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Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 02 мая 2017, 12:10:57 »
                                                                                    ex. 3 p. 20

1. Hitler's aim was always the crushing of the Soviet Union.
2. Feverish preparations for attaking the USSR were begun.
3.  Germany and its satellites redeployed 5,500,000 troops to the Soviet borders.
4. The nazi troops as distinct from the Soviet men and officers had quite a lot of experience in waging modern warfare at that time.
5. The factor of surprise attack was on their side.
6. Armored Wehrmacht.
7. Politacal upheaval.
8. The conviction that own people would overthrow the government.
9. The bloody war unleashed by the nais.
                                                                             *        *         *
10. The Germans capturing huge Soviet territories, surrounding Leningrad, and threatening Moscow.
11. Of the German offensive.
12. How were arms and munitions produced?
13. Selflessness and the strength of the people's spirit.
                                                                               *         *        *
14. He was taken prisoner.
15. On the battlefield.
16. The partisans carried out the " Rail war" operation in occupied areas of Russia and Byelorussia.
17. The Byelorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. A small division.
19. 28 men destroyed 30 German tanks.
20. We have no room to retreat.
21. The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

                                                                                     :tarakan:       :tarakan: 

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 апреля 2017, 12:19:15 »
                                                                       Ex. 7 p.8

1. I am afraid, I can`t answer your questions because I am having so little of the country.
2. A new road will soon be built joining to the plant with the railway station.
3. He speaks like a man having hisopinion of everything.
4. He introduced me to a friend of his who had just returned from a far voyage from the Far East.
5. HAving bought train tickets and paking things, We went to see the attraсtion.
6. I cant forget the story told by you.
7. The story told will reminde you of your duty.
8. Will be the young men in the 18 years old he go volunteer to the army.
9. Being an officer, my greandfather will be honest, fearless, whith a strong temper and never lost his spirit

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 25 апреля 2017, 12:13:26 »
                                                                               Class reading p.35
                                                                                      TEXT 3

Q: что привело вас Адмирал к тому что вы стали офицером высокопоставленным офицером морского флота в США и стали сторонником разоружения?
A: Я не сторонник разоружения, я и нисколько не изменился. Как и прежде единственные вещи что я мог делать, это только стрелять и разрушать. Но сейчас времена изменились. Я присоединился к Морскому флоту, когда ядерное оружие только появилось. Какое-то время мы были единственными кто имел его. Но сейчас у Москвы есть все, что есть у  нас. Как у солдата и патриота моя забота, это безопасность моей страны, и я понимаю , что ядерная война- это безумие.
Никто не выиграет.  У меня есть имена для тех кто не хочет

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 18 апреля 2017, 12:19:16 »
                                                                                  page 24.ex. 9.
1. He had exstensive experienc in language teaching.
2. I know from bitter experienc how dangerous it is.
3. Remembering our childhood, we lost count of time.
4. His arguments seam to be persuasive. I sure he is speaking from pesonal experience.
5. The case s very strange and unpleasant. Tought of it makes me seek.


                                                                                Weapon, arms, munitions

1. Сражаться с врагом его же оружием.
2. Забастовка это политическое оружие.
3. Атомное и ядерное оружие это угроза для существования мира.
4. Заводы производят орудие и боеприпасы.
5.Когда война началась взрослые люди взяли в руки оружие.

1. During the war, the plant prodused arms and munitions.
2. The strike is a political weapon.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 04 апреля 2017, 12:09:42 »
                                                                                     :tarakan: MY HOLIDAYS. :tarakan:
I spent my holidays very well,  I thought the holidays would pass very fast, but they literally swept by me. In my holidays i rode a lot with my mom. Basically i spent ALL  my time playing the video game: collecting rank. I played  online shooter named OVERWATCH  :-*( i think you know it ;)).  It is a  little bit difficult for me , because i have a little brother ( little dude :biggrin:) and i had to look after him. I tried to play the game as soon as i had the  time, because it is my hobby, and i want to be very good at my hobby not gust good.  I think if i  play alot, i can be a pro at that , and go to the cyber-sport. I think it is a good idea but impractical because this occupation does not give a lot of money for living, but I think it is very funny anyway, and i dont really care about money, i think your job should be someting you like. If you like your job, it will give you a lot of money.  ::). Well.... i dont know what else to tell you, all of my holidays i played video games and babysityed my brother( little dude  :biggrin:)


Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 21 марта 2017, 12:07:51 »
                                                                          Ex. 7 p.8

1.Im afraid i cant answer all of youre questions, bacause i having no much in this country.
2. A new road will soon built, сonnecting plant with railroad station.
3. He talk like a man, who always having an opinion.
4. He introduced me to a friend of his who had just returned from a Far East.
5.Buying train-tikets and pakt things, we went seeing Attraction.
6. I cant forget story telling by you.
7. Being a young men , the age of 18, he going to the army.
8. Will be the оfficer , my grandfather will be a fair, braive ,with a strong character and never lost heart.

