Автор Тема: Short texts for reading  (Прочитано 790604 раз)

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Оффлайн DashaVinokurova

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3267 : 22 января 2019, 10:51:07 »
            exersice 1
1. Looking at how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2. I know the man to be star in his younger days.
3. Thjey must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot off good.
4. He was going to let life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We cosidered it to be wrong they could not make us do it.
6. I have often known medcine has worked wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8. It is freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9. One should not letone small mistake spoil one's whole life.
10. You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3266 : 22 января 2019, 10:49:03 »
                                                                                p.4 ex.I
1.Looking at how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2.I know the man to be a star in his younger days.
3.They must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4.He was going to let life to go on as if nothing had happened.
5.We considered it to be wrong, they couldn't make us do it.
6.I have often known medicine work wonders.
7.Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8.It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9.One shouldn't let one small mistake to spoil one's whole life.
10.You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн Michail(Варшавский)

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3265 : 22 января 2019, 10:48:53 »
page 4 ex 1
 1. Looking at how happy you aremakes me fell young again.
 2. I know the man to be a star in his younger days.
 3. They must be thankful for your advise. I believe it will dothem a lot of good.
 4. He was going to go  on as if nothing had happend.
 5. We considered itto be wrong, they couldn't make us do it.
 6. I have often known medicine work wonders.
 7. Each of us told a story and that madethe time pass.
 8. It's freesing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
 9. One shouldn't let one small mistake to spoil one's whole life.
10. You can't expect her to behave like that.
это стоило мне огромных усилий

Оффлайн Nader Z

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3264 : 22 января 2019, 10:48:45 »
P. 4 Ex. I

1. Looking how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2. I know the man to be a star in his younger days.
3. They must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4. He was going to let his life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We considered it to be wrong; they couldn't make us do it.
6. I have often known medicine work wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9. One shouldn't let one small mistake spoil one's whole life.
10. You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн kseniaSeregina

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3263 : 22 января 2019, 10:48:35 »
                                                                       exercise 1
1. Looking at how happy you are makes me feeling young again.
2. I know him beeng a star in his younger days.
3. They must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4. He was going to let life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We considered it wrong:they could not make us to do it.
6. I have often known medicine working wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time to pass.
8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put onyour fur coat.
9. One

Оффлайн Dzhiganov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3262 : 22 января 2019, 10:48:24 »
                                                 UNIT10 p.4 ex. 1
1)Looking at how happy you are makes me to feel young again.
2)I know him to be a star in his younger days.
3)They must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4)He was going to let his live go on as if nothing had happened.
5)We considered it to be wrong: they couldn't make us do it.
6)I have often known medicine to work wonders.
7)Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8)It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9)One shouldn't let one small mistake spoil one's whole life.
10)You can't expect her to behave like that.
Never say never

Оффлайн david tagiev

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3261 : 22 января 2019, 10:47:57 »
Unit 10,p.4,ex.1
1.Looking at how happy you are makes  me to feel young again.
2.I know the man to be a star in his younger days.
3.They must be thankful for your advice.I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4.He was going to let his life go on as if nothing had happened.
5.We considered it to be wrong they could not do it.
6.I have often known medicine to work wonders.
7.Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8.It is freezing outside.I want you to put on your fur coat.
9.One should not let one small mistake spoil one's whole life.
10.You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн Boykov Tim

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3260 : 22 января 2019, 10:44:50 »
ex. 1 unit 10 (shopping):
1. Looking at how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2. I know a man to be a star in his younger days.
3. They must be thankful for your advice. I believe it will do them a lot of good.
4. He was going to let his life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We concidered it to be wrong: they couldn't made us do it.
 6. I've often known medicine to work wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9. One shouldn't let one small mistake spoil one's whole life.
 10. You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн Mihsa Grihsin

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3259 : 22 января 2019, 10:38:41 »
1.Looking at them makes me feel young again. 2.I know him to be a star in his younger days.
3.They must be thankful for your advice. I belive it will do them a lot of good. 4.He was going to let his live go on as if nothing had happened. 5.We considered it to be wrong: they couldn't make us do it. 6.I have often known medicine to work wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass. 8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat. 9. One shouldn't let one small mistake spoil one's whole life. 10.You can't expect her to behave like that.

