658 : 09 марта 2017, 10:15:51 »
                                                                                    p.8 ex.7
1.I'm afraid that I will not be able to answer your questions,since I saw in this country a few things.
2.It has been planned to dig out a new road here connecting factory with railway station.
3.He talk like a person who has his own opinion on every occasion.
4.He introduced me to a friend of his who had jusy return from a far west.
5.Having bought the train tickets and having packed our things we went to see the sights of the city.
6.I can't forget the story told by you.
7.I hope, the story told to you will remind you of your duty.
8.When young,at the age of 18,he went to serve in army voluntarily.
9.Beeing an officer my grandpa was honest,brave,with the strong spirit,never lost heart.

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1657 : 09 марта 2017, 10:15:44 »
ex.7 p.8
1.I`m afraid that I will not be able to answer your questions,since I saw in this country a few things.
2.It`s has been planed to dig out a new road connecting factory with railway station.
3.He talk like a person who has his own opinion on every occasion.
4.He introduced me to a friend of his who had jusy return from a  far west.
5.Having  bought the train tickets and having packed  our things we went to see the sights of the city.
6.I can`t forget the story told by you.
7.I hope,the story told to you,will remind you of your duty.
8.When you young,at the age of 18,he went to serve in the army voluntarily.
9.Beeing an officer,my grandpa was a honest,brave and with a strong spirit,never lost heard.

Оффлайн Tanya B.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1656 : 09 марта 2017, 10:15:26 »
1.I'm afraid that I will't be able to answer all your questions; 2. It has been to dig out a new railway here supply the whole new road connecting the plant with the railway station; 3. He speaks like a man whose opinion is on every occasion; 4. Then he introduced me to his friends who had just returned from a long journey to the far east; 5. Having bought train tickets and packing things we went to inspect the attractions; 6. I can not forget the story told by you; 7. I hope this story told to you to will remind  of your duty; 8. As a young man at the age of 18 he volunteered for the army; 9. Being an officer my grandfather was a man of honest courage with a strong character who never lost heart

Оффлайн Б.Я.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1655 : 08 марта 2017, 00:07:55 »
                    Здравствуй, ДУРАК 1 КЛАССА С РОЖДЕНИЯ,  УКОЛ УКОЛ УКОЛ УКОЛ УКОЛ!
     Прочитал твой текст.

      My favourite russian writer is Darya dontsova. When i reading her books i feel  so happy, because she is not just detective story writer, she is humoristic detecrive story writer. In 1998 Darya had cancer , and this information was so sad for me. I think now she feel good and i wonder that she have a lot funny moments in a life.

     My favourite foreign author was Charles Bukovsky, I liked his lifestyle. When I was young I read his books every day and liked it so much. But once I was read the lethal dose of his books and turned up in a reabilitation centre with liver ache and sqirrel on the sholder.

      Выделил красным самые твои грубые ошибки. Может, исправишь и слегка поумнеешь. Жду ответа.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1654 : 07 марта 2017, 13:38:25 »
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (surname at the birth of Yanovsky, since 1821 - Gogol-Janovsky, March 20 [April 1] in 1809, Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, Poltava province - February 21 [March 4], 1852, Moscow) - Russian novelist, playwright , Poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. Descended from the old noble family of Gogol-Yanovsky.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on March 20 (April 1) in 1809 in Sorochintsy near the Psyol River, on the border of Poltava and Mirgorod Uyezds (Poltava Province). Nicholas it was named in honor of St. Nicholas. According to family tradition, he came from an ancient Cossack family and was presumably a descendant of Ostap Gogol - hetman of the Right-Bank Troops of Zaporozhye Commonwealth.

In December 1828, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. Here, for the first time, his cruel disappointment was waiting for him: modest means turned out to be completely inadequate in the big city, and brilliant hopes did not come about as soon as he expected. His letters home at the time are mixed up with this disappointment and a vague hope for a better future. In reserve he had the strength of character and practical enterprise: he tried to enter the stage, become an official, give himself to literature.

