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Оффлайн arseniy

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3957 : 26 декабря 2019, 10:19:18 »
                                                                  1.The Russian State Library
                The Russian people read more than any other nations in th world.They read on the Metro, on planes,on trains,during they holidays.In fact,anywhereand ewerywhere.Of course,with the total of 4,000 million volumesin our 350,000 public libraries, there is no shortage of reading matter.
    The national library contains more than 40 million volumes. The library`s brain is in the catalogue room , where all the information is easily to available. The catalogue /hundreds of them/ list the books alphabeticaly, according to subject, and there are also special information and bibliographical departaments dealing with  information about every know work published in the world . THere is alsoa new publications`room which changes its contens every week.
Every year the library recevies some 700,000 Russianand 250,000 foreigh publications.

Оффлайн mark1228

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3956 : 26 декабря 2019, 10:16:03 »
                                                                           The Russian State Library
      The Russian people read more than any other nation in the world.They read on the metro,on planes,on trains,during their holidays.In fact,anywhere and everywhere.Of course,with a total of 4000 million volumes in 350000 public libraries,there is no shortage of reading matter.
        The national library contains more than 40 million volumes.
        The library's brain is in the catalogue room,where all the information is easily available.The catalogues/hundreds of them/list the books alphabetically,according to subject,and there are also special information and bibliographical departmemts dealing with about every known work published in the world.There is also a new publications' room which changes its contents every week.
        Every year the library receives some 700000 Russian and 250000 foreign publications.

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3955 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:58:39 »
Page 5 Ex8
1) I also eat in the cafeteria
    I don't eat in the cafiteria either.
2) Herald went to the movie with us also.
    Herald didn't went to the movie with us either.
3) I also eat lunch at one o'clock.
    I didn't eat lunch at one o'clock eiter.
4) Mary also likes pies for dessert.
    Mary doesn't like pies for desert either.
5) He goes to the restaurant on the corner too.
    He dosn't go to theeeee restaurant on the corner either.
6) She comes here also.
    She doesn't come here either.
7) John walks to school too.
    John doesn't walk to school either.
8) He likes this material too.
    He doesn't like this material either.   

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3954 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:57:09 »
It is a beautiful day.
What a beautiful day it is!

She plays the violin beautifully.
How beautifully she plays the violin!

He was very fast.
How fast he was!

It is very hot today.
How hot is it  today!

He is a very tall man.
How tall is the man!

Оффлайн Kalganova Maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3953 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:42:42 »
                                                                      Discipline in acting.
 ''People who are not involved in the thyeatre just don`t know what it`s like.''
Probably the most difficult thing about acting is the enormous amount of work - physical and mental work. In recent years the theatre, television and film industry become more cost and time conscious than ever before, so everything must be compressed into a very short time period. An average hour-long program is shot in nine days. You never say to movie director: ''I don`t think i can do this today. Can we do it tomorrow ? ''  No, you are must supposed to show up in time, in good physical shape and knowing your lines. The rules are strict. Actor who don`t meet the demands find it difficult to find work. Good actors approach their work as professionally and in a businesslike manner as doctor or lawyer or banker.
Discipline is the most important thing in acting. Doing what is required of you regardless of your problems and fears. And with discipline comes courage - the courage to extend yourself. No gread actor has been without them.

Оффлайн Ким Абрамян

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3952 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:40:36 »
Number 4
1. They are not supposed to start work soon
    Are they supposed to start the work soon?
    When are they supposed to start?
2.They are not supposed to fiish the work tomorow
   Are they supposed to finish work tomorow?
   When are they supposed to finish?
3 Was not the pacage supposed to be delivered yesterday?
   The pacage was not supposed to be delivered yesterday
   When is the pacage is supposed to be delivered?
4.He is not supposed to live somewhere on this streat
   Is not he supposed to live somewhere on this streat?
   Where is he supposed to live?
5.He was not supposed to telephone me yesterday
  Was not he supposed to phone me tomorow?
  When is he supposed to phone me?
6.We were not supposed to meet them on 42nd street
   Were not we supposed to meet them on 42nd street?
   Where were we supposed to meet them?
7.The book is not supposed to be published in the spring
   When is the book supposed to be published?
   Is nt the book supposed to be published is spring?
8.The president is not supposed to visit our sity tomorrow
   Is the president supposed to visit our sity tomorow?
   When is the president supposed to visit our sity?
9.He is not supposed to arrive on the 10 am train
   When is he supposed to arrive ?
   Is he supposed to arrive on 10 am train?

