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Оффлайн Sasha K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1707 : 21 марта 2017, 12:12:28 »
1) What arguments do British people put forward in favour of their weather?Against it?
 It's marvelous! There's so much variety! In the middle of winter we often have a lovely warm sunny day.
   They have different arguments:" You never know what to wear; the weather chandes all the time.
 Every time the weather changes, you get a cold.
2) Are things dirrerent with people of other nationalities? Do we also find faults with weather when we want to?
 I don't know, what people things of other nationalities.
   Yes, sometimes we also find faults with weather, when we want to. Because, we don't like very cold weather and hottest weather.

Оффлайн Войтович А

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1706 : 21 марта 2017, 12:12:02 »
There's so much variety. the countryside is always changing. In the middle of winter we have a lovely sunny days.
 There is a lot of rain; You never know what to wear. Every time the weather changes, you get cold.
Yes, they are different with people of other nationalities; Yes, we do find faults with weather.
No we doesn`t

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1705 : 21 марта 2017, 12:11:20 »
1.Having seen so little of this country,i`m afraid ,i can`t answer on your questions.
2.The new road will soom be bild connecting factory will the railway station.
3.He talks like a person,who has he`s own opinion for everything.
4.He introduced me to a friend of his had just returned from a far east.
5.We went for a sightseeing after we  bought tickets and packed our things.
6.I can`t forger the story told bu you.
7.I hope,This story will remind you about your debt.
8.When in 18 years old,he went to army with he own wish.
9.Being an officer,my grandpa was honest,brave,with a strong character,and never losing heart.

Оффлайн Luisa

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1704 : 21 марта 2017, 12:11:05 »
                                                           p. 8 ex. 7
1. Having seen so little of this country, i`m afraid, I can`t answear on all your quastions.
2. The new road, will soon be bild, conecting factory with the railway station.
3. He talks like a person, who has he`s own opinion for everithing.
4. He introduced me to a friends of his who had just returned from a far east.
5. We went for a sightseeing after we bought tickets and packed our things.
6. I can forget the story told by you.
7. I hope, this story will remined you of your debt.
8. When in 18 years old, he went to army with his own wish.
9. Being an officer, ,my grandad was honest, brave, with the strong character, never losing heart.

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1703 : 21 марта 2017, 12:08:08 »
                                                                                        p.8 ex.7
1.I'm afraid that I will not be able to answer your questions,since I saw in this country a few things.
2.It has been planned to dig out a new road here connecting factory with railway station.
3.He talk like a person who has his own opinion on every occasion.
4.He introduced me to a friend of his who had jusy return from a far west.
5.Having bought the train tickets and having packed our things we went to see the sights of the city.
6.I can't forget the story told by you.
7.I hope, the story told to you will remind you of your duty.
8.When young,at the age of 18,he went to serve in army voluntarily.
9.Beeing an officer my grandpa was honest,brave,with the strong spirit,never lost heart.

Оффлайн Elly

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1702 : 21 марта 2017, 12:07:51 »
                                                                          Ex. 7 p.8

1.Im afraid i cant answer all of youre questions, bacause i having no much in this country.
2. A new road will soon built, сonnecting plant with railroad station.
3. He talk like a man, who always having an opinion.
4. He introduced me to a friend of his who had just returned from a Far East.
5.Buying train-tikets and pakt things, we went seeing Attraction.
6. I cant forget story telling by you.
7. Being a young men , the age of 18, he going to the army.
8. Will be the оfficer , my grandfather will be a fair, braive ,with a strong character and never lost heart.

 :tarakan:      :tarakan:

Оффлайн Divan Ivan

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1701 : 21 марта 2017, 12:06:43 »
_____Questions for text 2_____

What arguments do British people put forward in favour of their weather? Against it?
1. There's so much variety. the countryside is always changing. In the middle of winter we have lovely sunny days. There is a lot of rain; You never know what to wear. Every time the weather changes, you get cold.
Are things different with people of other nationalities? Do we also find faults with weather when we want do?
2. Yes, they are different with people of other nationalities; Yes, we do find faults with weather. It is muggy. We find faults with weather in summer.

