Автор Тема: Short texts for reading  (Прочитано 790211 раз)

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Оффлайн yemi

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3207 : 11 января 2019, 12:04:30 »
Making polite questions

1 can you tell me  please what school do you use to educated?
2 where can i enter to school ?
3 where can i eat here ?
4 can you telle me how many classes a day do you have ?
5 please tell me how many subjects do you stady ?
6 for you what is the most difficoult subject ?
7 what subject do you prefer best of all?
8 what food do you like best of all?
9 who is your favorite writer is ?
10 what is you most favorite film ?
Check the corrected work of Sophia, Max!

Оффлайн yemi

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3206 : 11 января 2019, 12:03:06 »
Making polite questions.

1. What school do you go to?
Could you tell me what school do you go to?
2. Where is the entrance to the School?
Could you tell me where is the entrance to the School is?
3. Where is the buffet here?
Could you tell me where is the buffet here is?
4. How many classes a day do you have?
Could you tell me how many classes a day do you have?
5. How many subjects do you study?
Could you tell me how many subjects do you study?
6.What is the most difficult subject?
 Could you tell me what is the most difficult subject is?
7. What subject do you like best of all?
Could you tell me what subject do you like best of all?
8. What is your favourite food?
Could you tell me what is your favourite food is?
9. Who is your favourite writer?
Could you tell me who is your favourite writer is?
10. What is your favourite film?
Could you tell me what is your favourite film is?
11. What's the most interesting country you have ever been to?
Could you tell me what's the most interesting country you have ever been to?
Mind the mistakes, Sophia!

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3205 : 11 января 2019, 11:58:09 »
Making polite questions

1 can you tell me  please what school do you use to educated?
2 where can i enter to school ?
3 where can i eat here ?
4 can you telle me how many classes a day do you have ?
5 please tell me how many subjects do you stady ?
6 for you what is the most difficoult subject ?
7 what subject do you prefer best of all?
8 what food do you like best of all?
9 who is your favorite writer is ?
10 what is you most favorite film ?

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3204 : 11 января 2019, 11:52:00 »
Making polite questions.

1. What school do you go to?
Could you tell me what school do you go to?
2. Where is the entrance to the School?
Could you tell me where is the entrance to the School?
3. Where is the buffet here?
Could you tell me where is the buffet here?
4. How many classes a day do you have?
Could you tell me how many classes a day do you have?
5. How many subjects do you study?
Could you tell me how many subjects do you study?
6.What is the most difficult subject?
 Could you tell me what is the most difficult subject?
7. What subject do you like best of all?
Could you tell me what subject do you like best of all?
8. What is your favourite food?
Could you tell me what is your favourite food?
9. Who is your favourite writer?
Could you tell me who is your favourite writer?
10. What is your favourite film?
Could you tell me what is your favourite film?
11. What's the most interesting country you have ever been to?
Could you tell me what's the most interesting country you have ever been to?

Оффлайн Хрум-Хрумыч

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3203 : 11 января 2019, 10:49:52 »
Present Indefinite / Simple
1. He often plays monopoly with his parents
Present Continuous / Progressive
2. What is he doing now? - He is playing monopoly with his parents
Present Perfect Simple
3. He has just played monopoly with his parents
Present Perfect Continuous
4. He has been playing monopoly with his parents all morning
1. What school do you go to?
 Can you tell me what school you go to?
2. Where is the entrance to the school?
 Can you tell me where the entrance is?
3. Where is the buffet here?
 Can you tell me where the buffet is here?
4. How many classes a day do you have?
 Can you tell me how many classes a day you have?
5. How many subjects do you study?
 Can you tell me how many subjects you study do?

Оффлайн vika.nosik

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3202 : 11 января 2019, 10:41:39 »
                                                               Class Work, January 11, 2019.
                                                                      To play Monopoly.
                                                                 Table of the Present Tenses
Present Idefinite/ Simple : He often plays monopoly.
Present Continuous/ Progressive : What he is doing now?
                                      He is playing monoply with his friends.
Present Perfect Simple : He has just played monopoly with his friends.
Present Perfect Continous : He is really tired, because he has been playing monopoly with his friends all day.

                                                                  Making Polite Questions
1. What school do you go to?
2. Where is the entrans to the school?
3. Where is the buffet here?
4. How many classes do you have a day?
5. How many subjects do you study?

1. Can you tell me what school you go to?
2. Can you tell me where the entrans to the school is?
3. Can you tell me where the buffet is here?
4. Can you tell me how many classes you have a day?
5. Can you tell me how many subjects you study?

Оффлайн Daniela

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3201 : 11 января 2019, 10:35:24 »
1.What school do you go to?
Can you tell me what school you go to?
2.Where is the entrance to the school?
Can you tell me where the entrance is?
3.Where is the buffet is?
Can you tell me where the buffet is here?
4.How many classes a day do you have?
Can you tell me how many classes a day you have?
5.How many subjects do you study?
Can you tell me how many subjects you study?
6.What is the most difficult subject?
Can you tell me the most difficult subject is?
7.What subject do you like best of all?
Can youtell me what subject you like the best of all?
8.What is your favourite  food?
Can you tell me what favourite food is?
9.Who is your favourite writer?
Can you tell me who your favourite writer is?
10.What is your favourite film?
Can you tell me what your favourite film is?
11.What's the most interesting country you have ever been to?
Can you tell me the most intresting country you have been to?