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3951 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:37:58 »

  The text is about film industry and acting . June Havoc likes to say that people who are not involved in the theatre just don't know what it's like. It's true that there is a big ammount of work: physical and mental work. In recent years the theater, television and film industry became more cost and time conscious than ever before. So everything must be compressed in a very short time period.
   An average hour-long time programe is shot in nine days. You are supposed to show up at time, and in a very good physical shape. You never say to a moovie director "i am not in the good form today, can we do it tomorow.''
    The rules are strict for everyone.
      Their are alot of good examples in Hollywood such as Richard, Elizabeth, John, Marlon, Paul, Audrew, Katherine and others for who discipline is their second nature. They approch their work like some bankers, lawyers and doctors. But their are some tragic examples like Marlyne Manroe who didn't respect her demands.
     Their is a simple defenition of discipline: doing is whar required of you regardless of your problems and fears. With discipline comes courage.

Оффлайн Kalganova Maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3950 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:37:01 »
Ex.4 p.4
1) They are supposed to start the work soon.
  a/ They aren`t supposed to start the work soon.
  b/ Are they supposed to start the work soon ?
  c/ When are they  supposed to start the work ?

2) They are supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
  a/ They aren`t supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
  b/ Are they supposed to finish the work tomorrow ?
  c/ When are they supposed to finish the work ?

3) The package was supposed to be delivered yesterday.
  a/ The package wasn`t supposed to be delivered yesterday.
  b/ Was the package supposed to be delivered yesterday ?
  c/ When was the package supposed to be delivered ?

4) He is supposed to live somewhere on this street.
  a/ He isn`t supposed to live somewhere on this street.
  b/ Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street ?
  c/ When is he supposed to live ?

5) He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
  a/ He wasn`t supposed to telephone me yesterday.
  b/ Was he  supposed to telephone me yesterday ?
  c/ When was he supposed to telephone me ?

6) We were supposed to meet them on 42ndn Street.
  a/ We weren`t supposed to meet them on 42ndn Street.
  b/ Were we supposed to meet them on 42ndn Street ?
  c/ When were we supposed to meet them ?

7) The book is supposed to be published in the spring.
  a/ The book isn`t supposed to be published in the spring.
  b/ Is the book supposed to be published in the spring?
  c/ When isthe book supposed to be published ?

8) The President is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
  a/ The President isn`t is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
  b/ Is the President is supposed to visit the city tomorrow ?
  c/ When is the President is supposed to visit the city ?

9) He is supposed to arrive on the ten o`clock train.
  a/ He isn`t supposed to arrive on the ten o`clock train.
  b/ Is he supposed to arrive on the ten o`clock train.
  c/ When is he supposed to arrive ?

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3949 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:34:09 »
"People don't understand, what is like to be an actor"- June Havoc likes to say.
Propably the most difficult thing in acting is enormous anount of work - physical and mental work - involved in the craft. The TV, theatre and film industry has become more expensive and time consious than before, so hour-long program is shot in nine days. And film director don't care about your health, so you need to be in time and be discipline.
There are a lots of people, who are good actors and actresses and they have a good discipline: Richard Burton, Elizbeth Taylor, Paul Newman etc. Also we have a bad example- Marilyn Monroe.
Discipline, according into the author, is doing what is reuired of you regardless of your problems and fears.  With the discipline comes courage - the courage to extend yourself. This is the second nature of every good actor.
No great actor without them.