In June 1836, Nikolai Vasilevich went abroad, where he stayed with interruptions for about ten years. At first life abroad seemed to strengthen and calm him, gave him the opportunity to complete his greatest work - "Dead Souls", but became an embryo for deeply fatal phenomena. The experience with this book, the contradictory reaction of contemporaries to it, just as in the case of the "Inspector", convinced him of the enormous influence and ambiguous power of his talent over the minds of contemporaries. This thought gradually began to form in the notion of its prophetic purpose, and accordingly, about the use of its prophetic gift by the power of its talent for the benefit of society, and not to its detriment.

Nikolai Gogol was not very healthy from childhood. Death in the adolescence of his younger brother Ivan, untimely death of his father left a mark on his state of mind. Work on the continuation of the "Dead Souls" did not come together, and the writer was tormented by doubts that he would be able to bring the intended work to the end. In the summer of 1845 he was overtaken by a painful spiritual crisis. He writes a testament, burns the manuscript of the second volume of "Dead Souls." In commemoration of the deliverance from death, Gogol decides to go to the monastery and become a monk, but monasticism did not take place. But his mind was presented with a new content of the book, enlightened and purified; It seemed to him that he understood how to write, "to set the whole society to the beautiful." He decides to serve God in the field of literature. A new work began, and in the meantime he was taken by another thought: he had to say that he was considered useful for him, and he decides to collect in one book everything written by him in recent years in the spirit of his new mood and instructs to publish this book to Pletnev. These were "Selected places from correspondence with friends"

From the end of January 1852 in the house of Count Alexander Tolstoy visited the Rzhev archpriest Matthew Konstantinovsky, whom Gogol met in 1849, and before that was a sign by correspondence. Between them there were complex, sometimes harsh conversations, the main content of which was the insufficient humility and piety of Gogol, for example, the demand of Fr. Matthew: "Renounce Pushkin." Gogol invited him to read the white version of the second part of the "Dead Souls" for review, in order to listen to his opinion, but was denied the priest. Gogol insisted on his, until he took a notebook with a manuscript for reading.

He died 21 of February.

Оффлайн ЦУКЕН

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1653 : 07 марта 2017, 13:36:00 »
     My favourite russian writer is Darya dontsova. When i reading her books i feel  so happy, because she is not just detective story writer, she is humoristic detecrive story writer. In 1998 Darya had cancer , and this information was so sad for me. I think now she feel good and i wonder that she have a lot funny moments in a life.

     My favourite foreign author was Charles Bukovsky, I liked his lifestyle. When I was young I read his books every day and liked it so much. But once I was read the lethal dose of his books and turned up in a reabilitation centre with liver ache and sqirrel on the sholder.

Оффлайн Liza K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1652 : 07 марта 2017, 13:29:33 »
Paulo Coelho is the best books author for me. He's books are full of logistic twists and incredible explain of his storyes. Coelho books are famous over the world. I tried to ask my friends and parents about "Do they know Paulo Coelho and if yes, then what book you have read?" All who was asked answere me that he or she likes he's books and expecially book named "Alchemist". This book was published in 1988 and it's popular nowadays.

Same thing with Dmitry Glukhovsky who wrote my favourite fantastic book named "Metro 2033". This book is about life after nuclear attack, people trying to do something under the ground. It book helps us to appreciate our life, direct us to the right way.  Expecially this book is interesting for me because the story located in Russia and in book there'are a lot of reference of our modern life.

Perekhodov A.

