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Оффлайн Sergevna

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #822 : 12 февраля 2016, 19:51:21 »
The Suicides

An American, A Frenchman and a Korean were working on a skyscraper being built in Seoul. They
worked hard all morning. When it was lunch, they took the elevator up to the top of the very high
building and sat on the edge eating their lunches.
The American opened his lunch box and said, “Damn! Peanut butter and jam sandwiches again! If I
get peanut butter and jam again, I’m gonna jump off this building.”
The Frenchman opened up his lunch. “Mon Dieu! Cheese sandwiches again! If I get cheese
sandwiches again, I’m gonna jump off this building.”
The Korean opened up his lunch box. “Shxxxxx! Kimchee. If I get kimchee again for lunch, I’m
going to jump off this building.”
The next day, the 3 men did the same thing. They worked hard all morning and then went up to the
top of the building, sat on the edge and began to eat lunch.
The Korean looked in his lunch box first. “Shexxxx! Kimchee!” He stood up and jumped off the
The American looked in his lunch box. “Damn! Peanut butter and jam!” He stood up and jumped off
the building.
The Frenchman looked in his lunch box. “Merde! Cheese sandwiches!” He stood up and jumped off
the building.
The next day, the newspapers were full of stories about the 3 construction workers who killed
themselves. Everyone wondered why? Even the police had no answers.
A few days later at the funeral for the men, the 3 wives were talking. The Korean’s wife said, “I don’t
understand. He loved kimchee and always asked me for it.”The American’s wife said, “I don’t
understand either.
He loved peanut butter since he was a young boy.” The Frenchman’s wife said, “I don’t understand

Оффлайн Selena

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #821 : 11 февраля 2016, 14:08:53 »
                                                                                                                                  Moscow , Russia.

Dear Ben,
Thank you for you latter .I was glad to read from you. I`m sorry I haven`t writer for so long , but I have been very busy at school lately.
In your latter you wrote that you like to learn Japanese .Why have you chosing this language or nothing else? Can you speak in Japanese? Why do you like to see Japanese cartoons?
In my school I learn Russian and English .I can speak French .Your chose is very well.
Sorry I must go as I have promised to help my brother with my brother with his homework.
Best wishes!

Оффлайн Amelia_K

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #820 : 11 февраля 2016, 14:03:12 »
Dear Ben,
 Thank you for you letter. I was glad to read from you. I`m sorry I haven`t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
In your latter, you wrote what, you decide to learn Japanese language. Your mum is right, Japanese is so hard language.
At school I learn English language. I like French , because it`s a beautiful language.

What other language you like ? What it is your lovely main character ?

  Sorry, I must go as I have promised to help my brother with his homework.
      Write back soon
        Best wishes!

Оффлайн Luisa

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #819 : 11 февраля 2016, 14:01:52 »
Dear Ben,                                                                                                                                                             Moscow

 Thank you for your letter. I was glad read from you. I`m sorry  I haven’t written for so long, but I have been very busy lately at school.
 In you letter you wrote that you like Japanese cartoons and you want to learn Japanese, it so cool!
 In my school I learn English. I want to learn Spanish because it`s a beautiful language.  I think that it good idea to learn  Japanese language!
What is your favorite Japanese cartoon? Do you know some words on Japanese? What do you like most in Japanese cartoons?
Sorry I want go as I have promised to help my mum with the house work.
Write back soon!
Best wishes!

Оффлайн Maksim Chemarda

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #818 : 11 февраля 2016, 12:19:11 »
The Speech by Steve Jobs
1.   Connecting the dots
Steve Jobs starts his 1st story saying, that it has begun, when he was born. His biological mother was a very young, not married aspirant student, and she wanted to put him up to adoption. She thought that he should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was set to him – he should be adopted by lawyer and his wife. But when Steve was born turned out, that it was a boy, and lawyer wanted a girl. So couple, which was on waiting list got a call in the middle of the night. They asked: “We have an unexpected child, do you want him?” The answered: “Of course.” But later, his biological mother found out, that his mother never graduated from college and his father never graduated from high school, so she didn’t want to sign adoption papers. She signed it only when his parents promised, that he will go to college. 17 years later, Steve chooses college that was expensive as Stanford is.  But after six month he decided to drop out. So he could go only on classes that he wanted to go on. But there was a bad side – he didn’t’ had his own dorm to sleep at, he had return Coke bottles for 50 cents to buy food and on every Sunday night he went thru all city to haru-krishnu temple to get free meal. He liked it.
In Reed College he went to calligraphy classes. It really helped out when he made his first Mac. The topography was great. And, when Windows fully copied it, has made all computers have great topography.
“Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.” – That was ending words.
Moral is –you can’t connect dots looking forward, but you can see them connected lookingback in future.

