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Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4047 : 28 января 2020, 14:09:59 »
Page 19-20, ex 2
1. Hitler hoped, that if Russia is crushed, England will lose all hope, and then Germany will dominate Europe and the Balkans.
2. The nazis redeployed 5.500.000 troops to the Soviet borders.
3. They were confronted by 3.000.000-strong Red Army.
4. The factor of surprise, more experience in waging modern warfare, superior amount of tanks and planes contributed to the great successes of the Germans at the beginning of the war.
5. The fuhrer`s political advicers were disseminated the conviction, that Stalin`s own people would overthrow him after grave defeats.
6. Hitler admited, that in June 22 they opened a door, but didn`t know what was behind it.
7. They captured huge Soviet territories, surrounded Leningrad and threated Moscow.
8. They had understimated the Russian colossus.
9. The 1942 changed the entire course of World War II.
10. In 1942 the USSR produced about 66.7 percent less steel then Germany did, generated 60 percent less electricity, produced 75 percent less coal and 80 percent fever metall-cuting machine tools.
11. It was due to the people`s slflessness and to the strength of the people`s spirit.
12. "There is no land for us beyong the Volga".

Оффлайн Emiliya Boyko

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4046 : 28 января 2020, 14:09:32 »
                                                                             p.19 ex.II
1. What did Hitler hope for when he started the war against the Soviet Union?
Hitler's aim was always the crushing of the Soviet Union.
2. How many troops did the nazis redeploy to the Soviet borders?
Germany and its satellites redeployed 5.500.000 troops to the Soviet borders.
3. By how dig the Red Army were they confronted?
They were confronted by a 3.000.000-strong Red Army.
4. What factors contributed to the great successes of the Germans at the beginning of the war?
The nazi troops as distinct from the Soviet men and officers had quite a lot of experience in waging modern warfare by that time. The factor of surprise attack was on their side. It looked as if victory was in the hands of the armored Wehrmacht.
5. What conviction was disseminated by the fuhrer's political advisers?
The great hopes stemmed from the conviction that Stalin's own people would overthrow him after the grave defeats. This conviction was disseminated by the fuhrer's political.
6. What did Hitler admit to his entourage after the war had already been unleashed?
Hitler admitted to his entourage:"On June 22 we opened a door, but didn't know what was behind it."

7. What successes did the nazis manage to achieve in the first months of the war?
The Germans achieved extremely great successes in the first months of the war. Capturing huge Sivuet territories, surrounding Leningrad and threatening Moscow.
8. However something was alarming the Wehrmacht leaders. What was it?
One of the Wehrmacht leaders had already written in his diary at the peak of the German offensive:"The general situation demonstrates even more clearly and lucidly that we have underestimated the Russian colossus."
9. What year changed the entire course of World War II?
1941. It was the year of the battle of Stalingrad which changed the entire course of World War II.
10. What was the Soviet output of weapons in 1942?
Soviet enterprises gave the Army nearly 100 percent more planes and 150 percent more tanks and artillery pieces than Germany's industrial base produced.

Оффлайн Elly

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4045 : 28 января 2020, 14:09:03 »
ex. 2  p.19

1. What did Hitler hope for when ha started the war against the Soviet Union?
  Hitler hoped that the Germany will crush the Soviet Union and will dominate Europe andthe Balkans.

2. How many troops did the nazis redeploy to the Soviet borders?
    The Nazis redeployed 5,500,000 troops to the Soviet borders.

3. By how big the Red Army were they confronted?
    The nazis were confronted by a 3,000,000 - strong Red Army.

4. What factors contributed to the great successes of the Germans at the beginning of the war?
    The factor of surprise attack.

5. What conviction was disseminated by the fuhrer's political advisers?
    The conviction was, that Stalin's own people would overthrow him after grave defeats.

6. What did Hitler admit to his entourage after the war had already been unleashed?
    Hitler admitted to his entourage : " On June 22 we oppened a door, but didn't know what was behind it ". 

Second text

7. What successes did the Nazis manage to achieve in the first month of the war?
    The Germans capturing huge Soviet territories, surrounding Leningrad, and threatning Moscow.

