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Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: News
« Ответ #670 : 24 июня 2020, 14:40:10 »
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

     Дистанционная программа Школы-ВУЗа "Современное образование" называется ППС - педагогика, психология,
спорт. Разрабатывается с 16 марта 2020 года, со дня перехода Школы-ВУЗа "Современное образование" на дистанционное обучение. Суть - проводить видео уроки, максимально приближенные к реальной жизни, а также обеспечить психологическую поддержку ученику.
     Педагогика делит образовательный процесс человека на форму и содержание. Часть "содержание" образовательного процесса в Школе-ВУЗе "Современное образование", а также его связь с формой обучения, иначе - технологиями, описаны в нашей концепции (см."Наша концепция" на сайте и  ОСНОВЫ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОЦЕССА. КЛАССИКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ).
      Дистанционное обучение отличается от "обычного, реального" - по форме, формату. Здесь и следует искать пути решения обучения человека в дистанционном, онлайн режиме.
      Занятие в начальной школе (40') делим на две части  - 25+ 15. Первая часть  - "общее занятие", в котором участвует весь класс, вторая часть - конкретный индивидуальный подход: учитель работает с каждым учеником в индивидуальном режиме. Содержательная часть обучения (тексты, упражнения) изложена в частях I (Vocabulary and Speech), II (Grammar. Pronunciation), III (Reading. Writing. Speech) данного пособия. Наш дистанционный формат требует от учителя умения работать на компьютере, а также умения переосмыслить материал в сторону организации занятия в индивидуальном режиме и с помощью комплексного метода обучения.
     В этом большую роль сыграют
Audio and Visual Aids

     Человек познаёт мир через глаза (зрительное восприятие), уши (слуховое восприятие), руки (моторика), другие органы восприятия, и это следует знать и помнить при обучении человека. Комплексный метод обучения, к которому пришла педагогика к концу прошлого века, предполагает использование всех названных выше средств познания действительности с помощью разнообразных приёмов и способов. Таковыми приёмами и способами являются многочисленные упражнения данного пособия, которые включаются учителем в работу по мере необходимости.
     Все упражнения прорабатываются как с помощью зрительного восприятия, так и на слух (записаны на аудио носитель). Таким образом дистанционная программа ППС предполагает  использование инновационных технологий в специальном режиме: монитор + печатные материалы + аудио носители.
     Для развития навыков продуктивной свободной речи, а также в целях воспитания всесторонне развитой личности
в эту часть пособия включены соответствующие темам видео материалы - слайды, кинофильмы, видеофильмы и фрагменты из них.

Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #669 : 24 июня 2020, 13:36:03 »
Updated list of writers (Post #598)

The 00-s

Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) ???
John Galsworthy - The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921)
Jack London - The Call of the Wild and White Fang (1906)
Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie (1900)
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902) and The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1905)
Jack London - The Call of the Wild (1902), White Fang (1905) and Martin Eden (1909)
O’ Henry - The Gift of the Magi (1906)

The 10-s

George Bernard Shaw - Pygmalion (1912)
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Tarzan of the Apes (1912)
Jack London - The Red One (1918)
O’ Henry - The Ransom of Red Chief (1910)

The 20-s

Eugene O'Neill - Beyond the Horizon (1920)
Ernest Hemingway -  In Our Time (1926), The Sun Also Rises (1927), A Farewell to Arms (1929)
Erich Maria Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front (1928)
F. Scott Fitzgerald - This Side of Paradise (1920) and The Great Gatsby (1924)
Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha (1922)
Agatha Christie - Poirot Investigates (1924)
A. A. Milne - Winnie-the-Pooh (1924)

The 30-s

Aldous Huxley - Brave New World (1932)
Eugene O'Neill - Ah, Wilderness! (1933)
James M. Cain - The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934)
Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind (1936)
Ernest Hemingway - To Have and Have Not (1937)
John Steinbeck - Tortilla Flat (1935), The Red Pony (1933), Of Mice and Men (1937), The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
Erich Maria Remarque - Three Comrades (1936)
The first Superman comic appeared in June 1938

The 40-s

Ernest Hemingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)
John Steinbeck - Cannery Row (1945)
Erich Maria Remarque - Arch of Triumph (1945)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - The Little Prince (1943)
Astrid Lindgren - Pippi Longstocking (1945)
Eugene O'Neill - The Iceman Cometh (1946)
George Orwell - Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
P.L. Travers - Mary Poppins (1934)

The 50-s

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (1952)
Eugene O'Neill - Long Day's Journey into Night (1956)
Jack Kerouac - On the Road (1957)
Michael Bond  A Bear Called Paddington (1959)

J. R. R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (1954)
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles (1950)
J. D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye (1951)
Ian Fleming - Casino Royale (First James Bond novel) (1953)
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita (1955)

Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #668 : 23 июня 2020, 12:40:37 »

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #667 : 22 июня 2020, 23:44:40 »
The main text should be worked on as many times as it is necessary for obtaining the best possible results. It is used as:
- main text;
- text exercises.