Оффлайн ЦУКЕН

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1651 : 07 марта 2017, 13:27:06 »
The Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky   
Fyodor Michaylovich Dostoevsky was an outstanding Russian write and is now regarded as one of the best novelists in the world. He was born on November the 11th 1821 in Moscow. His father was a physician and he was a quite cruel even to his servants, while his mother was a very kind woman. The place, where he lived, was surrounded by gloomy institutions, such as a cemetery, a mental house, an orphanage. This atmosphere greatly influenced his works in the future. From the early age, Dostoevsky sometimes suffered from epilepsy. When he turned 17, he successfully passed the exams and entered Saint Petersburg Institute of Military Engineering. His early works were published when he was 21 or 22 years old. At first he translated Balzac’s novel “Eugenie Grandet” and a year later he wrote his first work – “Poor Folk”, which made him immediately famous. One of the best literary critics of that time Belynsky said that this novel was excellent and socially useful. Dostoevsky soon left his military career and devoted himself to writing. After that he wrote several other novels and short stories, which didn’t bring him success and left him in financial crisis. Other difficult periods in novelist’s life include Siberian exile and prison from 1849 till 1854 and the gambling trip to Europe. In 1866 one of his most renowned works “Crime and Punishment” was published. At the same time he was working on “Gambler”. In 1867 Dostoevsky married his young assistant and stenographer Anna Snitkina and they went together to Germany for their honeymoon. Soon their first daughter Sonya was born. Unfortunately, the child was ill and died after three months. In 1869 in Dresden their second daughter Lyubov was born. In 1871 Dostoevsky and his family returned to Saint Petersburg. While travelling he wrote another outstanding novel “The Idiot” and started working on “Demons”. Dostoevsky died on February the 9th 1881 after suffering a lung hemorrhage. His last novel was “The Brothers Karamazov”. loshad b()e [joyful_ghost] :sliv:  Жека-Барбариска

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was born on 9 November 1818 in Oryol, Russia, into a wealthy family. His father was a colonel in the Imperial Russian cavalry and his mother was a rich heiress. She experienced severe hardships as a child and was unhappy in her marriage. It is also known that Turgenev’s father was a dangler. When Ivan was 16 his father died. Consequently Ivan and his brother were brought up by their cruel mother. In the childhood Turgenev was always afraid of his mother because she often beat him.

When Turgenev finished school he entered the University of Moscow. After studying for one year at the University of Moscow, Turgenev began to study at the University of Saint Petersburg. Between 1834 and 1837 he studied there and was interested in Russian literature, Classics and philology. From 1838 to 1841 he studied at the University of Berlin where he focused on history and philosophy. Ivan Turgenev completed his master’s examination in Saint-Petersburg. German society impressed him and he considered that the ideas from the Age of Enlightenment could improve his native country. Turgenev himself and many of his contemporaries were against serfdom. From 1841 he began his career in Russian civil service. Between 1843 and 1845 Turgenev worked for the Ministry of Interior.

It is known that in the childhood Turgenev listened to a family serf who read the verses from the Rossiad of Mikhail Kheraskov for him. Afterwards Ivan’s early works in literature gave indications of genius.

Turgenev never married but he was in relationships with his family’s serfs. Consequently he had an illegitimate daughter. Her name was Paulinette. Turgenev was broad-shouldered and tall but was shy, discreet and affable. Turgenev lived in different cities including Paris and Baden-Baden because he wanted to be close to the celebrated opera singer Pauline Viardot. He was in relationships with her.

Turgenev became famous when he completed his work A Sportsman's Sketches(Записки охотника), also known as Sketches from a Hunter's Album or Notes of a Hunter. This collection is a result of a time which he spent while hunting in the forests. The stories from this collection are based on his observations of nature and peasant life. This work was published in 1852.

When Tsar Nicholas I ruled a country the political situation was difficult for many scientists, writers and artists. At that time a lot of members of the intelligentsia left the country and moved to Europe. One of them was Ivan Turgenev.
In 1852 Turgenev created an obituary for Nikolai Gogol. This work was published and as a result he was put in prison for a month and then exiled to his country estate for 2 years. At that time Turgenev wrote his story Mumu. It appeared in 1854. In the early 1850s Turgenev wrote several novellas: "The Diary of a Superfluous Man ("Дневник лишнего человека"), Faust ("Фауст") and The Lull ("Затишье"). From 1853 to 1862 his famous novels Rudin ("Рудин"), A Nest of the Gentry ("Дворянское гнездо"), On the Eve ("Накануне") were completed. His most famous novel Fathers and Sons ("Отцы и дети") was completed in 1862. It should be noted that this work was criticized by many critics unfavourably. During the period of 1862-77 Turgenev wrote Smoke ("Дым"), Virgin Soil ("Новь") and other works.