8. However something was alarming the Wehrmacht leaders. What was it?
    The alarm was that, the general situation demonstrates even more clearly and lucidly that they underestimated the Russian colossus.

9. What year changed the entire course of World War II?

10. What was the Soviet output of weapons in 1942?
    iN 1942 the USSR produced about 66.7 percent less steel than Germany did, generated 60 percent less electricity, prodused 75 persent less coal and 80 persent fever metal-cuting machine tools.

11. The Soviet military and economic program brought fantastic results in 1942. What was it due to?
     The fantastic productivity was explained by the people's selflessness and by the strenght of the people's spirit.

text 3
2. What oath did the Red Army soldiers take in Stalingrad?
     "There is no land for us beyond the Volga".

13. What did W. Adam, aid to German Fieldmarchal Paulus, who was taken prisoner by Soviet troops, write about the heroism and spirit of the Soviet people?
     W. Adam wrote: The population in Stalingrad took up arms. On the battlefield lay dead workers , dressed in their coveralls more often than not, clutching a rifle or a pistol in frozen hands". 

Оффлайн Igor S

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4044 : 28 января 2020, 14:00:42 »
Ex.2, p.19-20
1. He wanted to destroy USSR and to dominate in Europe and in the Balkans.
2.5,5 million troops was redeployed by nazis.
3. They confronted 3 million troops.
4. Nazis had a lot of experience of wagging in modern warfare.
5.They hoped that Stalin's own people would overthrow him after great defeats.
6.He said: "On June 22 we opened a door, nut didn't know what was behind it."
7.They captured huge Soviet territories, surrounded Leningard and threatened Moscow.
8. He wrote about Russian solossus.
9.It was 1942.
10. It was a Battle of Stalingrad.
11.The fantastic productivity was explained by the people's selfnesses and by the stelgth of the people's spirit.
12.The oath was:"Ther is no land for us behind the Volga".
13.He wrote:"The population in Stalingrad took up arms. "
14.The partisans carried out the "Railway war" operation.
15.Partisans demolished 120,000 rails and stop nazis railroad transportation.
16.They hoped that multonational USSR would collapse under the Wehrmacht's blows.
17.It called so because Hitler was surprised the unity and stelgth of the Soviet people's spirit, when he opened a door in June 22,1941.

Оффлайн Крипер2004

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4043 : 28 января 2020, 12:13:06 »
Ex v page 5

1) He tries hard, but he only learns a little.
The harder he tries the less he leanrs.

2)If you drive fast you'll soon get there.
The faster you drive the sooner yuo get there.

3)If you do it very often it'll become very easy.
The more you do it the easier it becomes

4) He earns a lot, but he spends a lot
The more he earn the more he spend.

5)  You go to bed early and you you feel well tomorrow/
The earlier you go to bed the better you feel tomorrow

6)  If you read much you'll know the  languege well.
The more you read the better you know the languege.

7) I think about it again and again and fell sure of it more and more.
The more you think about it the more you fell sure about that.

Оффлайн anna maria

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4042 : 28 января 2020, 12:08:58 »
ex. III p. 4
1. They've got a very bad team, but Ford is a good player. What about Evans?
Evans is the best player of all.
2. All these people are very poor. Bill's got little money. What about Ted?
Ted has the least money of all.
3. We all live very far from the centre. James lives farther than I. What about you?
I live the farthest of all.
4. We all came home late yesterday. Your father came later than I. What about you?
I came the latest of all.
5. I live in a very old house, but my friend's house is even older. what about yours?
My house is the oldest of all.
6. There are five cars in the garage. This grey one is quite powerful. What about that blue one?
The blue one is the most powerfull of all.
7. This is a good unit, but Bill isn't a skillful soldier. What about Ted?
Ted is the least skillful soldier of all.

ex. IV p.5
1. Is Peter as good as John or James?
Peter isn't as good as John is, but he's much better than James.
2. Have they got as much money as the Williams or the Smiths?
They haven't got as much money as the Williams have, but they have got much more money than the Smiths.
3. Is London as far from here as Cambridge or Oxford?
London isn't as far from here as Cambridge is, but it's much farther than Oxford.
4. Are you as tired today as John or James?
I'm not as tired as John is, but I'm much more tired than James.
5. Is he as like his father as his sister or brother?
He isn't as like his father as his sister is, but he is much more like his father than his brother.
6. Was this year as bad as last year or the year before?
This year isn't as bad as last year was, but it is much worse than the year before.
7. Have you got as little money as you had yesterday and the day before?
I haven't got as little money as I had yesterday, but I have got much less money than the day before.