Оффлайн УбийцаКрови2003

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3200 : 11 января 2019, 10:28:33 »
Table of the Present Tenses

The verb: To play computer games
Present Simple
1.He often plays computer games.
Present Contimuous
2.What is he doing now.
He is playing computer games.
Present Perfect Simple
3.He just playd a very long computer game.
Present Perfect Continuous?
4.He is very tired. He has been playng computer games for 12 hours.

Making Polite Questions

1.What school do you go to?
Can you tell me the school you go to?
2.Where is the entrance to the school?
Can you tell me where the entrance to the school is?
3.Where is the buffet here?
Can you tell me where the buffet is here?
4.How many classes a day do you have?
Can you tell me how many classes a day you have?
5.How many subjects do you study?
Can you tell me how many subjects you study?
6.What is the most difficult subject?
CAn you tell me what is the most difficult subject?
7.What subject do you like best of all?
CAn you tell me the subject you like best of all.
8.What is your fovorite food?
CAn you tell me what your favorite food is?
9.Who is your favourite writer?
CAn you tell me what you favorite writer is?
10.What is your favorite film?
Can you tell me what your favorite film is.
11.What's the most interesting country you have ever been to?
Can you tell me the most interesting country you have ever been to?

Оффлайн Daniela

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3199 : 11 января 2019, 10:28:17 »
                                                               Table of the Present Tenses
Present Inderfinite/Simple:
He often plays    monopoly with his friends.
Present  Continuous/Progressive:
What is he doing now?
He is playing monopoly with his  friends.
Present Perfect Simple:
He has just played monopoly with his friends.
Present Perfect Continuous:
He is really tired.He has been playing monopoly all day with his friends.

Оффлайн yemi

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3198 : 10 января 2019, 14:11:47 »
Dear Ben,
     Thank you for your last letter. I was wery glad to hear from you again. Sorry ,i I haven`t bean been in touch for a while ,but i I have been very buissy busy preparing for my exams at shool school lately.
     I hope you have had a great time in your country hous house. i some times I sometimes going on go for the picnics withe with my family but it is weary very rear rare. Here in Moscow in winter it`s sometimes snowing snows , sometimes cloudly cloudy, but now we have a great weather.
       Now about you .whats new?  how is your progress in at school ? what about your familly , friends ? You are supposed to give 3 questions to his news!!!
Sorry ,i have to go caus because i need to help mybrother withe with his home work. write soon, hope you have fun .Write back soon.
Best regards,
Mind your mistakes, Max!

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3197 : 10 января 2019, 14:11:15 »
Hello, Charlie,
Thanks for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you again. I'm happy that you spent a good time in the countryside.
Answering your questions,
Myself, I'm not a big fan of going outside in general, but my parents are really into going sightseeing, having picnics and stuff like that, so i don't have a choise. I prefer to stay indoors and play videogames or browse the internet all day instead of being close to nature. And yeah, one of the reasons why i don't like going outside is terrible weather. It's either too hot or too cold.
By the way, congrats on winning Silver. Was the competition hard? How many bands participated? And who was the lead singer of yours? Tell me everything!
Hope to get response soon.
Best wishes,

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3196 : 10 января 2019, 14:03:39 »
Dear Ben,
     Thank you for your last letter. I was wery glad to hear from you again. Sorry ,i haven`t bean in touch for a while ,but i have been very buissy preparing for my exams at shool lately.
     I hope you have a great time in your country hous. i some times going on the picnics withe my family but it is weary rear. Here in Moscow in winter it`s sometimes snowing , sometimes cloudly, but now we have a great weather.
       Now about you .whats new?  how is your progress in school ? what about your familly , friends ?
Sorry ,i have to go caus i need to help mybrother withe his home work. write soon, hope you have fun .
Best regards max/

Оффлайн yemi

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3195 : 10 января 2019, 14:02:42 »
Hello,Dear Charlie,
Thanks for your last letter. I was very glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't been in touch for a while, but I have been very busy at school lately
I'm happy that you spent a good time in the countryside.
Answering your questions,
Myself, I'm not a big fan of going outside in general, but my parents are really into going sightseeing, having picnics and stuff like that, so i don't have a choise. I prefer to stay indoors and play videogames or browse the internet all day instead of being close to nature. And yeah, one of the reasons why i don't like going outside is terrible weather. Autumn, winter and spring it's too cold, while in summer it's too hot. There's no this precious inbetween- you are either freezing or burning. ????
By the way, congrats on winning Silver. Was the competition hard? How many bands participated? And who was the lead singer of yours? Tell me everything!
Hope to get response soon,(.)
Best wishes,
Sofia.( No full stops)
Mind your mistakes, Sophia!

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3194 : 10 января 2019, 13:53:51 »
Thanks for your letter. I'm happy that you spent a good time in the countryside.
Myself, I'm not a big fan of going outside in general, but my parents are really into going sightseeing, having picnics and stuff like that, so i don't have a choise. I prefer to stay indoors and play videogames or browse internet all day instead of being close to nature. And yeah, one of the reasons why i don't like going outside is terrible weather. Autumn, winter and spring it's too cold, while in summer it's too hot. There's no this precious inbetween- you are either freezing or burning.
By the way, congrats on winning Silver. Was the competition hard? How many bands participated? And who was the lead singer of yours? Tell me everything!
Hope to get response soon,

Оффлайн david tagiev

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3193 : 10 января 2019, 12:20:59 »
решуогэ  вариант 15

1. 5241
2. 42513