Оффлайн svetlanavasilievna12

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #817 : 11 февраля 2016, 12:05:49 »
That was a  graduation ceremony in Stanford University. Stanford graduates were listening to Steve Jobs’s speech carefully, paying attention. It was a great honor for him to have a conversation with them.  He had three fascinating stories about his life.
The first story is about connections the dots. He had narrated not merely his biography, but inspirative history. Truth be told he had never graduated from the college. He dropped out of the college after the first 6 months. His mother has never graduated from college, his father had never graduated from high school. According to the sentence written on the waiting list they had an unexpected baby boy. He has no idea what to do with his life  and what the college would have at its disposal in order to help to figure out. He had to return bottles for 5 cents to buy some food,  every Sunday night he worked the whole time, slept on the floor. But consequently  his curiosity and intuition made him interested in calligraphy. He had been studying in Calligraphy classes  for a while. And in the end of his first story he  gave an interesting idea: If he’d never dropped out of the college, he would have never created such a great computers, mobile phones and inventions in general. You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.

Оффлайн Анастасия_6996

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #816 : 11 февраля 2016, 12:05:39 »
There are three stories about Steve Jobs, but i'll tell you just first story. He was a genious.
It was in 2005. Steve Jobs  came up on a stage one of the finest universities of America-Stanford. He told to students about his life.
Steve Jobs finished his educftion when he was 17. ok. that's all.

Оффлайн Червячек

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #815 : 11 февраля 2016, 12:05:21 »
        The speech by Steve Jobs was at the Stanford University. When he was taking about his life.
        The first story was about connecting the dots. His family left him at the first years of his life, then he figure out that his biological mother was never graduated from college and she sad that she prefer more girl than boy so she left him. His father was never graduated at high school. Steve Jobs had never graduated from college. His family spend the all money that they had on his studying. He didn’t know what he want from life. So he decided to leave college.  Than he had been studying in the calligraphy class. Than started to work for all day and night, he was collecting the metal bottles for money and0 he slept on the floor. It was a hard years for him.
         Ten years later they made the first mac computer. If he never drop out. He would never went to that calligraphy class and he would never made his mac. It was the best decision at his life.

Оффлайн цыкунов олег

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #814 : 11 февраля 2016, 12:04:04 »
It is a story  told by Steve Jobs about one occasion in his life. He was ill by a cancer and he died in 2011. Once,when he left school,he entered a college called Stanford. Then he connected the dots. He was an aspirant. he hasn't been married yet. He has been learned there for 18 months and then he dropped it. It hasn't been already interesting for him. Then he entered another university. When he left it,he organized his own factory and discovered his own company called Apple. He sold bottles. He is famous for his own company.

Оффлайн Gorohov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #813 : 11 февраля 2016, 11:57:19 »
The Speech by Steve Jobs
1.   Connecting the dots
Steve Jobs starts his 1st story saying, that it has began, before he was born. His biological mother was a very young, not married aspirant student, and she wanted to put him up to adoption. She thought that he should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was set to him – he should be adopted by lawyer and his wife. But when Steve was born turned out, that it was a boy, and lawyer wanted a girl. So couple, which was on waiting list got a call in the middle of the night. They asked: “We have an unexpected child, do you want him?” The answered: “Of course.” But later, his biological mother found out, that his mother never graduated from college and his father never graduated from high school, so she didn’t want to sign adoption papers. She signed it only when his parents promised, that he will go to college. 17 years later, Steve chooses college that was expensive as Stanford is.  But after six month he decided to drop out. So he could go only on classes that he wanted to go on. But there was a bad side – he didn’t’ had his own dorm to sleep at, he had return Coke bottles for 50 cents to buy food and on every Sunday night he went thru all city to haru-krishnu temple to get free meal. He liked it.
In Reed College he went to calligraphy classes. It really helped out when he made his first Mac. The topography was great. And, when Windows fully copied it, has made all computers have great topography.
“Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.” – That was ending words.
The moral is –you can’t connect dots looking forward, but you can see them connected lookingback in future.