Оффлайн kseniaSeregina

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4041 : 28 января 2020, 12:08:36 »
                                                                        exercise 5
1. He tries hard ,but he only learns a little.
    The harder he tries ,the less he learns.
2. If you drive fast you will soon get there.
    The faster you drive the sooner you will get there.
3. He earns a lot,but he spends a lot.
    The more he earns the more he spends.
4. You go to bed early and you feel well tomorrow.
    The earlier you go to bed the better you feel tomorrow.
5. If you read much you'll know the language well.
    The more you read the better you know the language.
6. I think about it again and again and I feel sure of it more and more.
    The more often I think about it the more I feel sure of it.

Оффлайн миша рахматов

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4040 : 28 января 2020, 11:59:27 »
p5 ex5
  q1. He tries hard, but he only learns a little.
1. The more you try the more you learn.
 q2. If you drive fast you will soon get there.
2. The faster you drive the sooner you get there.
  q3. If you do it very often it will become very easy.
3. The more often you do it the easier it become.
  q4. He earns a lot, but he spends a lot.
4. The more you earn the more you spend.
  q5. You go to bed early and you feel well tomorrow.
5. The eralier you go to bed the better you feel tomorrow.
  q6. If you read much you will know the language well.
6. The more you read the better you know the language.
  q7 I think about it again and again and i feel sure of it more and more.
7. The more i think about it the more i feel sure of it.

Оффлайн Mihail Vassiliev

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4039 : 23 января 2020, 12:08:22 »
She happened be in New York in January, the month which according to the National Wether Servise, is the coldest month of the year, with average temperature of 30.8 degrees/Farenheit/ . It was reaaly cold, the wind was occasionally blowing and it was snowing from time to time. Of course with the wind blowing hard it wasn't very  pleasant outside,but otherwise days were sunny, bright, with not a cloud to be seen most of time. An inhabintant of a northen country would call them lovely winter days. And that is what she took them for until a TV set was installed in her room, and She  swithed it on and was enormously surprised to find out that she was a witness to a national disber, to the most severe inter in the USA in he last one hundred years. the televisionwas reporting the snowstorms all over the country, including New York, cars ans buss hald by the heavy snow, 200 victims of the cold freezung t o death in their flats or just in the streets and recommendation to the survivors as to how to protect theselves under the circumstances.


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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4038 : 23 января 2020, 12:08:16 »
2text                         New York Weather Impressions of a Muscovite

She happened to be in New York in January,the month which,according to the National Weather Services,is the coldest month of the year,with an average temperature 30.8 degrees Farenheit.It was really quite cold,the wind was occasionally blowing and it was snowing from time to time.Of course,with the wind blowing hard it wasn't very pleasant outside,but otherwise days were sunny,bright,with not a cloud to be seen most of the time.An inhabitant of nothern country would call them lovely winter days.And that is what she took them from until a tv set was installed in her room and she swichted it on and was enormously suprised to find out that she was being a witness to a national disaster,to the most severe winter in the Usa in the last one hundred years.The

Оффлайн миша рахматов

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4037 : 23 января 2020, 12:04:57 »
p7text 3th person
She happend to be in New York in January, the month which, accordin to the National Weather service, is the coldest of the year, with an average temprature f 30.8 degress/Fahrenheiet/ .
 It was realy quite cold, the wind was ocassionaly  blowing and it was snowing from time to time.
Of course, with the wind blowing hard it wasn't very pleasant  outside, but otherwise days were sunny, bright, with not a cloud to be seen   most of the time.
 AN inhabitant of a northern country would call them lovely witner days. And that is  wat she took them for until a Tv set was in her room and she swithced it on and was enormsly suprised to find out the she was wintessing a national disaster, to the msot severe winter in the Usa in the last one hundred years.  the Tv was reporting the snowstorms all over the country, inluding New York, cards and flats and just in the streets and recommendations to the survivos as to how to protect them selves under the circumstances.