Оффлайн max2002

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3948 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:33:29 »
Page 4 ex 4
1) they are supposed to start the work soon.
a) They are not suppsed to start the worj soon.
b) Are they suppsed to tart te work soon?
c) When are they suppsed to start he work?

2) They are supposed to finish the work tommorow.
a) They are not supposed to finish the work tommotow.
b) Are they supposeed to finish the work by tommoow?
c) When are they supposed to finish the work?

3) The package was supposed to to be denivered yesterday
a) The package wasn't supposed to be delivered yesterday.
b) Was the package supposed to be delivered yeaterday?
c) When the package was supposed to be delivered?

4) He is supposed to live somewhere on this steet.
a) He isn't supposed to live somewhere on this street.
b) Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street?
c) Where he was supposed to live?

5) He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
a) He wasn't supposed to telephone me yesterday.
b) Was he supposed to telehpone me yesterday?
c) When he was supposed to telephone me ?

6) We were supposed to meet them on 42nd street.
a) We weren't supposed to meet them on 42nd street
b) Were we supposed to meet them on 42nd street?
c) Where we were supposed to meet them?

7) The book is supposed to be published in the spring.
a) The book isn't supposed to be published in the spring.
b) Is the book supposed to be published in spring?
c) Whene the book is supposed to be published?

8) The president is supposed to visit the city tomorrow/
a) The presient isn't supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
b) Is the president supposed to visit the city tomorrow?
c) When the president is suppossed to visit the city?

9) He is supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train.
a) He isn't supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train.
b) Is he supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train?
c) When he is supposed to arrive.

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3947 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:32:50 »
                                                                                      p.IV ex.4
1. They are supposed to start the work soon.
 a) They aren't supposed to start the work soon.
 b) Are they supposed to start the work soon?
 c) When are they supposed to start the work?
2. They are supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
 a) They aren't supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
 b) Are they supposed tj finish the work tomorrow?
 c) When are they supposed to finish the work?
3. The package was supposed to be delivered yesterday.
 a) The package wasn't supposed to be delivered yesterday.
 b) Was the package supposed to be delivered yesterday?
 c) When was the package supposed to be delivered?
4. He is supposed to live somewhere on this street.
 a) He isn't supposed to live somewhere on this street.
 b) Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street?
 c) Where is he supposed to live?
5. He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
 a) He wasn't supposed to telephone me yesterday.
 b) Was he supposed to telephone me yesterday?
 c) When was he supposed to telephone me?
6. We were supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
 a) We weren't supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
 b) Were we supposed to meet them 42nd Street?
 c) Where were we supposed to meet them?
7. The book is supposed to be published in spring.
 a) The book isn't supposed to be published in spring.
 b) Is the book supposed to be published in spring?
 c) When is the book supposed to be published?
8. The President is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
 a) The President isn't supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
 b) Is the President supposed to visit the city tomorrow?
 c) When is the President supposed to visit the city?
9. He is supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train.
 a) He isn't supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train.
 b) Is he supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train?
 c) When is he supposed to arrive?

Оффлайн Александра

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3946 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:30:31 »
Ex 4 p4
1They are supposed to start the work soon.
They aren't supposed to start the work soon.
Are they supposed to start the work soon?
When are they supposed to start the work?
2They are supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
They aren't supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
Are they supposed to finish the work tomorrow?
When are they supposed to finish the work?
3 The package was supposed to be delivered yesterday.
The package wasn't supposed to be delivered yesterday.
Was the package supposed to be delivered yesterday?
When was the package supposed to be delivered?
4 He is supposed to live somewhere on this street.
He isn't supposed to live somewhere on this street.
Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street?
Where is he supposed to live?
5 He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
He wasn't supposed to telephone me yesterday.
Was he supposed to telephone me yesterday?
When was he supposed to telephone me ?
6 We were supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
We weren't supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
Were we supposed to meet them on 42nd Street?
Where were we supposed to meet them?
7The book is supposed to be published in the spring.
The book isn't supposed to be published in the spring.
Is the book supposed to be published in the spring?
When is the book supposed to be published?
8The president is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
The president isn't supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
Is the president supposed to visit the city tomorrow?
When is the president supposed to visit the city ?