Оффлайн Мякиш

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #812 : 11 февраля 2016, 11:56:34 »
This speech made by Steve Jobs in Stanford university, he told us three stories, but I’m going to tell you only first story which name is : “Connecting the dots”.

Steve told us that his biological mother gave him to other family, and the other family suddenly decided that they want to have a girl, not a boy. And the call for another family was at night, and they said : “We have unexpected boy, do you need him?”, They said : “Sure”. And they gave a word that Steve will go to college.
And it was true, when Steve was seventeen years old he went to his college, he chose very expensive college and his poor parents gave a lot of money for his study. Steve didn’t understand whom he want to be in future. So he dropped out from college. He didn’t have his own dorm, so he have to sleep on the floor in his friends’ dorms. He collected bottles for 5 cents. And every Sunday evening he went across the city for 7 miles, to get a food hari-krishnu temple.
Then he went to Reed College where he studied calligraphy, and it helped him in his future with first Macintosh.

Moral is that you need to look forward and your destiny will connect all your dots, and everything will be ok. 
:russian: :russian: :russian: :russian:

Оффлайн ArtemRezanov

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #811 : 11 февраля 2016, 11:51:47 »
The speech by Steve Jobs
This speech was made in time when the Stanford University’s students were graduated.
This speech was named “Connecting the dots” because Steve Jobs wanted to tell everybody a story about his teen life.
Firstly, he said that he haven’t finished college and his parents too. Then he notified listeners that his parents didn’t want to have a child, they said that Steve was unexpected child. After that, another family had adopted him.
Secondly, he said about hard life after dropping out of college. Then he assembled a team of other students and then they invented the first Mac computer. After that Steve Jobs said that inventors of Windows operating system had copied the main part from Macintosh.

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #810 : 11 февраля 2016, 11:50:49 »
This is a speech made by Steve Jobs in Stanford University in 2005. The first story is about connecting with dots. He was an unexpected boy. His mother didn't graduat from college. His father had never graduated from high school. He had no idea what he want from life and how college could help to figure out and finally he dropped out of college. First time it was pretty scary for him. He started to go on calligraphy classes. Every Sunday night he worked and slept on the floor. 10 years later he did a first mac computer.  It was the first computer with beautiful typography. In the end of the story he said it was the best decision in his life.
 :P :P :P

Оффлайн Babkova_ira

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #809 : 11 февраля 2016, 11:50:14 »
The speech by Steve Jobs. This speech was in the Stanford University. He said that he didn’t graduat from college. He was going to tell three stories from his life. The first story is about connecting the dots. It started before he was born. He was an unexpected boy. His mother didn't graduate from college and his father didn’t graduate from high school. They promised that Steve Jobs would go to college. Seventeen years later he went to college, but after six months he didn’t know what he wanted in his life and he dropped out of college. It was pretty scary at first time. He slept on the floor. Ten years later he designed his first computer-mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. He said that if he hadn’t dropped out of college, he would never have dedicated himself to calligraphy classes. In the end of his story he said it was the best decision in his life.

Оффлайн FrigenTubs

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Re: Short texts for reading
« Ответ #808 : 11 февраля 2016, 08:39:23 »
Six of Earth's seven continents large scale. Asia is the most populated with are inhabited on a for 60% of the world's population. 4.3 billion inhabitants. This accounts are China and These The two most populated the world of our countries together countries of whole population constitute about 37% of the planet. ica second most populated It is home for about one billion people. This make 15% of cont and this makes population. Europe has 733 million people 600 million up 12 Latin American Caribbean are home to around people (9 Northern and regions of the United States America, primarily consisting and Canada, has a population of around 352 million (5%), and Oceania, the populated region, 35 million inhabitants (0.5 What about Antarctic Though it is not permanently inhabited by anybody, Antarctica has a small, changi international population, living in polar science stations.

Perekhodov Anton