Оффлайн Крипер2004

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4036 : 23 января 2020, 12:00:41 »

Оффлайн Крипер2004

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4035 : 23 января 2020, 11:59:41 »
p 7 third person text

She happend to be in New York in January, the month which, accordin to the National Weather service, is the coldest of the year, with an average temprature f 30.8 degress/Fahrenheiet/ . It was realy quite cold, the wind was ocassionaly  blowing and it was snowing from time to time. Of course, with the wind blowing hard it wasn't very pleasant  outside, but otherwise days were sunny, bright, with not a cloud to be seen   most of the time. AN inhabitant of a northern country would call them lovely witner days. And that is  wat she took them for until a Tv set was in her room and she swithced it on and was enormsly suprised to find out the she was wintessing a national disaster, to the msot severe winter in the Usa in the last one hundred years.  the Tv was reporting the snowstorms all over the country, inluding New York, cards and flats and just in the streets and recommendations to the survivos as to how to protect them selves under the circumstances

Оффлайн GameExp.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4034 : 23 января 2020, 10:51:06 »
II. Vocablary and Speech
1. Mother Says I (He) Have (Has) a Poor Appetite
      He generaly has three meals a day. They are:
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
      As a rule he gets up at seven and has his breakfast
at a quarter to 8. He's seldom hungry in the morning.
But appetite comes with eating, and for breakfast he has
boiled or fried eggs, some sandwiches or corn flakes ,
and one or two cups of strong coffee or tea with milk
or cream, and sugar. He likes his tea strong and freshly
made. Mother says, "A good breakfast gives you a good
start for the day."
      He usually has lunch at one o'clock. His mother tells
him to get home for this meal, but he has no time. So
he has it at a cafe near the office. His lunch is a
meal of three courses. For the first course he has soup.
Then sone kind of meat  or fish with potatoes. For
he usually has a cup of the or black cofee.
      When he comes home after work, he's as hungry as a
wolf. They say some people never have supper because
they don't want to eat much before going to bed. It's
different with him. After all, he's not on a diet, is
he? No matter how late he comes, he must have a good  solid
meal, consisting of the following: salad, a peace of
cold meat of ham, potatioes, and vegetables. He finishes
it with delicious meat pies and a glass of milk. The
latter is a bit too much, but I can't upset my mother, who
says I have a poor appetite.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Пришёл однажды день
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Когда попал я будто в круг
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀В литературы плен
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀И каких бы не было заслуг
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Не выйти мне, застрял,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Когда пришёл однажды день...

Оффлайн mishel_bliner

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #4033 : 23 января 2020, 10:50:30 »
He generelly has three meals a day.They are: breakfast ,lunch and dinner .
As a rule he gets up at seven and has his breakfast at a quater at eight .He is seldom hungry in the morning .But appetite comes with eating ,and for breakfast he has boiled or fried eggs ,some sandwiches or corn flakes ,and one or two cups of stromg coffee or tea with mealk or cream and sugar. He likes his tea strong and freshly made.Mother says ,``A good breakfast gives you a good start for the day``piece of cold meat or ham ,potatoes,and vegetables.
He usualy has lunch ot one o`clock .Mother tells him to gets home for thes meal,but he has no time .So he has it a cofe near the office.His lunch is a mial of three courses.For the first course he has soup.Then some kind of meat or fish with potatoes.For dessert he usualy has a cup of tea or black coffee.
When he comes home after work ,he is as hungry as a wolf.They say some people never have supper because they don`t wantto eat much beforegoimg to bed .It`s different with him.After all, he is not on a diet,ia he ?No matter how late he comes he most has agood solid meal,consisting of the following : salad,a