 :tarakan:      :tarakan:

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 марта 2017, 10:46:00 »
                                                                   Ex. 3  p. 21

14. Taken priconer
15. On the battlefield
16. Partisans operation in occupaied area of Russia and Byelorussia.
17. Byelorussian partisans alone, demolished 120,000 rails.
18. Small unit.
19. 28 solders destroyed 30 German tanks.
20. We haveno rooms to retreat.
21.The absolute unity of the Soviet people.

 :tarakan:       :tarakan:

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 марта 2017, 10:29:49 »
                                                                       Ex. 1 p. 6

Теряющий- Losing.
 Потерянный- last
Кончающий- Ending.
 Оконченный- ended
 Упакованный- pact
Отпразднованный- celebrated
 Начатый- started
 Освеженный- refreshed


Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 14 марта 2017, 12:14:02 »
1. Hitlers aim was always the crushing of the Soviet Union.
2. Feveish preparations for attacking the USSR were begun.
3. Germany and its satellites redeployed 5 500 000 troops to the Soviet boders.
4. Had quite a lot of experience in waging modern warefare by that time.
5. The factor of surprise attack was on their side.
6. Armored Wehrmacht.
7. Political upheaval.
8. Own people would overthrow him after grave defeats.
9. Bloody war unleashed by the nazis.

 :tarakan:       :tarakan:

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 09 марта 2017, 10:16:06 »
                                                                             ex. 7 p. 8

I'm afraid I wilint be able to answer your questions, since I have not much in this country.
A new road will built, a railway linking the plant to the railway station.
Не speaks like men, who has an opinion for any occasion.
Then he introduced me to  friend of his of the had just returned for a long adventure to the far east.
Having bought the tiсkets to tran we went inspect аttraction of the city.
Telling story will remind you, i belive, bout your debt.
Will be a young men 18 years old, he went into the army voluntarily.
Will be the оfficer , mw grandfather will be a fair, braive ,with a strong character and never lost heart.

 :tarakan:    :dumaet:  loshad

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 28 февраля 2017, 11:42:19 »
                                                                       page 7, ex. 4

1.The number of apartment houses built for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing.
2.It has been planned to dig a new canal supplying whole area with water for irrigation.
3.I not knowing his telephon number and i couldnt ring him up.
5.Had working as an interpreter for many years, he had a good practical knowledge of the language.
6. They finishing/hav finished their meal and went for a stroll in the park.
7. The log-playing records prodused by the local factory are of exceptionally fine quality
8. And the answer been expected came at last.


здравствуйте, я посмотрела ваши обсуждения  и мне стало очень интересно, я попыталась вспомнить , что было у меня в школе по этому поводу. Конечно у нас тоже была мода на игры и гаджеты, конечно в первый раз мы на каждой перемене играли и смотрели квк игают другие, но потом нам их запретили, были конечно и те кто все равно играл, но были и те кто смирились. Сейчас у нас никто  не сидит в гаджеах, потому что , и мода наних прошла и все уже пояли что зависить от какого-то куска железа, это не круто. Мне кажется вся эта зависимость только в младш. класах.

Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 16 февраля 2017, 10:46:03 »
Теряющий- Losing. Потерянный- last
Кончающий- Ending. Оконченный- ended
Упаковывающий-Packing. Упакованный- pact
Празднующий-Celebrating. Отпразднованный- celebrated
Начинающий-Starting. Начатый- started
Освежающий-Refreshing. Освеженный- refreshed


Английский язык / Re: Short texts for reading
« : 07 февраля 2017, 12:21:17 »
Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lost of people find going o the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. the movie audience is usually a young one.
      Nowadays people have video facilitiesat home, so they started to attend the cinema much more seldom. But no one denies the fact that the cinema-going habit is still a strong one.
         No matter how large the place you live in is ( whether it"s a big city or a small provincial town, or evena settlement) there"s most likely to be a cinema there.
           There are such genres of feature films as the western, the triller, the musical, the drama and the comedy. The performance lasts from two or three hours and most cinemas have at least 4 performances a day in one ciema fall. In many cinemas there are more that 3 cinemas halls.
            As fore me, Im foud of going to the cinema. Its a pity , I dont always have time fore it. Its an open secret that we live in a very difficult tme now. But people do need something amusing and pleasant , something to laughtat. Thats why I give my preference to comedies.
              Every generation have their own favourite films. Good films can raise moral questions and rarely try to give answers. It is

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