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Оффлайн anna maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3642 : 07 мая 2019, 12:13:47 »
p. 27
1. What a beautiful dress!
2. I want you to buy this suit and tie to go with it.
3. My wife made me buy new slippers, socks, two shirts, a pair of boots and pajamas for the trip.
4. I want you to buy me a new fur coat.
5. There were selt women coats, trousers, pullovers, skirts, jackets, underwear and many other things in the shop.
6. - What a beautiful jacket! You look so fit in it!
- Do you really like it?
7. This scarf and hat don't go on.
8. It is dirty on the street and I don't let you wear the new shoes and stockings. Put down this new blouse too. You are incourigible!
9. I think this pulover costs too much. There is no point buying it.
10. The professor put on a coat, hat and gloves and went to the street. It was a very cold winter evening and he had to walk faster to get warm.
11. Two students in the new jackets were walking down the street.
12. I like your mittens. I want to buy such for my son. Where are they sold?

Оффлайн vika.nosik

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3641 : 07 мая 2019, 12:11:51 »
                                                                              ex. 1, p.4
1. Looking at how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2. I know the man to be a star in his younger days.
3. They must be thankful for youe advice. I belive it will do them a lot of good.
4. He was going to let life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We considered it to be wrong, they coudnt make us do it.
6. I have often know medicine to work wonders
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9. One shoudnt let one small miskate to spoil ones whole life..
10. You cant exepect her behave like that.

Оффлайн УбийцаКрови2003

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3640 : 07 мая 2019, 11:59:28 »
1. Looking at how happy you are makes me feel young again.
2. I know the man, to be a star in his younger days.
3. They must be thankful for your advice. I belive it will do them a lot of good.
4. He was going to let life go on as if nothing had happened.
5. We considered it to be wrong they coudn't make we do it.
6. I have often know medicine to work wonders.
7. Each of us told a story and that made the time pass.
8. It's freezing outside. I want you to put on your fur coat.
9. One shoudn't let one small miskate to spoil one's whole life..
10. You can't exepect she behave like that

Оффлайн anna maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3639 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:19:58 »
 :tarakan: ex. 4, p. 5
1. I want us all to go sightseeing on Sunday.
2. I want him to say it to my face.
3. We want him to return later.
4. I consider him to be the best actor in the theatre.
5. I expect the weather tochange very soon.
6. I consider him to be fit for the job.
7. She wanted the question to be easier.

Оффлайн варварик

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3638 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:17:14 »
Ex.6 p.7
1.Get cold. I want you to wear fur coat.
2. I didn't expect, you can
3.I'm don't want,you live in one room. I don't like your new friend.
4.Would you like me to see you off the airport?-As you wish. But if you see me of the airport, I'll very happy.
5.Don't let this person spoil your all life.
6.Nobody can make he do what he don't like.
7.I'm consider, you wrong. You did very rude with your san.
8.Does he still want you to go to the Far East? -Of course, he does. Furthermore, he's going  to make us going to the Far East     too.

Оффлайн NASTIA.NOVI.aue

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3637 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:16:03 »
1)It's getting cold. I want you to wear a fur coat.
 2)I didn't expect you to behave that way.
3)I would not want you to live in the same room. I don’t like your new friend.
5)Don't let this man ruin your whole life

Оффлайн УбийцаКрови2003

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3636 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:15:16 »
p 7 ex 6
1. It's getting cold. I want you to put on the fur coat.
2. I didn't excect that you can behave yourself like that.
3. I woud like to you live in another room. I dont like your new friend.
4. - Woud you like me to see you of to the airpoart?
- As you wish. But if you se me of, i'l be hapy.
5. Dont let this person to ruin your all life.
6. Noone can make you things you dont want.
7. I think thay you wrong. You were to rude with you soon.
8. - Does he still want you to go to the far east by train?
- Of course he does. Furthermore he will make us go to the far east by train

Оффлайн anna maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3635 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:10:08 »
ex.6, p. 7
1. It's getting cold. I want you to put on a fur coat.
2. I didn't expect you to act this way.
3. I won't like you to live in one room. I don't like yours new friend.
4. Sould I see you off to the airport?
    As you like. I'll be happy if you do this.
5. Don't let this person ruin all your life.
6. Nobody can make him do what he doesn't want.
7. I consider you are not right. You was too rude with your son.
8. Does he stiil want to go to the Far East?
    Of course, he does. Furthermore, he is going to make us go with him.