Die Welt gehört demjenigen, der sich darüber freut

Оффлайн kartashevavv

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1700 : 21 марта 2017, 12:03:45 »
1. I`m afraid that I will not be able to answer your questions, since I saw in this country a few things.
2. It`s has been planned to dig out a new road connecting factory with railway station.
3. He talk like a person who has his own opinion on every occasion.
4. He introduced me to a friend of his who had just return from a far west.
5. Having bought the train tickets and having packed our things we went to see the sights of the city.
6. I can`t forget the story told by you.
7. I hope, the story told to you, will remind you of your duty.
8. When you young, at the age of 18, he went to serve in the army voluntarily.
9. Being an officer, my grandpa was an honest, brave and with a strong spirit, never lost heard.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1699 : 17 марта 2017, 14:01:05 »
Why do we read literature? Why? This question seems strange does't it? But people, engaged in psychology, sociology and similar sciences are studying this question and trying to give us answer. We read literature because it's revardin us expanding our knowledge about world around. We read litrature because we want to escape from problems, see the world of intresting fictions.

That's all right, and everything of it worth mentioning, but it does't give us the full answer. Ask poet, why he writing poems? From every answers the true one will be: he writing it because he's a poet. And answer for question "Why we read literature?" will be simmiliar: because we are people.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1698 : 17 марта 2017, 13:22:50 »
1) Though my grandson is young, he already read all masterpieces of english literature. 2) Intresting, why you don't read serious, informative literature? Why you want to read frivolous and cheap? 3) It's a pity that i don't have a friend to share vievs about this question with! This would help me solve this problem. 4) Though reason of his behavior were obvious to me, i decided to listen to him: what he can say in defence? 5) Though he understood that sport really important for health, he avoide it all his life.  6) Whatever you say, i can't belive you. I'm shure we will won, and all our efforts will be revarded. 7) My younger brother soon be 18. His dream is to become naval officer. 8) I want you to face reality at last. Your exams starts next mounth, and you still not prepared for them.

Оффлайн kartashevavv

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1697 : 16 марта 2017, 10:47:31 »
1. Taken prisoner.
2.On battlefield.
3.The partisans carried out the war inoccupied areas of Russia and Belorussia.
4.Belorussian partisans alone demonlished 120,000 rails.
5.Small untill.
6.28 men destroyed 30 Germans tanks.
7.We have no room to retreat.
8.The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

Оффлайн Elly

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1696 : 16 марта 2017, 10:46:00 »
                                                                   Ex. 3  p. 21

14. Taken priconer
15. On the battlefield
16. Partisans operation in occupaied area of Russia and Byelorussia.
17. Byelorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. Small unit.
19. 28 solders destroyed 30 German tanks.
20. We haveno rooms to retreat.
21.The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

 :tarakan:       :tarakan:


Оффлайн Luisa

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1695 : 16 марта 2017, 10:44:55 »
                                                                 p. 21 ex. 3
14. Taken prisoner.
15. Battlefield.
16. The partisans carried out the "Rail war" operation in occupied areas of Russia and Belorussia.
17.Belorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. Small unit.
19. 28 men from General Panfilov`s division siding, distroyed 30 German tanks.
20. We have no room to retreat.
21.The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1694 : 16 марта 2017, 10:44:42 »
                                                                                     p.6 ex.1
                                                                                     p.21 ex.3
14.Taken prisoner.15.On the battlefield.16.The partisans carried out the war operation in occupied areas of Russia and Byelorussia.17.Byelorussian partisans alone demonlished 120,000 rails.18.Small until.19.28 men destroyed 30 German tanks.20.We have no room to retreat.21.The absolute unity of te Soviet people.

Оффлайн kartashevavv

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #1693 : 16 марта 2017, 10:34:18 »
теряющий-потерянный                               loosing-lost
кончающий-оконченный                            ending-ended
упаковывающий-упакованный                   packing-pacted
празднующий-отпраздновавший               celebreing-celebreted
начинающий-начатый                                starting-started
освежающий-освеженный                          refreshing-refreshed