Ivan Turgenev died at Bougival, near Paris in 1883. He was buried in Volkoff Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Sanechek yo yo yoyo

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1650 : 07 марта 2017, 13:13:36 »
My favorite writer is Charles Dickens and I’m fond of reading his books. He is very popular English writer and novelist.
Dickens was born in Portsmouth February 7, 1812, and spent his childhood in Kent and London, both of which frequently appear in his novels.
He went to school being at the age of nine. When his father was committed to prison for debt in 1824, Dickens interrupted the school. The boy started working in a factory. Then from 1824 to 1826 Dickens attended the school again. However, at most, he was self-educated.
In 1827 Charles Dickens started to work as a legal clerk. Dickens published the first series of descriptive sketches in December 1833, using the pseudonym Boz. These series describe the daily life in London.
The success of the first novel The Pickwick Papers brought popularity to Dickens. And then he maintained subsequently his fame with a great string of novels.
Being a man of wide talents and enormous energy, he also dealt in other different activities. He composed the travel books such as Pictures from Italy and American Notes, edited the weekly periodicals such as All the Year Round and Household Words, administered charity organizations, and also pressed for numerous social reforms. In 1843 he was published a wonderful Christmas Carol, an ever-popular children story.
In June 9, 1870 he suffered a fatal flood stroke and was buried in the Westminster Abbey. He contributed much to the world literature, he wrote Bleak House, The Pickwick Papers, Dombey and Son, Oliver Twist, and other stories and novels.

Оффлайн Liza K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1649 : 02 марта 2017, 14:10:10 »
1.We came up to the militiaman  standing in the corner and asked him the way.
2.Did you see in what direction the boy standing here went?
3.The people waiting for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time.
4."The man waiting for you has just left." "Too bad!"
5.Each time telling this story he can't help smiling.
6."The houses building in the 60-s are not as convenient as the modern ones. I live in a house being build last year."
7.Having said goodbye, he proudly left the room.
8.Not having money,we couldn't take a taxi and arrive at the airport when the plane had already taken off.
9.Having came to the hotel , she found a telegram awaiting her.
10.When in England ,I tried to see as much of the country as i could.
11.When in Army ,you must realize that the army  life isn't possible without discipline.

Оффлайн Anastasiya1617

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1648 : 02 марта 2017, 14:10:04 »
ex.5; p.7
1. We came up to the militiaman standing in the corner and asked him the way.
2. Did you see in what directoin the boy standing here went?
3. The people waiting for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time.
4. "The man waiting for you has just left." "Too bad!"
5. Each time telling this story he can't help smiling.
6. "The houses building in the 60-s are not as convenient as the modern ones. I live in a house being build last year."
7. Having said goodbye, he proudly left the room.
8. Not having money, we couldn't take a taxi and arrived at the airport when the plane had already taken off.
9. Having came to the hotel, she found a telegram awaiting her.
10. When in England, I tried to see as much of the country as I could.
11. When in Army, you must realize that the Army life isn't possible without discipline.

ex. 7; p. 8
1. Having seen so little of the country, I'm afraid I can't give answers to all your questions.
2. A new road will soon be built joining the plant with the railway station.
3. He speaks like a man having his opinion of everything.
4. He introduced me to a friends of his who had just returned from a far voyage to the Far East.
5. Having bought the tickets to train and having packed things, we went to see the sights of the city.
6. I can't forget the story you told me.
7. The told story, I hope, will remind you about your duty.
8. Being a young man at age of 18 years old, he went to army as a volunteer.
9. Being an officer, my grandfather was a fair, manly man with a strong character, never lost a heart.
