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Оффлайн K. So.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #597 : 03 декабря 2015, 08:56:11 »
ex.51. The more he tries the better he learns
2. The faster you drive the sooner you get there
3. The oftener you do it the easier it is
4. The more he earns the more he spends
5. The earlier you go to bed the better you feel tomorrow
6. The more you read the better you know the language
7. The more I think about it the more I feel sure of it

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #596 : 03 декабря 2015, 07:42:29 »
P.5 Ex.5
1)Yesterday I reported the issue to the commander.
2)I have just reported the issue to the commander, and I wouldn't like to disturb him again.
3)Last week we resumed working after a long break.
4)Don't worry! We have already resumed our work and hope we'll deal with it.
5)I have been working in the institute since 1962 and I respect and honour all our customs and traditions.
6)In my opinion he worked here in 1962 or 1963. But that was very long time ago, so long that I cannot recognise him.
7)I have just had a rest in the Crimea and I feel refreshed and healthy.
8)I had a nice holiday in the Crimea last year.

Оффлайн Babkova_ira

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #595 : 02 декабря 2015, 23:24:52 »
page 5, exercise 5

1. Yesterday I reported the issue to the commander.
2. I have just reported the issue to the commander, and I wouldn't like to disturb him again.
3. Last week we resumed working after a long break.
4. Don't worry. We have already resumed our work and hope to be well with it.
5.  I have been working in the institute since 1962 and I respect and honour all our customs and traditions.
6. In my opinion he worked here in 1962 or 1963. But that was very long time ago, so long, that I cannot recognise him.
7. I have just had a rest in Crimea and I feel refreshed and healthy.
8. I hade a nice rest in Crimea last year.

Оффлайн That Guy

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #594 : 02 декабря 2015, 22:52:52 »
                                    Homework. Page 16 Ex. V.
1. Good idea! I'm all for it.
2. I'm afraid I can't. I hate the cold.
3. Good idea! I'm all for it.
4. I'm afraid I can't. I hate boating in the rain.
5. Good idea! I'm all for it.
6. I'm afraid I can't I hate swimming when it's raining.
7. Good idea! I'm all for it!
                                                          Page 4 Ex. III.
1. Evans is the best player in their team.
2. Ted's got less money than Bill.
3. I live further of all from the center.
4. I came home latest of all.
5. My house is much older than your friend's house.
6. The blue car is the most powerful.
7. Ted is the less skillful soldier.

Оффлайн arw

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #593 : 02 декабря 2015, 21:30:11 »

1. Evans is better than Ford. 2. Ted has got least money of them. 3. I live the furtherest of all. 4. I came the latest of all. 5. I live in the oldest house. 6. The blue car is the most powerful. 7. Ted is the most skillful soldier.

Second :
1. Good idea! I'm all for it.2. I'm afraid I can't. I hate the cold. 3. Good idea! I'm all for it. 4. I'm afraid I can't. I hate the rain. 5. Good idea! I'm all for it. 6. I'm afraid I can't. I hate swim when it's rainy. 7. Good idea! I'm all for it.

Оффлайн Amelia_K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #592 : 02 декабря 2015, 21:26:07 »
1)The more he tries the more he learns a little.
2)The faster you drive the sooner you get there.
3)The oftener you do it the easer it will become.
4)The more he earns the more he spends.
5)The earler you go to bed the better you feel tommorow.
6)The more you read the better you know the language.
7)The more I think about the more sure I feel.

Оффлайн Nicksuperrocker

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #591 : 02 декабря 2015, 21:25:01 »
                                                                           Exercise 5 (page 5).
                                            Translate the following sentences. Check your translation with the key.
1. I reported this issue to the boss to the commander.
2. I have just talked this issue over with the commander and I wouldn't like to disturb him again.
3. Last week we finally resumed our work after a long break.
4. Worry not. We've finally resumed our work and we hope to get on with it well.
5. I have been working in this university since 1962 and I respect and honour all our customs and traditions.
6. As far as I remember, he worked here in ether 1962 or 1963, but it was such a long time ago that I cannot recognise him now.
7. I have just had a nice vacation in Crimea and I now feel refreshed and healthy.
8. I had a great rest in Crimea last year.