A warming up exercise. Listen to the text and read it together with the speaker (as many times as you
need to do it at the speed of the speaker). Mind your intonation 
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн V.B.

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Re: News
« Ответ #666 : 22 июня 2020, 23:32:51 »
4 класс   +
UNIT 7 Great People 
I. Vocabulary and Speech
Peter the Great

     Peter I, or Peter the Great, is a very important person in Russian history. Peter I created  the Russian Empire, so
he was the last tsar of all Russia and the first emperor of Russia. The son of tsar, the brother of tsar and the godson of tsar, Peter was proclaimed the head of the country and at that moment  the boy was only ten years old. At the beginning he had a formal coordinator, Ivan V, but at the age of 17 he already ruled independently, and in 1721 Peter I became the emperor.
     For Russia, the reign of Peter the Great was the time of many reforms and changes. He expanded the territory of the country, built a beautiful city St. Petersburg, raised the economy, founded many factories and reduced the import of foreign goods to a minimum. He was the first Russian ruler who adopted the best (and sometimes the worst) ideas from Western countries.
     He was very good at finding talented collaborators. They were from the nobility and lower levels of society.

Active Vocabulary

1.   An important person                                         важная особа
2.   Russian history                                                 русская история
3.   He created the Russian Empire                           он создал русскую империю
4.   Emperor                                                           император
5.   At the age of 17                                                в возрасте 17 лет
6.   To rule                                                              править
      ruler                                                                 правитель                                                         
7.   To expand the territory                                       расширить территорию
8.   To build, built, built                                            строить
9.   To raise the economy                                          поднять экономику
10. To adopt ideas                                                   принимать идеи

II. Grammar. Pronunciation
Making Questions
Ex I.  Who?  Model:
           - Peter the Great was a very important person in Russian history.  Who?
           - Who was a very important person in Russian history?

1. Peter the First created the Russian Empire.
2. Peter the Great was the son of tsar.
3. Peter the First was proclaimed the head of the country when he was only ten years old.
4. Peter the Great expanded the territory of the country.
5. Peter the First raised the economy of the country.

Ex II.  Did he? Model:
          - Did Peter the Great create the Russian Empire?
          - Oh, yes! He did. Peter the Great created the Russian Empire.

1.  Did Peter the Great expand the territory of the country?
2.  Did Peter the First build a beautiful city St.Petersburg?
3.  Did Peter the Great raise the economy of the country?
4.  Did he found many factories?
5.  Did Peter the First reduce the import of foreign goods?

Ex III.  Was he?  Model:
         -  Was Peter the Great an important person?
         -  Oh, yes! He was. Peter the Great was an important person.

1. Was Peter the First the head of the  country?
2. Was Peter the Great the first emperor of Russia?
3. Was Peter the First the ruler?
4. Was Peter the Great the first ruler who adopted ideas from Western countries?
5. Was Peter the First very good at finding talented collaborators?

Ex IV. What did he?  Model:
          - What did Peter the Great create?
          - Peter the Great created the Russian Empire.

1. What did Peter the Great build?
2. What did Peter the Great expand?
3. What did Peter the Great found?
4. What did Peter the Great adopt?
5. What did Peter the Great reduce?

Further Exercises

Ex V. Make questions using the question words in parenthesis

          Peter I, or Peter the Great (who), is a very important person in Russian history. Peter I created (did he)
     the Russian Empire, so he was the last tsar of all Russia and the first emperor of Russia.
          Peter the First expanded (did he) the territory (what) of the country, built a beautiful city St.
     Petersburg, raised (did he) the economy, founded (did he) many factories and reduced (did he) the
     import of foreign goods to a minimum. He was (was he) the first Russian ruler who adopted the best (and
     sometimes the worst) ideas from Western countries.
          He was (was he)very good at finding talented collaborators. They were from the nobility and lower levels of

Ex VI. Answer the questions to the text Peter the Great (part I, page   )

1. Was Peter the Great the first emperor of Russia?
2. Did Peter the Great create the Russian Empire?
3. Did Peter the Great expand the territory of the country?
4. Was the reign of Peter the Great the time of many reforms and changes?   
5. Was he very good at finding talented collaborators?