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3945 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:28:09 »
They are supposed to start the work soon.
They aren't supposed to start the work soon.
Are they supposed to start the work soon?
When are they supposed to start the work?

They are supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
They aren't supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
Are they supposed to finish the work tomorrow?
When are they supposed to finish the work?

The package was supposed to be delivered yesterday.
The package wasn't supposed to be delivered yesterday.
Was the package supposed to be delivered yesterday?
When was the package supposed to be delivered?

He is supposed to live somewhere on this street.
He isn't supposed to live somewhere on this street.
Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street?
Where Is he supposed to live?

He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
He wasn't supposed to telephone me yesterday.
Was he supposed to telephone me yesterday?
When was he supposed to telephone me?

We were supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
We weren't supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
Were we supposed to meet them on 42nd Street?
Where were we supposed to meet them?

The book is supposed to be published in the spring.
The book isn't supposed to be published in the spring.
Is the book supposed to be published in the spring?
When is the book supposed to be published?

The president is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
The president isn't supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
Is the presedient supposed to visit the city tomorrow?
When is the president supposed to visit the city?

He is supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train..
He isn't supposed to arrive on ten o'clock train.
Is he supposed to arrive on ten o'clock train?
On which train is he supposed to arrive?

Оффлайн SofiaF

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3944 : 20 декабря 2019, 13:24:14 »
ex4. p4.

1.They are supposed to start the work soon.
a.They aren't supposed to start the work soon.
b.Are they supposed to start the work soon?
c.When are they supposed to start the work?

2.They are supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
a.They aren't supposed to finish the work tomorrow.
b.Are they supposed to finish the work tomorrow?
c.When are they supposed to finish the work?

3.The package was supposed to be delivered yesterday.
a.The package wasn't supposed to be delivered yesterday.
b.Was the package supposed to be delivered yesterday?
c.When was the package supposed to be delivered?

4.He is supposed to live somewhere on this street.
a.He isn't supposed to live somewhere on this street.
b.Is he supposed to live somewhere on this street?
c.Where is he supposed to live?

5.He was supposed to telephone me yesterday.
a.He wasn't supposed to telephone me yesterday.
b.Was he supposed to telephone me yesterday?
c.When was he supposed to telephone me?

6.We were supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
a.We weren't supposed to meet them on 42nd Street.
b.Were we supposed to meet them on 42nd street?
c.Where were we supposed to meet them?

7.The book is supposed to be published in the spring.
a.The book isn't supposed to be published in the spring.
b.Is the book supposed to be published in the spring?
c.When is the book supposed to be published?

8.The president is supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
a.The president isn't supposed to visit the city tomorrow.
b.Is the presedient supposed to visit the city tomorrow?
c.When is the president supposed to visit the city?

9.He is supposed to arrive on the ten o'clock train.
a.He isn't supposed to arrive on ten o'clock train.
b.Is he supposed to arrive on ten o'clock train?
c.On which train is he supposed to arrive?

Оффлайн Kalganova Maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #3943 : 19 декабря 2019, 14:10:24 »
Probably the most difficult thing about acting is the enormous amount of work - physical and mental work. In recent years the theatre, television and film industry become more cost and time conscious than ever before, so everything must be compressed into a very short time period. An average hour-long program is shot in nine days. You never say to movie director: ''I don`t think i can do this today. Can we do it tomorrow ? '' No, you are must supposed to show up in time, in good physical shape and knowing your lines. The rules are strict. Actor who don`t meet the demands find it difficult to find work. Good actors approach their work as professionally and in a businesslike manner as doctor or lawyer or banker.
Discipline is the most important thing in acting. Doing what is required of you regardless of your problems and fears. And with discipline comes courage - the courage to extend yourself. No gread actor has been without them.