Оффлайн vika.nosik

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3634 : 30 апреля 2019, 12:05:23 »
                                                                   ex. 6, p.7
1. Get cold. I want you to wear fur coat.
2. I didnt expect you can.
3. I wont like you to live in one room. I dont like yours new friend.
4. Sould I see you off to the airport?
    As you like. Ill be happy if you do this.
5. Dont let this person ruin all your life.
6. Nobody can make him do what he doesnt want.
7. I consider you are not right. You was too rude with your son.
8. Does he stiil want to go to the Far East?
    Of course, he does. Furthermore, he is going to make us go with him.

Оффлайн М.Розеншток

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3633 : 26 апреля 2019, 13:52:10 »
RESHU-EGE var. 11

Moscow, Russia
April, 26
Dear Richard,
                    thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I spent time doing a school project.
I hope you’ll succeed at your finals. I prefer spending time at home. Usually, during the weekends I go to my countryhouse. I read books, do in for sports and play the guitar and piano. Music is my main hobby. Also I’m very interested in literature and sports.
Anyway, you've mentioned your friend. What are you going to do together? How often do you meet? Have you warned your parents about the visit?
I'm afraid, I must be go as I promised to help my sister with her homework.
Write back soon!
Best wishes,

Оффлайн Ilya191

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« Ответ #3632 : 26 апреля 2019, 13:48:33 »
10. 6725834;
11. 362175;
12. 4;
13. 2;
14. 1;
15. 1;
16. 2;
17. 3;
18. 1;
19. meaning;
20. formed;
21. considered;
22. located;
23. wasdesigned;
24. won;
25. their;
26. expensive;
27. different;
28. dishonest;
29. invisible;
30. wonderful;
31. certainly;
32. 1;
33. 3;
34. 4;
35. 3;
36. 1;
37. 2;
38. 4;

Оффлайн М.Розеншток

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3631 : 26 апреля 2019, 13:37:01 »
RESHU-EGE var. 11

10). 6725834
11). 362175
12). 4
13). 2
14). 1
15). 1
16). 2
17). 3
18). 1
19). Meant
20). Formed
21). Considering
22). Located
23). Was designed
24). Won
25). Their
26). Expenseve
27). Different
28). Dishonest
29). Visiblest
30). Wonderfull
31). Certainly
32). 2
33). 4
34). 3
35). 3
36). 2
37). 1
38). 4

Оффлайн Nader Z

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3630 : 26 апреля 2019, 12:20:46 »
1. Работа очень сложная. Не могли бы вы мне помочь?
2. Вы не ,будите против, если я закрою окно?
3. Не могли бы вы проводить мою сестру до станции? У неё две тяжёлые сумки.
4. "Не могли бы вы увеличить мой оклад? Я вчера женился." "Извините, но мы не несём ответственности за несчастные случаи за пределами завода."
5. Оркестр закончил играть Вагнера "Piligrim's Chorus". Женщина подошла к руководителю оркестра и сказала: "Не могли бы вы сыграть Вагнера "Piligrim's Chorus?" "Боюсь, мы не сможем. Мы только что закончили её играть." "Жаль", сказала женщина. "Это моя любимая композиция."

1. Could you possibly help me translate this article?
2. Can you possibly close the window?
3. Could you possibly help me?
4. Can you possibly sing this song?
5. Could you possibly see me off to my home?
6. Would you please hurry up? You could be late for the train.

1. With great pleasure.
2. Certainly.
3. Most willingly.
4. Here you are.
5. With great pleasure.
6. Certainly.
7. Here you are.

Оффлайн Соша Тюленич

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3629 : 26 апреля 2019, 12:11:40 »
1 Could you possibly close the window?
Could you help me?
Could you possibly translate this article?
Could you possibly sing this song?
Could you possibly walk me home?
2 Would you hurry up,please?You can miss the train.
Оплата картой или наличными?

Оффлайн Mihsa Grihsin

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3628 : 26 апреля 2019, 12:08:11 »
1.Работа очень тяжёлая. Не могла бы ты помочь мне,пожалуйста?
2.Вы не будете возражать если я закрою окно ?
3.Вы можете проводить мою сестру до станции?У неё тяжёлые сумки.
4."Не могли бы вы увеличить мой доход?Я поженился вчера." Извините,но мы не отвечаем за несчастный случай,вне завода.
5.Оркестр закончил играть "Паломнический хор" Вагнера.Девушка подошла к руководителю оркестра и сказала: "Не могли бы вы сыграть Вагнеровский "Паломнический хор"?" "Боюсь, что мы не сможем. Мы только что это сыграли." "Жаль", - сказала девушка. - "Это моя любимая композиция ."