Ex VII. Ask as many questions to the following sentences as you can

1. Peter the Great was a very important person in Russian history.
2. Peter the Great was proclaimed the head of the country when he was only ten years old.
3. In 1721 Peter the Great became the emperor.
4. The reign of Peter the Great was the time of many reforms and changes.
5. He was very good at finding talented collaborators.

     The main text should be worked on as many times as it is necessary for obtaining the best results possible.
A warming up exercise. Listen to the text and read it together with the speaker (as many times as you
need to do it at the speed of the speaker). Mind your pronunciation 

III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech

1.The Beginning of Peter's Life and Education

      The beginning of Peter’s life was very, very unlucky. When he was just 4  (Peter 1 was born on 30 May 1672), his father Tsar Alexei died, and 6 years later the Streltsy put his enemies — the Miloslavskiy family — in power. The only people who could educate Peter were the clergy and court teachers. In late 17th century in Russia there were no schools or universities (something Peter himself would fix decades later). Court educators were not an option for two reasons. First, Peter’s sister, regent Sophia, hated him and had no interest in giving him good education. Second, Peter’s mother Natalia feared that the court educators were Sophia’s spies and did not let them anywhere close to Peter. In 1682, during the Streltsy rebellion, Peter and his mother Natalia moved away from the Kremlin to Preobrazhenskoye to save their lives.

2. The Toys Peter Liked

      Peter did not receive the usual education of a Russian tsar. He grew without proper academic teaching. Until his death, Peter had poor grammar and a limited vocabulary. Moreover, contemporaries complained about Peter’s bad manners. No wonder, as he was educated away from court and proper etiquette.  The boy enjoyed noisy outdoor games and took especial interest in military matters, his favourite toys were arms of one sort or another.  The war games became the main theme of Peter’s childhood. According to contemporary sources, games took up all of his time. He also occupied himself with carpentry, joinery, blacksmith’s work, and printing. As a result, no one treated Peter seriously and most had very low expectations of him.
     Near Preobrazhenskoye there was a nemetskaya sloboda (“German colony”) where foreigners lived, and Peter started to be interested in the life of other nations.
     Mathematics, fortification, and navigation were the subjects that  Peter liked most of all. A model fortress was built for his games, and he organized his first “play” army, from which, in 1687, the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky Guards regiments were formed—to become the nucleus of a new Russian Army.

3. The Play Army

     Peter’s ‘play army’  became one of the most famous chapters in his biography.  The army consisted of several hundred men, it quickly grew — in fact, it grew so quickly that Peter had to build the  ‘toy city’ of Presburg to accommodate them. Peter used the army for war games and studied the art of war. Why did Peter love his toy army so much? Some historians say that the young Tsar was building a personal bodyguard.  Other historians say that Peter was just having fun.
      The two military divisions of the Play Army grew into Preobrazhenskiy and Semyonovsky  and became the foundation of the Imperial Guard. They survived until the fall of the Empire 200 years later. The two divisions were the elite and important force of the Empire, and supported Peter and later emperors. After Peter seized the throne from Sophia, it did not take long for the Play Army to suppress the second Streltsy Rebellion in 1698  -  just one hour.

4. The Beginning of the Fleet

      In July 1688 Peter visited Pereslavl-Zalessky to find a place to build a small flotilla on Pleshcheyevo Lake. Work soon began, but was interrupted in the summer of 1689 when Peter had to return to Moscow because of  the court's intrigues.
Following his consolidation of power in the fall of 1691, Peter left state governance to his mother and returned to the construction of the Pleshcheyevo flotilla. Work was also completed on a complex of buildings at Gremiach Hill (site of the Veskovo estate) that included Peter’s log residence, the “poteshny dvorets.”
      In 1693  Peter decided to move to the open sea,  to the White Sea, the port of Arkhangelsk. However the Pleshcheyevo period remained in Peter’s mind as an essential part of his legacy.

5. Personality and Achievement

     Peter was of enormous height, more than six and one-half feet (two metres) tall; he was handsome and of unusual physical strength. Unlike all earlier Russian tsars, he was very simple in his manners: for example, he enjoyed conversation over a mug of beer with sailors from the foreign ships visiting St. Petersburg.
      Restless, energetic, and impulsive, he did not like splendid clothes; often he appeared in old shoes and an old hat, more often in military or naval uniform.
      He was fond of merrymaking and knew how to conduct it, though his jokes were often crude, and he sometimes drank heavily and made his guests do so too.
     A just man who did not tolerate dishonesty, he was terrible in his anger and could be cruel when he encountered opposition: in such moments only his intimates could soothe him—best of all his beloved second wife, Catherine, whom people frequently asked to intercede with him for them. Sometimes Peter would beat his high officials with his stick, from which even Prince A.D. Menshikov, his closest friend, received many a stroke.
     One of Peter’s great gifts of statesmanship was the ability to pick talented collaborators for the highest appointments, whether from the foremost families of the nobility or from far lower levels of society.