Оффлайн Хрум-Хрумыч

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3258 : 18 января 2019, 10:49:34 »
                                                                    The Beatles
The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960.With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became regarded as the foremost and most influential music band in history.
Led by primary songwriters Lennon and MacCartney, the Beatles built their reputation playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a period from 1960 to 1963. The core trio of Lennon, MacCartney and Harrison, together since 1958, went through a lot of drummes, before asking Starr to join them in 1962. Their Manager Brain Epstein and producer George Martin guided  and developed their recordings, greatly expanding the group`s homeland success after their first hit "Love Me Do". Their popularity soon became fan frenzy called "beatlemania"

Оффлайн NASTIA.NOVI.aue

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3257 : 18 января 2019, 10:42:53 »
The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960.With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became regarded as the foremost and most influential music band in history. Rooted in skiffle, beat and 1950s rock and roll, the group were integral to pop music's evolution into an art form and to the development of the counterculture of the 1960s. They often incorporated classical elements, older pop forms and unconventional recording techniques in innovative ways, and later experimented with several musical styles ranging from pop ballads and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock.

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3256 : 17 января 2019, 14:10:05 »
Var 14.
1- 437165
2- 1233231
3- 2
4- 2
5- 1
6- 1
7- 3
8- 3
9- 1
10- 7186432
11- 614723
12- 3
13- 4
14- 2
15- 2
18- 1
19- countries
20- our
21- to know
22- involves
23- learning
24- eating
25- was organised
26- tropical
27- achievement

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3255 : 17 января 2019, 14:09:50 »
1. When  the group was formed?
2. Who was entering the group?
3. Where the groupe was formed ?
4. Where were  they playing during the period from 1960 to 1963?
5. how and when Lennone died ?
6. How and when Harrison died ?
7. what is the best group in the world ?
8. What is the name of the leadder of the band ?
9. When was the groupe disbanded ?
10. What is the name of their first hit ?
11. How many records were sold ?
12. In what magasin were they included ?
13. How many sales did The Beatles have?
14. How many grammy awards did they recieve?
15. Is there still someone alive in the group ?

Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3254 : 17 января 2019, 14:07:32 »
Making question to the text about The Beatles.

1. When was the band Beatles formed?
2. Who was the drummer in the band?
3. What was the name of the band`s producer?
4. Who were the leaders of the group?
5. How did the Beatles build their reputation?
6. How many members were there in the band?
7. When was John Lennon shot and killed?
8. What is the name of the band`s  first hit?
9. Where the Beatles were formed?
10. In what  year The Beatles became international stars?
11. Who were the core trio of the band?
12. Who is remain musically active?
13. How many records of their songs and albums had been sold worldwide?
14. How many Grammy Awards have the Beatles received?
15. In what year did the band break up?
16. What is the “Beatlemania”?
17. How did Harrison died?

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3253 : 17 января 2019, 13:33:18 »
The Beatles, Questions.
1.Where and when the band was formed?
2.Who are the members of the band?
3. Who led the Beatles?
4. How they built their reputation?
5. Who is the core trio of the Beatles?
6. When Starr joined the band?
7. What is the band's first hit song?
8. How was the band's popularity called by fans?
9. When the Beatles became international stars?
10.When the band was disbanded?
11. How John Lennon died?
12. Who remains musically active to this day?
13. How many sales worldwide the Beatles achieved?
14. What kinf of awards the Beatles recieved?
15. What is the name of magazine that included the members of the band in compilation of the 20th century's 100 most influencial people?