Оффлайн Amelia_K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #590 : 02 декабря 2015, 21:13:44 »
Ex.41)Peter is as good as John,but he`s worse than James.
2)They haven`t got as much money as the Williams,but they`ve got more money than the Smiths.
3)London is not  as far from here as Cambridge,but it`s farther than Oxoford.
4)I`m as tired today as John,but I`m more tired today than  James.
5)He isn`t as like his father as his sister,but he`s more like his father than his brother is.
6)This year isn`t as bad as the last  year,but this year is much worse than the year before.
7)I haven`t got as little money today as I had yesterday,but I have got more money today than I had yesterday.

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #589 : 02 декабря 2015, 19:47:40 »
                                                       HOME WORK
                                                         EX.4 P.4-5

1.Peter is good as John,but he`s worse than James.
2.They haven`t got as much money as the Williams,but they`ve got more money than the Smiths.
3.London is as far from here as Cambridge,bur it`s farther than Oxoford.
4.I`m as tired today as John,but I`m more tired today than  James.
5.He isn`t as like his father as his sister,but he`s more like his father than his brother is.
6.This year was as bad as the last  year,but it  was better than the year before last year.
7.I haven`t got as little money today as I had yesterday,but I have got more money today than I had yesterday.


Оффлайн khristina

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #588 : 02 декабря 2015, 13:47:06 »
we are learning English language at the moment. We learnt English yesterday.

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #587 : 02 декабря 2015, 13:37:10 »
We are reading an interesting text at the moment. We have been reading since one o'clock. :russian: :russian: :russian:

Оффлайн Марианна

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #586 : 01 декабря 2015, 16:56:47 »
ex.3 pg.4
1. Evans is better than Ford. 2. Ted has got least money of them. 3. I live the furtherest of all. 4. I came the latest of all. 5. I live in the oldest house. 6. The blue car is the most powerful. 7. Ted is the most skillful soldier.
Ex. 5 pg. 16-17
1. Good idea! I'm all for it.2. I'm afraid I can't. I hate the cold. 3. Good idea! I'm all for it. 4. I'm afraid I can't. I hate the rain. 5. Good idea! I'm all for it. 6. I'm afraid I can't. I hate swim when it's rainy. 7. Good idea! I'm all for it.

Оффлайн Rich

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #585 : 01 декабря 2015, 10:03:50 »
P. 3   N1

Я ещё не слышал о последней новости.
Писатель говорит , что это будет его последний роман. ;)

На сколько лет твой старший брат старше тебя? На 2 года.
Мы обсудим проблему на следующем уроке :shok:

Где находится ближайшая станция?
Мы живем на дальней стороне города. ;)

Это последний экземпляр.
Он выглядит лучше своего отца, чем своих братьев. :)

Возьмите эту чашку чая, здесь меньше сахара.
Спроси его о помощи. Он сделает это лучше всех. 8)

Он собирается за границу в ближайшем будущем.

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #584 : 30 ноября 2015, 20:34:18 »
1)Я еще не слышал о последней новости.
2)Писатель говорит,что это будет его последний роман.
3)На сколько лет твой старший брат старше тебя?На два года он старше меня.
4)Мы обсудим проблему на следующим уроке.
5)Где находится ближайшая железнодорожная станция.
6)Мы живем на окраине города.
7)Здесь следующий пример.
8)Он похож на папу больше,чем его братья.
9)Возьмите эту чашку чая,там меньше сахара.
10)Попроси его помочь тебе.Он сделает это лучше всех.
11)Он уезжает за границу в ближайшем будущем.

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #583 : 27 ноября 2015, 08:48:53 »
24th of November,2015
Hi,Monica. I'm very glad to hear from you and I'm truly happy that you read the book about Russian festivals and you found it interesting. I like many festivals but my favorite is Maslenitsa because I'm fond of tasty pancakes with jam or with sour cream. In my opinion,nowadays festivals like Maslenitsa or Kolyadky aren't as popular among young people as N. Y.celebration or the 8th of March. I think there are so many regional festivals due to the variety of climate and traditions in different parts of Russia.
It's great news that you will apply to a university. Which university are you going to apply to? What exams are you going to take and what subjects do you want to study there? I'm looking forward to your answer
Best wishes,