1. Read the text (silently, aloud, in chain, in parts, other variants)
2. Translate the text
3. Ask questions to the text
4. Give the gist of the text
5. Reproduce the text. Learn the text by heart

1. Copy the text (some parts of it, the whole of it)
2..Write questions to the text
3. Write the reproduction of the text
4. Write the dictation
5. Write the plan of the text

Free speech
1. Get ready for a 1-minute monologue based on one of the texts
2. Talk on the topics (could be prepared):
   - a few facts of Peter the Great's biography;
   - Peter's childhood and education;
   - Peter's "play" army;
   - Peter's fleet;
   - Peter's personality.
3.  Discussion on the topic "Peter the Great's Education" (could be unprepared):
      - was his education academic?
      - the games Peter played;
      - did he learn any manners?
      - what were his favourite subjects?
      - his "play" army;
      - the beginning of the Russian fleet;
      - other questions.

IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

     Дистанционная программа Школы-ВУЗа "Современнон образование" называется ППС - педагогика, психология,
спорт. Разрабатывается с 16 марта 2020 года, со дня перехода на дистанционное обучение. Суть - проводить видео уроки, максимально приближенные к реальной жизни, а также обеспечить психологическую поддержку ученику.
     Педагогика делит образовательный процесс человека на форму и содержание. Часть "содержание" образовательного процесса в Школе-ВУЗе "Современное образование", а также его связь с формой обучения, иначе - технологиями,описаны в нашей концепции (см."Наша концепция" и  ОСНОВЫ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОЦЕССА. КЛАССИКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ на сайте).
      Дистанционное обучение отличается от "обычного, реального" - по форме, формату. Здесь и следует искать пути решения обучения человека в дистанционном, отлайн режиме.
      Занятие в начальной школе (40') делим на две части  - 25+ 15. Первая часть  - "общее занятие", в котором участвует весь класс, вторая часть - конкретный индивидуальный подход: учитель работает с каждым учеником в индивидуальном режиме. Содержательная часть обучения (тексты, упражнения) изложена в частях I, II, III данного пособия. Дистанционный формат требует от учителя умения работать на компьютере, а также умения переосмысления материала в сторону организации занятия в индивидуальном режиме.
     В этом большую роль сыграют

Audio and Visual Aids

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #665 : 22 июня 2020, 23:11:02 »
4 класс
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #664 : 22 июня 2020, 22:37:57 »
Н.В. опираться на пост 671(при работе c Units для 4го класса)
М.А. Unit 4  Holidays. Day off (добавить + "осовременить" мейн текст)
Р.В. просмортеть все тексты озаглавить + "причесать" согласно договоренности определиться с количеством предл ( выбрано 7)
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #663 : 22 июня 2020, 20:43:59 »

I. Vocabulary and Speech
II. Grammar and Pronunciation 
III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech   
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

UNIT 1. My Toys
UNIT 2. My Pets
UNIT 3. Sports & Games (Playtime)
UNIT 4. My Family and I
UNIT 5. My Day
UNIT 6. My Room (The Place I Live In)
UNIT 7. Seasons and Weather
UNIT 8. The School I Go To
UNIT 9. Friends & Enemies
UNIT 1. My Family and I
UNIT 2. The School I Go To
UNIT 3. Seasons and Weather
UNIT 4. Holidays. Day Off
UNIT 5. The Place I Live in
UNIT 6. The Games I Play (Real Games vs Computer Games)
UNIT 7. Animals
UNIT 8. Friends and Enemies
UNIT 1. Holidays. Day off
UNIT 2. Travelling
UNIT 3. Customs and Traditions
UNIT 4. Cinema, Theatre, TV, Internet
UNIT 5. Sports & Games
UNIT 6. My Education
UNIT 7. Great People. Ivan Grozny

UNIT 1. Travelling
UNIT 2. The Internet
UNIT 3. Customs and Traditions
UNIT 4. Meals
UNIT 5. Sports and Games
UNIT 6. My Education
UNIT 7. Great People. Peter the First
all units
we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #662 : 22 июня 2020, 18:06:20 »
2 класс!
I. Vocabulary and Speech
II. Grammar. Pronunciation 
III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech   
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

UNIT 1 My Family and I



Unit 4 Holidays. Day Off

we all have secrets...

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #661 : 22 июня 2020, 16:27:59 »
2 класс!
I. Vocabulary and Speech
II. Grammar. Pronunciation 
III. Reading. Writing. Free Speech   
IV. Distance Learning. Audio and Visual Aids

UNIT 6 THE GAMES I PLAY (Real Games vs Computer Games)

Unit 7 Animals

Unit 8 Friends and Enemies


we all have secrets...

Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #660 : 22 июня 2020, 16:01:36 »
Well, it's almost done, with all changes


Оффлайн DAS

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Re: News
« Ответ #659 : 22 июня 2020, 12:27:28 »
The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)

     Dorothy Gale lives with her dog Toto on a Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. One day, a huge tornado forms, and Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and the farmhands take shelter in the storm cellar as Dorothy arrives home. However, Dorothy doesn't manage to get there in time and tries to hide in the bedroom of her house. The house is sent into the air by the storm and  lands in Munchkinland in the Land of Oz. Glinda the Good Witch of the North and the Munchkins are very happy because the house killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Her sister, the Wicked Witch of the West, arrives to take her ruby shoes, but Glinda gives them to Dorothy. The Wicked Witch of the West is mad with anger, promises to gain revenge on Dorothy and disappears. Glinda tells Dorothy to keep the slippers and follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, where she can ask the Wizard of Oz to help her return home. On her journey, Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, who wants a brain, the Tin Woodman, who looks for a heart, and the Cowardly Lion, who needs courage. Dorothy invites them to join her on her way to Emerald City, where they can also ask the Wizard for help.

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Re: News
« Ответ #658 : 22 июня 2020, 11:58:41 »
Casablanca (Film)

    In December 1941, a cynical American expatriate Rick Blaine owns a nightclub and gambling  in Casablanca, the huge port in Marocco. "Rick's Cafe" attracts customers of all sorts. One day, a criminal tells Rick about the "letters of transit" which he got after killing two German couriers. The papers allow the owner to travel freely around German-occupied Europe and to neutral Portugal and they are priceless to the refugees in Casablanca. The criminal gets arrested by the police and dies several days later in the custody.

Then the reason for Rick's cynical nature— his beloved Ilsa Lund—enters his nightclub. She is accompanied by her husband, Victor Laszlo, a well-known Czech Resistance leader. They need the letters to escape to America to continue his work. However, German Major Strasser has come to Casablanca to see that they don't succeed.

 Laszlo wants Rick to sell him the letters but he refuses to sell them at any price, telling Laszlo to ask his wife the reason. Meanwhile, a huge group of German soldiers enter the club headed by Strasser. He orders to close the club on the pretext that there is gambling on the premises.

Ilsa meets Rick in the deserted cafe. He refuses to give her the letters, she threatens him with a gun, confessing that she still loves him. She says she thought her husband Lazslo died when trying to escape from a concentration camp but he managed to survive. Rick's bitterness dissolves and he agrees to help Ilsa and Lazslo. Major Strasser learns about their plan but Rick shoots him when he tries to stop them. In the last moment, Rick makes Ilsa board the plane to Lisbon with Laszlo, telling her that she would regret it if she stayed—"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and for the rest of your life".

Оффлайн InkJoy

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Re: News
« Ответ #657 : 22 июня 2020, 00:59:40 »

Almost done version (but still without exercises sometimes)

Оффлайн asdfg

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Re: News
« Ответ #656 : 21 июня 2020, 20:50:38 »
1. Listen and read the speech patterns at the speed of the speaker.
2. Be ready to read the speech patterns:
    - in chorus;
    - in chain (one by one).
3. Copy the speech patterns
4. Translate into Russian
5. Make up  your own sentences (a short story) using Speech Patterns

I.Meeting People and Introductions
What is your name?   
Hello! My name is …   
Here is my friend …   
Nice to meet you.

Unit 4
II.Asking Favors
Could you help me, please?
Do you mind if I…..? 

Unit 5                       
III.Agreement & Disagreement
That’s ok.
Here you are!
Sounds great!
I agree with you.
I don’t think so.

IV.Offers, Invitations and Arrangements
How about going..?
That’s a good idea!   
I’m all for it!    
Let’s do it!   
No, thank you.   

UNIT 7                                               
My apologies.
My fault.
Don’t worry.
Oh, never mind.
we all have secrets...
